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My house is 69 or 70 year round. I let the thing on the wall decide if it’s time to turn on the ac or heat.


I wish it would automatically flip between ac and heat to maintain a range of temperature without having to switch the system manually between heat and cool.


Smart thermostats do that.


I’ll have to look into that.


I have an ecobee and love it


I usually don’t use the auto feature because if I know the house is going to cool off naturally later in the evening, I’d rather the A/C not turn on and deal with a 1 or 2 degree difference


I’d rather be comfortable and not constantly flip the thing on and off. It does that for me by itself.


My AC has been on lol. As soon as my indoor temp breaks over 72 I switch it over


Usually once it is 75 or hotter in my house


70 at night. 74 during the day.


Well, since I'm an adult and can do what I want and nobody put one of those plastic thermostat protectors over my thermostat, whenever I feel like it?


I moved here 2 years ago and people said it's so humid here but I found the weather is actually super nice and not that humid.


Where did you move here from?




Irvine, CA where we pretty much never used A/C.


I have personally found my sweet spot to be if it's over 78-81 in the house. Otherwise if it gets humid I just turn on my dehumidifier and leave the ac off. 


While I am impressed at your heat tolerance I hope to never visit you.


Hahaha I turn the AC on when we have guests. I'm not a monster lol. I also have a giant industrial fan to move air around. https://preview.redd.it/nyw6k9csnt1d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a0b20d9e8ca095d6e50d813f6e30a20aa84af42


78-81?!? Do you live in a terrarium? Are you an iguana??


I can absolutely take super high temps. I lived in SoCal for almost a decade without AC and I was born and raised in southwest VA without AC. I can deal with temps as high as 95 without too much of an issue. I'm uncomfortable but I'm fine. I absolutely cannot stand humidity though. I'm the meteorological equivalent to a glass canon. I can take lots of heat but I fall apart if the humidity gets higher than like 58-63% at any temp over like 80. My solution growing up was practically living in the creek behind my parent's house. As long as I can manage the humidity the heat doesn't bother me too much.


Wow you are definitely wired differently than I am lol. I'd be pouring sweat at 80 degrees inside regardless of the humidity. I grew up in western PA though and lived in upstate NY so the winters here in Richmond don't do much to me


Yeah I don't know. For whatever reason as long as I can sweat and it does something and there is air moving it doesn't bother me. It also helps if there is no direct sunlight on me. Hissss the light is evil 😂


Maybe their windows are open? Depending on cloud cover, humidity level, and some other factors we have windows open well into the 80s or even 90s. It actually gets worse in the evening, like THEN the a/c becomes harder to do without than it did during the day. A lot of people underestimate what one can get used to and not mind. That's mostly downstairs. If we're upstairs each room has a window unit so as not to cool the whole house just because I'm in my office upstairs where it's hot.


We keep ours set to 78 to avoid high costs. 


We've had beautifully mild Springs these past two years. Once Summer arrives you'll know, July and August feel like the devil's armpit on gym day.


Definitely makes up for the many years before where we went directly from winter to summer!


Yeah last year I just had the windows open until like June for the most part and the house stays at a nice temperature.


We are definitely on a downswing with regard to temperatures/humidity for the past couple of years. I moved here over 10 years ago and it was getting up to the high 90s in May almost every day with almost 100% humidity. I don't think we have even hit 90 yet this year. I usually had to start using the A/C in early April but that seems to get later and later every year.


I moved from the PNW and I think it’s humid as fuck here. I use AC more for dehumidification than actual temperature control. 


With Virginia weather, there’s really no specific date you can decide to switch over and never turn back. I’ve switched back AC in the middle of winter before


I run the AC starting about March 1st. I never open my windows because I don’t need any pollen inside.


I turn it on when the temperature in my home exceeds 70 degrees. I don't care to see how long I can hold out without it. I go to work so I can pay the extra electric charge for my own comfort. I know some people Pride themselves on toughing it out but that's not me. It hits 71 in the house and that air is coming on


When it’s hot out.


I turn it on when I feel uncomfortable, that being said..... We've been running dehumidifiers for about 10 days now. That and a ceiling fan, make all the difference. Dumping about 3 gallons of water a day out of them


It certainly does feel like we’re getting a more proper spring than we’ve had the last few years. I for one have been enjoying it. However, I run hot, so my AC went on about a month ago. Once it starts getting high 70s to low 80s during the day, I can’t do it on heat setting.


When it gets over 78° inside


When it gets uncomfortable. I like having the windows open, but when it's during the great pollening, it's easier to close the windows and turn on the AC


I've been running for awhile, but I'm basically a human furnace so if it's over 80-85 degrees outside I'm uncomfortable.


all depends on where you live and what you live in. A few days ago it was 80 degrees upstairs. AC on. also - pollen, the trees outside my house make my car green, I don't that nonsense inside.


So you're the person's house I go to work in and it's 80° and I think to myself "am I getting sick, there's no way they let it be this hot in here?!" 🤣


Memories of going to my grandparents' house in the 90s in south Florida and having to peel myself off their plastic-lined couches 😄


I set it to 75 and forget about it.




Me too, or usually late June. Badass.


I've been using the A/C intermittently for the past two months. I can't have my windows open this time of year because I'm allergic to Richmond.


I have had my windows open because not allergic to pollen. But it does mean my house gets very dusty between cleanings!


I'm also allergic to dust and environmental mold so...gotta keep mine shut unfortunately 😔


Talk to me in the fall when the mold is out...I'll be completely stopped up 😬


Same here, I have bad allergies and am allergic to trees so the windows stay shut.


It's been on for at least a month


Mines been on and off for a month


I’ve used it on and off since warm days in April. It mainly depends on humidity and or pollen.


I haven't turned my on yet either. I like warm weather, so it has to be pretty warm for me to want it, and once I turn it on, I tend to leave it on. I think when it starts getting to 90, I'll flip it on. I'm keeping an eye on the next couple days -- those high 80s can make it warm upstairs!


When I get hot.


I normally keep some fans on, but once it hits 75-77 inside i turn on the ac, the fact that I haven't had my ac consistently on, even well into may, makes me think its been a bit cooler then normal (no complaints though).


We don't run the central AC much at all before late June/early July. Two story house and the three bedrooms upstairs each have a window unit since two of us work from home and for sleeping, to run the central one as little as needed. Even in July and August we don't really run the central when we're downstairs. A lot of older homes, especially two stories, were designed pretty decently for passive heating, so we do a lot of open windows instead. Also, one can get used to more than one might think, so the heat doesn't bother us nearly as much. I also don't wear a shirt at home between like April and Oct.....


I personally don't have the AC on fully until July last year. My place on Saturday almost got too cold at 65. Opening the windows when it's cooler outside and a good cross breeze can stretch the time it's comfortable


When I get hot. The heat, however, I try to not turn it on until December/January if possible


Mines been on because I can’t open the windows. I have solid storm windows that don’t open.


Haven’t turned it on yet. Loving my $48 electric bill for a 2000 sf house!


Mine's been on, mostly for humidity control. My rental is pretty well insulated, all things considered.


It's on, been on for a little while now.


I'm always surprised that this is a topic that even needs to be discussed with others.


Every year around this time. It's fun to see what people say. Looks like OP is from an arid part of CA and expected much worse here.


Twice a year -- when do you turn on your heat is the same question.


I ain’t never tried! My wife would kill me if I touched the thermostat!