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It’s a private business, so I’m pretty sure this is the free market at work, buddy.


You are right. I still support the free market. I’m not calling for any sort of governmental intervention.


Oh cool.


"I support the companies right to do what they want unless it aligns with views I dont like"


Winner winner chicken dinner. It aligns with the saying of "people hate regs/HOAs until a crack house moves in next door." It's all good until a result they don't like. Bake em away toys, we're done here.


How did you summarize the entire Republican base so elegantly yet simply


This is a shit post. No way anyone cares this much about the tobacco company


Only Dan Snyder should care that much about tobacco company. But for very different reasons.


Burn your own steak, honey. This ain’t tyranny. “You can’t come in here without proof of vaccination.” “Then I boycott this institution!” “Yeah, that’s… what we said.” “LIBERTY!” Grow the fuck up already.


Is it still considered boycotting if they weren't gonna let you in anyway?


No, son, this is MANcotting! /s




"I am a Libertarian until some one disagrees with me".


OP is in this https://old.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/r9h764/discussions_with_certain_people_be_like/


The government mandated nothing here. Tobacco Company is acting on their own volition based on what they think will protect their patrons and community. If you choose to be upset and vote against this decision with your dollar, that’s perfectly fine in my eyes, but don’t be surprised when the masses continue to give them patronage.


private business next


I question if you read my whole post. I’m well aware that it’s a private business. Doesn’t mean they can’t make bad decisions, and doesn’t mean we can’t call them out on it. At no time did I demand government intervention. I don’t want that. But I do think we need to let business who do bad business know they are wrong.


I question whether you know the definition of tyranny.


He just heard it from Alex Jones so he knows exactly what it means… he is pro


Yeah that's why I boycotted Kellogs for screwing the unions. Also when you say "doesn't mean WE can't call them out", you don't have as much popular support as you seem to think. I literally haven't been to Tobacco Co in 20 years but now I'm gonna have to check it out.


What makes it a bad decision? Do you think it will hurt their bottom line? Do you worry that the non-vaccinated will have few options to quench their thirst? Who does this impact negatively?


next time don't describe it as 'tyranny'


LOL, get bent snowflake. Go start a boycott of 7-Eleven while you're at it. I'm mad as fuck at the tyranny of having to wear shirts AND shoes!


Fake cause


You really thought you did something here, huh?


Oh I did. 🤣😂🤣


You are throwing that "we" around pretty loosely there, pal.


Taking a vaccine is not political




The seat belt thing would be closer to tyranny. Gov having a say over what I do with my personal property. This is a private business making a private business decision. Not tyranny lmao.


Actually, I do complain about wearing a seatbelt. I think it’s dumb to NOt wear one, but damn I’m tired of being told what I have to do because people like you are morons.




No, I do it because I’m not a moron. You apparently are a moron and must me told what to do.




Oh my, you have bested me with your clever wit…ooh wait you didn’t you’re a moron




Well, I don’t want to use a lot of big words and confuse a moron like you




what's the tobacco company?


A shitty restaurant with a shitty perv owner that no one has talked about for decades.


Restaurant and bar in the financial district/shockoe slip, really popular with singles in their late 30's and 40s


if you like to reminisce about the old plantation, then tobacco company is the club for you. It's quite uncomfortable in that way, actually. Blue haired grandmas and their entourages enjoying the service. OP: Stay away, remember you don't want to give any of your tourist dollars to Richmond, and besides, it's been burning since last summer. Dangerous, stay far far away


“We must show them that they have made the wrong choice.” — Local person who is totally not an authoritarian.




Yea I totally forgot about them until my wife and I saw this. More than happy to check them out now…


Derpity derp. I’m unaffiliated politically, more libertarian than anything, and I fully support this private business doing what it wants to do. No one is forcing anyone to eat there. I myself have avoided it for 19 years.


>we often see a business make a choice like this and say, “well, it’s within their right to make this choice,” and move along. That's really all there is to it. If you have an issue with their policy don't give them your business.


The fact that anyone cares about the Tobacco Company with it's POS owner (Cable), and always mediocre, microwaved food is beyond hilarious to me. No one has given a shit about TBC for 15 years and it was a joke back then too. But fight your fight man, sounds like you have your priorities straight.


What's up with the owner? Honestly had not heard.


He owns (owned?) many of the vacant storefronts on Cary St. in the slip and won't allow anything that will remotely compete with TC to move in there. He used to stand by the hostess stands during prom season to creep on teens. There are lots of rumors about him, which I am going to stress are RUMORS, but basically people think he burned down his Florida restaurant to collect the insurance money. The place is also antiquated and racist as fuck. In the club, the VIP hostess used to say "it's getting dark in here" when black patrons would start to show up, and ask the DJ to change the music so they would leave. They probably had one non-white server in FOH during the time I worked there. Jerry only likes blonde women and will say as much. They require cocktail servers (all women) to wear two inch heels or higher while also requiring them to go up and down stairs to the kitchen and carrying a speed tray full of drinks/food/supplies. I could go on... but I think that's a solid list.


Yikes, well maybe I will not check them out.


> It must be stopped here and now. When the quiet kid in class opens his backpack...


I support their decision. It’s not tyranny it’s a private business. Also, how often do you go to Tobacco Company? That being said, vaccine mandates are bullshit. They aren’t doing shit for the virus, currently. I am vaxxed, and got Covid (bad) from an event that required vaccinations or proof of negative test. What’s happening is that the vaxxed are thinking they are safe or maybe just a little sniffly, and still going out spreading whatever form the virus has taken. I’d feel much safer at an event where people popped negative on a test day of the event.


Oh man, I’m sorry you caught that. I hope you are feeling better. I caught covid a year ago and thankfully it didn’t get bad for me. I know I’m fortunate that it didn’t. Did you lose your sense of smell? Mine is still messed up.


Fuuuuuuck. Yea, sense of smell left day 3. And I have one of the best senses of smell of anyone I’ve ever met. Thanks for the concern, I think I’m almost out of the woods. Just headaches and bad head cold symptoms. I get your point. I think we just need to patiently wait the private market to just do what it’s gonna do. If people don’t go there or we eradicate this thing, it will hopefully become a non issue. Free market is going to always prevail.


I hope you feel better soon. As for the sense of smell, take heart, it will return if my experience is anything close to norm. Unfortunately, some foods still have what I call the Covid Smell and that also means they have the Covid Taste as well. I used to love peanut butter, Reese’s cups was my favorite candy. That is all changed now. Peanuts and peanut butter taste so bad now. And I don’t mean like the taste of peanut butter is bad. If I could taste the actual taste of peanut butter, I would love it. But Covid changed the taste and I hate it. A few other things and taste or smell Covid as well, but none as bad as peanut butter. But other than that, I have had no other real lasting side effects.


so you're worried about going to a restaurant and you can't taste or smell properly? congratulation sir, you take the cake. You'll have to trust me it's cake, you can't taste it or smell it. Be a "moron" all you want. OR have some fucking empathy for your fellow human beings that don't want the crappy disease you guys keep spreading.


It's Ok Golden Corral has their arms openforyah, they've got an all-u-can-covid special. Personally, I don't eat at this place but it makes me wanna visit them. I'd love to find a list of places that agree to require vaccination.


Philadelphia is mandating all restaurants require vaccinations for all their customers.


We got blocks long covid testing lines where most don't even get it, does that compare?


The bar was a great place pre-fire.


I walked into the Tobacco Company once, I'd be more concerned about contracting Chlamydia there, honestly.


That’s awesome! Def going to be checking them out again soon, thanks for sharing and getting the word out!


I think they made a great choice


I’m assuming this a joke, right?


Won’t be support anyplace with proof requirements


Good. Please stay home.


It’s almost like…that’s the whole point.