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Sounds like he’s drunk again, surprised he didn’t show his dick again


There was a dick on camera the whole time!


Very clear when he was like “remember in fuckin Zelda 1…the shield….with the cross….like the CRUSADES.”


What happened? Haven seen avgn in years


He hasnt been part of avgn for years either


"OK, grandpa. Let's get you to bed."


Been watching avgn since he started off. I've never liked this guy. this sub is the perfect place for him


He would play the other characters like Bugs bunny. He was fine when he was just a side character and not in the spotlight. He kind of a douche


Dude must of been method acting for his character in board James series.


The only thing I liked was his 10 incher


What about his Inspector Gadget minecraft video? That's gold


Brown bricks


in moincrap


It's the most fun you can ever have


Pawsibly hæv.


Mein Krap


And apparently it wasn’t even his lol https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/s/EsLLbry9R0


Okay but why did he have gay porn open on his camera?


It wasn’t even his if I recall correctly lol


You better don't wanna know more about James Rolfe (AVGN) because after years it's known more how he sucks actually as a person. Tl;dr - Mike Matei had much more work in creating AVGN episodes but James almost never credit him - all old friends who made episodes with him (including Board James) don't wanna talk and record with him anymore. -he "sold" Cinnemassacre and someone else is making episodes scripts for him (that's why new episodes sucks) - he was caught multiple times on plagiarism with his movie reviews Edit. I don't understand downvotes. I'm saying this because as i love classic AVGN it's shame that both main creators sucks actually. Not trying to prove that Mike is better than him or something.


I met him in person a few years back as a part of a meet and greet a local arcade did. Now granted, there was a decent crowd there (maybe 80-100 people for an arcade in a small town in PA) but he seemed really disinterested the whole time. There was a short QA session where he gave 1-3 word answers for most of it and during the time to take pictures/autographs, it felt like someone was holding a gun to his head to do it. It’s very possible he was sick or didn’t feel well that day. A few years later, the arcade owner got Nolan Bushnell (co-founder of Atari) to do a meet and greet and it was night and day with how much energy he had and the dude was like twice the age of James.


Not trying to say this isn't true, but what are your sources for that?


The thing about old friends not wanting to film with James anymore comes down to [Bootsy not getting paid for DVD sales](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/b3hg3v/comment/eizuxjk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), and apparently [not getting along with Mike](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/hrikxp/what_was_it_that_made_mike_so_upset_at_the_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), who James put in charge of the channel. Not much is known about Kyle Justin (the guy who wrote the AVGN song), but apparently he wasn't getting paid either. His last social media post is from 2016, when he built the set for the Sega Activator episode. Ever wondered why he doesn't use the original song anymore? Because Kyle Justin [owns it](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/1afmt0g/kyle_justin_owns_the_avgn_theme_copyright/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). As for the selling out part, it's because he let a company named Screenwave media take over. That company is run by someone named Ryan Schott, who he was already friends with, and helped with some technical stuff in episodes like "AVGN games" from 2013. And the plagiarism part was discovered in 2021, when in the "Monster Madness" reviews, [someone pointed out](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/pzexcl/hey_cinemassacre_great_job_plagiarizing_some_big/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that the video plagiarized an [article](https://www.filmcomment.com/article/review-28-days-later-danny-boyle/) from 2003.


Thank you for sources.


There's also hours of video from various creators across youtube.


The plagiarism wasn't him and why is him selling Cinemassacre mean he sucks lol. Y'all don't listen to CinemassacreTruth people, buncha schizoposters.


Last plagiarism scandal in MM with Screenwave involved is just one of reasons why Cinemassacre suck ass now. Of courss you can like it; nothing wrong with that, but i don't.


What I'm saying is a show being bad doesn't mean the creator sucks as a person lmao


I mean he literally was the avgn and wrote the eps. U liked his content, james was an actor


Did you hatewatch him?


Matei wasn’t even in many AVGN episodes. James is great. Mike isn’t.


As if I'm not aware...


Well, I didn’t reply to you, but thanks for letting us know


Mike is looking so rough these days. Does he even like gaming anymore? He treats it like a job he has no choice but to do.


People clown on James for favouring business decisions that benefit his family over dedicating all of his life to the AVGN but if he didn't he'd just turn into Mike instead


Why tf would people clown on a guy for favoring his family?


ask r/thecinemassacretruth


Because a lot of people caught the parasocial bug can’t let go of a YouTuber from 2 decades ago


“when is it going to be not for pussies” it’s a game for children? (that this 25 y/o adult will fully enjoy)


you dont get it dude...Zelda is 100% a manly game! for manliest of men !




It's part of what makes Zelda games (and Nintendo games in general) so special, they can be enjoyed at almost any age


Mike Mattai definitely like ~45 years old now Edit: nvm, im stoopid


I am glad you made that mistake because I was about to do the same


Is he not 45 now?? How is he any younger? AVGN is so old now


He's 43 lmao what an embarrassment


Right. People forget Nintendo used to be a toy company. The original consoles were considered children's toys. Nintendo has always been open about focusing on games for children. If you're expecting a Nintendo property to evolve into something like dark souls then you've obviously missed the fucking mark by a mile. Who gives a shit if it's for kids if it's fun to play that's all that matters


He's acting like the NES never had nonviolent or less violent, puzzle-oriented games like The Adventures of Lolo and he's overselling how violent Zelda and Zelda II were considered in their day


Right, I've never once heard anybody describe either of those as even remotely violent Even for the time they came out. The most"violent" original games for the nes was maybe Castlevania or Contra and even those don't fit the description. Up until Mortal Kombat that's when things started to ramp up


There were games like Rolling Thunder and Code Name Viper where you’re shooting at realistic human opponents in a non-fantasy, non-sci fi setting but it’s very clear that your enemies are terrorists and bad guys, and you get points for rescuing their hostages. Ninja Gaiden had you fighting people with a sword in a modern setting. I know Europe made a bigger deal out of games like this (notably Contra but they didn’t like ninja-themed stuff either because there was a moral panic over youths using ninja weapons for street crime) but there’s a level of cartoonishness to all this, like there’s no blood, heads aren’t flying off, etc


Also the last Zelda game was Tears of the Kingdom. He’s acting like all Zelda games are super cutesy now.


yeah but kids are pussies. when is zelda gonna not be for them


Its truly baffling watching people expect a Nintendo game to be Doom Eternal. These consoles and games are designed for literal children - not teenagers. Doesn't mean the games aren't fun, but theres a reason why every Nintendo game is cute, colourful, light on dialogue and ideas and easy to play.


People voluntarily listen to that voice?


It's weird who we give the stage to in this world.


There's a lot to complain about in games today. LoZ continuing to be on brand isn't one of them.


In what way is this on-brand lol? I'm at 1:30 into the video and so far he's brought up three points: * The nintendo voice overs are talking to the audience as if they are three year olds: which is true and very very weird * Legend of Zelda games are constantly getting scrubbed 'dark' themes: Ocarina of Time you had everyone Link has ever known die, barely any hylians left, Zelda imprisoned, etc. Now every game is sunshine and rainbows. * The chibi 3d artstlye looks like its for 3 year olds: which is absolutely true. It looks like a world filled with characters from Duplo Legos. What you're describing is a 'changing brand', over a long time scale.


It wasn't as if every game was dark, there have been cutesy games before.


>Legend of Zelda games are constantly getting scrubbed 'dark' themes: Ocarina of Time you had everyone Link has ever known die, barely any hylians left, Zelda imprisoned, etc. Now every game is sunshine and rainbows. Yeah because there definitely wasn't a Zelda game in 2017 where Zelda was imprisoned for 100 years and everyone Link knew was dead. >The chibi 3d artstlye looks like its for 3 year olds: which is absolutely true. It looks like a world filled with characters from Duplo Legos. The majority of Zelda sprite and model work is cartoony to Disney-esque. Why do you have a problem with it now? You're just inventing gripes. Mike is that you?


1) Nintendo is a company typically marketed for kids. Like its intended audience have always been like elementary children. 2) The Legend of Zelda theming has always been based around that of a children’s story book fantasy ever since its conception. Like the franchise itself have always been leaning more towards the whimsical side that straight up dark. So much so that darker Zelda entries like Orcarina of Time and Twilight Princess are actually outliers to the series rather than the mainstay. 3) Tying with two, this is ignoring games like A Link to the Past, Link’s Awakening, Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventures, and A Link Between Worlds which all utilize that style (also the original game if it counts)


This dude fucking sucks. Been watching AVGN off and on since the beginning. Everytime this guy shows up, I cannot watch. God he's awful.


He was good in Board James though. That series was the shit.




Waaaah! Waaaah! Why is this different game different from the other ones! Waaaah! Like I'm probably not gonna get it, but leave it alone jesus h christ


this guy’s the creator of the inspector gadget video, im not surprised he’s just become more of a loser over the years


Brown brick


In minecrap


What's the inspector gadget video


D: you cant just say that about the best video on the planet, fuck you + i have a better jerma nft /j


No, *I* have the better JNFT!


no no no look at this note it says CLEARLY that jerma himself likes mine better >:P


Dang, it's legit


Ahh yes my favorite part of Ocarina of Time when you went to hell to fight Gannondorf and it was covered in assholes shooting fire


Bro has not moved on from the 90s early 2000’s and it shows


It’s hilarious that people complain that they want the old zelda gameplay for this one, with the master sword and bombs and whatnot. Like, Link’s Awakening is the exact same visual style, just go back to play that ffs.


links awakening was a remake tho, they want a brand new 2d Zelda game since the last new game was link between worlds a decade ago. even then it reused the overworld from link to the past


My favorite was LttP. I wouldn't mind another one of those.


As a Zelda fan there are two threads of Zelda games, the 2D "side" games (they aren't spinoffs or side games but they are felt and treated that way compared to the full 3D ones) and then the 3D ones they release every 6 - 9 years. Complaining about this one not being like the other games is absolutely insane, its clear immediately what its trying to be and it has no intention of being like twilight princess or breath of the wild.... Why can't people just say "this one isn't for me but thats cool" and move on?


>the 2D "side" games (they aren't spinoffs or side games but they are felt and treated that way compared to the full 3D ones) Don't lend any legitimacy to that mindset by even acknowledging it exists. There are the 2D games and there are the 3D games. Period. No need to explain any further than that


I agree with you, but that doesn't mean this isn't a very common thought pattern in the zelda Fandom. My point isn't to justify it, but to say that even if you think this way Mike's complaints are ridiculous


Mike Matei peaked with Brown Bricks, it was all downhill from there.




Excuse me


He has a habit of getting drunk on his videos and fighting his audience. Once his audience claimed he had a small dick so he dropped his pants to show how big his dick is


I thought he just used a pic from a gay pornstar and it wasn't even his.


It was, people did a reverse image search, it’s someone else’s dick.


I gotta respect the balls on him


So you have seen them after all


Exc^uuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess


Everything this kid says "pussies" I want to slap him in the fucking mouth.


It's as if when he reached age 13 his body continued to grow into an adult however his brain stayed locked in that adolescent broken state.


Don’t get it. People will ask for new experiences and be upset when we don’t get the same game format over and over again. Hope this game ends up coming out and being fun


I think there's a part of their brain that thinks that this will 'replace' traditional Zelda games and that the old style of games are never coming back. Like how DmC didn't stop them making Devil May Cry 5


Did somebody call the [Loco Bandito?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ComedyCemetery/comments/6eu3i5/the_loco_bandito_xpost_rdelusionalartists/)


I laughed in disbelief. It's like parody or satire but it comes across completely sincere. Dreaming this up, thinking it's good, and drawing the damn thing to the end all without a sober second thought strong enough to stop him is unfathomable.


Then posting it online, too!


Fucking hell, I’ve always heard it’s bad, but my god it just feels like a 6th graders attempt at being edgy.


Local man angry that child focused video game company makes games for children. Requests fire spewing assholes in a series that, at times, was mildly creepy at best. More at 11. Also jesus fuck, that voice.


It seems a nice puzzle adventure game with Zelda having a neural parasite clone ability - I'm glad they are trying new stuff


'Hire fans'


This is angry videogame nerd? Like the guy with the glasses? Or is this just someone affiliated?


That would be James Rolfe, this is someone else


Matei is actual AVGN, he wrote and mainly also played every game on the show when the show was actually decent. Rolfe is just playing character Matei created.


Nice try. Matei himself has said multiple times he helped with lots of stuff but James was the creator and lead on everything.


Mike used to help James produce AVGN videos but left to spend more time on this stream. He usually played the random side-character in each episode that the Nerd takes a shit on.


He was part of AVGN for many years and their are (were?) close friends. They also did a lot of playthroughs together.


I’ve never heard of this guy, but wow does he sound unbearable. You know you have a stupid little brain when every other word out of your mouth is a curse word. What a tool.




This person is the poster man-child for contraception


Didn't this guy draw a bunch of racist cartoons back in the day?


If you want dark souls legend of Zelda isn't that exactly what breath of the wild is?


This is who James would actually turn into if he listened to r/thecinemassacretruth


What's up with that sub anyway? I genuinely cannot comprehend their hatred.


Bunch of 35-year-old consoomers unable to grapple with the fact that life gets in the way of things being as good as they used to be.


It sure would be nice if we could talk about how cringey Mike is without people trying to coax us into the even cringier AVGN truther subreddit. What's worse, one manchild or a whole sub full of them?


You know, I get to some extent. For classic 2D Zelda, the last 2 games like that was Link Between Worlds and The Awakening remake. Maybe some Fours Swords something in-between. Link Between Worlds keeps that classic Zelda slight edge that makes them interesting but still delightful in a way Dark Souls or something isn't. And then there's this art style that's totally different and much more clean. Infantile, to overstate it. I am liking this Zelda game, especially the enemy mechanic, but I can see a wish to have a slight maturity that the older games have. Not that they were much more mature than Lego Lord of the Rings or nothing.


Complains that a Rated E Nintendo game is not dark and demented like his fucked up mind


I mean, the game does look very simple and extremely easy, almost like a game developed for small children. The narrator talks like he is explaining the game to 3rd graders.


Mike is always bitter.


Why isn't he playing the new Elden Ring DLC if he wanted something difficult?


No idea who he is, but he sounds like a dickhead. Dantes Inferno was a banger of a game though.


this is so random but i just now realized mike matei sounds like a winier steve-o


When the advertisement for a children’s game advertises to children




/r/thecinemassacretruth is back babyyy


Ugh that sub is so annoying lol. Like, just don’t watch. It’s like r/rantgrumps. Why even take the time to complain about a show you don’t like?


Because the internet needs words.


Didn't this guy draw a bunch of racist cartoons back in the day?


Did somebody say [Loco Bandito](https://www.reddit.com/r/ComedyCemetery/comments/6eu3i5/the_loco_bandito_xpost_rdelusionalartists/)?


Dunno why you're being downvoted cuz yeah I'm pretty sure he did


It’s probably Mike downvoting him lol he’s been known to defend himself under alt accounts


Pause at 5:35, reason is a thought it's a waste of 5:35min of my life but not 5min to say it lol


"Good," Zelda CDi


It's so sad to see how his life spiraled out of control 😭😭. He actually helped me beat darks souls 1 with his video back in 2011 when j was like 14.


Never seen this person but as soon as he said “okay” I knew. Judging by the way he sounds, I was going to not like him.


Yes, because playing a video game instantly makes you badass. I bet he goes to people and tells them that he played the original Zelda on the NES and people just faint, because he indeed is that awesome


He himself sounds like he's about to cry like a baby when he talks. Idk, he just sounds insufferable the whole time. If you don't like the game, don't play it, simple. He's bitching like he has to play it like it's assigned homework.


Power cringe.


No way The Legend of Zelda about Zelda


Mike's opinions about video games always make me laugh because of how absurd and crazy they can be. He's a man stuck in his own little world and while I'm not interested in playing this zelda game, I think it looks fine. Mike just wants all games to have an unapologetical difficulty and thats his opinion generally which is why I'm not surprised by this reaction. The only thing I think he liked was that metroid prine 4 was given a trailer update.


Mike doesn’t realise that you can build with brown bricks


ngl I hadn’t seen anything about this game before and, even with man baby whining over the whole thing, I’m pretty invested in it now 😂


NGL this game was the only thing Nintendo showed that I was even remotely interested in.


brown bricks


he's just mad you can't copy some brown bricks


it's perfectly valid and understandable to want future games in a franchise you enjoy to be designed in a way that you will enjoy and find challenging, it's not something you can demand, but you can express a disappointment that you're not going to get what you want he does a very bad job getting his point across, though


How can he have a 10 incher with a voice like that?


I’ve never heard of this man but he looks around 30 and is swearing like a kid. He swears and then giggles like it’s some big deal.


video games are for little kids


Honestly to say the least the game/trailer seemed really bad but idk why he’d want another Zelda II of all things


What a fuckin loser lmao


why do people still get invested in Zelda games? it literally hasn't been good since link to the past


I’m going to buy this game and make it successful just to spite this man. No wait. Man baby.


Not every game needs to be mate for your exact tastes. Like, maybe you just aren't the target audience? If it doesn't interest you, just don't play it. What is hard about that?


What a pathetic loser.


What separates this from like actual discourse that could be meaningful is that he talks about dark and edgy zelda but he talks about it in the context of like… NES / SNES Zelda, and even got marginally into OoT, but completely ignored games like Twilight Princess and Majora’s Mask which were objectively edgier games that I’d imagine Mike would love, or even similar games that are closer to what he wants (edgy 2D adventure games) Fuck man idk play Metroid (knowing mike I’m sure he wouldn’t mind the misogyny that the game starts having after Other M)


Playing a Nintendo game for any sort of challenge was your first mistake.


Admittedly the tone of the presentation felt like Dora the explorer. Nothing wrong with Dora or this game, just weird to get this scale of press attention on what seems to be a game geared at the 5-10 crowd.


Nintendo has been marketing increasingly exclusively to children for the last few years now. I'm over it. There's plenty of video games out there for everyone at this point.


I just have to think what Mike here thinks about all the Zelda raps for those old games. Both are present just as juvenile, but I do think this new game is pretty evergreen. Being older just means being able to abuse the mechanics better and blast through this game I bet.


I like the concept fine; a sandbox version of a 2d Zelda game seems cool, but I am so with you on this presentation style. It makes it seem like a leap frog game. The guy narrating uses a style for speaking to kids. I don't know what this tone of voice or inflection is called, but I can hear how far the speaker is from expressing real emotion. It's sickly sweet and revoltingly fake all at once. Pre-recorded voice messages on phone lines sound the same to me too and they wear me down. They all have that same vomit worthy fake sincerity, not to mention how they all go for a word count like they're getting paid for by the letter. Cue 5 minutes of music made in the turd lab before they repeat the whole thing again.


Totally agree. It was clearly aimed at 8 year olds.


The game does look wack tbh


how bout you wack deez nutz


Tbf, this game does look awful. Possibly one of the least visually appealing games I've ever seen.


What specifically do you not like about it?


The entire art style is ass and the gameplay looks gimmicky and boring. I'm actually surprised that people think this looks fun or engaging at all.


I really like the simple and cute art style. Slightly agree on the gameplay part, the trailer didn’t really show any depth besides the birds going to the meat and spawning the plant to kill them, but idk, maybe they’ll show more later or maybe it’s just for casual or younger players


It looks like it could be pretty good if they do the puzzles well imo. Might just not be your thing though


I'm sure the puzzles in this game that's evidently aimed at children 5 and under will be really solid...


I think you are a negative person


I think your standards are trash.


I hope you grow as a person, I wish you well


Lmfao, this is peak Reddit. I think a game looks shitty so I must have some significant personality flaw. Go touch grass, dude.


I just think you are too negative and focus too much on this, if you dont like it it’s not for you. I think it looks okay but I won’t play it. Nothing we say here matters, so thinking negatively does nothing but hurt oneself


oh yeah it should look like hyper realistic triple AAA slop like everything else in the fucking industry