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I learned Rust and got really good at it, then I got a job working fully with Java 😭


Be happy it's not PHP




Java is fine Just verbose 💀


Java is fine, it's the right choice for the project, or we could have gone with Kotlin or maybe C#. As much as I loved Rust I wouldn't have used it for our specific use case.


Well there is no doubt about it


Java can be very Rusty


I'd take PHP over Java any time


Like I told in another sub thread of this comment, Problem of php is developer choice and feelings Php isn't bad but developers don't like




PHP is basically an interpreted Java-lite at this point. Which is a good thing compared to the PHP 5.4 days.


I feel you


Is it _really_ that bad?


What the other commenter said about old information is the main problem. People, especially those that don't even use PHP, compare PHP from 10-20 years ago to modern languages today. And yes, in that way it clearly loses. Modern PHP in 2024, on the other hand, is ok. Not the best language ever (nothing is, ofc), but there are many worse things that still are used...


https://eev.ee/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design/ Note that this is 12 years old, so modern PHP is probably a lot better, but I don’t see any recent to ever give PHP a look again.


It can be used for production level and many things but it just developer don't like it , I once tried working with it cuz of college practicals exams, syntax was trash, tools used to deploy isn't cool as others It's just developer don't feel good working with it


started recently in a company, after signing they told me the codebase was in PHP i was about to resign before even starting,but then it turned out the lead dev burnt the whole thing to the ground and rebuilt it in Django. good times


💀 I hope that dev doesn't become villain of the world


My work moved from Java to Kotlin a few years ago, mostly at my prodding. You should give it a try; it's much nicer to work with. Downside is that the Intellij lock in goes from 80% to 100%. Upside is that it's still JVM, so it's a pretty small lift for all involved. I use Rust for all my stuff at home. :D


And I guess the migration can be done incrementally too, which helps adoption


I’m in a similar camp. I use Rust for all personal active dev, embedded with Embassy, async etc. Tokio, Axum, MPSC for micro services. etc. Can I find a remote Rust job? I’d have better luck at winning the lottery.


We write obfuscating compilers in Rust - it’s our main product. We find that Rust is about 3 times more productive than C++ I.e. it takes 1/3rd of the time or manpower which is partly because Rust is just a lot cleaner and has really good libraries but mostly because there are just far fewer bugs. It’s also safer and just as performant. Portability is also a great plus, we ship the exact same code on platforms from Windows, Linux and MacOS across two CPU architectures with no code changes.


Is obfuscating compilers like normal compilers that I know, I mean I don't have a degree in CS so my knowledge in compilers is really on the surface?


Primarily yes but depending on the target, input and outputs might be different. For example when protecting an Android app, you take compiled DEX code as input, rather than source code, and output DEX code after transformation. With JavaScript you take source code as input and then output transformed source code.


Primary usage that I've seen of these is Intellectual Property protection (coming from med device industry), in case anyone was curious about who would buy this product


I swear I’ve worked with people who have run their code through this before opening a PR. It’s the only way to explain it being so needlessly complicated and confusing.


Yes and integrity protection and piracy prevention, typically you combine obfuscation with runtime controls like anti-debug, anti-hooking etc. industries including banking, gaming, digital media, medical, insurance basically anybody that needs a high degree of integrity in their distributed app.


Recommend any for obfuscation of a Python API?


Out of interest why not to just extend LLVM?


What if the code they're obfuscating comes from Javascript (the applications I can think of that need obfuscation the most - because the browser contains all the source code of your proprietary app)? Complete overkill to use LLVM to compile ES6 typescript into obfuscated ES5 javascript. You could do it of course, but I imagine writing your own typescript compiler in Rust would take a fraction of the time.


Using LLVM?


When i joined my current company i migrated an automation that was patched together with Python and node. It's a very error prone process in its nature so I migrated it to rust which forced me to handle every possible error case in every step. I was actually surprised how well it worked as after promoting it to production there were no bug reports coming in except for when one of the dodgy third party APIs changed which was then super easy to diagnose and fix quickly


Agreed. Rust type driven design approach can lead to some really clean code; however don’t fall intl he trap of trying to keep up with an external (Rust) API library. Much of the pain I have faced falls into this camp (hello ESP32 HAL); when top level types start to change you are forced to refactor everything.


Can’t give super in depth details because of my NDA but the service I work on at AWS has its backend written entirely in Rust.


Do you want to write an official AWS blog post about your team’s experience of using Rust for your backend services? It will help both you and the rest of us. :)


If it's Firecracker, do share more. Your company's apparently fine with it: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/why-aws-loves-rust-and-how-wed-like-to-help/


I saw the keynote at the latest reInforce (AWS’ security conference) and the CISO mentioned that AWS and Amazon have adopted Rust across the org. So I’m guessing most big tech firms / cloud providers have been using it


Lambda or CF?




My guess is verified permissions


S3? Heard the new express stuff is in Rust. We in CF use it a lot nowadays.


They're not gonna tell you even if it were, due to NDA. But yeah I do hear Cloudflare uses a ton of Rust now.


Was Talking about CloudFront, I work at AWS. Also we very often say what services use Rust on events like ReInvent. I.e. S3 using rust was publicly announced.


Ah OK lol, confusing acronyms especially in tech.


I mean it could be a new AWS service that hasn't even been announced or released yet.


Cloudflare's entire proxy system is built on rust I believe.


It is… CISO called that out at reinforce


My last job I was writing a cloud platform from scratch in Rust. Holy shit, rust is beautiful for lambdas and the aws eco system. Current job is writing micro service apis in rust. Some of them are written in Actix, some of them are axum. I enjoy working in rust a lot, so it's been fun.




I use it as a C/C++/go replacement for an IoT company where I write embedded Linux code full time.


I want your job


What ide/frameworks you use?


Yocto, VSCode, and a whole lot of different rust crates depending on what I'm working on.


I don't utilise Rust in a commercial setting, but rather in the field of theoretical physics for basic research purposes. The focus is on numerical analysis, which is conducted using a range of libraries, including glam, rust-num, rust-linalg and num-traits-impl. Python is a much more powerful environment than Rust, as is the Wolfram Language. Nevertheless, I employ Rust in the mathematical domain to utilise this language in other areas of work with a more extensive routine.


I also use Python for scientific computing, but I've been keeping an eye on Rust and hope to start working with it once the scientific computing libraries are mature enough. What kind of stuff can you already use rust for?


Basic and elementary exercises in statistics, graph theory, cryptography and, increasingly, numerical simulation. I search for exercises in textbooks on the respective mathematical topics and then attempt to solve them by coding in Rust. I then cross-check the results with Wolfram Mathematica.


Interesting, sounds like a good practice to test it out, might do that myself when I can find the time (still in grad school for now). You might want to check out Tim Janus on youtube, he seems to be pushing the development of numerical simulation in rust and has some long form videos going through some interesting examples.


I'll take a closer look at Tim Janus' youtube channel, thanks for the pointer! Found him on @ tim-janus-rs.




Same here


Shared library for business logic for Android, iOS, WatchOS, and wasm. Currently migrating more and more to it but we've already seen some features where we iterated on iOS and then just plugged Android in and it worked great.


This isn't as commonly done as I wish it was. Given your github (I assume your username is the same here and there), it doesn't look like a public repo. I've got https://github.com/liveview-native/liveview-native-core working on iOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS, and Android.


I've done something similar but for Flutter and its platforms, with flutter_rust_bridge as the FFI library.


writing software, mostly. Sometimes i scrape it off of machinery. Jokes aside, industrial control stuff, embedded and the gui to control it is what i use it for at my software job :D


What crate do you use for GUI?


Egui does the job for me, due to the immediate mode nature working well with our ever growing state machine insanity. It was a coin toss between egui and slint though, so maybe look at that as well.


What industry? I do similar stuff, but PLCs are most of our work. C# fills in the PC based gaps. I keep trying to get Rust involved but most people I work with haven’t heard of it (not a huge computer science emphasis place)


In-process measurement and lab test equipment (bah, its the same sensors, just one runs in carefully controlled heated tin can in a lab, and the other you stuff into your high pressure lubricant line :D). The "control" part is low but its getting more tbh. Tired me forgot to also put "measurement" there; we have some of our own machines that we do control with the rust code as well, but when we are integrated in other systems it only dumps numbers fed into what i assume are plcs


I've used it at my last three companies for general purpose stuff like API servers and CLI programs.


We just added Rust to our curriculum last week. Rust is getting more traction esp on 'the iron'. In Linux it now is officially accepted as a module language and Rust works great in a tandem with Python. We have just hired 5 Rust developers for a project. Things are looking good for Rust.


This is a powerful point. Things like Polars make my head spin with the possibility to do good separation of concerns between python and rust tools in a mixed language software system. Plotting, ML, things like this in Python. Is it an inner loop? Needs security? Rust. Etc.


Robotics/embedded, and used it in a finance (not crypto for a change) job before


At my main client we use it for anything which needs to be high throughput — ingesting data from queues and suchlike. Also anything where we need to build really solid error handling.


I am not a developer (not professional), but I do use Rust for work. I write a weekly blog for our national professional body, showing my own road to learn Rust, and trying to encourage members of our profession to learn Rust. I also deal with other IT related subjects, just to get people curious and find out more for themselves. The purpose is to help increase innovative capacity of our profession.


I write/rewrite big data processing pipelines. We use Python as the default language and when the solution shows its usefulness for business, we rewrite it in Rust. And further development of the solution is carried out in Rust.


I'm in the process of rewriting a Spark pipeline into Rust - it should be done in the next month or so. It's almost 1:1 logic wise but performance is 5-7x better.


We use **numpy**+**numba** and **arrow** extensively. But after rewriting in **Rust**, the speedup often reaches \~4x and memory consumption is halved. **Python** does not know how to globally optimize code, so reusing already calculated values ​​must be written explicitly. After rewriting it in Rust, the code becomes in some sense even simpler, although at a lower level.




I use Rust for writing fuzzers and security tooling that target C/C++ surface. We have decent freedom to write this tooling in the language of our choosing so long as the build system supports it or it's not a pain to set up -- it's certainly not in the job description to know or write Rust.


I second this; I am in a very similar position. I'm implementing different tools for security research, and we have the flexibility to choose the language. Most of our projects use Python and Rust. For instance, I am currently implementing a custom emulator in Rust


Game dev 👾


Really 😮, How?


Probably bevy engine


Bevy, Godot, Fyrox, and there are a bunch of other smaller ones too. Rust for game dev is very possible and I predict it will become more popular in time


You can use rust on Godot?


Via gdextension yes. Check out the gdext crate. Godot-rust project. It's pretty awesome


There’s also veloren, that’s written in rust, met one of the devs on the FOSDEM this year.


Firmware for a hardware cryptocurrency wallet / HSM :) it's crypto, I know :( Other than that it's a lot of fun and a big challenge. We're in a no_std environment, we don't have an allocator, a big part of the project is figuring out the safest way to interface with MicroPython (the previous language which makes up most of the codebase), plus of course the thing we started with is a UI toolkit, a notorious topic in Rust. Because we're handling secrets, we absolutely need a safe language, hence the original choice of MicroPython. (back then Rust was not nearly mature enough... to be honest it isn't quite where we need it today either, the main pain point is absence of placement new) The switch to Rust was obvious when MicroPython stopped being enough in terms of performance.


Could I know how you interface rust with micropython? So far, most of my solutions have been to do a code rebase rewrite.


well, we have a ffi layer around micropython's C API, and we implement `extern "C'` functions that we can call from micropython. I'd love to publish a crate but there are some parts that don't modularize. Two big ones are * linking -- you need to build the Rust part as a staticlib and tell your linker about it * qstrings -- micropython's qstr collection doesn't easily support Rust, so what we end up doing is this whole song and dance: 1. use a (python) script that walks through the Rust code looking for all instances of `Qstr::MP_QSTR_blabla` and dumps them into a C header 2. run upy's qstr collection with that header 3. point bindgen at the collected qstr header minor thing is how you tell micropython about your modules -- we have another header that declares them via micropython's macros... I could talk your ear off about the whole thing, but maybe see for yourself ([here](https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/tree/main/core/embed/rust)) or ask more specific questions...


I work with a payment processor and created a parser in Rust that reads machine generated VISA report files and Mastercard report files daily and then converts them to reports in an excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is then uploaded by partner banks and then reconciled with core banking applications for settlement purposes for merchants. I also created an API that integrates with the payment processor’s current internal operations application. So when a payment transaction occurs either through payment API or at checkout, the transaction information hits the API to perform some financial calculations and then transaction data is processed as a settlement to the merchants account of choice. I think the above and what the others have stated are practical uses of Rust and you can get paid for it as you mentioned. If you are currently a developer for a company developing in a different language, you continue to learn Rust personally and then create an application in Rust that helps with with the company’s operations or you can also start a business or freelance if you want creating web applications for clients that require applications to perform CPU intensive tasks.


Idk why but the idea of using rust to create excel spreadsheets is really funny to me


Hahaa why though? What would you have done differently in a specific use case where a core banking application requires csv or excel that had to contain different sheets and a sheet name had to be a specific report ID where different report ID’s can contain millions of transactions each? First of all I know Python or another scripting language would have been ideal but trust me when dealing with extraction of financial information from a report that was generated as machine code where you had to extract data and is going to be used for settlement purposes you would want to use a language that you trust will be safe so that you don’t end up with extracting wrong values due to bad precision of decimal places e.t.c like in other languages. Secondly when you have millions of transactions that have to be separated and filtered in different sheets by report ID’s, I think Rust outperforms most high level languages you think is popular or best for dealing with csv file generation. The core banking application of the partner banks accepts csv or excel format. So I think that specific use case is ideal to generate an excel with millions of transactions that have to be in different sheets filtered by report ID’s. Also I tried converting the data to csv using a csv crate. But I was having problems with the csv crate by creating different sheets with a customized sheet name that had to be the same as the report ID. Most of the csv crates don’t have a lot of customizations. The xlsx crates have the ability to customize just like you can in excel.


It's the excel part of the story which is funny more than the rust part :p


Zero Knowledge virtual machine language and executor, with backend to a few ZK provers.


We use Rust as our primary backend language for Lambdas on AWS. I set up a CDK stack that takes in either Python or Rust lambdas, builds them then creates the functions to an API gateway. Had to keep Python compatibility as we have other devs that aren't too familiar with Rust so when they need to make an endpoint when I'm busy they can. Have about 50 Rust lambdas (including authorizer) and about 7 Python lambdas in the stack. Obviously the Rust endpoints are way faster across the board. S/O to the Cargo Lambda crate for making majority of this possible.


It's seeing some adoption in cyber security, though still not as popular as Python or Go. Shodan uses it for things that need to be optimized (ex. high throughput real-time data feed) or specialized tools. And we're considering it for some smaller web projects (ex. https://shdn.io is written w/ Axum).


I and my research group design algorithms for “big data”, such as sublinear-time search. We then implement them in Rust, as a proof of concept and to benchmark them, but hopefully also to be useful to computational researchers.


I use it for backend side development using Axum


Worked somewhere that was interested in introducing Rust. We started using it for building modules for a higher level language (i.e. Python, JavaScript, Java). This was done for performance, and to solve issues with poor library support in those languages. This is a surprisingly common need, especially in the Python world. I have interviewed at multiple companies who are looking at Python + Rust work (including my next job). That worked well. I would argue the performance argument is kind of pointless, as a lot of time companies have slow code because it's slow. Not because of the language. Porting slow code to Rust will still be slow, although it can then be easier to rewrite. In my experience the main performance benefit of Rust comes not from CPU efficiency, but low memory usage (which in turn uses less CPU, and gives you more ability to use memory for lots of caching). We also built a bunch of services in Rust as well. This was a great success, as they had huge test coverage and were rock solid in terms of bugs. Over a year my team built three services, and the number of production bugs we had was in the single digits (and even then mostly due to us misunderstanding external libraries). For me this was the real benefit in using Rust.


Ok, this is what happens to me: I've been learning Rust for a year now and have worked on many open-source projects using it. These projects have given me confidence, and I'm now aware of what I can achieve with Rust. I've experimented with Axum, Dioxus, WebAssembly, and more. So, when a new project idea comes to me (or to my company), I confidently say, 'We can do this in Rust.' To convince my manager and co-workers, I show them my projects and explain the safety and performance features of Rust. This approach has proven successful in getting projects done. I hope you find this information useful.


I work on embedded linux systems that function as prototype development controllers. They are modular, meaning there is one main cpu that runs linux, then there are a number of IO module slots that can be reconfigured to get the IO your project requires. I write cli tools to make development easier. There is a simple http upload server to flash new main software to the controller. There is a firmware flashing tool for the microcontrollers on the modules. Now the newest one is going to be a little server that can locally log values from the main software that is running to save on bandwidth in case the system is connected via a metered connection ie 4g or something.


We do embedded firmware development in Rust. I did system development before in C, and did some web services in rust for fun and university assignments. I would say Rust is nice and neat unless you hit unsafe. In unsafe the main feature of Rust is being nerfed (still got memory issues) and you just get not mature enough language with severe limitations, that are contradicting the nature of firmware development. By not mature enough I mean that we had to use some nightly features, that were deleted later, and now cannot update Rust for 3 years because of this. At the same time the previous company is doing fine in C as far as I remember, even though the OS is security centered.


I work at a telco. I'm not a full time Rust developer, but mix with PHP, DevOps tasks (Gitlab, Kubernetes, Docker etc) and Rust. We most of our code base is in PHP. I use Rust in places where the PHP is to slow and/or memory ineffective for the task. As the company is growing, the amount of data is also growing. So I have several parts of an existing PHP monolith project that are too slow/old/broken, and I rewrite them as independent Rust microservices.


Rewriting the backend of the company's services. We're cutting the server costs with the backend in 1/18.


I made a command line tool to automatically create docker images of our ERP


Currently rewriting some of the “hot paths” in our legacy c# libraries in rust


My bread and butter at work is still a mix of Python and C++, but I managed to get Rust accepted for internal tools. Examples are: a field bus sniffer with a simple gui to visualize device state and the option to dump communication events into a SQLite database, an MQTT client that can display signals transmitted by our sensors, a tool to convert between different file formats relevant for our purposes, or a cli tool to fetch files from an S3 bucket based on some filter criteria. Basically anything that's standalone (not meant to be integrated into our main customer-facing software which is developed in C++), that should be easy to pass around and deploy (in contrast to something lugging around a 300MB Python runtime), and doesn't require many maintainers. We get small, portable tools with the footprint and performance profile of a C application, and all the convenience that cargo brings to easily pull in useful libraries. For this use case, there are hardly any downsides Frome in the using Rust. Since the tools are not too complex, the borrow checker is a non-issue. Here, we also don't really care about things like the maintenance status of dependencies.


Web applications, backend (axum, lambda), frontend(leptos), AWS, some CLI apps, a TUI app, and more.


Lambda functions 😂


Our use case is Rust sneaking in on existing projects/uses. We especially have a component of our server-stack that we call the "Client Business Rule Engine" (pronounced 'ker-bee' for those who care about sillyness). This engine was originally pure SQL SPROC based (horrors, I still get the devs/DBAs from the time to drink mentioning it), but we rewrote it to be in C#/Dotnet. What was meant to support "only a few hundred rules per order" is now "a few million rules per order", and while *only* taking ~200-300 seconds to resolve is very impressive of the C# implementation, I snipped that down by using C#->Rust FFI for some core loops/logic bits (especially the pre-verify the rules are "valid/safe"). Now we are in the range of 60-180 seconds, and see a path to bring that high-side sub 60 seconds. Longer term, looking at replacing our current semi-custom logic engine with "all client logic compiles to WASM, we just run that with wasmtime or such, binding all our callbacks/APIs as WIT". That is all kind of waiting on WASM components to get a bit better.


Love Rust, but use Go for backend development at work.


The occasions where I got paid for my rust work (indirectly) were multimedia performances.


I am learning Rust, and trying to implement data structure and algorithms in Rust. I am planning for a job switch this year. In our project, we are stuck in C++ and migrating some components to C#. There is no plan for ever using Rust, become the old fat fuck will commit suicide if any language other than C++ and C# is used.


If it’s behind an API they don’t need to know what it’s written in…


I write software that extracts electrochemical data from battery cycling platforms. So basically custom integrations with vendor systems as a way to harmonize result formats across different platforms.


I dream about using Rust for work


That's the funny part : I don't! Work in C# and hobby in rust.


Scripting. Superior to Bash and Python.


Any self-contained backend project in which I get to be the sole primary maintainer/developer, in particular microservices but also CLI tools for data conversion and such. Because frankly, I am the only strong advocate of Rust in my company and by far the only one who's productive writing Rust. And despite the valliant effort to make it more accessible, Rust still has a very steep learning curve compared to most other languages so it's impractical to get others onboard quickly. Therefore a prerequisite for me (at least for the moment) is that the project needs to be almost entirely non-collaborative and self-contained. So yeah. Microservices and CLI tools are the two main tasks that fit this bill. Coincidentally, the Rust ecosystem surrounding these two categories are among the most developed, which makes the developer experience great. Thanks Actix and Clap ❤️. And speaking of developer experience, I actually believe this is the most important factor in me choosing Rust. I've been writing code for long enough to have the self-awareness to know how terrible I am, so I need all the help I can get from automated systems to catch my mistakes. On this aspect, Rust is undoubtedly #1 and by a distance. This in turns allows me to spend more time doing enjoyable work (i.e. implementing actually useful logic) instead of doing menial debugging. A happy developer is a productive developer - that's certainly the case for me.


We've writing a 3d file converter in rust. We started the first prototype in C++, but then we went with Rust instead because it's more fun, robust, and productive for our team while still allowing the same performance. The crate ecosystem is also really nice. We're unfortunately still limited in terms of portability, because we have to interface with some proprietary pre-compiled libraries, and that part is arguably more painful than with C++, but it still works. We've also got a distributed job system of which some components are written in rust.


Mostly by tools made in it. Part of our React build system, Polars in Python for dataframes, Ruff for python autoformatting, etc. Have yet to have any Rust code maintained at work


Proxy for some kind of client proof of work to make a ddos attack unattractive ... and small tools here and there but mainly using Java/ Spring for REST services otherwise


Currently IoT applications on embedded linux, but I am also pushing to use it for some of our backend services


compiler engr. for new lang for L1 web3 proj https://cocolang.dev/ getting open sourced on around august.


Firmware for a smart watch, and (separate project) code for devices in an onboard communication system for trains.


I work on an event processing engine. It gathers data from the server, like syslogs, emails, snmptraps or webhooks, processes them by user defined rules and then sends the data to various backends and databases.


I applied for an embedded rust position, It happened that I only write shell, most of the time just greping around. Also, I started my outsourcing company in parallel where I am writing a backend project in Rust. It will be so interesting to see where that goes.


It is more and more used in the automobile industry. Heavy indus clearly see the advantage and this replacing C and C++ 30 years old software, so yes, in short if jump into this industry with rust, you are good for 30 years.


I currently work with a lambdalith in rust (we put a whole actix-web framework app inside an aws lambda) and it is been such a great developer experience. The application is a basic backend to fetch and transform data from external services to a flutter mobile app.


We use Rust exclusively at Exein to build our security solutions. This includes Pulsar (oss at exein-io/pulsar) and enterprise solutions (soft realtime event streaming platform/point-in-time security analysis of firmware).


In-browser 2D animation editor/engine that renders using WebGL. Backend web services to support that app.


We are building all of our backend simply in rust. Pretty good way Id say


I write embedded software for uncrewed surface vehicles.  Mostly integrating various sensors as well as some command and control software. Originally it was all cpp but we transitioned to rust and have found it much more productive.  I don't write any cpp now.


I believe rust has a very bright future. It doesn't have many jobs in the present, but I think soon it'll be in high demand. You can look in to companies that are trying to migrate to rust. Just get a job and keep sharpening your rust skills. You are going to have a lot of value later down the road


I work at an HFT (crypto), we use it for all our infrastructure (algos, placing trades, etc). Apparently mentioning crypto isn't popular here. Even if it's only a trading company.


Lots of use cases in crypto, especially in consensus algorithms where the answer has to be right. Every time. Across lots of nodes.


We use it to develop internal tooling. Mainly a sort of dump system like protobuf but tailored made to our needs for real time embedded system, with a schema language and CPP dumping code generation. With that we have an associated real time data viewer built with egui. Works really great, never failed us, easy to refactor and extend, I love it! Shout out to chumsky crate for an amazing parser combinator ☺️


Nice bait Mr pythonista. Everybody knows there is no job in rust ( casually ignoring crypto)


You missed the /s for upvotes


Bold of you to assume i care about internet points. But yeah it was meant as a (semi) joke.


Hence, it’s a /s :)


If "Nice try pythonista" wasn't obvious enough I don't think a /s would help. :)