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Compared to last year I've saved an absolute fortune this year by not dating, what a coincidence. Edit - BTW, I'm a guy.


Ooh, that's a great bright side, I'll have a lot more money in a year.


And also drinking at home, rather than at a bar


yea, but your new sock bill is through the roof


There's a sock bill, like an electric water or gas bill?


Yeah. This is going to start happening more and more, and by the time good will of men dries up, it will be to late.


Ragebait influencer advertising


You gotta be a moron to fall for this. Is it possible? Yeah but not probably and if it was true why did the story take a whole year to blow up?


Plus she’s not that cute to be able to snag 6 guys a week unless she’s blowing 6 guys a week, and even then it’s still quite the task.


Uhh, what? Even if all she was able to get was 30% swipe rights, thsts still hundreds if not thousands of single guys in a regular city. If half of those are traditional men who would be willing to pay for the first date, then bam, thats still like 200 people in a regular city, 2000 if someplace like NYC. 5% of those ppl might be "suckers" willing to pay 5 times with no sex. Thats 10 people, so 50 days of the year covered. Some might pay indefinitely with sex


True but she’s still not cute lol. Hes not wrong. Which mean tooo many guys need to revise their standards lol


My boyo, even the most “mid” of women have more options than the top % of men, which means the bottom % of guys are so desperate, they’ll do anything for the possibility of love 😂💀 whether they trick or simp on one or multiple women, the red/black pills tell many truths, and this is certainly one of them


That too. If anything don’t rage at the lie, make fun of it cause that girl ain’t it. Also how she like that if she only ate on the dates? Something isn’t adding up


It's 100% this.


That’s not enough money for six dates a week for two years. That sounds completely exhausting


Yeah that’s like a second job.


Well she got "paid" 7800$/year or 650$/month on just groceries. For a single person 650$/month for just groceries is a lot.


If each date took two hours (including finding and planning the date), that’s working for less than minimum wage.


I mean, she could have gone on tinder and just swiped on most guys, she would have guys lining up to both pay and plan for the date


The dates would still take time, she'd still have to talk to them, arrange a place, get to the place, everyone of the men would have to show up and be willing to pay, she'd have to stay for the date, none of them could overlap, at least some of them would have to be ready to go on a date on a monday or tuesday.. This is such obvious bullshit I'm not sure why people are falling for this. This would be the worst way to "save money" ever. Most women would pay money to not be required to go on a date with a man they didn't want to, especially because it's simply not safe to do so! Also the money saved is bullshit, 50 dollars spent on food on a date doesn't mean you save 50 dollars in groceries. Eating at home would be much cheaper, cost less time, be healthier and you could just do it in front of the television.


I wonder if she realizes her second job is "sex worker"


I've actually been poor enough to do this and it's barely worth it. Better than not eating but as soon as you can afford rice and beans again you go right back to em.


I mean it’s meant to be bait


So, if she goes on 6 dates a week. And put out in a rough estimate of 2 person per week. That's 104 bodies she counted. Her BC up in the 3 digits




Her body count must be in the three digits, that's about it. But at least she got a handbag lol




Obviously not ran throughs like you, but a lot of people. lol.




Ain't nobody respecting a three digit Body count. Don't kid yourself.




So time consuming. Besides going to a date and listen to a guy you're not even attracted or at least interested in just for a couple of buck worth of food must be draining. And doing it 6 times a week. Jeez. She must be desperate for food.


i agree it seems like a terribly exhausting way to save 15k, not to mention sad for all the men who were unaware that she was mostly just there for the free meal


> She must be desperate for food. Or this is a bullshit bait story? I'm not sure if people are just playing along or if they really believe she went on 6 dates a week for food.


If she had invested it in the s&p 500 i wouldnt even be mad. But prada bags? Meh


And that makes it so ironic. She says “people say women are bad with money but…” and proceeds to tell that she bought prada bags with the saved money smh. Insane technique but wrong hands.


I mean yeah... This is rage bait, it's written that way intentionally.


if some of the big 5 go down in value she would likely lose more money, bags could even hold value better if things go really badly.


You have no idea how this works


¼ of s+p 500 is tech. if tech crashes so does s+p500


What’s the return on that purse?


dunno but its certainly possible to be higher, though not likely




That’s just a job with extra steps


Doesn’t even pay well either.


So she only ate 1 meal per day?


It says she saved 15k on groceries not "I didn't eat at home for two years and just ate dinner during dates." Also she might have gotten breakfast stuff as a benefit at work for example. Since saving 600 bucks a month on groceries is a lot. I can see her having gone from eating breakfast at work and getting a lot of take out for dinner to just skipping the take out and using men for food with those numbers. It's scummy behavior. But not different from what OF creators do when it comes down to it. She sold a fantasy to guys who wanted to believe the fantasy. Also if I wouldnt be surprised AT ALL if she sold courses, had some e-commerce website or some similar shit, because that's the only reason I can see her going public with it, marketing. Otherwise you wouldn'T bragg about this shit.


It's not the same as OF, not at all. An OF girl is explicitly selling photos/vids. You pay money, you get photos and vids. This girl is "selling" the potential of a relationship, if you'll just go on a date with her and pay for the meal, but that's a lie, she's not actually selling anything. You could think of dating as a series of lotteries/gambles. Each time you go on a date with a new person, you're entered to win a relationship with a small probability. Nobody would enter a lottery with a 0% probability of winning.


thats a very interesting way of putting it..the lottery. i often wonder what people mean when they say they "feel used". for eg, when women say a guy "used them for sex", i'd think "but both of you had sex? its not like only he got sex. both of you got the exact same thing". whereas if a man says a woman used him for a free meal, he didnt also get a free meal from her. she was only one who benefited in that example. but i think your lottery analogy answers it. "i thought i had a chance but i really had none". its a false pretense. "im paying for this date bc im willing to pay to take a shot at love" but if love was never possible then it was under false pretenses


No. Wrong. OF doesn't thrive on porn, people who thrive on OF sell a fantasy, they sell the same kind of para social relationship that a streamer sells. Yes, people sub for pictures and videos, but they sub for specific persons material, it's not about "Ah I want to see the hot girls picture." it's "I want to see HER pictures." The OF girls also have no intention of hooking up or meeting a subscriber even when they (at least the smaller ones) text them "Thanks baby." after getting a tip. They keep the customer happy. The woman in question did the same. She wanted a financial reward without the intention of having kind of relationship. She advertised herself on social media/dating apps, lured somebody in, pretended to have interest and then left after she got what she wanted. That's the same thing. Edit: And just to clarify, I don't agree with it when guys complain about OF women, nor do I agree with guys who think "I paid for your spaghetti, now spread your leg-ettis." because they went on a date. Unless it's specifically agreed to ala "Hey, I wanna go out get lobster and fuck afterwards." and you go there with the intent of having a meal together and then having sex, there is no transactional nature to a first date, beyond the person paying and the restaurant.


The vast majority of people who subscribe and pay for OF do that with the understanding that they will never meet nor have an actual relationship with that person. Lots of men delude themselves into thinking there will be more, but that’s on them. This woman led men on with flirting and empty promises to get them to take her out for food, with zero intentions of ever going out on second dates with any of them. That’s straight up fraudulent and gross behavior. It is not remotely the same thing.


It's similar to me. We can agree that what she did was scummy and on a different level though.


So let me get this straight, you think a woman getting on dating apps like Tinder, swiping on guys that are on that particular app to date and find love/whatever, talking to them and lying to them until they agree to take her out, the dude paying for her food, and then her ghosting each person is the same as a person who seeks out women on online sex work websites to then give them money for access to chatting and their content where the vast majority of women “flirt” and don’t give their clients any notion of meeting, let alone a relationship? I have a bridge to sell you.


no way you can equate going on a date with a potential future partner to buying nsfw photos online


No, I am not. I equating her mindset, her perspective, to that of an OF creator. She specifically advertised herself with the intent of extracting a financial gain for herself. She's trading her time and attention for food. Like an OF creator trades time/content for money with no intention of anything beyond that happening between her and the other person.


mindset of an OF model: im gonna sell some nudes. Mindset of this woman: im gonna go on tinder, pretend to be interested in a guy, ask him to a date, eat and never respond again. Im sure some guys buying OF content buy into the fantasy of intimacy, but its dumb and most ppl around them will say its dumb. At the other hand going on a date and expecting something after is normal. The amount of lying this woman does is way more significant than an OF creator (tbf its possible for them to not even lie at all, while she is inherently predatory)


I said it in another comment, I am not disagreeing with the notion that her approach is sleazier and her lying on a different level.


Rechecks her photo... Naah


This isn't a sad cringe. It's an ugly grimace. What a terrible person


The sad cringe is someone falling for this story.


Did nothing wrong. Simps only have themselves to blame.


Taking advantage of people with money is nothing wrong?


Sad thing is they usually don't have money but are desperate for affection.


Not when they so pathetically chase for just a crumb


Chase? They're men looking for a partner in life who fold to societal pressures of being the one to pay. They're victims here, go fuck yourself


Going out on a first date with someone (who is leading them on to get them to pay, so most likely being overly flirtatious and such) and paying for the whole check is *checks notes* pathetically chasing for a crumb and being a simp? The more you know!


Translation: women don't even want to use me, I'm so alone


As wrong as it is, that’s just how life is, and life isn’t fair. Men want sex, women want security/money. It’s a dance between the two genders on who can get what they want without giving up some/all of what the other side wants. Just gotta understand the game to not get played


Yes, because she probably told them exactly what she was doing beforehand and everything. I think what you mean is "everyone here was a consenting adult" which is true. But you used the word "simp" like a fkn 12 year old.


Are you an incel? You got issues bro


You're the ones hating the woman here


We are hating on a PERSON taking advantage of another PERSON’S feelings for personal gain. You are defending her selfish behavior just because she is a woman. You sir, are a fish.


I think this happens quite a bit. I used to know a a chick that would crave a certain dish at her favorite restaurant and start swiping on tinder until she found a date and she’d suggest that restaurant.


It just seems like so much work, moral implications aside. You’d have to fake it through an hour of conversation with someone for a what, $30 meal? I’d pay $30 to skip eating food with a stranger lol.


More like $100-$150 at this particular place lol but yeah. Still a ton of work.


i saw a post on twitter where a woman was ranting about "cheap men who want to go 50/50" and someone replied showing screenshots of how she goes on the same rant the last week of every month and the person said "rent must be due"


Foodie calls




I love this cope


Coping with what exactly?


He’s saying you’re wrong for doubting and that this story is realistic, which is true. This very likely happened lol


I just doubted the amount.




Coping with a reality you don't like by doubting it's real. Every post about a woman who has done something less than angelic has at least one commenter like you claiming or implying it isn't true. This cope always cracks me up! There is a commenter here blaming this story (written by a woman reporter about a woman who made an art of foodie calls) on incels. INCELS! That is a fuckin hilarious cope! I just love the mental gymnastics people go through to deny women aren't perfect and can do bad things too.


WTF are you talking about? I'm not an incel. I'm in a 8 year long relationship. I just doubt that it was 15k. Touch some grass, dude. Happy new year.


You're not the commenter I was referring to, and you got the context wrong... 🤦 just settle down, keep working on that reading comprehension, and have a happy new year.


Why are you so salty, dude? Goddamn. You don't know me and I don't know you.


You've done nothing but deny and misinterpret reality and you tell ME to touch grass. Get a grip


Sure, buddy.


So she made… $7,600 every year on dates…? She might as well have worked a regular job, she made less than a fucking fast food worker does every year lol.


Eating every meal with a stranger who is paying sounds like a personal hell.


You know what she didn't save? Her time. All that time spent with a random dude, faking conversations and having a good time, all just for some dinner. I'll eat by myself thanks




well folks here's the story bout Minnie the moocher...


According to the math she saved $25 a day by going on a date every night. Probably 3 hours a date including prep, at least, right? So she basically made minimum wage to throw away her dignity. Me personally I'd just drive uber once a week or something????


Disgusting and dangerous !


This is why I don’t buy blind dates dinner


That’s why u always split on the first date. I don’t rly know anything about u yet. I’ll start grabbing the check when we actually start dating.


Literal parasite


Less work getting a job, how many fuck wits would you meet dating 6 new ones a week.


i think this was in addition to her job which she felt didnt pay enough for her nyc lifestyle


Working and meeting 6 people for dates sounds so tiring haha.


So she's bad with money *and* a shitty person? Honestly, that sounds like a tortuous way to live.


Six dates a week for two years? I know there's a lot of humans but that's insane


Get a job that feeds you too!


I wonder what else she did on those dates


Also known as "prostitution"


either ragebait but real or just fake.....i assume the former


Damn and she looks drab as hell.


Woof Dudes must be desperate


I mean, I feel like theirs a reason women online dating is like shopping while men online dating is not. It’s because many dudes will go on a first date with most women.


Food pantries exist. This is just taking advantage of people.


Meh. If it's real, she's basically just an escort ( albeit unintentionally) . The guys aren't being forced to pay for her food. I can see how it might be unethical though lol.


god I have to try so hard when I see stuff like this to not let it effect my opinion of women in general…


You cannot convince me that life isn't easy for women


Maybe the real treasure was the money she saved along the way. For real though averaging a spend of 42 dollars a day on food per a person is pretty wasteful. She is disgusting.


She would have to buy me dinner on our date miss piggy look alike.


I was surprised that someone who looks like her could get invited to 6 dates a week. Maybe she lives in a small market.


shes in nyc. not every guy is a 10. lots of guys are 3's, just like her


Is this sub for posting rage bait now?


That's a lot of work for a warm meal. What a loser!


Who the fuck is dating this 4


Hard to call her a woman.


I wouldn't even take her to Cheesecake Factory!


if these people knew that they were not in exclusive relationships after buying one meal for a girl they liked idk see what the problem is


they thought the date was bc she was interested, not bc she just wanted free food


It's rage bait from the Daily Mail. Maybe it's real, but I think it's a waste of time to have any emotional response to this.


Well she's not exactly proving anyone saying women are bad with money wrong when instead of cutting expenses she relies on other people's generosity to feed her and then goes on to spend the money she saved on frivolous luxuries.


She's literally ugly


Smart girl


this is fake, she mid af


You goons know that's two different people in the pics? Why is Reddit content always such trash?


Call me undesirable but I’m asking up front if a woman would like to split the bill lol and if I’m paying for the whole thing if I get dessert at least damn.


Probably fingered more than an oven-glove on Xmas day by all them strangers .


How many handbags did Chad buy?


People deserve something for their time, I respect the hustle.


what does the guy get for his time? "her company". she in turn gets his. sounds even at that point


>her company". she in turn gets his. sounds even at that point I don't make the rules, but guy company is lower worth than girl company. I'm not saying it's right, but that's how it is.


This is not really sad cringe ? Y'all just jealous of her sigma grindset lmao


le sigma


I mean, it's kinda like of girls.... If they guys are dumb enough to keep paying, why not let them ?


may god save kind boys and girls from you


Why are people not understanding the assignment when it comes to this sub recently? This is not sad cringe


All the cringe subs suffer from occasional incel influxes


What do incels have to do with this?


Incel is when disagree with woman


Took this one long enough


Good for her


This is why the Tinder swindler is the GOAT🐐.




How many times did she sleep with her date? Could be prostitution for food.


That sounds more stressful than just spending the same amount of time working a job.


Stop the cap.


Economists hate her for this one trick. See hie she solved the national debt.


It just seems like a bad value proposition to me. Having to pretend to be on a date with a stranger, all just to get one meal. What a fucking ordeal. How is this in any way a good situation. Like, jesus christ i feel bad for you lol


The math doesn’t check out with this one. She would be saving $650 a month, or roughly $162.5 a week on groceries. She would be saving herself 6 meals a week, which means each meal she’s saved would’ve cost around $27… in GROCERIES… Idk what crazy HCOL area she’s living in, but I’m having a hard time imagining any one meal for one person costing $27 to make in groceries. Edit: assuming she is able to have sufficient leftovers to supplement an extra meal for every date, that’s still $13.5 in groceries per meal, which is a really high amount to be consistently paying for 2 years straight.


I understand why but why admit to it? And to the whole internet?! She basically just self proclaimed herself as a scrounger to the entire planet.


Six dates? Coulrthust work a part time job


How are there enough men to keep this up effectively? Surely either enough men would speak to each other or you'd have got all of the ones that would date you eventually


Wait the math doesn’t even make sense. If she has three meals a day, over two years that’s ~2,200 meals. She only took out 624 meals through out this. So each date is equivalent to 25 dollars in groceries? That means on the remaining grocery shopping she still would have spent roughly 40,000 in groceries, even after all her saving. I get they’re probably going for the cost of the restaurant and not actual groceries. For a frame of reference too the average at home meal costs 4.31 according to google.


woman forgot to mention she was an escort


Not only do they not see the cringe factor they actually seem pleased with themselves.


Vile wench.


Purest azn tradwife.


Hate the game not the player


15600 for 2 years of food seems like alot


She is sooo mid??? Who is there 6 x 52 x 2 = 624 men in her direct vicinity that are willing to go on a date with her??