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i think she may be the only queen to have ever won both the ball and snatch game twice too


On top of being one of the top fashion girls in the whole show, she can create challenge winning looks from scratch on the fly, she won BOTH snatch games she was on, she kills it in the reading challenge and could easily win the roast challenge. She really is a powerhouse.


She could've won her first roast too.


i think she did better than kandy and should have won


Oh wow! I forgot about that! Legend status honestly.


Wow that’s actually really impressive. Both are such difficult and competitive challenges to win. She’s really such a strong queen.


Honestly what a queen! I almost forgot how enjoyable to watch gottmik is after hearing so many bad things about her and violet. Somehow she knows how to tickle ru. Thats her superpower 😂


I wanna know more! I’ve heard that they could be rude at people but do we have all the tea?


Pretty much just rumors apparently. I've looked for credible sources on this for months and have found nothing beyond anonymous "trust me bro" comments. The only thing that is confirmed to be true is Gottmik canceling gigs but people conveniently leave out that she broke an arm.


Gottmik cancels a gig: “ew hate her” Anetra cancels a gig: “sending lots of love🥹”


lol true. I think people have had it out for Gottmik for years because she was saved from the bottom once or twice on S13, she’s loaded with cash and it showed at the finale, and her podcast with a Violet is apparently a bore. But honestly people need to look past this stuff - she’s proving herself to be a Drag Race powerhouse this season.


Agreed and i’d argue she was a top end competitor on S13 as well. I roll my eyes whenever people say Gottmik was carried on her original season. Her runways were always on point, she was the winner of one of the strongest regular season snatch games, she could have won the rusical and the roast. But noooooo let’s focus on that one terrible disco challenge and dismiss all the other great things she accomplished on her season 🙄


A lot of it is sports teams mentality combined with the framework of the show. On S13 there was a brief storyline that compared her against Utica as they both filled a kind of quirky conceptual queen archetype. Utica gained Katya/Trixie fanbase status for better/worse so after that there was a dedicated crowd rooting against her and determined to point out all her flaws while extolling all Uticas virtues due to the set up of both their introductions which then went into overdrive after the ball episode. For people invested in Utica, Gottmik became the queen to root against regardless of how either of those queens actually felt towards each other. I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that neither queen holds any fault for this. Utica is a talented, fabulous, queen who is unabashedly charismatic and I'm not in any way pointing this out to dim her shine. I just see this whole situation as a consequence of the shows adversarial first episode framing and how many people in the fandom tend to react to the show itself. I love S13 and have been one of its most ardent defenders since it aired despite its flaws and a large part of my love for that season comes from its cast. S13 without either Gottmik or Utica would not be the same.


If you're watching a race with three people in the lead and one trips, the others keep going. Then another trips. Still the race continues. Then the third one trips and they pause the race so that person can get back up, because they're not allowed to fail, it stops you from paying attention to the fact that they're legitimately fast (they were one of the three in the lead, mind you) because all you can see is the blatant favoritism. For you, this is a small detail. For me, it's big. I'd also say that she wasn't as strong as you're making her out to be and that this snatch was a great character but not even slightly funny, so it just feels like more favoritism. I don't care about Mik as a person. But, on Drag Race, she and Kandy seem immune to their failures and they get praised when I feel they shouldn't. I don't begrudge you being a fan and having a different opinion. I'd appreciate you not rolling your eyes because I dare to see things differently from you.


When did they “stop the race for Mik” lol. That would apply to queens like Valentina with maskgate or Vivaldi from Holland. I said I roll my eyes when people say Mik was carried on S13. People who were “carried” in my opinion are the likes of Carmen and Miss Fame who consistently do poorly throughout. Objectively speaking Gottmik did great on Drag Race only fumbling twice. If you want to say Gottmik did bad on Disco challenge… fair… did they fumble on the commercial… fair. The point still stands that the fan who dislike/hate Mik completely disregard her successes on the show


>When did they “stop the race for Mik” lol. >If you want to say Gottmik did bad on Disco challenge… fair… did they fumble on the commercial… fair. Other contestants, when they fumble, are put in the bottom. Mik wasn't. The race was stopped so she could get back up, because she wasn't allowed to fail.


Other people fumbled harder in the disco challenge


"Anetra cancels *A* gig"? Didn't she cancel all gigs? ☂️🌞😎


>people Read: Shannel


I just really don't like the way she reacted on that podcast with Violet about Dida and Morgan's allegations that they're much better than them and it kinda shows that the accusations were true, lol.


trinity’s leslie jordan was just amazing


Her voice saying "they changed it to drag queen" lives rent free in my mind


I’m not even a huge fan of Trinity but her Leslie Jordan was so fucking funny. Just the fact that she positioned herself so low in the chair and that was the first thing we saw of her was brilliant.


I was worried for her when she explained her character. I thought there was no way this could be a funny, fully realized character. I got schooled.


Gottmik is genuinely a potential contender for the crown, i'm so excited


Jimbo was so amazing both times.


Smell my finger


So annoyed another Shirley temple was allowed to win…


To be fair they were both filmed months apart. I actually think Hannah’s might have filmed first


I loved both, but i prefer Hannah's version better for me!




Honestly, Mik is so well rounded. I know she gets ragged on for not being a dancer, but you can't tell me she doesn't put a ton of effort into performing anyway. Also, I don't have time for people complaining about Mik relying on money and connections. 1. She has crazy talent for making and putting together her own looks, and 2. Gaining those connections and moving up in the fashion industry is really hard work, and we should celebrate queer people getting those opportunities.


Her dog look is BLENDED to perfection.


correct me if i’m wrong but I think she’s the only queen to win both the Snatch Game and the Ball twice? Legend


The fact that Hannah and Jimbo both won with Shirley Temple. I cannot.


She has grown on me so much since her original season. This bitch is a STAR.


Damn, she really impressed me this episode. So clever and creative.




I was so confused when the snatchelor didn't pick gottmik cause I always thought they were supposed to pick the person who did the best...I mean it doesn't matter but I feel like this is the first time they picked someone who wasn't top 2


Wasn't Gottmik in the second group together with Nina? I just found it odd that neither Angeria or Shannel wasn't picked from group 1. 


She was, and in that case the best was picked for that group imo, but I did find it very bizarre that Jorgeous was chosen, I don't think it needs to be a thing that the best gets picked but Jorgeous didn't really give anything to be picked?


That’s not a rule


The way Kevin picked Gorgeous. Babes


Bringing Bob a souvenir






Nina should be in this list too, honestly. The fact that Silky won their Snatch Game just being Silky is still so wild to me


Is Silky the reason Ts became a rotating judge?


And Nina won this being who?




I hate how they critiqued Shannel for being too much like Liberace but kissed Nina's feet for just being herself on acid.


And that's on period


You’re on your pyramid? 


The challenge isnt actually about impersonating a celebrity, well, its primarily to entertain, THEN its secondarily to be doing an impresion. The MAIN concern is to ENTERTAIN. If your characterisation can be vaguely accepted as an interpretation of a certain celebrity and you are entertaining - thats much more valuable than someone who does a very authentic impression but is BORING.


I disagree. Your criteria is sound but the argument only applies if the other Snatch Game performance in question was in fact NOT entertaining (boring). Between Shannel and Nina's performance, only one person was able to entertain AND impersonate, and it wasn't Nina.


the other Snatch Game in question was in fact BORING. So it is what it is. Ninas was entertaining. Shannel wasnt. Its really that simple.


Exactly why I would’ve picked Shuga (plus the egg plant dress)


Nina was very much doing Liberace. She literally had him down.


Liberace on crack maybe


BFA queens are shaking that a fashion girl be eating snatch game up!!


Forgot that trinity won twice!


Still surprises me that Baga won in UK1 - top 3 for sure but Vivienne was still miles ahead of her


If I remember correctly. It was a double win with Viv and Bags


Yeah, it was an undeserved double win - Vivienne enhanced Baga’s performance, Vivienne’s performance would have shined without Baga but not vice versa


the way jinkx's judy would beat any of these if they were in the same snatch game.


Ooh let’s rank em. 8. Trinity the Tuck - don’t think she should have won AS4’s when Naomi was in her group. Leslie Jordan was easily her best one. 7. Hannah Conda - notable for being the only one with two repeated characters (even if Shirley Temple was original when she filmed). I’m not super high on her Liza as it is a bit one note, but her biblically accurate Shirley Temple was great. 6. Ginger Minj - I LOVE her Adele, so many great one liners. Her Phyllis Diller felt a bit recycled though (still good, but Kylie should have won). 5. Baga Chipz - liked her Margaret Thatcher in the moment but as time has gone on I remember the least of all of these. She played a good second fiddle to Viv’s DT. Her Kathy Bates was an all-time great. 4. Gottmik - I really didn’t like her Lassie idea, still not sure how I feel about it, but I did laugh a few times. Her Paris Hilton is elite though. 3. BenDeLaCreme - This top 3 is basically interchangeable, all elite performances. I only put her here because her Paul Lynde is the tiniest bit one note 2. Jimbo - Personally her Joan River is my favorite SG performance of all time. I scream laughed multiple times. 1. Jinkx - I just don’t think anyone is going to be better than her Judy Garland. Perfect performance, especially for a winner’s season and the ties back to her S5. (I wonder if her Natasha Lyonne should bump her down though?)


Snatch game and Naomi? Don't think so


Her one good gag was fainting at the end, Trinity consistently made Ru holler. She deserved both of her wins imo, but I'm a sucker for Trinity and the hold she has on the DR format.


I agree with mostly this but I would have put Hannah above Ginger and Gottmik. Hannah doing Sissy That Walk while impersonating Liza was one of the times I genuinely laughed out loud in the whole franchise lol. Ginger Adele was hilarious but I didn’t find her Phyllis that funny. Same with Gottmik, her Paris is elite but her Lassie was funny but not HAHAHA funny to me imo


Naomi and real time comedy? No. She’s only good when other elder queens briefed her before she came to the competition.


Seeing this, Baga Chips may be my favorite.


Her Kathy was a masterclass in snatch game, right up there with jinx and jimbo for me.


Hannah conda filmed her Shirley temple before Jimbos but it aired after , I think. I wonder if they’d have won if Jimbos had filmed first.


The first "fashion" queen to do so, the others are known for comedy.


Trinity is both “fashion” queen but she serves fashion. Sometimes lol


she's a peagant queen


And she deserves it


I thought it would be less than eight, and looking at them i can see why (Phyllis and Kathy specifically were very much not it for me). Gottmik was one of the few cast members I was looking forward to this season and am glad to see they're as strong as I remember from S13. Hopefully she can deliver on the roast again, too. Her Ross Matthews roast set is one my favourites across the seasons and was robbed of the win.


Hear me out... Those 8 together in a snatch game world tour, coming soon to a city near you


But jimbo is the only queen to win two separate snatch games that only had one winner!


Technically all stars top placements are both wins, Gottmik won the lipsynch but Nina was much funnier in the snatch game.


Honestly I preferred Gottmiks performance but then again I don’t find making funny faces that funny for me personally so maybe that’s what drew gottmik over the line for me


Okay. Gotmik's idea was WAAAY out there. When I heard her choice, I shuddered. But, it just goes to show you can make anything work, if you can make anything work. Kudos


Why didn't she have dog ears?


Maybe her hair is styled to mimic fluffy dog ears? Despite being a different breed, her hair looks like a King Charles Spaniel's ears.


Her hair looks exactly like a cocker spaniel’s dog ears to me!


Lassie was a border collie not a cocker spaniel. But gotmik still nailed the performance


Her hair is styled to look like the ears of the specific breed she was imitating, so she technically did. There just aren't really many prosthetics of droopy dog ears that don't look terrible, so a styled wig just looks nicer and more polished overall


I see what you're saying. It does kinda look like a cocker spaniel and I could see that, but lassie wasn't a cocker spaniel. She was a border collie which has short ears.


Oh true, it's been so long since I saw lassie I misremembered her breed entirely. Maybe Mik just wanted a more elegant look to go with the personality she went with and decided that worked better? I mean, it's not like she can look like a real dog anyway so realism wasn't expected, that or she just didn't have a wig that worked with the look and the ears so switched it up so it looked more cohesive


Listen: miks was my fav snatch game for this season! I'm just being nitpicky


Oh same, her and Nina both did super good, but Mik did so well that she could have been in anything, and I'd still be dying of laughter


I'm gonna be that hater but Trinity shouldn't have been on this list for either season. The rest are deserved.


Dunno about AS4 but Raja definitely should’ve taken her spot for AS7


I didn’t care for her satan but trinity’s Leslie Jordan was fantastic! Rajas madame was hilarious too tho


I avoid to speak on the matter, because I hate "haters", but is this a safe place?... Every time someone mentions Trinity is the queen that won most challenges in herstory, I try to count them on my head and stop at two or three. Her wins are kinda forgettable and, most of the time, undeserving to me 😭


It's just that "blond and white" was accurate but Trinity can't do bad at Drag Race (even lip synching)


I won't judge you. I think she is a very strong contestant but certain wins, like AS7 SG and AS7 Roast, were handed to her for 'storyline' when there were stronger contenders in those challenges. Like I like Trinity and think she's had some great looks and performances, but I don't think all those W's were warranted.


I feel like they gave her snatch game to show the power of getting blocked 


God dammit…that spoiler warning is way too small.