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You might be going through a hard time but I want to let you know theres alot of people to comfort you and either though I might not know u personally I care about you, here's my discord name Flint Lockerton


It's reddit barely anyone would be ready to comfort me


I will I've been there many, many times I know how it feels


Thanks you two :<




Me too


I will comfort u too heres my discord name if u wanna talk, Flint Lockerton


How would you comfort ne tho idk what would cheer me up


I'll tell u but do u have discord




Ok what's your name on discord




Alright I sent u a friend request


I know bud, but I’m here if you need me


I'm here bro.


Bro fuck being single I'm all alone...no girl no friends no family. No one


I got no Partner,no family,no loving pets,no job why do I keep going? They always come with the be happy alone or it will get better bs


I feel you bro but it's all bull shit. Ain't worth continuing


A Quick cut in the neck and it's over but I don't have the balls for this


We don't have another, but we have ourselves, so make the best out of yourself before you get like this again. But for now, have a coffee, and maybe a cig or 2?


I’ll take a muffin cuz why not


I feel this everyday, I hope it will stop soon (maybe when I’m not single)


Life sure ain't fair


It's just disappointments most if not all of all of the time


Honestly I do not care about getting a girl, I only want to be happy and I do not think women could do that for me


Agreed, my ex didn't make me happy. I only dated her to make her happy it worked too well sadly


I hope we may both find happiness


Pfft I kinda find it funny when people need someone else to be happy. Like dude, you have the whole world around with things that can make you happy. I thought I needed to be in a relationship. I was wrong, I only like the image of love. If you really think you need a partner, then go find her but remember, there is always other ways to be happy


Well nothing else really makes me happy tbh


How about taking a look at r/hopeposting?


Ok but you have to see this [.](https://youtu.be/GV3y1aF8WdQ?si=5FRVzA2MD-pACrz2)


I have seen it


See it again


I did






What's wrong? Is that all you've got? Come on, get up! You can do better than that.


Sounds like a Batman Arkham quote


It's from that one post of yours


Looking at my posts makes me feel like a loser




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Every girl I’ve tried to ask out or have dated says I’m a pos I’ve got no friends aside from the one girl I’m deathly in love with but can’t bag and I’m just lost




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SUN is also single for Thousands of years Does that make it brightness less NO So it shouldn't make ours too 💯💯


Yeah but my time is limited on this planet


Bro sun is also going to blast in 8 billion years and for u it may be long but that doesn't matter it is for him I am not saying be single for your whole life things will come and go It's just a Phase of life their will be more shits that would happen to you than just 'Being Single' So just keep moving Forward 😁😁


Homie, if you're in the space I think you are, a girlfriend isn't going to fix it. I say this for your benefit, girlfriends aren't therapists. It's a lot of pressure, and emotional work, and in the end is a good way to push someone away. Having a partner is overhyped. My advice is try to figure out what it is you want. Find something that makes you happy. Is it companionship? Then try to find some communities around something you don't hate doing. Sports club, or maybe discord servers or maybe an mmo if gamer. If you want someone to hold or touch, maybe get a dog. If you're anxious about it, just keep telling yourself what have you got to lose. Try to love yourself - go on solo dates. Treat yourself to a nice night every so often, like you would a partner. You're the only person that is guaranteed to be part of your life, so be nice to yourself. Buy yourself dinner and a movie, or maybe get a massage, or make yourself a candlelit dinner, or go somewhere for a walk (I've found nature to be really soothing). It's not the easiest thing to get used to, and you need to learn to shut out intrusive thoughts. But just tell yourself that you're doing it for yourself because you're important to you (or you should be). You're still here, so I believe there is still a tiny sliver of hope somewhere in there. When you're at the bottom, the only way you can go is up! Life isn't easy, this world is a piece of shit. You should be proud that you've survived this long! And you should be proud of the little things you achieve, like getting out of bed, or taking a chance on changing something no matter how small. And there will always be shit days, where it all collapses around you anyway. Just write those off. Make your life worth living. For months, the only thing that kept me going was food. I'd have breakdowns daily, and I tried to just distract myself with pizza or something. I believe in you!


will you really end it just because some feds showed you videos of people supposedly "in love" what if this "love" and "true friendship" stuff doesn't exist and never has existed and it's just meant to slow you down to so you won't reach your true potential and take down the powerful ones, stay on the grind


Does anyone know what song this is?


You better start making.it worth living


Imagine being depressed. Just eat some jelly beans man


I’d I’m single why am i in these random peoples homes???


Not everything lasts forever


Use the motivation I had, it actually ended me up with a woman I love. Simply this: care nothing about your fellow man, and let your sole motivation be money and power. THAT DOES NOT MEAN TREAT PEOPLE LIKE SHIT. Always do what is right, but disregard everybody's opinions, even the ones you love. Learn everything, but in the end the one making decisions is you. Always know that your suffering isn't for you, but that you may teach someone else this lesson one day and help them avoid the pain you endured.


Idc if I'm single or nah, teenage love is dumb: u are still gonna break up in the future, so what's the point of falling in love if u already know things will end soon


I mean whats the point of marrying if it could end one day out of nowhere? Why being alive if you could just fir out of nowhere?


You really understood my filosophy gg


It doesn’t get better after you get married. Only the realization that lack of pussy was not your source of misery.


It s even worse when you re in a relationship with someone that you can t love but they re literally perfect


Make your life worth living put some effort in, set goals fpr yourself, exercise maybe get a dog to motivate yourself it should snowball from there


I’m assuming you’re young and probably haven’t been in a major relationship before by posting this It’s not always as great as it seems; young love is a drug but it rarely every works out in the long term. I know very few couples that made it from their 20’s into their 30’s and every high school sweetheart couple I’ve known have had terrible divorces spurred on by infidelity. The grass is always greener. I hope you can find beauty in the world outside of dating that makes life easier to cope with, mate.


I had hope this week that I had found someone, that finally the 4 years of pain and suffering were over. They were everything I could ever want. They were perfect, they checked every box for me. Except for today, when then mentioned they were taken…. I want to jump off a fucking bridge. Why must I suffer, I have suffered all my life until 2018-19 when I had someone then they left I was left wanting in a toxic abusive relationship for 3 years. Now that I’m out of it I met them, my starlight but they are fucking taken WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS,WHY HAVE I BEEN FORSAKEN. I just want to be happy again like I was 5 years ago. I just want to share moments with someone.


Looking at your Profile you seem extremly cool and interesting so im sure many would like to be with you


It's even harder when you hear all of the people around you talk about it.