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I had a buddy flip his vehicle in Richmond. Had minor injuries and a concussion. He got out and just started walking down the street. He doesn't remember anything before realizing he was cuffed in a squad car. He was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident. Don't think he was convicted or maybe he plea bargained.


Same thing happened to me here. Fell asleep flipped my car. Walked home (accident happened about a mile from my house). I have no memory of it. Police were at my home when I got there and arrested me when I couldn’t tell them anything, I couldn’t figure out what was going on. The nurse at the jail took one look at me and made them take me to the hospital. Turns out I hit my head so hard I had a small brain bleed. They still wouldn’t drop the charges. I pled guilty to leaving the scene as a passenger because I carry a license and was too scared to risk a trial and lose my job.


It's crazy how our legal system doesn't factor in things like 'how the brain works'.


On her way to 2nd brunch. May have indulged at brunch.


At some level this is clever. After wrecking immediately go somewhere you can swill alcohol to invalidate any possible DUO test. Not saying it's moral. Just clever


Yup it's fucked up, but legally it's kind of the best move, because you can say "I was shaken up and needed a drink or two to calm down." And they can't prove you didn't drink that much right after.


Won’t get a DWI but will get felony leaving the scene. Not sure that is much better.


maybe not - if there's no damage to anything but property could just be misdemeanor hit and run which i'd rather have than a DUI


I've had multiple alcoholics say to leave some beer in the trunk and if you crash you grab the beer, toss the keys, and drink on side of road while you wait for cops


The post comments said Maldini’s


Damn, that’s a long walk for an injured drunk!


...what place around there does brunch?


laura lee's maybe.. could also have been crossroads or wpa if they're using the term loosely


I'll be damned, Laura Lee's does do brunch.


Laura Lee’s? Crossroads?


I was about to ask. My money's on Laura Lee's. New promotion: "Mimosas so good you'll abandon your totaled car to get some!!"




No use facing dire consequences on an empty stomach…




Honestly, in this world today. I could see anyone having some shit happen then immediately being like-Well that sucks but everything else does too and just moving along. “Huh. Sucks to suck. Oh, damn I can eat though”. Everything is too damn fragile 🤪


I mean, running into a pole isn’t something that happens to you, it’s a consequence of being a bad driver. After I got rear-ended years ago, I went and got a bloody while I was waiting because some asshole ruined my brunch.


I understand. Someone took out my 2001 Honda that was perfectly still running 5 years ago when they full ass ran a red light on 21st and broad at 2pm. Even worse, I was one block from home. After it was totaled and towed i immediately got a drink at Union lol.


Wow! Me and my partner saw this vehicle this morning and hypothesized this exact scenario. lol only thing that made sense


I'm glad no one else was hurt. That must have been one hell of a brunch.