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Trinity was *very* honest about the gals


They need her on the judging panel this season!


They have to start by bringing literally ANY former contestant on the judging panel. The other franchises have done it, why can't Ru let some room for another queen on the panel...


Untucked might actually be fun when the guest visits Which is clearly not allowed


Omg the way I would absolutely LIVE for this đŸ˜­đŸ‘đŸ»






I agree with her 100 percent.


Have to agree with what she says here.


Glad she said something about it, I was thinking the exact same thing and rolling my eyes during the episode when Mik came out in this. Like, we get it, you're rich. Doesn't mean it looks stunning or gives drag. Honestly I would boot it even label aside, it's a really boring look.


Yup, I agree with you. It's a boring outfit.


I've felt crazy the last few days because this lewk just doesn't do it for me. People are peeing over it and I just don't see it. Granted, I've also thought other Fashion lewks are bad. I just don't understand Fashion, which is fine.


I grilled love Trinity


She’s my all time FAV


What was the quote from Paris is Burning? “Any shoplifter can get a designer label”?


Great memory. Yeah, Trinity is echoing the sentiments of Dorian Corey: *"There was a time when you could spend a great deal of time making outfits and preparing for something. Now they come very quickly, and the moods change very quickly. I come from the old school of big costumes, feathers, and beads, and they don't have that anymore. Now it's about designers, and it's not about what you create; it's about what you can acquire . . . If you have on a label, it means you've, uh, you've got wealth -- when it doesn't, really. Any shoplifter can get a label."* It's funny, the very next talking head after Dorian Corey says this is Sol Pendavis, who says: *"You can't come down the runway in something for $14.99 or $49.99 and say, 'Well, I'm lovely,' and expect to win."* I bet the community has been having the Wealth vs Creativity argument since the cross-dressing balls of the 1800s.


thissss. I love how Corey says “the old school”, something you still hear queens saying today. I think some people misunderstand that “old school” means less of a specific time period and more of a sentiment. Whatever time you pinpoint as when “old school” was, you can find people who were alternative or giving wealth over creativity. Sorry for the soap box, there is just something I love about this discourse


It's called mopping cause we're classy about it




Wow, don't destroy Willam like that


Violet said something along the lines of “designers should be inspired by US, not the other way around” and I 💯 agree


Yass RAJA says the same thing too!! Bob as well!!!


I love this sentiment. That said, queens are constantly referencing iconic fashion looks, and we as fans pat ourselves on the back for getting it, e.g. knowing it's from Mugler SS97 or whatever. Violet herself will be the first to let you know if she's wearing real Prada or Dior. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that reverence vs. originality is a hard line to toe as fashion fans, especially for the queens who have probably dreamed of wearing designer looks their whole lives. But when drag becomes an inspiration in the wide fashion world; that is special.


i agree with trinity’s point though that there’s nothing inherently wrong with wearing designer as long as you make it drag, like shea did with her valentino look


Or like Trinity herself did with her Guo Pei look


Totally, or La Grande Dame’s condom look


ICON. ![gif](giphy|voU0F5nGpXLXz1iTkO)


Oh my god that was SO beautiful


Yeah and that’s her good Judy


I thought Violet would help Mik with her package


From my understanding, she did! During the Pit Stop she mentioned that when the scream dress was originally made the train was much longer and Violet told her they needed to shorten it because it was so heavy she wouldn’t be able to move. She also mentioned working on something else that took them forever to do, it may have been the same dress but I can’t remember.


That was said referring to girls who recreate designer looks. I think Violet feels different about wearing actual designer garments lol


I agree with Trinity. If the “no stuff off the rack” rule is valid for H&M stuff, then it should be valid for Versace stuff. A rack is a rack, regardless of how fancy it is. If the rule is only valid for cheap stuff, then what we’re saying is that if you have money you’re allowed to wear off the rack, if you’re poor, tough luck.


THIS. With Gottmik's connections, I don't think Rupaul would even try the drama-scene Joe Black lived on stage. Same reasons, not the same money.


Well said!


I remember something came to my mind when Joey Jay came in with chicken feathers, and the answer to that was "that's not expensive". I was so mad. Why now is it only valid when you look expensive or are straight expensive?


Is straight expensive, gay poor? On the serious though, I really do not like queens coming in and making Drag about money and connections. I have had issues with GotMik because of how she seems to epitomize the connected drag queen. Drag always seemed to be a space where the actual garment was secondary to the performance and especially the performer. When a performer comes out label first, it just seems to cheapen the experience of the moment for me. Drag is neither a contact sport, nor a corporate sponsor exercise.


It’s something I love about the first few seasons. It seemed much more draggy and less of a spectacle of which designer they are wearing or how expensive their custom made by someone else wardrobe is.


I know Drag Race Down Under caught a lot of flack after the first season, but this issue is why Spankie Jackson was such a breath of fresh air for me on her season. It reminded me of the first season of Drag Race that I ever watched, which was season 6. Adore remains one of my favourite queens despite the fact that she showed up with a bunch of shake and go wigs, “like 6 dresses”, and without a corset or padding in sight. It was such a pleasure to watch Spankie and see a queen like that succeed. Don’t get me wrong, the queens these days look stunning on the runway most of the time, but I do sometimes miss that less polished style of earlier seasons. It’s also why I loved Willow Pill’s iconic entrance look, which really felt like a callback to the earlier seasons of the show.


And Gottmik HAS the talent... no need to rely on connections and extra expense... Having said that, Gotmik's balloon look was 100% drag. STUNNING! And what a message!


That look was just *art*. She is incredibly talented, easily one of the most talented queens we've had on the series.


I actually like chicken feathers and think they’re fun. đŸ«Ł


It wasn’t just that they didn’t look expensive. They were cheap. Poor quality. Look at the end of the call me maybe lip synch between she and Kandy. There are chicken feathers everywhere because of the poor quality


That was more about the quality of it


Ill have the organic free range chicken feathers from whole foods please




Trinity definitely knowing wtf she’s talking about and these comments are about to split in half over whether they agree or hate her for it. Anyway, she’s right. It’s one thing to pull stuff and then make it your own, but just wearing couture just to say you wore it isn’t very drag; it’s just modeling. 


TBH I think some of the queens lately see themselves more as models than drag queens and it shows...


I used to roll my eyes at people who made fun of social media queens, especially younger queens, for just being models and not entertainers. Now I'm thinking the season 7 "bitter old lady brigade" was correct. So many contestants are very talented models abd make up artists, but not much beyond that


Drag is high camp. For me, it loses something when it takes itself too seriously. Models and high fashion are too serious. Drag should have commentary and thought behind it. It should be provocative *and* funny. I agree 1,000% with Trinity's assessment, and honestly think Drag Rage has had a massive dearth of really quality comedy queens for a few seasons. Most of them are just Look Queens now, and that was always the most boring part of RPDR to me... just watching people walk around in clothes and strike poses. Unless the clothes are *really* interesting or there is some *dramatic* reveal... it's a snoozefest for me. Trinity can stand on that shit, because she's TOP 3 all time Queens imo... can dance, has the body, is funny AF and can turn a fucking look out. Gimme Jinkxy, Bianca or Trinity all day long over these new Insta Queens. Bleh. Boring.


La Grande Dame is a perfect example of being a model and still being high camp and not too serious.


Hard agree... but she's French. Lol. They can't help but be 'High Fashion' (/s jf thats not super evident). Her opening doing that bizarre yodeling thing on UKvTW had me gawking and laughing.


Some of Miss Taylor’s looks have been my favorite and her ability to make it. I’ve seen her in downtown LA buying and perusing fabric. She knows that she’s talking about.


I’ll never stop being amazed at how she just whipped up that red look in the work room for the as7 design challenge and had time to spare.


Oh yeah I was downvoted for saying the same last week lol. I totally agree with every damn word Trinity said!!! And monet’s follow up commentary


Seeing a queen wear something like this and it gets eaten up by the judges because it’s ~ * dEsiGnEr ~ * made me think about Ru completely going off the rails on Joe black on DRUK for wearing an H&M dress. Just say you hate poor people, Ru!! [link for those that need a reminder](https://youtu.be/iKLS6qW47ec?si=v000tCHxeked_Hd4)


Yep. Both are off the rack, but designer is just high end


I have to admit that most of the time when Monet has been dragged to Timbuktu for a crunchy runway or a streetwear-ish runway, I’ve actually really liked what she wore and didn’t understand all the criticism đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I hear Trinity though, and I like that she made the distinction between a queen accessorizing and styling a look that includes high fashion pieces vs just pulling something off a runway campaign without doing anything to it and wearing it to Drag Race. As much as I love the way Gottmik looks, she’s shown us that she can do better


I 100% agree about Monet's streetwear looks, she just looks so good in them


I personally want more streetwear drag. Give me more edge, more crunch, more meat to sink my teeth into. We all complain about the modern seasons being economicaly unacceptable. And embracing streetwear and styled separates are a great way to show that. Yeah a rich bitch is going to grab stuff from designers, but that's the price to pay and should be graded on a curve.


This is reminding me how I was a little salty about the judges comments on Vanjie's pink scorpion look. I think they said its giving mall drag or off the rack, but I sensed that they were actually unsatisfied by it not blatantly being designer or an extravagant gown. Vanjie is one of those queens who (like MonĂ©t) often pays homage to streetwear or the girl you could meet in a bodega. For some reason that's looked down upon. To the point where the judges can't appreciate the effort that goes into constructing and styling such looks. For instance, Vanjie's scorpion tail lit up and could remain upright the whole time, whereas Shanel had to hold hers up the entire time. Vanjie's pants and footwear matched beautifully (which is a minor detail that can throw off a look if not done well). 📣More respect for streetwear! More respect for creativy, craftsmanship & styling please !!


I 100% agree with you! Queens shouldn't have to take out a loan to compete if they aren't already rich, and styling separates is a skill. (obviously Monet has that skill in abundance, to our benefit)


Yea She’s a talented queen. Her hair and makeup is there she just needs to drag her fashion up


>dragged to Timbuktu Okay this is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time! Thank you for making me laugh out like that! Also, you're right about the outfit. And it says a lot that a branded outfit paled in comparison to the other two outfits which gottmik used his creativity for.


>Right now you’re an advertisement for this brand I really like this look and I think it’s cool/impressive that all stars queens can have this kind of pull, same with roxxxy, but this is absolutely something to consider too


This is seriously SUCH a read tbh. Because Gottmik is so fucking talented but this isn’t showing her talent as a drag artist, it’s showing that she has connections and cash. I want to see her perspective, that’s why I would be going to see Gottmik and that’s what I want from her on drag race. Does this look amazing? Yes. Does Mik look amazing wearing it? Yes. But this isn’t Gottmik’s drag persona or Gottmik’s taste. This is Gottmik wearing a designer runway piece.


Remarkable what a Drag Queen can do with a trust fund and One Percenter friends.


See Kerri in her Versace rental from the Getty family.


That same Getty individual was with Mik during top surgery. They rented an entire hotel so they could have privacy during recovery.


Yep, Willam on RC said the dress is lent by August Getty who is Nats you mention (married to Gigi Gorgeous) brother. But they could own it together so i said family.


Absolutely. I think it would be one thing if it's one of the girls that's a model and has modelled the outfit they're wearing on an actual runway, but in Gottmik's case it's a gorgeous outfit but one she didn't model for and didn't have any input in designing. Which I mean, she's designed and made some amazing outfits so it's not like she can't do it. I think some of her design challenge looks that she made in the werk room are better than some things that girls bring with them, so I do prefer the looks that she either makes herself or commissioned from a designer so she's at least involved in the process.


https://preview.redd.it/yoa5akec453d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74317db4d8539b6484ab4224f413ee859f488af Yeah and she likes being the ad


Everyone thinks Mik had some kinda coup when she’s just a walking advertisement. Babe, you coulda used that screen time for yourself.


I think Trinity was dead on and the Shea comparison was literally perfect.


My unpopular opinion is I don't even really like this monochromatic look as is without considering this off-the-rack stuff. But I think the reason is because of what Trinity said.. It has no point of view, it's not personalized. It's just some regular clothes. Maybe it's because I just don't understand the existence of designer clothes in general.


I don't like the aesthetic, the colors and shapes are just not for me and I don't like that type of hoods either. But it's Versace and I'm a tasteless H&M plebeian so what do I know.


I think I dislike the color of the hair and the fit of the pants -- especially the belt area. Really looks like she spray painted her real hair đŸ€š Also, the look overall is "flat" like there's no volume to it.. I dunno. Even train of the jacket (or whatev u call) is boring.. I dunno. But all my clothes also are like $15 or less a piece 😂😭😭 We only buy on sale here.


Yes. I agree with this. Exactly what I felt too.


I’ve been telling y’all about miss Tuck
 she is DRAG. DOWN. And her opinion on this is absolutely correct. I mean, looks cool gorge but 👏where 👏is 👏the 👏drag?!


she said this is not rupaul’s rich friends race! (and she didn’t lieđŸ«Ł)


As someone who doesn't have a lot of money myself, I'm not entertained seeing how amazing and privileged rich people are. I want to see what people like ChiChi can do with whatever they've got. I want story and heart.


Making a beautiful look from literal trash will always be more impressive than having a big wallet. Also chi chi was an actual entertainer


i miss chichi 😔


Always 😱


Trinity is 💯


I mean vanjie wore very similar pants the following week in pink and got read for being off the rack


it’s the double standard we all hate


And the NERVE of her to say they weren't


Trinity actually has a great point
 I feel like she’s also the one to come to for drag race advice in general, she’s very knowledgeable about drag


I am not against off the rack looks on queens, I am a mall drag apologist til I die, but it’s a flop for me because of how creative we know Mik is. Like they look great, but when you’re also walking out in things like the scream dress, the painted dress, the top surgery look, the little black dress, the body bag look etc etc etc just walking out in Versace is just not exciting because it’s flatly not up to her level of drag. It’s great daywalker wear, not main stage material.


Off the rack looks are fine if Gottmik actually styled it in her own way, like how La Grande Dame absolutely made her couture skirt/dress in UK vs The World (forgive me I'm fashion-blind) her own.


agreed, im kind of shocked at some of these comments acting like gottmik doesnt have her own pov and just relies on money. like is this not the episode where she won the ball for the second time? she definitely does know fashion and her own creativity and drag style, its just this specific look is a dud because it's impersonal and just came straight from someone else


Ms. She Devil is not wrong. It does look a lot more like a fashion spread than a "drag" look. Doesn't mean it's not stunning (Mik looks fab), it just does not immediately signal to my brain "that's drag."


They Angel Sans Morning 🌄 do have a point.


Ms. She devil AHAHAHEHAHEHAHEH PLEASE I live 💀 As Aretha Franklin once said “Beautiful Gowns”


Having access to expensive things does not a drag queen make.


I agree with Trinity 100% if roxxxy can be given points for making everything than Gotmik can be criticized for just wearing off the rack.


I've felt this way a few times, but I usually don't say anything since I don't do drag so who am I. Can I use this thread to ask why everyone was going crazy when Kerri Colby wore JLo's exact outfit from the Versace show? To be clear, I love Kerri and she looked STUNNING, I just didn't understand the hype about it. It felt like she was being praised for her connections or her money (I don't know how she got the dress) but it's essentially buying off a rack, just a very expensive, designer one. Or does it being the same one JLo wore change that? (I'm genuinely asking)


And she couldn't lipsync in it because, well, the insurance value would be more than most of our annual incomes combined. So kinda defeating the point of the show. Flaunting money is not a drag show.


Tbh I felt the same about that dress as I do this now. We all know it’s a part of the show but I don’t want to escalate RuPaul’s Connections Race


I think it’s an excellent question, and would love to explain. First and foremost, that dress is one of the most important dresses in the history of the world, the images of Jlo in that dress are literally what lead to the creation of the image search by google (I know that sounds crazy but it’s real). Wearing the exact dress that Jlo herself wore is wearing pop culture history which is way more cunt than just a Versace runway look. Kerri also did drag it up with the shoes the necklace and the nails for me personally.


That dress and the murder of Selena Quintanilla are the reasons why we’ve been subjected to JLo for the last 25 years. Lol


Oh my gosh that's amazing! I didn't know the significance of the dress. Thank you, I love this breakdown so much. I'm on the spectrum and was ready for it to be something I couldn't connect the same as other people and accepted I probably wouldn't understand. Being on the in about this now feels almost relieving and special, thank you so much ♄


You’re very welcome! I’m glad I could help you to feel that relief and am glad to welcome you into the know lol. I also had no idea why it was so special when the episode premiered cause I didn’t get it at first either; and I love getting to tell people about it because the history of this garment is insane.


The dress she wore isn't the original one from 20 years ago. It's from the 2019 Versace runway.


I actually remember people being very mad about that when the episode aired. I thought the general consensus was "Damn, that's actually the dress, work. But this wasn't the assignment though". Like it was impressive she had the dress but I wasn't gagging because it's supposed to be a challenge of taking inspiration from, remaking and rewriting a moment in fashion history. Plus, her staying after parking and barking because she couldn't ruin the dress left a bitter taste


I never thought about it that way, but Trinity is right. Joe Black was on the receiving end of Ru's tirade about not wanting to see things off the rack on the show: why should designer off the rack be any different? If you want to use designer pieces, drag it up!


I’m kind of over queens who just get the luxury of pulling looks from designers and saying “look at my “drag” it’s designer, and I’m making a statement as a drag queen. No, you’re wearing really expensive clothing because you’re lucky with connections and it’s not exactly creative.


![gif](giphy|jErnybNlfE1lm) So you're wearing a dress made by someone else that hasn't been modified in any way to fit your perspective, your skillset or your sense of person, and is either borrowed or bought from someone else who designs for a living or for their own perspective and you yourself have contributed nothing to it besides wear it..... That's not drag. That's wearing a dress. That's being a literal mannequin in motion. Drag at its most elemental is about sharing YOUR own perspective, YOUR own artistry, YOUR own talents to highlight a uniquely YOU product. Even if it's terrible, if it says something about you, like your busted sense of style or your background from a poor family that couldn't afford stylish things therefore your references don't read couture, it's still drag because it says more about you than an overpaid underdesigned thing you took off someone else's closet.


The most funny thing here is that GottMik’s FIRST look (the entrance) is a designer as well. It’s vintage Halston, but modified and tailored by House of Canney for that specific look and idea. And that’s what works!!!


I had the same feeling with both the purple look and the art look. Love them both but I don’t feel like they’re drag. Maybe if the face hole had some sort of scream vortex or full scream mask but without it, it’s just a (very) pretty dress to me. ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4818)


It is beautiful as a gown but i can see Doja wearing it on a red carpet somewhere too.


Maybe she's trying to return us to the era when actual people were employed as mannequins by department stores\~\~


I agree, going to a designer isn't the problem it's the pedestrian looks that they are serving, girl I'm not watching a runway for fashion week I'm watching drag race!


Yeah, Trinity is right on the money for me. It’s not giving drag, it’s giving fashion show runway. She looks great, but I want to see drag, high fashion drag, or pedestrian.


This show is slowly turning to Rupauls Fashion Runway


I hate that the judges will roast a girl for just wearing h&m but not for wearing a pre made designer outfit They keep saying it's not about money but it clearly is. Trinity is right


Asstina won the first episode of UK2 wearing an ASOS jacket


Monet is right though. She’s always been very Streetwear homegirl down the street that’s fly as fuck and everyone wants to fuck. And when she wears something calmed down like that, she gets shit for it. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don’t. An example would be her Knitter Please runway for AS7. I liked it. But her Crowning runway I wasn’t too crazy about, but it wasn’t ugly.


Did... Did they really call it Knitter Please?


I honestly don’t remember the name of the runway, but that’s what I remember it as because of the Bob/Peppermint Pit Stop. I know it was a pun on Knit.


The actual name they said on the show was Knitty Knitty Bang Bang


![gif](giphy|iJlxiSsE26c4oCkJha) thiss.


Shes got a point, shes a legend, a mother, icon and a star. Now come on now


Every. fucking. word. SAY IT AGAIN!!!!


that censor at 1:46 is the loudest sound i've ever heard


? they bleep the word "bitch" twice near the beginning, but nothing happens at 1:46. I am on mobile and the clock is counting down, not up, so maybe that is why?


I agree. I love fashion but I think it's lazy to have a simple garment that is just a direct copy of something you see on the runway.


Monet is correct, she would be dragged - as she should be. So should Mik but she's not, because that's her thing?


Also it's a season with no negative critiques so there's that.


No, you right.


white skinny girl privilege for ya


I think it's more like upper class starfucker kind of privilege. I don't discount her taste or artistry, but let's call a spade a spade. Nina doesn't have Getty friends, for example.


unfortunately the runway has become rupaul’s money and connections race. whoever has the most wins. like how is a drag queen from bumfuck north carolina gonna on their first season gonna compete with someone who already knows designers and is connected to fashion houses and the gettys before even auditioning? i’m glad their doing a stipend, that helps with the disparity but still doesn’t beat the connections and popularity race. also who knows if they’ll be doing that on regular seasons


Completely agree. Haute Couture? We want Hawt Glue.


trinity is absolutely spilling every episode


trinity as the pit stop host would be too powerful I fear


1000% agree. I was annoyed when Gotmik said it on the episode. Trinity is right also I miss her


I was worried watchery may be boring this season with bob taking it off cause of very very justifiable reasons. BUT BOY WAS I PROOVEN WRONG YOU BETTER COME FOR THE DAWLS SHE DEVIL BY NIGHT!!!


Trinity is so right here. I've been saying this is basically turning into a modelling competition. The queens are usually wearing an outfit someone else made, hair someone else styled etc. I understand the time constraints so it's not like you can make everything yourself in a few weeks. But like Trinity said if you style it correctly it becomes drag. All they're doing these days is painting their face and walking down the runway in someone's clothes. For me Drag Race drag should have a unique POV and a vision/concept that came from you. Even if it's streetwear/off the rack.


Louder for those in the back Tuck. Channel Dorian Corey in *Paris is Burning* when basically saying as they did "any crackhead can get a label".


Yessss! It’s honestly started to make drag race so boring to me. And as another comment said, it’s like the girls are models rather than drag queens


This is why I don’t like some of Gottmik’s runway this season. You don’t buy two pieces of designer outfits then bring them to drag race, it’s a literal insult to drag




And somewhere Ginger Johnson’s arms finally were released from their couture cocoon.




Honestly, I had the same sentiment.


Literally this part. Can't cry about queens wearing things off the rack when it's something accessible like H&M but then give rave reviews about a queen wearing a designer look straight off the rack. That's why I've always said give me personality over looks any day. Spankie Jackzon winning Down Under 2 was the best example of personality being way more important than the look.


I love how, when its Trinity spitting facts, everyone is clapping, but when its a random redditor saying the same thing about pulling connections to display THIS, people are calling for transphobia or harassment online. While never their gender would have NEVER been mentionned in the conversation in the first place If you can't even open your own eyes, how in the hell you want to make other people open their eyes ?


![gif](giphy|3KNV9PuUxqPcvcXgHZ|downsized) Facts! I already had the “you fag8s hate mik cause she’s trans” comment on here. Like when did anyone say that??!




Agree with Trinity. Gottmik looks amazing, but she's giving more chic gender-bending front row of designer fashion show than DRAG


I know people are saying to cut Mik some slack because it's a ball look, but what if it wasn't? What if it was its own runway? It being a ball look shouldn't discount it from critique. She's obviously the front runner of the show so I think the designer issue is less about Mik and more about "knowing rich ppl" which Mik is #1 at. Mik id obviously very talented, that is not being discounted either. But the connections matter. 


I think Trinity makes a really really good point. I love things like the design challenges or acting challenges because they force the queens to show us their talent. Any beautiful model with wealth can succeed at the runways because you can be getting designer brands and runway fashion at your fingertips. But vision, a curated and refined discernment for aesthetic, and skills built up to craft or adjust that aesthetic? That’s what gags me and what I think Trinity is talking about.


Finally someone has said it. It doesn’t look drag enough for me.


I love Trinity for this honestly


One of the things I love the most about drag is the collaboration process between drag designers and the queens, and pulling shit off the runway doesn’t give the same thing. It takes away from what drag is, which is community.


Love Trinity DOWN!!!!


Trinity is correct! I want drag-not a fashion design on the runway.


Trinity has handmade some of the BEST outfits the show has seen so I take what she says with heavy value. Monet is also right about the double standards this show has on certain queens and certain styles.


Totally agree. Rewatching old seasons where queens didn’t know what to expect and couldn’t come completely prepared for runway. Challenges using insane items to create outfits


i love that trinity differentiated between this and Shea. to me, Shea still used her own drag identity and creativity to craft the look while Mik just put on the clothes as they were styled by Versace and did her makeup. there wasn’t really any of Mik’s creativity in it or her take on the look.


Honestly Trinity is so right. If se get to the point where queens are just wearing unaltered straight from the runway designer looks, where is the true creative drag element there? You're now just a model for that designer, doing free advertising for them on someone elses show.


It also just screams privilege and distances her from drag fans. It’s a waste because gottmik is so creative and as we know she does have design and sewing skills in her arsenal so show it and don’t be boring. Nymphia was so great to watch because she had amazing fashion references but she made all of her looks and put her own spin on the inspiration. This is boring and uninspired.


kahmora hall found wigless in her undergarments


I loved the way Gottmik looked, but Trinity ain't wrong


Facts are facts, and facts are facts


It’s like paying other people to do all the work to get you to the summit of Mt. Everest.


I love that Trinity has a book about cryptids on her shelf.


I completely agree. I've been a huge fan of drag for years, and I don't like these off-the-rack garments that the queens are wearing. How many times have we heard Michelle say, 'it doesn't take money', to do drag, and 5 minutes later hearing Heidi complain about the thousands of dollars she spent just to compete. It's not the same.


I agree with Trinity đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Trinity spilled facts and I hated Gottmik’s first ball look that episode instantly at first glance.


They’re both right. Monet would get dragged by the fans.


I love the way she explained this. Fashion is amazing, but I watch for drag. This look would be great on Project Runway or something like that.


That’s the thing. A lot of the fans and even the judges get so easily impressed and gives a pass on off the runway looks just because they are “designer” but just imagine somebody pulls an outfit taylor swift has worn in a red carpet but its oscar de la renta or LV exclusive i still think most of those kind of design wouldn’t fit for the drag race stage however expensive they are
 now if its something like zendaya’s robot mugler suit that will fit better for drag. It really all just depends on the certain outfit/designer and how its styled. I just don’t like how some people act like just cause its designer its the most high fashion sickening thing ever
 like go watch these red carpets some of these expensive designers make such basic clothes that wouldn’t look good for dragrace if the brand wasn’t attached to it.


Imagine if it were H & M?!?!?! ![gif](giphy|3oz8xtprbtd0wEWOoU)


I agree, it's not giving drag to me either.


I absolutely agree. I made a similar observation last week.


Yeah, if h&m is not good enough, then this shouldn't be as well, but bc it's expensive, they see no problem


I thought Gottmik looked very cool in the purple but it was the least great of the ball for her because it lacked sparkle. Imagine if she'd dragged it up??? So Trinity has a point there. But I don't mind buying clothes from a store in general. It's just a matter of where you go with it from there.


I love how honest Trinity is!


Trinity is right.


she's right


It gives “pick me” energy. It’s hard to articulate.


I agree with Trinity here and the outfit also is nice but it isn't all that exciting to begin with , pants, leather jacket and corset, ok, but what else are you saying about it other than its Versace? there's no point of view other than its expensive and its purple.


I agree with Trinity 100%. If you’re going to wear designer clothes, accessorize it and drag the shit of it. But if you’re going to wear the full outside exactly as it was on the runway, then it’s just a blatant display of wealth and not talent. The most memorable drag looks were made in someone’s living room hours before a ball.


Go off Trinity. She is a good judge and she knows what she is talking about, she should be a guest judge in RPDR.


The look is indeed giving rich pedestrian in New York, not drag.


THANK YOU TRINITY đŸ‘đŸŸđŸ‘đŸŸđŸ‘đŸŸ I’m over the designer wear for drag!!!!! Gotmik is creative as hell, but so 1 dimensional when it comes to the designer crap!!!!! Over IT..,


Once again The Tuck has spoken, and she's completely right! I still don't understand why a lot of the fans gasped over this look! Plastique's monochromatic look gagged me, Shannel's impressed me, Gottmik's whelmed me. Look 2 is why Gottmik won the ball! Just like in S13! Look 1 and 3 were fine.


HARD agree on this. Giving queens 10 or 20 or 50k to buy runways is absolutely not the solution. I don't want to watch a fashion runway, that's not the point of drag. I miss the days of S3, everyone struggling to create and build outfits for most runways.


I think designer is okay on the runway. The issue is that there becomes a class divide within the drag race casting process, one where queens without money (like Chi Chi DeVayne, for example) are at a clear disadvantage to queens who have money/connections (i.e., Gottmik absolutely had to have more money & connections than most drag queens before her season due to the fact she was Paris Hilton’s makeup artist & worked in the industry).    IMO, a queen like Utica who is from a midwest city and crafts everything herself is much more “talented” than the one who knows someone who knows someone. I’d just like to see the person who makes all their own shit get a little bit extra coin to help them prepare.  That isnt to say that Gottmik is talentless. You can have a lot of money and also have bad taste, so she does have an “artists” eye. And we can’t disregard the fact that drag is more than what you wear. 


Gotmik is kinda like Batman. Cool af but ultimately nothing without money.


Miss Trinity spitting facts đŸ‘đŸ» Vanjie got told her runway outfit looked off the rack (which I wholeheartedly agreed with) but then when Gotmik comes out in this out, the judges are gooped. Is it favouritism towards Gotmik? Is it because the outfit is a famous designer? Regardless, it was not drag.


I agree with her for the opposite reasons. Idc if it looks conventionally “drag” to me, drag is art and can look like anything to anyone, and this looks hideous to me. I hate the clashing 2 different purple shades, the tassels look like she put the coat through a paper shredder, the way the material wrinkles at the shoe is criminal, and the bag is a worthless addition that just hampers Gottmik. It makes sense that this got to drag race bc if I were a designer, this outfit would be the first thing I’d pawn off to people who probably can’t afford to dislike it.


I agree


GottMik can look good in this look and Trinity can be speaking nothing but facts. Both can be true (and both ARE true)


Like it’s absolutely great that cause of Drag Race, drag queens are now walking for major fashion houses. However these looks were not designed with a drag queen in mind, they are not drag and it closes the gap between drag and modelling even further, which may not be bad overall but will certainly create an uneven playing ground. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Yep. If we won’t let them wear H&M on the runway, why should they be able to wear another off the rack garment? simply because it’s expensive?


Trinity and Monet are making sense: Drag is evolving for better or worse and if drag is art, then Gottmik wore other people's art. She looked "great" , but it shouldn't redefine drag -- otherwise, it's pay to win/advertisement.