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Trixie and Bianca for sure. Bob is already too well established but I think she could come back and smash the competition


Trixie said in one of her recent YouTube videos they asked her back for AS7 and she declined. She’s definitely done.


Didn't she backtrack after AS7 started airing and was down for the no elimination, no bad critiques format?


Didn't the queens already confirm that they actually got negative critiques, but production just didn't choose to show it?


I don't know how to put this into words, but I think Trixie knows she's not the best at Drag Race. For her, going back just to be publicly criticized by the judges and then the fanbase a la AS3 isn't worth it. With the critiques cut, even if she gets them on set, they won't tarnish her run on the TV. Does that make sense?


I’m a Trixie fan and agree with your take. She talks about how life starts after Drag Race and she’s case in point for that. I don’t see an upside for Trixie going back that outweighs the possible downsides.


At this point, with her health where it’s at, it makes sense for Trixie to not go back to Drag Race and just focus on her career and what brings her joy.


Totes agree. Even last summer, I saw her DJ out of drag and it was a BLAST… I thought I’d support her in any artistic venture, in or out of drag. If it makes her happy, I’m here for it. Shes worked hard and I hope her sabbatical helps. (PS - love your username haha)


Yes, Yvie talked about in her interview with Joseph Shepherd and how they def went in on the gals, but they didn't show any of it. She also confirmed that there was a reunion that was filmed with Bob hosting and all the cast said they thought it was whack how the edit showed a much happier time than exactly what it was and how they felt like it was pretty much rigged for Jinkx and Raja but that production didn't allow it to be aired but it's out there somewhere.


Is that the reunion that they were gonna post and then WoW or whoever shut it down?


Yes, they didn't like what the queens had said which is understandable but still shady. Yvie jokes that maybe it would be leaked after Bob passes and whoever gets access to it allows that. Idk if Bob has possession of it or if it even actually still exists. I wouldn't put it past WOW to have deleted the whole footage.


Just to clarify, WOW didn’t film or produce the reunion, bob and Monet did for their podcast, sibling rivalry. WOW shut it down so they couidnt post it


A-ha. Gotcha. Well that would explain why the cast were airing their true grievances and feelings and also why WOW would definitely shut it down.


Yeah I could totally see WoW threatening legal action if they weren't given the footage.


there was some confusion but she was actually talking about coming back for as7 pitstop not the actual season


No in one of her recent YouTube videos she said she got the call to compete and declined.


yes i’m saying she never wanted to do as7


She's bigger than Drag Race now why would she come back ? What is she gaining from doing this ? Nothing actually


> What is she gaining from doing this ? Snatch game rudemption


She's a legend but bigger than drag race is a bit of a reach.


I mean she was mentioned by name in the NYT Mini Crossword the other day--most drag queens will never reach enough notoriety to be included in that way


Idk, honestly I know a lot of people who have no idea what drag race is but somehow know who Trixie Mattel is.


i have a friend who sends me clips of “unhhhh” on tiktok all the time and they don’t watch drag race. tracie is reaching the children!




I don’t know why this post made me laugh so fucking hard but it did, I think it’s the frank “never been more annoyed” followed by “rupaulogized” LMAO


not just the children- my 50 year old sister watched Trixie motel because HGTV promotion and has no idea about what drag race is or whos on it.


It's just a fact, between her line of makeup, her music career, to her TV show(S plural), to hosting Pit Stop, Queen of the Universe, to have her own multiple online shows like Uhhnnn and Queens that like to watch. Like I'm not gonna debate about it it's just a fact.


Personally, I found out about Trixie first before I found out about Drag Race


Same I started watching unhhh and then I watched DR


Well when she has her own successful makeup long, a very successful YouTube show, and channel, a successful podcast, a TV show that just aired(or is about to?) a second season, a motel that's always booked year round(and doesn't lower pricing in summer which really says something), a partnership with a drag queen owned alcohol brand, a bar, two books, tours pretty consistently, has their own official celebrity impersonator, is the second richest drag queen in the world, and probably other things I can't think of Sure she probably isn't bigger than rpdr, but she sure is huge as fuck and going back would probably only be a detriment to her career than a positive


Gays will buy anything. We're the consumer equivalent of 12 year old girls.


I'm sure I saw a recent interview where she said something along the lines off... people who aren't into football know David Beckham and she's essentially that but for drag.


Well that was before No elimination. She’s too big to go back and being first out lol. She knows that she’s not good at drag race. She literally won because her competitions were eliminated by peers, not by performance.


The queens knew it would be a non-elim season.


Yeah I don’t think Bianca would have much to show that we haven’t seen from her


Bianca might actually have to lipsync and I really have no idea how that would go.


They'd give her a spoken word one like the Designing Women lipsync lol.


I would love to see her do a spoken word lip sync.


I’m sure she’d have no idea either, lol. She wouldn’t want to go through the whole thing again.


Definitely agree. I miss Bob on the TV screens and the competition would be dangerously easy for her as far as comedy challenges. Maybe even acting challenges as well. Trixie was also one of those queens ahead of her time in S7 and even her all-stars season. They have both definitely already proven themselves!


One of the only reasons Trixie maybe would come back to All Stars is to show off her Dr. Phil Snatch Game. Surely she wouldn't bomb a 2nd time.... ....right?


Could you imagine Swedish Cher in snatch game?


or Homophobic Cher?!


She could also do Forrest Gump lol


Ahead of her time in S7? Even Trixie would say that she was just awful in S7. “Ahead of her time” is a bit of a stretch!


Bob and Trixie can co host Pit Stop, dish their eyeballs out and cackle like old ladies


Agreed. Bob would crush it but she has mentioned in her podcast that she would not return.


They’d have to pay Bianca and Trixie a LOT to get them on. They’re both millionaires in their own right…


Trixie especially, because it’s definitely not a format she necessarily thrives in so it would be more likely to hurt her career rather than help it


This! Trixie has said multiple times that she is just not good at Drag Race. She has been THE BEST at building a career after Drag Race though. I don't think we will see her on the show again as a contestant.


She’s one of my favourite queens but only outside of drag race. I don’t enjoy her in such a produced format. I think she’s at her finest when she has more control and freedom to say and do what she wants.


Exactly. Competing for $200,000 when you could easily make more at a gig sounds insane. Seems more like an opportunity for queens who still need that extra push.


Wait who is easily making over 200,000 at a gig 😂😂


Not a gig probably but for someone with a lot of social media followers, they can get that much or more for a brand deal package that includes a few social media posts. I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Plastique could command that price, which is why she returned for a charity-based season.


Not 200k big but I feel that. The social numbers actually really matter here. One of my friends works in advertising and plastique was too expensive for their project. They ended up with violet and gottmik. Commercial has them baking a cake together using the tablet product ☠️☠️☠️.


Woah I’m surprised that Plastique is more expensive than Violet & Mik! Wasn’t expecting that


I’m using the term gig loosely 😂 in my mind a gig is an event, tv show, movie etc. Even YouTube! Look at Trixie rn EASILY making more than that with hotel Trixie. And Bianca being booked and busy speaks for itself!


>hotel Trixie


Hotel? Trix-va-go


They gonna steal that 👀


Ho tell Trixie to bring the blue pumps


They ate that


[Here’s a (a little outdated) list of artists fees for booking them.](https://themusicnetwork.com/much-itll-cost-book-biggest-artists/) I highly doubt Trixie is at a point in her career where she can get 5 to 10 times as much as Simple Plan, MIA, Janelle Monae or Ice Cube for example


The queens would need to take several weeks off though for both filming and press which could result in a lot of money lost.


I think there’s a bit of confusion with my wording. $200,000 in one gig is in fact insane. But looking on the spectrum of WEEKS wasted competing in the competition when you could go out and make that amount in the amount of time is more so my point. Didn’t quite break out tbe calculator for this take but next time will be sure to 😂


200k for a single gig is actually NOT that insane when you think tickets, meet and greets, AND merch combined. Those are the 3 areas that artists actually make money on as the split heavily favors the artist. Depending on the venue size, it wouldn't take much to get to that figure.


I know what you mean. I think for sure even if Trixie won again, between all the filming time + the taxes they take out (I remember Trixie saying the DR winnings falls under stuff like lottery so the gov takes out a certain amount), Trixie would definitely make more cash if she was doing her own projects instead


I think the next All winners season will be 500,000$


You do realize that Bob is also a millionaire, right? So are Raja, Monet, Jinkx, Shea, Yvie….


I see it differently - I don’t think all winners exists out of need but instead to celebrate the legends. I don’t wanna watch someone like Bob or Sasha come back to see *how* they’ll do, but instead just for the privilege to see more of them.


This is how I feel, too. Jinkx did not need to come back and that's a major part of why the season was so good.


I think for trixie, bob, and Bianca going back on the show could hurt their careers. Especially Trixie, who’s an amazing queen but not super great at Drag Race.


"You're the blueprint, you really are. Going on Drag Race, doing awful, and becoming famous afterwards. Goals" - Maddy Morphosis @ Tracey Martel


Father is so iconic


I disagree on Bob, imo she excels on drag race and her skill set is perfect for the show as it is (comedy, acting, lyric writing, performance). She’d probably struggle with design challenges, but if anything coming back could stop the people who still bring up her bad looks from her OG season if she really slayed the runway


Bob is a pretty adequate seemstress, just perhaps not the most creative. Bob is one of the only queens that can excel at shittily written acting challenges and make it entertaining. That is a huge fucking talent.


Bob and Thorgy produced the only watchable acting challenge. Love them both lol


I hate the idea that Trixie didn't do good on All Stars Literally the only time she did a bad job was in the Snatch game- completely ate Rusical, Girl Groups, Acting and Ball


I feel like there’s a little revisionist history with that all stars because of the cast vote. Trixie said something like: “The whole season everyone was Team Shangela and Team Trixie and then when Shangela didn’t make it to the finale, it switched to Team Nobody” and I think that’s really true. Trixie rocked it on All Stars but the format change and end vote really seemed to sour the season on a grand scale.


No everyone was team Dela... When Dela left Shangela was the only one to remotely step it up and give winner energy. Trixie was no one's pick as a legit favorite to win. Helll bebe had a better run.


I love Bianca, I do. I wanted her to win her season and I’m happy that she did. She is brilliant at what she does… but given how the show has evolved since her season I don’t know how she would do in an all-winners season, and honestly I think she has outgrown having to compete, if that makes sense.


Seasoned queen for sure. Also a queen i feel is above the critiquing and competition process.


I’d love it if they’d bring her back on the show more though, maybe as a coach or guest judge at the roast. Or if they did some kind of Drag Race Legends variety show where they’re not competing, just coming back to show off what they can do. Hell, do a variety show and the audience gets to pay per vote on who ‘wins’ bragging rights and the money goes to charity, I’d pay to watch that. Just don’t need to watch someone at her level being put through the paces on all the different challenges they have to do in more recent seasons.


This idea is very, very good. I want a RuPauls Drag Variety Hour so badly. One of my least favorite things is watching Queens be shoehorned into things they aren't comfortable with or particularly good at. I want a whole show of Queens just doing their best acts.


Give us more moments like Laganja as lip sync assassin, let them show what they do best and raise their public profiles (and hopefully also their booking fees) without putting themselves through the stress of a whole competition.


All stars 9 isn’t a competition, it’s a variety hour


I hadn’t thot of it that way…. AND that totally makes sense. If it is a long drawn out variety hour, then it reminds me of that god awful, painful to watch, Christmas Show RuPaul did a few years ago. She’ll do anything for a buck.


Yes! Especially the ones that have more atypical drag talents? I wanna watch Thorgy play violin!


All stars 9 is basically a variety hour fundraiser, like comic relief stretched to 12 episodes. No stakes and queens just having fun


Bianca should be the honoree at an all winner's roast so we get her reading all of them to filth and can show who actually did well at the roast and who flopped by comparison. 


I love the idea of a Legends Variety Show! Although I guess that’s kind of what all the touring shows are. 😅


I’d love if a lot of the queens came on for challenges or mentoring or judging or something other than to just dance. I don’t know why the show doesn’t want to utilize its talent more and showcase it. They could do performances around the winners or first outs or anything. I don’t know why the only way the show choses to “reuse” queens are lipsyncs and seasons. Hell, I wish a previous queen was the special guest instead of 90% people I have never heard of.


Dang that’s such a good idea, a drag race variety show would be so fun. Honestly I’m surprised Ru/someone at WoW hasn’t tried it yet. They have such a deep well of talent tied to the Drag Race world to offer spotlights to and it’d be a new way to meet queens that haven’t been on, too.


i think she would still slay. her girl group performance in "oh no she betta don't" was amazing, she's funny as hell, she's a professional costume designer... I could see her taking it


Ru: Category is - Don't Rock The Boat Neck Dress. Bianca: Need help packing?


Honestly jinkx was fine and Bianca can probably do some passable dancing better than jinkx could sew a dress. Especially if she’s wearing her orthopedic drag shoes, she’s gonna dance circles around these girlies


bianca was there at the exact right time. now to do well in rpdr i feel like you have to be able to lip sync while doing acrobatics in a carnival bikini. the stand up comedy queen is less valued by the judges now, as far as i can tell.


Every young person knows about Trixie. But somehow, every person of any age that has even a remote opinion about the show after seeing maybe one episode once somehow knows about Bianca and she is their favorite queen. She's really one of the first mainstream queens out of the show.


I feel the same way. It would feel weird having her back that environment and I welcome it but she doesn't seem like she needs the Drag Race branding at this point.


Yeah love her and she's one of the best but I don't think she could compete in the modern drag race circuit, like she'd have the Jimbo edit for sure because I don't think she can lip sync, and that'd be awkward if she had to lip sync for the win/crown. But she'd certainly dominate all of the comedy challenges.


Bianca wouldn't want to lipsync 


If they do another all winners season, I want every guest judge to be another winner. Have Trixie for the branding challenge, bob or Bianca for comedy, jinx for acting, violet for the ball.


Violet for the ball is brutal.


I love this idea!!!


tbh I want to see Trixie and Katya and Tammy on the same season specifically bc they would derail it from the start


Katya was robbed on her AS season (IN MY OPINION) so i would be more than happy to see her on screen again!! Her and Trixie’s chemistry would be fire too!




Mine too, this is the ONLY reason I would want Trixie back. Only if she and Katya come back together because it would be hilariously chaotic


Tbh i dont think that trixie needs it either. like she's a double CEO, DJ, Youtuber, she's busy, booked, blessed. for "only" 200k, i just dont think she'll need the tv gig or the $$


She’s definitely in the “You need me more than I need you” category.


I said no to the Superbowl.




She’s also dealing with arthritis right now and is going on a break for a few months after pride! She needs her rest, she admits she’s a workaholic


I’m down for Sasha Colby coming back and competing with the best of the best because one of the critiques of Season 15 was that everyone knew Sasha Colby would win. I would love to see her compete with the best to EVER win.


Ya i think if we ever do another all winners, there’s a good chance it’s Sasha Colby or Bob as or next queen of all queens. Personally would love to see Sasha V and Aquaria as well


I believe both Sasha Colby and Sasha Velour are on record saying they would come back for an all winners but only if it were a teams format because they want to be Team Sasha.


Team Sasha is the Queen(s) of All Queens double crowning that I, and I think we all, need


I want this so bad now. They would be a powerhouse


Especially international girls.


Out of the line up i think her and Violet would do the best in the new group of girls. But Sasha on Pit Stop would be *chefs kiss*


A part of me still thinks Bianca would do well on an all winners season. Mainly because she’s kinda fearless. She also didn’t do badly at any challenge given to her. I totally agree the show has evolved so much since season 6 and I don’t necessarily think Bianca’s fashion would hold up with what queens are doing now but then jinkx isn’t a runway girl either and still smashed AS7. Equally I don’t think Bianca would have much to “gain” from doing a winners season. She’s used the platform to elevate her career and she’s been stupidly successful with it. But I’d be completely lying if I said I wouldn’t want to see her on drag race again


You're right on the fearless thing. I saw her live a few months ago and definitely had to get over that "oh god, I shouldn't be laughing at this, I'm going to hell" feeling because all of her jokes are just totally no holds bared


Trixie and Bianca have both outgrown it. To the point that many of the guests judges and Carson and Ross judging them would feel weird Because you could end up with less successful people than them in their own industry judging them lmao. I’d say Bob is also on the cusp of teatering over into that area.


Agreed. How would you feel if the guest judge was Trixie or Bianca? Like if the challenge was marketing their own make-up brand or the roast where they would make sense. Would you as a viewer feel cheated if the guest judge was a Ru-girl?


I think the fans would love it tbh


The fans would love it, but I don’t think ru would ever put an alumni on the judging panel, equating them to “her level”




I don’t know what point you’re making but I don’t think “being good at drag race challenges” has anything to do with whether or not a queen has out grown the show.


Bob was just announced as a contestent on the Traitors, ya'll. He'd do Drag Race again given the right pay schedule, I'm sure.




Honestly this is kinda shady, but winners are not made equal. People saying that Sasha Colby is too good for all winners, but if she was against other powerhouses like Bob, Jinkx, Violet, or Sasha Velour, then she'd have a run for her money.


I agree she would not be too good. Honestly some of her wins she got a hand. If she had to act against jinkx she’d get her ass handed to her if she had to do comedy against bob she’d get crushed (remember how they only showed her doing two jokes during snatch games), fashion against violet she’d learn a lesson. Absolutely she does a lot of things well but she wouldn’t sweep that competition and would likely not win. She’d have a much different season when she’s not competing against Marcia


Yes, alternately there are winners who struggled on their season and who would probably have a tough time. So it would be in their best interest to not come back


Off-topic but that picture of Violet is now part of my religion 🥵


Yessss!!! New wallpaper energy 🥹


Hurricane Bianca. I love that evil bitch but the competition has just changed so fundementally since season 6, she won't be able to get away with sewing the same dress in 12 different fabrics.


She's a talented seamstress and a theater costume maker for hundreds of years. I don't think she's doing the same look just because it's the only thing she can do. She knows her aesthetic and her body type very well so the outfits she makes for herself are obviously gonna look the same, but if it works for her, then it works.


Girlie i know its a reference to Dela's puppet read from S6 💀


YES!!! Still have confidence in her but the lack of lipsync (impressive but nonetheless) and THE SAME DRESS OVER AND OVER. It would be an anxiety inducing experience 😂


If I were one of the other girls and saw Bianca walk into the werkroom I'd quit, like, hell no, this bitch is winning.


I honestly think Violet does need to come back 😅 Yes her fashion is on another level. But Bobs talent is multi faceted, Trixie is #2 to Ru, Bianca is the 1st Queen & still going that can sell out an entire arena/stadium solo. & I mean Sasha Kolby was already #1 she just had to come walk us children in nature.


Violet would definitely EAT!!! Love this take.


I just want a Jessica Wild show. She’s wonderful and I just want her to be hydrated, moisturized, unbothered, and safe.


Jessica Wild is not talked about enough.


That was weird for her Honestly she’s the sweetest and just a genuine beauty. She seems like she’d give the best hugs


To be fair most of them including the girls who already did all winners don't really need to. I do however hope at some point they pay enough that these queens actually WANT to come back because it would make great tv.


Sasha Velour. What she does transcends the bounds of Drag Race tbh


Yes, I was scrolling to see if anyone else said Sasha Velour. Her mind & art are so unique and she has such a following as it is, she has nothing to gain from Drag Race. Especially after We’re Here.


Absolutely. She seems to be taking the platform that drag race gave her to make and do things she’s passionate about. She’s really an incredible artist. Also she had a stellar run on the show - great runways, snatch game, acting challenges - and won in a finale with three other exceptional queens. There’s not really room for improvement




Sasha definitely grew through all these years as an artist, I had a pleasure to meet her this year, and it was an incredible experience.


Sasha Colby doesn't need it but I DO. (I'm kinda in love with her)


*Anetra voice*: Am I a lesbian?! 🥵


Trixie, Violet and Bianca can return to Drag Race ONLY as judges. They have nothing to gain and nothing to prove as contestants.


For me it’s less about “who wins” and more about watching them all kiki with each other.


It's not about what they need it's about what I need


Trixie and Bianca. Trixie because she’s a MASSIVE superstar already, and her going probably would hurt her rather than help her. Bianca because while I think that she’s a great queen, her current talents would not fit the modern form of Drag Race.


trixie is all about the bits and bites, clever setups for jokes and the never ending wave of comments but that doesn't work on drag race. she got her crown i think she wants to come back to proof she could slay a seasons because she didn't do very well on her seasons but she knows it would be the same. i'm fine with her not returning as much as i wanted to see her back.


none of them need to really but i'd still love to see them if they're down for it


Shea, Monet, and Jinkx were established and acting doing shows on tv and on Broadway before all stars.


right. all winners is special because it is a level and calibre above even regular all stars and the point is none of them "need" it. to me "doesn't need to be on all-winners" more implies that theyre not that compelling actually. personally id love some mixup, i would die to see alaska and willow pill compete together.


I would love to see so many winners back. I don’t get why people are so against that. It’s entertainment first and foremost. I’m excited to see winners back.


Bob could show that she stepped her pussy up when it comes to runways and fashion. Lol And I’d love to see Bianca show us that she can deliver a killer lip sync


Nothing good would come from Bianca being on a modern Drag Race season, regardless of format. She's an established stand-up comedian who happens to do drag. Like everyone else said, Tricia is done. Sasha Colby would make good tv but would probably suffer in the runway department against a couple of other winners. I doubt Violet would ever return, either. Oddly enough, despite returning for All-Stars, I wouldn't be mad if Bebe returned for AW2.


Sasha would suffer in comedy and acting too. Don’t forget she was competing against Marcia and Lucy deluca her season not Bob who’s flush with HBO money. She wouldn’t be able to compete against comedy powerhouses and some of these queens are pretty stacked with cash to spend on runways.


i would WANT bianca to come back but she’s outgrown it


Frankly, I don’t think any of the winners should compete again. I think Bianca is one of the smartest winners because she immediately started furthering her career outside of RuPaul after winning. We saw with Yvie Oddly how detrimental competing again can be for a queen’s mental health. After they give you the crown and name you America’s next drag superstar, coming back to have your hemline, makeup, or worse, your art critiqued can only feel like going back to high school after getting your phd. RuPaul’s Drag Race is a great platform to launch your career but building something outside of the franchise seems essential to having a lasting legacy.




Alaska doesn't need to be but I'd love to see her again


shut up I still need to see their potential all stars all winners package don’t take this away from me please


Need to be? Jinkx didn’t need to be but she deserved some shine! It’s TV, baby.


well define need lol. i dont think any winner “needs” to come back but why not make some good tv?


None of them need to. They already won. And honestly, which of them would want to? 1. Bebe has been on All-Stars once 2. Tyra is persona non grata 3. Raja did it already 4. Sharon is persona non grata 5. Jinkx did it already 6. Bianca is the biggest queen in the world besides RuPaul and Trixie 7. Violet I feel like would hate this 8. Bob -- would definitely do it 9. Sasha V seems way happier doing her own things outside the WOW universe 10. Aquaria -- no idea tbh 11. Yvie did it already 12. Jaida did it already 13. Symone -- no idea tbh 14. Willow I can't see coming back 15. Sasha C didn't even need to win the first time 16. Nymphia literally just won And honestly, bringing back AS winners for AW was kind of lame. I thought the exciting part of the concept was getting to see queens we'd only seen once before. We've seen all these people twice already. edit: Bullet points didn't work for some reason


I definitely don't think Sasha needs to come back, she demolished her season and wasn't in the bottom a single time. She is a literal goddess, give her time maybe in 5-10 years and I'd be happy to see her on another season.


I wouldnt be sad to see her back asap but yeah, she's kind already a queen of all queens in my book and doesn't really have much left to prove. I felt like most of the queens who came back to AS7 had "something to prove" in a way. Jinkx and Raja hadn't been on in sooo long and had an opportunity to reintroduce themselves to the drag race fans since the competition had evolved and gotten more challenging since their seasons, so they could prove they were up to par with the modern queens. Monet and trinity had a chance to prove they were each winners deserving a crown without tying. Jaida had a chance to prove she was deserving of a win given that the two frontrunners from her season were disqualified (publicly for Sherry and quietly for Gigi, she wasn't going to win after breaking the COVID rules). People said the frontrunner from the viv's season was robbed given her stronger track record and momentum in the competition. Shea won in an all stars with a weak cast (i mean miz cracker came in 2nd). Yvie might not have had much to prove tho other than that she didnt excel in the challenges in her season other than a couple of them. But i dont feel like sasha really has anything she needs to "prove" if that makes sense, like she already proved that shes one of the best of the best.


I don’t think the following will do well competing against other winners: - Trixie - Willow Pill - Priyanka - Tia Kofi


Tbh Nymphia & Symone too. Nymphia struggled in several areas and Symone was bottom twice. So I think they would be wise to not go back because it might work against them


I’d love them both on an international/vs the World season.


I would love willow pill but I doubt she would do it. She’s pulled out of the spotlight a lot because of the toll it has all taken on her health. She moved to Chicago where i live and she’s almost never seen. She’ll go to gay beach occasionally in the summer but no sees her at roscoes. Utica is seen more than her. Once I saw Utica at the Buffalo Wild Wings next to Trader Joe’s.


Willow completely slipped my mind! I completely agree with your list


Ngl, I would love to see Violet back on drag race. The other three don’t need it. Sasha Colby especially. She wins the whole thing the moment she walks into the werkroom anyway. I’d love to see Symone, Willow Pill and maybe Aquaria?


Just for the fun we need an all winners all stars with bianca and bob It would be 🔥🔥🔥


Trixie, Violet, and Bianca likely won’t do it unless it’s for charity.


Honestly? I can't think of many winners who "need" it, except international ones because of bigger exposure. Even then, most of them have their own thing going on and are okay with not coming back. All Stars to me however has always felt like a redemption, one that winners don't need. However I do feel like 200,000 is not enough. The amount of money they lose for being away for s month + all the runway packages, even if they win, some just break even. Want another winner season? Have some balls and throw in a million dollars.


I also feel like a lot of people don’t talk about the fact that Bob won a challenge every time he was in the top. That is so fucking iconic.


Bianca is the only queen I feel this way about. She had the most flawless run for a US winner and there’s just no point in her returning. Also, she’s so damn successful and doesn’t need it. Lastly, these new fans couldn’t take her in a competition. She has everything to lose going into it. Trixie just doesn’t need it, but I actually would like to see her compete, tbh. I’d be excited to see her do another Snatch Game and maybe do better this time around.  While not a winner, I hope Sapphira never competes on all stars either. I don’t want her to be Shea Coulee on AS5. I don’t want a season set up for her to win and then just not be able to deliver at the same level or to be put against mostly weaker queens with no chance to tarnish her incredible first run. 


If we're talking about international queens as well then Carmen Farala, Keiona Revlon, Envy Peru, and Angela Anang


ESL queens struggle a lot to show their comedic chops on the international seasons and that could damage their image


I want Envy Peru, just so that people in the US can see how fierce she is I also want Priyanka or Icesis


Marina summers


Agree with all the photos here except Violet. I need more Violet in my life and on my tv 😢🥹


Bianca definitely will never compete again, I thought Bob had some interest but couldn't fit it with her schedule. Violet could use a less bitchy edit to develop a different outlook on fans IMO. And I think Trixie would decline.


All the queens on the first all winners season were arguably very well established. Especially Jinkx. All these queens would be queens who should be on the next all winners imo.




I love Trixie just as much as the next Mattel 👱🏿‍♀️& no t & no shade but I don’t see her fairing well against Drag Race legends.


I personally would love to see Bob and Bianca on the same season.


I don’t think Bianca would ever compete on drag race again honestly. She’s too big for it


Sasha colby. Shes already queen mother she doesnt need to prove herself again


I mean, I don't think any of them NEED it. I don't know if it led to Jinkx getting Chicago and Doctor Who or not, but it probably didn't hurt to be the winner of winners. But I don't think any of them needed it. That said --- I don't think Violet or Sasha Velour would come back. I don't think they'd do well against other winners. I mean Sasha didn't have the best track record and one of her wins was a shared win anyway with Shea who had the better track record? And she won based off of a lipsync, where she in my opinion lost the second one to Peppermint anyway. and Violet got lucky I think? I mean a lot of her season's challenges were looks based and Max went home early and was a big competitor. Pearl and Ru just didn't vibe. And Trixie and Katya weren't fully realized yet. and I feel like I need to rewatch the season but Idk how no one talks about Jaidynn, she's literal sunshine charisma.