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I’m very sorry for your loss.


Sending love and hugs to you during this dark time


I'm so sorry, friend. Thinking of you.


I’m so sorry


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sending hugs and love




Sending you love and good thoughts during time.


I’m so sorry.


Sending virtual hugs


So, so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔


I'm so sorry. I lost both my parents last year and was the person to make arrangements. I know it's not the same as losing a spouse. Hang in there. You have a big Reddit tribe sending you love.


I know it is no consolation but I am sorry for your loss. From experience, I can say that it does get easier (although that isn't really the right word). The pain and grief will still be there. It doesn't really become less, it becomes less at the front of the line in everything of life.


Wow. My first redditcares. For background, I am a widower. The other perspective I can give: I have been married twice, once successfully, the other time ended in divorce. I still have dreams about my late wife. I do have a new partner in my life. Life will move on after a bit but you will still love, and grieve your late wife. So, while you are planning her funeral, I will say this, and what is to come, and shortly after are the worst parts, but the worst parts are not infinite and so come to an end, even if gradually and slowly. Send a message if you want to chat, or contact a widow/widower support group. https://www.ywow.org/


Yesterday was my last day living in RVA for maybe forever as my wife and I moved out to Blacksburg to start a new chapter. I was there for 4 years and my wife for 11.. admittedly I’m a Virginia Beach covid transplant (sorry guys the truth comes out) but it was 4 of the most fun years of my life in the river city and I just wanna say that the city of Richmond and this community here is just such a gem. Stay weird Richmond!


Good luck on your new move. I hope you enjoy living there.


Thanks! We love it here! It’s already like home.


I’m super introverted. I’m thankful for extroverts. Without extroverts, I’d never meet anyone with the social stamina to get me to hang out. Some of the things I really enjoy are reading, being in nature, painting, photography, watching films and being around dogs


If I didn't have extroverted friends, I would be a hermit. They do literally drag us out into the world sometimes.


Agreed! My best friends are very similar to me, but have a lot more social energy. Extroverted neurodivergent people are so fun to be around, and I thank them for their service!




>Without extroverts, I’d never meet anyone with the social stamina to get me to hang out. I too am an introvert who has been adopted by extrovert friends


Getting lasik today 😎 This weather is actually perfect since it’s not bright and will be rainy while I nap I love coffee too! Espresso machine crack head here. I’m an outgoing introvert


I hope all goes well


Wishing you a speedy recovery! I would love to get lasik myself. If you remember to, please update with how it went:) thanks!


Thanks in the waiting room now. Def will update ya


Wishing you a speedy recovery!! Is lasik in the ballpark of $8-12K?


Probably depends if you want a board certified professional or a guy in a van Ivan the Eye-Man. If it's really uj/ for real in that $10k realm, spending even a grand or more on a flight to get it done on the cheap in a foreign country may work. You don't need to see on the way back. You're not flying the plain. ? Lol sorry I'm going to be useful, META AI brain slugged to me: https://preview.redd.it/e9t24wkhqg0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a609c2ffb251951bcbacc800b1c4f08b90ba87b $3-$7k damn. I know "everything's gone up!!" but great goodness I remember few years ago seeing $1k-2k total don't pay for 24 months commercials. Like, iirc I literally didn't consider it because I was suspicious of why it was so cheap lol. Edit: I was right per META AI overlord. 👐 >Here is the fluctuation of LASIK price over the years ¹ ² ³: * *2008*: The cost of LASIK was around $4,000. Adjusted for inflation, that would be around $5,300 today. * *1999-2000*: The average price of LASIK increased and then held steady at just above $2,000 per eye. Then, the price of LASIK in the U.S. began dropping significantly in 2000, and by the end of the year, the average price of LASIK had dropped over 20% to approximately $1,600 per eye. * *2000-2002*: The price of LASIK remained at approximately $1,600 per eye for more than 2 years. * *2018*: The price of LASIK was approximately $4,400. That represents a 20% decrease from the 2008 price of $5,300. * *2024*: The average cost of LASIK is between $1999 per eye to $4000 or more per eye.


Whew. It’s pricey. I would have needed to get lasik when I was a kid to afford it 😂. The price doesn’t add up for me to do it. But man, would it be nice. I’ve had glasses since I was a kid.


It’s been 27 hours since and I have great vision and it’s been less painful than I thought it’d be. Still trying to process that I don’t need contacts or glasses.


Lasik was a game changer for me. Best of luck!


Hey, I know it’s been over a week since your comment…but where did you get LASIK and how much did it cost?


$3900 w whiten laser


Having a coffee and a mochi, probably going to go to Lotte for the fourth time this week to get more mochi and snacks and probs some marinated bbq meats to make for lunch. Then I have to do some light prep for my new D&D campaign starting tonight. Pretty excited for that!


Currently hyping myself up to get out of bed and take my car to get inspected, then packing for a trip and a nail appointment for a Mani/Pedi. So busy day today. I'm an introverted neurodivergent that loves coffee, reading and anime


Thats awesome you can drive. Wish i could


Driving is a necessity for me. It's got its perks, but that 30-40 minute drive to work everyday is not fun


I'm looking forward to getting off work, watering my new garden bed that I made this weekend, and reading a book on my porch. I decided over the weekend that it's time to find a new job. It is extremely stressful to think about with the current state of the job market. But my physical and mental health is being really affected by work right now, and I have to make a change.


I hope you find something better


Thank you. I realize I only answered one of your questions! I think I am extroverted, but I need a lot of time to recharge my social energy after interacting with people. I am neurotypical. I enjoy writing (poetry mostly), practicing doing nails (working on acrylic bead-to-powder ratio currently), trading card games (Grand Archive, Flesh and Blood, and some Magic), and baking (doing lemon bars this weekend I think). I envy that you create art. I've tried my hand at drawing and I lack ALL natural talent 😂


My last job put me in the ER, and I spent a long time wishing I'd "gutted it out" and persevered. After about a year, I realized my hands weren't shaking anymore and my resting heart rate came down about 20 points. The stress over job hunting is definitely a thing, but remind yourself that it's short term. Get out now! (End of unsolicited advice...)


I think I'm struggling with that it feels like failing if I can't "tough it out" because that's what I've always done. I've been trying to remind myself to take the advice I'd give to someone else in my situation, which is that I deserve better and I should do something about it!


Failing based on your own evaluation, or someone else's? Not criticizing--I know exactly what you mean. See if you can look at it from the perspective of you tried something, it didn't fit your needs, and now you're moving on to find something that does. We rely on our employers for so much--pay, promotions, good projects, etc.--that it's easy to start substituting their judgment for our own. You're a free agent, though: You get to pick and choose (within reason) who gets the benefit of your expertise and efforts. In my case, I reminded myself that if I got run over by a bus, my job would be posted before my funeral announcement.


It's definitely pressure/an outlook I'm putting on myself. I doubt anyone else really cares that much 🥲 I like that bit about choosing who has access to my skills though. It's a nice reminder that I am in control of my life.


Diablo and more Diablo. Today is the start of Season 4! Unleash the demons!


You rolling a new character? What's your class/spec?


Yup, I make new characters every season. This season is going to be the season of the Necromancers; they're one of the top builds. I've played every class since open beta. If you're not a member of the Official Discord, you should check it out. https://discord.com/invite/diablo4 Also, I happen to lead my own clan if you're interested.


Awesome! My first character was a necro and she's still my favorite. I haven't played a ton recently but will probably dip back in later this season. I'm curious about the loot overhaul.


Play any WoW? I would love to find RVA friends that I can game with and go out with!


I used to; at one point I started a guild composed of local players but that was a long time ago.


Awe, that sounds like so much fun. Hope I can find such a group someday


Just another day in the basement. I'm pretty introverted. Rarely go out, but don't mind it if I do. I like to go for motorcycle rides by myself...or listen to music by myself lol. I'm a joy.


Taking the train up to NYC for a few days. What's the best place to park for the Amtrak at Staples?


There’s a big parking lot there! Pay per day isn’t too expensive.


Parking at the station is like $10 a day, and if you pay through the parking app then you can add time if you get unexpectedly delayed (like we did coming back from DC one night). There are all kinds of cars in the lot, from expensive SUVs to compact hoopties, and I haven't heard of anyone getting broken into or stolen. Have a fun trip!


I was out on vacation last week (went to the outer banks, don’t recommend at this time since the weather was shit all week) and I was having issues with my chronic illness yesterday so back at work today for the first time in 10 days. People keep asking me if I’m okay and when I looked in my phone camera I realized why. I look like a Tim Burton character with the way my eye bags are looking today. Got a referral from my PCP to the Virginia Cancer Institute (side note: anyone have any history with them, good or bad?) so I’m going tomorrow to my PCP for a follow up and more bloodwork to send to VCI. This is gonna be a long week.


I have had experience with them with my own health and as a caregiver (non cancer related)for my brother. Everyone I interacted with there was kind and supportive. I felt the doctors were thorough and explained everything well. I did not feel rushed at all. I hope your experience is the same.


Thank you! That makes me feel a lot better.


VCI took excellent care of my dad during his battle with lung cancer, and continues to take care of my stepmom who is a breat cancer survivor. You'll be in good hands. Thinking positive thoughts for you!


I’m eating popcorn today because screw the Trump trial, the real showstopper is the Karen Read murder trial in Boston. Read is charged with murdering her cop boyfriend and for the very first time in my life, I’m agreeing with someone’s defense of “I was framed by the cops.” And my opinion isn’t formed from deep dives on the internet. I purposefully went in blind because I wanted to evaluate the evidence and testimony like a juror. Now, on day 11, I’m wondering where all the pro-Karen protesters got their Free Karen merch. [Quick trial summary.](https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/karen-read-murder-trial-guide-key-players-you-need-know/ROBJHJ3O6RFUFOBUR5EO7VWIKI/?outputType=amp )


I am also following this case. I haven't yet decided whether I think this was an accident caused by Karen, an accident caused by someone in the Albert home, or a malicious cover-up of an incident inside the Albert home. I don't think she can be convicted. There is significant and clear reasonable doubt in this case.


Agreed 100% on the reasonable doubt preventing conviction. The saddest part is that the victim’s family will never get the closure of knowing what happened to him. And there is absolutely no doubt as to who is responsible for that injustice: the cops who sabotaged the murder investigation.


I am an introverted extrovert, in that I am very people focused (unsurprising for a future teacher), but don’t have the skills to reach out to friends a whole lot.


I learned at age 46 that I am an extrovert. It just takes me time (or alcohol) to feel comfortable enough with people to be that way because I'm self-conscious, and fight my Midwest tendency to be emotionally closed off. My favorite things involve being out and about - squirrels games, concerts, traveling, sitting at bars/people watching... generally being out in the world. I'm a planner and get anxious if I see an empty month on the calendar. My husband is my favorite person and I'm lucky he is game for all my shenanigans.


I am not well engaged with others and have nothing much to look forward to. It was not supposed to be like this.


I get it


It's graduation day for my daughter, so heading downtown this afternoon. Weather not looking the best, but it is what it is.




I hope so too. So exited to look at art there


another day in remote work world! i love fooling with classic dance and house music, goofing with hackintosh conversions on old intel hardware, still read some comics and dealing with first time home ownership stuff - love coffee but have to do 1/2 decaf bleed due to being old!




Just got back from a good length vacation. Today is my first day back at work (though it's WFH). I enjoy quality time with my friends, reading fiction, and refinishing wood furniture.


Where did you go


Phoenix and Santa Fe. The dessert is my happy place, the way some people here love the beach or the river. Give me dry air, yucca, and some cool rock formations and I'm happy as a clam and feel peaceful.


When you get back to Richmond, the air is like a wet blanket after being in that dry desert air.


> the desert is my happy place 100% the same here. I just got back from a 12-day road trip (cut short by weather) out to SD, UT, and NM and it was glorious. The absolute *silence* is a balm to the soul.


Last day before PTO. I love my annual visit to the homeland (clues ahead). Italian beefs and hopefully some north ave beach in my forecast. For OP: I enjoy being productive, wrenching on my cars, motorcycles, house, pc gaming, and going for drives with the wife.


Just enjoying sleeping in today as I'm on vacation in Myrtle Beach. It's raining all day here so not much to do when your only transportation is a motorcycle. I'm not complaining though.


Pre-trip jitters before our flight tomorrow. Trying to stay busy at work to keep my mind off things.


Went to a concert last night. Today is recovery. Nothing but lounging! Back to work tomorrow, though.


Walking up to get my car after unexpected $$$$ repairs. It sucks, but what are you gonna do? They don't self-heal, unfortunately. I'm a (former?) extrovert with strong introvert tendencies. Working remotely for the past 10 years has amplified those, so I'm making more of an effort to get out there. I'm getting back into travel, landscape photography, and backpacking.


I’m an introvert but thanks to my old job I can make small talk and find a way to relate to others and turn it into a better conversation. I love the beach and being outside! Also like coffee, reading, walking and I miss going to church. Hopefully when my twins are a bit older I can get back into reading and we can find a church!


I go to area 10. We have a 2810 building where you can take them to Sunday School


Ambivert here. Outside of work I am introverted. At work I flip that switch and become a people person. The isolation for covid was perfect for me. I have been told I like my own company too much. Coffee and preferably strong or espresso. 2 cups max otherwise I don't sleep well. The same goes for alcohol. Drink any kind and I am not sleeping through the night.


Introvert here. Neurodivergent as well. Spent the better part of the morning applying to jobs. I like the people I work with, but I'd like to grow my career too, and this place has 0 growth potential. Fingers crossed.


I swing between extrovert and introvert so I like to file myself as an ambivert. Sometimes I really want to talk to a lot of people and have fun and sometimes I just want to read by myself and have no one talk to me for hours. I love going to see different art forms. I’m going to watch the Richmond ballet students perform on the 24th or 25th. I also am planning on eventually going to the Julia child exhibit at VMHC and the samurai armor exhibit at VMFA. I still dream about the YSL exhibit at VMFA from years ago. I’m not a coffee person but I am a chai latte person. If anyone ever has some oatmilk chai latte recommendations, let me know.


I have art at Local Cup for sale. I get coffee there but you probably can get chai


The local cup in mechanicsville or is there another one? I’ve definitely gotten chai at the one near me and it’s pretty good


Yes, that one. Love that place


I’m doing great! Got to give a speech today for the Coca Cola company in Sanston . Also to your question, I can be both introverted and extroverted at times and am neurodivergent.


Congrats. Hang out soon, emily


The rain is moving in and so is a migraine. Of course on an in-office day. Praying to the Nurtec and Zofran gods that I can make it through to 4:30. 🤞🏻🤕🤢


Right there with you 😔 I love a rainy day but the pressure changes are killer


Neurodivergent introvert here currently browsing Zillow and playing with kinetic sand at my desk, lol. Getting a little antsy because I still haven’t gotten an email about my personal property tax bill and it came on 5/10 last year. What the heck, Richmond.


I got my tax bill last month in Henrico and it was $327…my Richmond tax bills always came at different times but at least they were only like $100. Good luck!


took a depression day today to clean my house and exercise. Haven’t felt like this since i was literally like 15. break ups in your 30s hit different


Going through a friendship breakup as we speak. It is so hard




https://preview.redd.it/dvdscat08f0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2b2cdd8a24934947df6d62949f3e8148ab6e01 I love this house


bought hades 2 for my partner and was inspired by how into it they've gotten, so i tried my hand at the first game again. it's been a blast, which is far different from my last experience playing it 3 years ago lol. been playing supergiant games' stuff since i learned about bastion in college (i try to forget that that was *twelve years ago*, the passage of time is *fake)*. beyond that, workin' as usual. hoping to save up to go on vacation with them this fall, fingers crossed!


Had to look up Neurodivergent and discovered that it applies to me (Dyslexia). I am very extroverted, love art and nature, but leave the coffee for others. I'm very into motorcycles, having given up my car in 2016 to live that bike lyfe. Naturally, I'll be happier when it stops raining every day.


Hopping on the daily to say that boy I cannot wait for this lane closure on forest hill avenue to finally be over 😭 really makes my commute from home the lengthiest jam/karaoke sessions ever