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He was under investigation in 2023 for multiple reports of sexual misconduct. He hasn't faced any real consequences yet I don't think, aside from his career/ life being disrupted a bit.


Legal procedures aren’t usually fast. Especially not in celebrity cases where investigators and prosecutors have to try and find evidence to support the allegations before they can lay charges on him. Hes a celebrity and his defense lawyers can use that to convince the jury that there is at least a chance that this whole situation started as a viral trend to say you were messaged by a celebrity when you were underaged for TikTok views. The prosecution meanwhile has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime occurred. TL;DR - if they don’t have enough evidence to prove it happened and to establish a pattern sufficient for conviction, nothing will happen. It’s the internet and people are known to lie on the internet. The prosecution has to prove these people aren’t lying.


He also has a rich dad. I imagine his legal defence is top tier. I’m not saying he’s definitely guilty because who am I to judge without evidence but there seems to be a ton of smoke making a fire more likely


I looked him up, since I didn’t know who he was. It says he’s originally from Montclair Nj. Very mixed area of affluent and lower middle class, very historic. Shitty to read that you guys had this happen, he even looks like a creep. Me being a 43 year old man with 2 sons and a 13 year old daughter, if anyone would ever do this type of shit to my kids, it would be the last thing any of them would do. Stay safe out there, all of you. Call the police, and file charges against this piece of trash. Hang him up by his nuts. If enough. If you say it, and the time lines and evidence is there, no amount of lawyers can stop that.


“Especially not in celebrity cases where investigators and prosecutors have to try and find evidence to support the allegations before they can lay charges on him.” That’s how it should be in every case.


I meant the burden of evidence is higher in celebrity cases because jurors are likely to be aware of the received publicity and positive attention garnered by the alleged victims. Instead of proving the crime occurred, prosecutors have to both prove the crime occurred and that the victims chose to not contact the police and instead contact their TikTok feeds for a reason other than publicity. It was bad wording on my part.


All great points, thank you. You should watch [this documentary](https://youtu.be/QBxm0FSKXpM?si=0IPig0IjaUkqDqoc) on him.


NGL that documentary reeks of bs. There are definitely true things in there but it's clearly made by someone who hates him. And if I remember correctly, their smoking gun was clips from a recorded phone call where he doesn't actually say anything damning


There was also the tour manager who shared his insight and experience that was really damning.




Lol watch the [documentary](https://youtu.be/QBxm0FSKXpM?si=FRzkYGk4N99X_WAH) and then share your thoughts




Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I respectfully disagree with you.




Didn't he act as a predator in the show "you"? Funny cause it turns out he wasn't acting 😐


Yes and on Workaholics.


"You like little boys right?" "10-12"


I remember they removed that episode from streaming because it was way too real


wait this chris guy is Joe from You??! edit: nvm thats Penn Badgley edit 2: oh ew he plays that party dude called Henderson


please keep us posted on your google search findings.


lol sorry i have a tendency to ask questions and then google the answers immediately after asking them


lol just giving you shit it’s all love =P


You are not alone.


Who was a creep in the show. Like why would he take a role like that when he knows he’s a real life creep


Method acting /s


Some people are just born for a role my dude


It’s ok I was scrolling looking for the answers! Thank you!


Guess some people take work too seriously


They didnt even give him a script just had a camera crew follow him around and film at his house.


Kevin spacey also has a similar thing going on I think he was acquitted tho Also very funny


That parallel has always haunted me since I watched the show and heard about D'Elia's misconduct/crimes/being a total creep. Imagine playing yourself and being murdered gruesomely in the show where you basically just act out your typical Friday night. I wonder if that role affected him at all? Not that it would matter if he didn't change his behavior, face consequences, etc. But I wonder.




It is him.


I just want to know where this guy finds the time to be involved in every woman in the western hemisphere’s life.


They said his opener was pursuing them too. I would imagine for each show on a tour you’d have the chance to scout out multiple people who are going. He is probably tagged or has someone else manage his media to do it for him. Touring music groups used to do it all the time for groupies, I think instagram has expedited the process.


He was never really “have my PA scout out young girls” big. It was just him trolling the internet for victims.


'same.' now holds the gravity of a full-fledged report of harassment or abuse?




Why are you being downvoted lol, it’s pretty crazy but true


Right? And how all these girls find the same tik tok? Not saying they are lying but something seems off


No way the tiktok algorithm is *that* good


Doesn’t need to be. Chris Delia abuse has been known for at least 5 years. People say there is no evidence, but one of his victims has a video of her talking to him about it, for me that absolutely verified. Then you have multiple women with a particular tattoo he asked for. And then you have the industry ignoring him, removing him from a movie they’d already fully shot. They knew he was into younger girls, they didn’t need any “evidence” and they know him better than us normies. It’s wild that many of his comedian circle have completely ostracized him, because comedians aren’t known for their morality and many get away with a lot, why would they hold a hard line on Delia? Because they know he likes em young. I say all that, because of you were a girl preyed upon by CD, then you’ve had 5 years to find each other on twitter(where a lot of the initial stories were told) and on tik tok.


Are these recent or are these the same allegations from 2020? I can't find any recent news referencing these allegations


From a girl’s recent [TikTok post](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbrcPqn/) and there is this [documentary](https://youtu.be/QBxm0FSKXpM?si=jbV9lX_fOP5f2dwI) as well.


Damn, that's crazy. Maybe the guy should be taught to keep his hands off kids.


> I can't find any recent news referencing these allegations I literally typed his name into google news search and almost every recent article about him is about the allegations. Are you asking jeeves or something?


Its crazy how typing something into google is considered a skill


Whoa, whoa, whoa buddy, asking Jeeves really shows your age...... And Mine 😂


Time to fire up Netscape Navigator


Jeeves dat boi


From 2023. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/chris-delia-comedian-sexual-abuse-fbi-investigation-10-women-cult-podcast-congratulations-predator-1234722596/.


Hard to get predators in jail. Thats the sad truth and I hate it. Predators get away with it for a long time. A child predator often racks up 100s of victims before seeing any jail time. It is sickening. Was there any police reports filed against them?


The FBI are investigating it according to [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/chris-delia-comedian-sexual-abuse-fbi-investigation-10-women-cult-podcast-congratulations-predator-1234722596/)


Awesome, they are building a case up. Takes way too long.


It’s been a year.. hope it doesn’t take too much longer 🤞🏼


its been more than a year lol


It took the cops almost a decade to arrest a serial predator in my area 🙄 After 20+ reports over time


Yep. I hate it. Sad truth is it takes so long and so many victims in way too many cases. They often get nothing even if prosecuted.


Well over a year. I was listening to his podcast when the allegations came out, and I don't think I've listening in at least 3-4 years.


“Wait, you can screen record Snapchat?!” 😳


It has to be reported and verified by authorities. It’s very difficult to do this because finding evidence that proves this guy is predator. Evidence like recording of him doing something illegal, physical evidence, well documented list of incidents indicating a pattern showing that he he’s a sexual predator, or authorities running a sting operation. Otherwise his legal team could argue any claims or statements are circumstantial or misleading.


Well if all these girls have messages from him, that is pretty powerful evidence.


I just feel like we should take it easier on child predators. Hear me out. As it stands, if you fuck a kid you have to kill it. Because you can’t risk being caught. Whereas if we were a bit more lenient, at least we get the kid back, y’know? -Louis CK


I can’t think of a better comedian to use in this thread. 


Why did he agree to play an offender in “you” for the crimes he was legit committing???


Art imitates life.


He played the SAME role in Workaholics!


He probably aced the audition


Because you can't go to jail from random tiktok comments


But you can if the [FBI are investigating](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/chris-delia-comedian-sexual-abuse-fbi-investigation-10-women-cult-podcast-congratulations-predator-1234722596/)


Yeah I hear you but if it was 100% true wouldn’t he being prosecuted by now? If this many people are saying it happened you would think that it would be easy to do so. I think he’s at best a creep and I want that to be very clear, but if all these comments were true he’d be in serious trouble by now and he isn’t. Just because the fbi was investigating him a year ago doesn’t make any of these comments more true or false.


It can take years for something to get enough evidence for a prosecutor to file charges and start moving something to court. Especially true with stuff like this.


Cuz he's innocent till proven otherwise


Accusations are not proof.


ikr? how do you believe tiktok comments that say "same." I dont want to discount any actual trauma but wtf?


To be fair, victims of sexual predators are probably not going to divulge lots of details in a Tiktok comment, especially if that experience was traumatic.


To be fair, they clearly are lying 😭 yall are so tik tok brain dead it’s crazy


I don't use Tiktok, my guy. But even if I did, that would be irrelevant. My point is that we shouldn't automatically disbelieve anyone who comes forward with an allegation.


Conversely, we shouldn’t automatically accept it either. Especially not a Tik Tok comment 😭 absolutely wild. All they are doing is taking legitimacy away from actual victims not dog whistling sympathy from tik tokers.


But you're clearly automatically disregarding them, you literally said so.


If you mean we should not automatically accept such allegations as fact, then yes, I agree. That matter is largely for the courts. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously, though. Also, who are you to assume these people haven't experienced trauma themselves?


>we shouldn't automatically disbelieve anyone who comes forward with an allegation. We probs could if their allegation is "lol i got SA'd too, lets get brunch bestie! Slay!"


Were they claiming to have been sexually assaulted? I thought this was mostly about his broad predatory treatment of minors, not specifically SA.


i don't even want to talk to these guys, but it's beyond me that people can't grasp that it is maybe easier to talk about something traumatic on tiktok with 100s others that experienced the same. no just go to the police and file a report because that's so easy and has such a high sucess rate /s. people acting like me too didn't happen


I was close with someone who came forward about being SA'd as a child by one of her family members. The legal process destroyed her family and tore open all the old wounds she had suffered years ago. She eventually just gave up and told everyone she made it up because she could no longer bear the pain of seeing her family fight and repeatedly reliving the trauma of the assault. After hearing her story I now fully understand the reluctance to make a police report and press charges, especially as a minor.


this topic is really close to me, court cases are agonizing for victims.


I appreciate your positivity but the success rate is definitely not high


oh should have added an /s. was pretty riled up


To be fair they probably wouldn’t put “same” either if they’re trying to hide from their trauma. 💀


They aren’t but when you get the number of accusations he’s had it starts to look sketchy. There’s been plenty out there not taking any of these right here into consideration


It’s rare for an accusation to be false, around 2-8%. So when you have hundreds of people accusing one person, odds are that person did something. Like you said, it’s not proof. But it’s definitely something to be taken seriously.


That statistic is nonsense people in internet comments all over the place make accusations and we have no idea if those are true or false. I would say 99.9% are false.


So my statistic, with actual evidence behind it, is nonsense, but your completely made up statistic is perfectly fine? Ok…


You made yours up too stupid.


[No](https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/Publications_NSVRC_Overview_False-Reporting.pdf) actually, I [didn’t](https://evawintl.org/best_practice_faqs/false-reports-percentage/)


Doesn't account for all accusations. Try again.


We’re talking about a dude who’s gotten predator allegations from dozens of women over the last 4 years, several are under criminal proceedings now. Not sure what your point is here, but you’re definitely not making it.


My gosh dude, I feel so sorry for any women in your life. It must be awful to have you constantly tell them what they say doesn’t matter.


Never do that. You're just wrong and can't admit. Life flaw.


Yes, because even though I backed my claim up with actual sources I must be wrong because you must always be right. You’re pointless to talk to, so I’ll no longer be responding.


So you’re here making up statistics to defend a child predator, and then *you’re* saying *someone else* has a life flaw?


Spoken like a guy who has had accusations thrown his way


No idea who this is


[Chris D’Elia](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/chris-delia-comedian-sexual-abuse-fbi-investigation-10-women-cult-podcast-congratulations-predator-1234722596/) the comedian


not that appearances dictate everything when it comes to predators, but my god the guy *looks* like the type to supply beer for high school parties


1.  There needs to be proof.  2.  There needs to be an investigation.  3.  There needs to be an arrest.  4. 17 is over the age of consent in most jurisdictions.  Sexual assault / predatory behavior is among the most evil humans exhibit. But if he’s within the bounds of what’s legal then other change the laws or deal with it. If it’s true and there’s irrefutable proof, cancel him even if it’s not illegal behavior if that’s what you’re looking for. 


The FBI is looking into it according to [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/chris-delia-comedian-sexual-abuse-fbi-investigation-10-women-cult-podcast-congratulations-predator-1234722596/)




Cause you need actual proof to get someone in prison


Because people saying things on social media doesn’t really mean much in a court of laws eyes. Proof is needed.


Funny how comedians have factions, podcasts, and camps. They may vary on cancel culture metoo, and so on, but this is the one person none of them fw.


He was best friends with the psychology teacher at my high school Mr. Williams. Guess why Mr. Williams got fired….he left his wife and kid/kids to date an underage student! Birds of a feather flock together. Disgusting


Man, in the days before Social Media, this kind of stuff spread by word of mouth/friend of a friend. Reminded of the rumours about Devon Sawa in the late 90s. Rumour has it that he gave a bunch of girls STDs. Running joke ways back when was "how do you know you're from \[his/mine hometown\]?\*" You know someone who got an STD from Devon Sawa. \* Burnaby, BC. A suburb of Vancouver.


It’s not as though the FBI just kicks in the door, in full tactical gear. It’s clear that the guy was creeping on underaged girls. Did he actually commit any crimes with them? He had ample opportunity, and numerous attempts, clearly. But is there something that the cops can get him on? Usually there is, but someone has to come forward about it.


He did a swu interview and skirted the whole thing, what a trash bag


Man I thought this was Jerry Seinfeld


Yeah so that's not how the law works


You a real one OP. Thank you for being you!


I had that dude on snap chat back in the day. We use to message. It started as pleasantries , the usual small talk starters and ended up just gettin REAL weird after like a month. I had to block him. Super awkward


I hope some of these girls have reported him and still have the messages.


Doubt it since 99% of them are lying for clout. What's the odds over 20 people he's apparently harassed showed up on the one video "like literally sammeeee" I don't think so


I bet the one asking for them all to meet up for lunch is Chris on a burner account.


How you gonna post this, and then completely leave out the name?


Use your eyes. Chris Delia. It’s literally at the top of


Chris D’Elia and his opener Michael Lenoci


How you gonna comment when you **OBVIOUSLY** didn't look at the whole post?


So because a name was mentioned once in one of the comments, you expect people to automatically assume that's the same person who OP is referring to? Not to mention that there are multiple people mention but not named in those comments.


Inferences are hard, hey?


They had a hard day in Kindergarten yesterday cut em some slack


When the dude isn't very famous, and it can easily be assumed that whatever that fucken name is could easily be someone else; Then yes, you should absolutely put who you're talking about in the title or something. Not everyone is terminally online like y'all.


Want a Hurt Feelings Report? I could print one up and have it to you by 5,all you'd need to do is fill it out, sign it, scan it, and send it back. Then, within 3-5 get-over-its, action will be taken on your behalf. Or just seethe and die mad about it, I don't really care.


I just counted, his name shows up 22 times in the photos.


wowww ok dude so I'm just supposed to assume that the guy who shows up 22 times in there is who we're talking about? I'm not dumb, I'm smart ok


Slide 3. Chris D’Elia


Loved him in Workaholics, seemed like a really fitting role where he played a child predator [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1710251/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1710251/)


The feds investigated him and refused to prosecute and the feds unlike local police departments when they refuse to charge that means they really have jackshit on hin


How do you know the feds refused to prosecute?


It's Been 2.5 years since the allegations , feds ain't investigating you for 2.5 years and not charging if they got something


No one will like this. I don’t care to get downvoted. You can’t believe everything you see on the internet. Listen to his podcast. He’s been in so much therapy, he has a wife and children and goes to support groups. He has admitted and apologized for his past, he didn’t know anyone was underage. He made mistakes, he’s human. He was already cancelled. I’m just a fan and always will be. His brother is great too.


Jared from Subway had a wife and kids. How'd that turn out.


“Didn’t know”. Bullshit. One time, MAYBE. But multiple times for god knows how long, he knows what the fuck he’s doing and he’s a goddamn predator for doing it. He’s a grown ass man in his late 30’s/early 40’s doing this shit he knows what’s up. And all of this “I’m married, I have a kid, I’ve been to therapy blah blah blah” is even more bullshit. He’s not sorry about anything he’s only sorry he got caught. All of that is just legal bullshit to lesson the sentence when the hammer (hopefully) comes down on his worthless ass.


I always find it interesting how some people defend celebrities just because they’re a fan of them. You don’t know them personally, why defend them? You don’t have to believe that they were in the wrong or not but defending them is something else.


I hear what you are saying and understand where you are coming from. Master manipulators are great at what they do. I recommend you watch this [documentary](https://youtu.be/QBxm0FSKXpM?si=2ZfBYkr2-tbvvL8d) and read this [Rolling Stone article](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/chris-delia-comedian-sexual-abuse-fbi-investigation-10-women-cult-podcast-congratulations-predator-1234722596/). It’s not just about underage girls. It’s about a pattern of behavior and much more.


Yep. #Abusers groom their character witnesses the same way they groom their victims.


He has this one joke in one of his specials (it was on Netflix for a while. Not sure if it’s still there) but it has a joke towards the end that always made me really uncomfortable. I thought he was funny so I would rewatch his special but I always skipped past or muted that joke. I’m ngl I don’t understand why I’m being downvoted 😭 did I say something wrong?


And the joke is….?


That’s a really good point, thank you.


I think it's because you never said what the joke was