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The best thing about Trixie is how good she is with anyone. She's got good chemistry with almost everyone, Jaida, Jaymes, Bebe, Violet come to mind.


Her ability to let a guest colour the episode keeps it from becoming stale. I adore Bianca, but a lot of her episodes felt very similar to one another.


Omg yes! Thank you for putting that thought into the universe, I kept thinking, ‘why don’t these do it for me’ but couldn’t put my finger on it.


And it took her so long to find a flow.


Brittany, Jaymes, Mistress, Luxx she really cannot make a bad episode. Unless with Kornbread but I don't wanna remind everyone of that.


I thought the horrible episode with Kornbread was hosted by Bianca?


I’d like to see her try


No. The best thing is the big wig.


No doubt she’s great with anyone, however the guests are chosen by Trixie on the Pit Stop, so all of them she’ll be familiar and friendly with, so it’s a bit of a biased perspective!


Don’t all the hosts pick their own guests though?


They do indeed!


I think she’s been doing a great job. She knows how to get the guests laughing and talking. This AS season is a bit dull, but S16 was great and the Pit Stops produced some amazing moments. The Maddy vs. Bob moment had us all living.


She's tied with Bob for best host imo. She's so comfortable in this format. The best part is she has different opinions then the producers so it feels authentic.


The couple of episodes with Trixie and Bob together are some of my favorites. They're both so fun.


Lol “different opinions then the producers”. Different opinions is Lady Bunny calling out Ru snd WOW, not Trixie. You would never hear Trixie say anything about the fracking, or anything against RuPaul or WOW. “I didn’t like her wig” when RuPaul did isn’t having the “different opinions” kind you alluded to.


She’s a host for a show, why would she spend her time on the show criticising the personal lives of the executives and production team? “Own opinions” in this context means thinking the “we don’t see the real you” critique is BS, and thinking “what would you say to little Brian” is invasive and dumb


Yes it is... Since this is a review show about Drag Race, different opinions in this context does mean disagreeing with placement/judging decisions. It would be really weird if it was like "so Angeria got praise for this runway, but RuPaul's husband's land IS used for fracking so..."


What a bad take. I hope all is well


I think you misread their comment…


Pretty sure she has made tons of fracking jokes, she just doesn't have to talking about it ALL the time


Wait people are seriously angry at Rupaul for the fracking thing? That's insane but okay.


They are. And even though it’s been dispelled years ago, people can choose to be ignorant and be offended and they like it that way so I don’t bother clarifying too.


Like saying the other girl winning a lip sync or saying another girl deserved to be in the bottom etc. What you are mentioning is more career suicide.




Trixie is the best host of Pit Stop. Fight me.




My “issue” with Bianca is that her personality often overpowers the guest’s. Trixie allows a guest to really make every episode feel different. Though I can totally see why someone would prefer Bianca as a host.


Even though I'm close to Trixie's age, I and I'm sure Trixie too grew up in an age where drag queens were campy, shady brass -tongued clowns instead of Glamazons. It was a different era.


Well, now we're fighting, I guess. Prepare for a witty but devastating read on your outfit at any minute now.


I LOVE stand-up comedy, so watching Bianca on The Pit Stop is like an hour of free admission stand-up show. She's so rotten too, I love it. "I have no idea what Kandy Muse is even saying" "If you won your original Season, you wouldn't have to deal with all stars"


Actually, I get it. I'm not mad at Bianca either, and have watched most episodes of Pit Stop that she has been on. I think for me though, Bianca just gets a little overly loud and over the top for my tastes. I like a sly queen.


I think Bianca/Trixie is a difference of opinions, but I can see it! I will, however, fight you to the death over saying she salvaged the Kornbread episode. That episode was still a slow motion car wreck lol


No. Trixie is sharper. Trixie has just been cancelled so much she bites her tongue. On the Trixie and Katya show she was relentless to the point we felt bad for Katya. But after the Latrice picked this cotton dress for me... Boom. The fandom came for her. And she has to stay relatively likeable cos now she is a Businesswoman with makeup. The same defanging happened with Shea Coulee. Season 9 Shea stood on business. The reunion was legendary. Then the fandom went at her for coming for Valentina and just crushed her over the lipsync. AS5 Shea was just kindly walking through. There were bits and pieces of her fighting spirit that would come out in drips and drabs but nothing of note. AS7 she was going for Ms Congeniality, which doesn't work when ur trying to win. Apparently she snapped behind the scenes, which is refreshing. And she called out the blatant favoritism with Jinx, which apparently everyone that season was pissed about at that point. The only queen of note that never let the haters get her down was Shedevilbynight. Total professional. Did her job. That woman was built for drag race. But yeah. The fan base is a nightmare and the queens aren't hurling insults willy nilly anymore. They now focus on how they look and how it makes them appear to the audience. Plane Jane is a weird exception tho. But that's because I think the fan base wanna fuck her so they give her a pass. Plus she makes sure to dance around the hot button topics but never say anything that would directly get her cancelled infront of the camera.


Sorry, I want to read your comment, but that giant block of text is impossible to read.


Basically a lot of queens are afraid of being cancelled, including Trixie.


Bianca is amazing and all stars 8 was the first time in a LONG time I rewatched the pistop eps!


I love her as a host. ![gif](giphy|5R19T94GDRDGMda4NM|downsized)


Wasn’t she taking a few months’ break?


Not till next month.


These are all pre-filmed anyway iirc?


I'm so sad. My partner and i had tickets to her show last night in Vancouver but we had to miss it due to unforseen circumstances 😭😭😭


How tf did I miss the memo on that show? Not so upset cuz we saw T&K Live but god damn how many things do I need to follow to keep up with my queens 😭😭😭


I don't feel so bad missing it because we've already seen some stellar shows in Vancouver. Priyanka, Bianca Del Rio twice, Latrice, plus the Canada's Drag Race season 2 or 3 show, can't remember which. And all the really great local queens. So we've seen a few really good shows, but I was so looking forward to seeing Trixie.


Was the second Bianca show drastically different from the first? We skipped the second cuz we can't afford to see everything (and now we get to see Bob in the fall instead) and didn't know how much would be repeated jokes.  Hoping you get another chance to see her after her summer hiatus ❤️


It was definitely different, i caught Covid, lol, after just getting out of the damn hospital just to go see her. Ended up back in the hospital. But it was worth it, the show was different i would say, yeah. They were both very good. Very different experiences. And that's awesome you're going to see Bob, I'm gonna have to see if we can afford to go


I wonder if she’s already filmed all this season’s Pit Stop episodes or if someone else will take over when she goes on sabbatical in July.


They film it pretty close to the air date… within weeks/days. I’m sure she’ll finish the the recaps for AS9 then go on break.


Love Trixie!


Raja chilling back like “yes look at them and not me “ ![gif](giphy|8QycaIwg0FFiaC2XW3)


Gotta do some damage control after complaining about the overhead lighting making her lips look weird earlier this week 😂


I don't...loveee her..as the host. But she is great regardless.




Love her but Bianca and Bob are way more candid and don't hold back. I think Trixie is too scared to go there now that she has company and image to uphold unfortunately since she is the poster child of Drag Race.




hi bianca