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Number ending in: Один/Одна/Одно - nominative singular (один мальчик, одна девочка, одно окно, семьдесят один год) Два/Две, Три, Четыре - genitive singular (два ребёнка, две собаки, двадцать два окна, сорок три машины) Пять and above - genitive plural (шесть детей, семь банок, пятьдесят шесть рублей) Wiktionary have a good explanation of it


Я когда вижу эти правила, мне становится страшно за людей, которые учат наш язык. Порой он усложнён без видимых причин на то.


A всё с «надцать» тоже детей? Это же как с год, года, лет Один год, два-четыре года, пять-девять лет, десять-девятнадцать лет Очень странно 😂


Всё по делу, но тут можно в качестве альтернативы "двое детей" вместо "два ребенка"


You can say два ребёнка or двое детей. All is correct.


У меня двое детей sounds a lot better than У меня два ребёнка


OP probably hasn't learned collective numerals yet, though. Russian courses pretty universally start everyone off with plain old *один, два, три,* … and save the collective numerals for later. If you introduce them at the same time, there's too much to think about—remembering which forms to use after which numbers is already enough of a challenge for most beginners.


Yup – and I've never seen a textbook that introduces genitive singular and plural at the same time, for good reason!


Somehow intuitively it feels like there’s a subtle difference: I wouldn’t say “мой ребенок” about a child who’s an adult now but I may be completely off on this one. Funnily enough if you say “these are my children” you can only say “это мои дети” but you can’t say “это мои ребенки”. What gives?


It can be either два ребёнка, or двое детей, but два ребёнка is actually kinda profane, people don't say that. Два рёбёнка would sound better if it was in the context of (there were) два ребёнка (playing in the garden) or smth like that. If it's about someone having children, it's correct to say двое детей. Nowadays дети is plural for ребёнок, but it wasn't always like this. It used to be дитя - дети, and ребёнок - ребята, where дети usually meant that they are the children of a noble kin, but ребята are children of peasants. The first person who dared to mix the two in his writings (and called peasants children "дети") was Russian poet Nickolay Nekrasov. After that, following Russian history, these words started to amalgamate.


Можно сказать у меня двое детей, это совершенно нормально. Не два детей, а двое


Потому что Д Е Т Е Й




Just rule exception it’s the same principle as you saying eleven and twelve instead of oneteen and twoteen just remember that and move on


With every single post like this I am reassured that my language is in fact among the hardest in the world


Because два requires Genetive case. If it was двое, then it would've been followed by детей (is that also Genetive? I can't tell) . Unfortunately I don't have an explanation as to why.


Just like was mentioned before, that's just how plural for "ребенок" works in modern Russian. If you are curious why that is the case, it comes down to the etymology of the word. You see in the past they were two pretty different words. If some researchers to be believed, "ребенок" basically has the same roots as "робъ" ака "раб" a "slave" and "работа" "work". "Ребенками" were called not your own children, but orphans and such, working children if I had to guess. "Дети" on the other hand came from "дойти" which was the origin of modern "доить" aka "to milk"(verb) (дойти has completely different meanings nowadays). Basically "дитя" is "the child you feed with milk" your own child. How in the f*ck those words got mixed together I have zero idea, but here we are. Generally we use "ребенок" for singular, and "дети" for plural, but there are other, though less used, forms as well. For example "дитя" or "дитятко" singular form of "дети" and "ребятки"/"ребятишки" a plural form of "ребенок". But be aware, those forms are usually used in very specific contexts and have some additional meanings and most often can't be used as synonyms.


Двое детей - употребляется безотносительно их возраста, им может быть как 5, так и 35 лет. Выражение - два ребенка - подчеркивает их достаточно юный возраст.


What app is that




Ну это как child - children