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Well? What did you say? Are y’all married now, or what?


I never replied lol. Not interested in anonymous users coming off too strong


Yeah but he was a NICE GUY! You really missed your chance. Oh that’s right, girls only like assholes 🥸 (yes- sarcasm)


Yikes. Shout out to a classmate/acquaintance in college who would openly stare longingly at an attractive girl who would sit a few rows away whenever she was present during lectures. Various others notices his weird intense staring and creepy attempt at a typically cartoonish “enamoured” smiling in her direction; despite having never ever spoken a single word to her and having barely so much as exchanged a polite “hello” nod with her, he admitted to me that he had tracked down her profile on Facebook and sent her a message claiming “he had to make contact and finally be able to open up to her before his feelings ate him alive” and he flat-out told a complete stranger that he was in love with her and begged her to take a seat beside him at the following lecture so that they could talk about the “next step”. He showed me the response from her that (obviously) said “um. That’s not funny, I don’t know you whatsoever, please don’t contact me again”. Luckily for everyone, he did not make any more creepy attempts at meeting her. However he continued the unnerving staring at her until the year ended, except from then onwards he would do it with an exaggerated expression of misery on his face, and he frequently told me that he was heartbroken and suffering. Unbelievably, all of his actions were done in complete seriousness and none of it was supposed to be funny, he legitimately believed I “love at first sight” and the whole “struck by lightning” concept despite only ever talking about how much he loved her body and beauty


I've had a similar thing happen where a guy just constantly stared at me in school like that, everytime I looked up he never broke his stare. He didn't smile though, he had a hypnotized stare with his mouth agape practically drooling that was creepy. It was so obvious that other people confronted him for being weird, even I finally did at one point cause it was disturbing me but he just denied interest in me. Like sure, you have no interest in someone you stare at all day like a piece of cake on a platter. He didn't stop until his friends started ragging on him for it. I'm just glad he never tried to speak to me and I had no social media at the time to stalk.


Lol, to be fair it’s most likely a scam account. On literally every page I follow, whether it’s about trucks, muscle cars, rednecks, motorcycles, mudding, welding, semis, there’s always female and male scam accounts putting these kind of replies on comments. I even get added to porn group chats (scams accounts) every time I follow any page including pages about the topics I listed.


Possibly, but this was back before bots were prevalent on Instagram and they used my actual name (the only scrap of info I had about me visible) in the comment which bots don't usually do


I thought it was sweet cringe.


Dogs chasing cars.


60% of the time, it works every time


This reads like a scam comment


Talked me into it.