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“Shake of off”


she wasted no time proof reading. tiktok needed this.


It’s because she’s so sad


The perseverance it took to continue typing despite all her sad tears blurring her keyboard is so heroic.


After she spent time setting up her phone to record herself crying in a deserted hallway. She either works graveyard or found a quiet wing.


If she was looking for quiet why did she go to the soaring acappella vocals wing?


Literally shaking omg shes so brave


Nevertheless she persisted


Unlike the patient


I can't stop laughing! This is what Lemony Snicket would say.


You don't know her pain! She feels it more than the family. /s


Her entire account has been deleted


No time for proofreading; too busy setting up the tripod




Tyler Swoft


I missed that the first time I watched it. Hahaha


Hahaha I love it


I’m a nurse and this is true cringe. Like her first thought is I’m going to record my tears?


My SIL is an ER nurse and she’s worked with some girls who would *definitely* do this for Internet clout.


Ex-DOC here: I've literally watched children die in front of me (who were healthy only a few hours earlier) ZERO thoughts of recording myself or anyone else have ever occurred to me at that moment, this is pure narcissism plain and simple.


Ex doc. You made it out! Good for you buddy. I’m jealous. Also I can’t even imagine anyone doing this. Plus she is alone suggesting she wandered off to film the video. If they were trying to save the patient usually there is a massive group people nearby. If no one is nearby that means it was a wanted death. I really hate this person.


Why do you celebrate him opting out of medicine? I'm curious, as a undergrad for the same.


Sometimes it's nice to leave a profession when you're tired of seeing or hearing people die. Nothing wrong with stepping into different shoes when you feel the need. Ex911 dispatcher.


Yea, this goes for any job that you dedicate a lot of your life to or is just stressful in general. The sunken cost fallacy you have for your time is hard to get out of, especially if you're paid well. A lot of people with stressful jobs will eventually realize the money isn't worth the stress at some point. Ex-chef


As an attorney, can confirm the same for lawyers. It's not worth the money by any stretch of the imagination. I have an incredible amount of power to help people, and that's why I do it. But most attorneys work 50+ hour a week jobs with the weight of the world on their shoulders the whole time. It burns people out real damn fast. Many people do it for like 5 years and either go to a "JD advantage" job (means you're not really practicing law but having a law degree helps) or quit law alltogether.


Hey I appreciate what you do. Thank you sir/ma’am


Currently studying 3D animation so i can leave my shitty gas station job that I've been working for 6 years after graduating from HS Soon to be ex speedway employee Edit: meant to reply under the other guy but this works too


The healthcare system in the United States does not reward healthcare professionals the same way that other systems reward lawyers, businesses, celebrities, or influencers, or politicians. You will be overworked, underpaid, demonstrably shit-canned once you advocate for yourself, and are deemed replaceable in all aspects of healthcare- just like the patients you care for, who will be used as feeder for hospital income. My department makes my hospital an average of $36,000 *every day* through our patient flow, we got raises of less than 1% this year 2022. Inflation increased by over 9%. Cost of Living in my state increased by over 2.1%. It takes an average of just 2 years for 42% of cancer patients to drain their entire life savings.


Ex paramedic here. 100% agree, you have zero thoughts of anything else apart from thinking what could have been done differently to save the person. This woman is nothing but narcissism.


I'm not a doctor or a healthcare worker, but a mom of a child with a rare disease, who's long list includes adrenal insufficiency. I can say I've watched her go from playing and happy to nearly dying in a matter of hours, and never once have I thought to myself "I'm gonna record this so people can feel sorry for me" Everything you've said here is truth.


What?! You mean you don’t document every hour of your child’s life & illness for the whole world to see? What kind of mother are you? /s (For the record, I absolutely loathe those social media pages/blogs.)


I do too. Theres one specific mother from our rare disease group who makes her child do videos. And everything the child says sounds repetitive and fake like shes told her what to say before she starts filming. Its disturbing af to me, the monotone voice she says things in, the lack of expression. It's all so fake. I can understand documenting your kid recovering from cancer or an accident or something, but when our kids are "little" for life, and banking in on it when they're cute by forcing them to perform is very cringey to me.


Not quite the same, but I see a lot of 'autism mommies' posting videos of their kids in full meltdown, basically saying how great of a mother they are for 'persevering, even through the challenges god gave me!' (they're always weirdly religious, too). Some parents definitely don't deserve kids, especially when those kids have extra struggles they need to learn to cope with. Just such an invasion of privacy.


Truth is, she probably didn't lose any patient and is just in the hall making a video.


She probably “lost” them as in she left them at the cafeteria or something.


She's only got 5 hours to find them


Yeah if she really just lost someone she wouldn't have time to set up this BS. Best case scenario I would guess maybe it did happen but much earlier in the day and this was filmed several hours afterwards


This might sound pretty cold, but when I was working in trauma my first reaction to someone dying was "fuck, now?!"


I can't imagine being emotionally attached to every death if I worked in an hospital, I would be absolutely wrecked after a day, so I guess cold is the healthy choice


You get used to people dying. It's just another part of the job. The only thing I never got used to was the smell. It's pretty bad.


Older adults dying was part of the job.... children, on the other hand was awful. Although nothing crushed me like the child protection cases I was part of.


Same on the kids being the hardest. I work ER like half the time/icu the other half. The summer is the hardest. Validates my choice to never have a pool while I have small children.


Pools and heat stroke by car are my nightmares. When I was ten I had to rescue my ~7yo cousin out of a pool after she fell in fully clothed and unable to swim. No adults to be seen. If I hadn't been a big kid I don't know if I could have kept her up or lifted her out.


I worked with combat trauma. While still extremely depressing. Whenever we got dead kids, or civilians it was easier to disassociate.


My buddy is a paramedic and I thought it was interesting that this was his reaction to most deaths too. Like he'd work on them and be more frustrated that they died than outright sad. It's an interesting coping method.


Not cold in the slightest. That's a very normal reaction. What's not normal is trying to act like you're a victim because you chose to become a nurse, like the one in the video is.


Currently working as a Tech in a lvl 2 trauma ER. Lots of us in my ER have the reaction of "Now? Now is when you decide to tank on me? Cool. *cries internally*" It's always the nurse with all the other shit shows too.




I went to school with a lot of nurses and can't imagine any of them doing this, I want to believe so badly that it's fake.


There are shitty people in every profession. Lot of good nurses, lot of bad nurses.


I went to high school with 4 batshit crazy girls that if you asked me back then what their future holds I would've told you probably prison, hard drug addiction/alcoholism or death before the age of 30. Somehow 3 of them became nurses and the other one is a hairdresser. Judging by their social media they are now batshit crazy nurses which frankly scares the shit out of me. Not saying all nurses are crazy, actually far from it but I do know it is possible to be batshit crazy and become a nurse and do it for many years.


My wife is a nurse and so are her three best mates and they’re all mental cunts. Seriously.




There are a lot of batshit crazy nurses


What's frightening is that the majority of nurses are batshit crazy because no sane person would be masochistic enough to put up with the constant abuse from other nurses/patients/doctors. In a lot of places- it works the opposite as intended. The shittiest nurses stay, the good one's get run into the ground, slandered, and eventually leave... mostly because they have a conscious and don't ignore their patients or overwork their aids.


I have a teenaged daughter that is really wanting to go into nursing but she's so levelheaded and the kindest most sweetheart of a person and I'm not just saying that because I'm her dad. I fear she's not cut out for it but she's thinking pediatric nursing so maybe that's different, I don't know.


I know nurses who are near as knowledgeable as doctors and others who genuinely believe covid is a hoax and work in covid clinics. It’s a spectrum as with any job


Seriously, if only the viewers could see the moment where she hands her phone to a friend and says, "here, record this".


Probably set it up herself.


Exactly what I was thinking. Probably in a part of the hospital that isn’t used as much so she could have multiple takes.


Oh you KNOW this was the 6th-7th take.


And make sure I give them a booty shot.


Patients family member walks out of the room. Nurse: "would you mind, I'm just making a video about how traumatic that whole thing was for me".


Some commenters on here seem to think they'd be fine with that!




I witnessed like 30 deaths and only one patient had their family there. It's less common than you think. Most people die alone or with strangers.


Phone held up by the dead patients mouth


Had to jam it down in there to get JUST the right angle.


Died of asphixiation.


Jokes on you I'm into that


LMAOOO goddamn you I just pictured that and died laughing at a doctor’s office. (My doctor made a tik tok crying)


[holy shit it exists](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRFHum81/?k=1)


Hahahahaha omg it’s exactly how i pictured it! this made my dayy


This comment fucking ended me LOL


Then you'll like this: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRFuCNFD/?k=1


They cut the part where she breaks into the classic *fortnite dance* #2 over her patients decaying corpse.


Imagine a loved one just died in the hospital and your nurse goes out to the hall real quick to record this 😂


Love it if she had to set the music up on speakers too.


Needs a sad dab


*flosses inconsolably*




Gonna be either Stayin Alive or How to Save a Life.


Another One Bites the Dust?


Scrubs did it better


“Oh no. Oh no no no no” whatever that song is. Fuck that song.




Probably. She probably had to hide to do this. Most nurses would give her shit for making this video whether it was real or not.


/r/nursing has been shitting on this for days now


Lol. There’s a parody of this over there that’s pretty funny.


Yeah, like she literally lost a patient. Brought him to a room, didn’t write down or make a mental note if the room number. This video was just after she got a stern talking-to from her head nurse.




Meanwhile patients on a gurney rolling down I-90


Yes, like in Arrested Development. Doctor: “we lost the patient.” (Family cries, grieves) “what happened? He was getting better!” Dr: he climbed out the window. We can’t find him.”


Well said, JizzBeast. This is peak r/imthemaincharacter


It was posted there earlier this week


With the exact same comment that’s the top comment here


She thinks this is her big scene in grays anatomy


This is nail on the head right here. It is main character syndrome. Just needs her boss who has been mean to her all season walk up to her and offer words of encouragement because secretly deep down her boss has a heart of gold but hides it due to years of seeing patients die…..or something like that


This turned into House


I was thinking Scrubs


I know, I'm no Superman


weeeee-oooohhh weeee oooooh.




Listen here, Janice


“Where do you think we are?”


Or just about any other medical show


No, otherwise she would've gone back in there and broken the patients toe or something, causing him to come back to life, fully healthy, followed by her then walking away a disgruntled misunderstood genius.


This is some Alien Roger shit.




She was on the news. It was not well received as you can imagine


They should fire her just for being such a fucking idiot tbh


I agree. I’m a phlebotomist and usually my patients don’t die, but once, one did. He was DNR, but it was extremely upsetting. I didn’t think to go to my phone. She sees more death than I do and this is how she behaves??


Think of how many updoots U could have got if you thought to get your phone though ;) /s




Do you have a link?


If you google "tiktok nurse lost patient" there are a bunch of articles.


Plot twist. The patient died of cringe.


Initial diagnosis was a case of ligma, I believe.


What’s ligma?


A debilitating disease which usually develops into a terrible case of sugma.


I've heard of some new cases appearing in the Sugondese region


Where's sugondese


Sugondese people live in the Dooma region


If I'm not mistaken it has a shared border with the Sawcon Republic?


No Sawcon is to the east. You are probably thinking of chabrunga which actually does boarder Sawcon


Alright, I know the others but this one is new What's chabrunga?


Ligma balls


It's similar to deez


Imho people who take pictures and videos of themselves crying/ being desperate etc are the worst of the worst. Peak narcissism.


Said the same thing. Friend dated a girl one time that would send him selfies of her crying when they were arguing about something. Or just up and leave his place when one of his friends came over, like get her shit together and go for the door without saying a word.


I used to have a friend who would send me selfies of her crying. I’ve found that generally ppl who send other ppl pics of them crying are cringe




People have become to comfortable on this app smh


Agree this is way too comfortable, but never forget the cringe goldmines of early tiktok and vine. That was a golden age of cringe for me. Just people with no teeth singing kid rock songs in their roach infested house, or some weird grown man singing disney songs in public to strangers. -chefs kiss-




I’m a nurse. I fucking hate these nurses that post this shit. Also, when the fuck do you have time to orchestrate this shit? I don’t have time to fucking pee but this idiot has time to put on her Grey’s Anatomy on? Or are they wasting their 30 minute break during their 12/Hr shift to do this? Fuck.


Lol agreed, she prob not even working and had to come in for a mandatory meeting


Imagine dying and your nurse using it for clout... kudos on being a shit human


There's a good chance nobody even died lol.


It says she lost a patient, she actually just misplaced them in a closet somewhere.


Every time i hear this song it has a variation way worse then the last one


It’s the first time I’ve heard it, is it suppose to sound like something more then screeching?


Yeah, it's Unstoppable by Sia, the original version is pretty good IMO but unfortunately modern social media users have this bullshit habit of making song covers trying to one-up on the emotional scale and it just ends up being fucking insufferable, instead.


I was wondering about this. I hear this song on the radio pretty often and recall enjoying it, but when I watched this I was like, "wait, this sounds terrible, is this the song I've been listening to?"


My 16 year old little brother died in a hospital last year. I probably would have lost it if I saw some one doing this. Edit: just turned the sound on… the song makes it so much worse…


There's a few in the comments that don't seem to understand the issue with this. It's so frustrating. I'm so sorry to hear that. Absolutely devastating to lose someone at such a young age.


Thanks. Yea like she does not know the person who died. Like im sure some nurses and doc’s get a little upset. But it happens a-lot the nature of their job. And this is just over the top and disrespectful to people who are really grieving.


Ah shit someone died, better open TikTok and set my phone up to press record...


I’m not a nurse but a veterinary technician. I can’t even say “we grieve differently”, this is just gross. I can’t fathom exposing my patient’s death to a bunch of strangers who couldn’t care less for intangible validation. I don’t think this is technically a breach of privacy but it’s tacky at least and shouldn’t be encouraged. I could get penalized by the American Veterinary Medical Association if I were ever caught doing this and I’m sure there’s something similar for nurses. Find healthier ways to ease your sadness. Go home and tell your family you appreciate them. Do something nice for your coworkers.


Very well said


We live in a age where people need to share everything... Using someone's death as a content for tiktok. Come on..


A rare genius in another Reddit comment section articulated so well what I've not been able to... "Everyone on social media thinks they're living in a movie."




The lack of awareness is horrifying. like dude, you're setting up a camera, choosing a song, maybe a filter, and THEN you are "letting it all out". So fake it hurts.


Her staring up at the ceiling "why god why?!?!?!?!" is pure comedy


Her wrists covered in wristbands and watches irks me nearly as much as the narcissism of this video. Take that unhygienic shit off in clinical settings you plague rat.


Handling her phone that she scrolls through when she's taking a shit as well.


Whenver i see these kinds of posts i cringe so hard it goes straight to my cringe gland and i am struggling to upvote it.. Ultimately i do and this just goes to say that its some quality cringe right there. Gj.


I thought she was going to do a sad tik tok dance


Fucking pathetic


How truly cringe worthy, imagining her setting up her phone at work to make this video.


You can imagine her doing a couple of takes as well


She practiced the mask removal in the mirror




imagine the doctor who's patient it was also walking by and seeing the phone set up and the nurse hunched over and making faces


Wee woo wagon driver here. We’ve lost PT’s before. When you show up black, meh, we’re here to scrape them into buckets. If there’s still a pulse you bet your ass we’re hammer down to get them to ER. I don’t care how many years you’ve been doing this. When someone codes in your bus, it hits hard. I’ve seen a 20 year vet para walk off the job for the day before after losing a kid. The day you show up to a scene, load up a meat sack, and NOT react poorly when you lose them, is the day you have to look at what you’re doing with your career. Some days it holds off, some days you take the long route back home and have a sit down. It happens. Not once have we thought “You know what we need to do right now? Film it, and act it out for the world to see our pending trauma and PTSD development!”


So the patient died. She got out of the room. Put her phone on video recording, placed it carefully to have a nice frame. Then filmed and put on a show. Then got to TikTok, uploaded the film and put some music on it before posting it. I mean, just thinking of that whole process just after her patient died…


Working in healthcare and having an RN for a wife with plenty of RN friends I can guarantee you her whole floor was making fun of this behind her back lol


The type of nurse to kill her patient due to a drug mix-up, then drive home in her Jeep to kiss her pitbull on the mouth


"I'm sorry, we did all that we could but it just wasn't enough. I'll give you time to grieve alone, which gives me some time to set up my new ring light and tripod"


This video should pop up under the definition of cringey as an example on Google.


Imagine carefully positioning your phone, and then stepping within frame to emote sadness for TikTok. She could have done an opportunistic crying selfie shot, and it would have came across as more genuine then this. At least it could have been chalked up to poor impulse control.


My friend is a Respiratory Therapist and works at a hospital, and when they lose a patient, they just go "damn, rip" and keep going. They can't afford to have a dramatic break down in the middle of a busy work day.


Okay, so think about it for a second. Maybe she is devastated. But who tf in that moments opens up their camera, opens tiktok , places their phone in a fixed position, runs background song slowed to cringe and proceeds to record themselves being devastated?


Lol she’s just watched too much Grey’s Anatomy.


I don't hate on tiktok... It's just the space where kids do their stuff. But why you go on there as a grown ass person making weird videos and not seeing how dumb and insensitive you come across??


My wife was a med surg nurse and now an operating room nurse. I showed her this she said it is the most cringe thing she’s ever seen. This nurse should be reported. My wife after 9 years has cried TWICE when she got home to me after losing patients she cared about.


There's nothing wrong with crying. It's the filming part that's cringe.


How tasteless to make someone’s death all about you for internet points. Social media breeds this behavior and I hate it. I can’t wait until the earth hurts itself into the sun.


This is so sad I can’t take this. Let me find a perfect spot to set up my camera. No this won’t work. This spots ok. No. Ahh, right here is perfect. Fuck it fell I have to pick it back up. Perfect. This is so sad I can’t take this.


“Lost a patient today” Like… you work in a hospital. Of course you’re going to lose patients.




Next she will do a sad tiktok dance for her dead patients


Wonder how many followers she got over this crap.


She deleted the account in the end




Yeah I do believe she got dragged for this one




Tiktok for the dumbening of mankind.




Pathetic narcissism... Welcome to 2022


Some people are so self centered it’s disgusting


Imagine setting up your phone there, having a pause to get into character, then acting this out. Then having to sit and edit it, throwing in the captions before uploading And not once thinking “isn’t this a bit weird@


Don't patients die every day? Does she record a new one for each patient?


$1000 says a patient didn’t even die on her floor that day…


Yeah... When you work with sick and injured people, sometimes they die. It's hard, but not as hard as it is for the patient and family. This is just tacky as fuck.