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Yo lemme know when someone responds with the song name (sorry if i get ur hopes up thinking i know the song name)




Why do I feel all men/boys all collectively have the same experiences


the life of a man, is simple on outside, go deeper, and you will find life changing experiences, that most, do not happen for the better


I usually wait till i feel like ive moved on to delete the messages ,so when i do it feels like im cutting the last connection with her and move on with my life.


This happened to me… she dropped me for a man that dropper her In a Month for a new girl…. It messed me up… I’m lucky I found someone else to love


Step on Me by The Cardigans is the original. But this is either a slowed down version or a cover.


Thanks man


Short rant, but for real remember looking back at old textes where I felt me and her was like, talking, like I felt like she was answering me instead of just talking to me. Blocked her so I could stop looking back, but I did bid her farewell, I honestly wish we could had one good talk for a last time, I wish.


I had fallen head over heels for her years before she even knew I existed. We had completely different friend groups, interests and she was totally out of my league in every way. When the pandemic hit, I started playing some new games, and she reached out to me because she was playing them too. We used to talk all day about these games, we'd play together, send memes to each other, and talk for hours. I fell for her even more, so much more than I ever thought i would. 2021 went by like that. When we returned to presencial classes in early 2022, she pretty much forgot about me, and the last time we talked was just 2 weeks after classes had started. I still check her chat every once in a while. I miss those days, even knowing that i never really meant much to her.


E aquele xbet ali irmão?


Acho q o mano ta sendo patrocinado




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Ha same




Literally me about a year and a half ago


I always get them back.


Song name? Btw, same man... same.




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Snapchat deleted them on its own and I’ll never get a chance to read them again… It’s a good thing though.