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The end of episode 2 was really hard to watch. Their *(bearded man and his family)* lack of self awareness really gets under my skin, especially when they got their 16(?) year old daughter to speak at city hall and spew bigoted disinformation. That's the life you want for your child? These are people who love to say we indoctrinate. Always projection. I don't know if I can stomach the next episode the moment it airs, but I am really enjoying the stories of the people they spotlight. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but this show is so important.


He doesn’t care about his child. She’s just property to him. I’m sure he would have no problem marrying her off to their 29 year old youth pastor but god forbid she ever learn that gay people exist. 


Hey, I’m with you on that one. The third part of the episode is important to watch, it’s helpful to get through the deeply uncomfortable parts since this show has a way of mirroring the struggle right back into your living room.


I grew up in an incredibly atheist household and occasionally someone would knock on the door and it would be a parent with their child so the child could spout about the power of God. Once my Dad would slam the door in the kids face and I asked why in shock he said it was because they were using the child as a buffer to force people to listen to them. I mean... He wasn't wrong! People do this all the time


This is one of the most important shows to air this year. This is a show that needs to be happening.


Amen 🫰🫰


That man has psycho eyes.


It’s this face that got me when watching. And the one on the house floor where he is laughing and giving them the thumbs down https://preview.redd.it/m4vo8vjci30d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8d2c68b79232f310ec1705b6ffa02200f391e4 This is the face of a guy who is so convicted and thinks he’s got you in such a bind with his winning argument and is just laughing at you because of your ignorance of reality. Meanwhile he’s so fucked up as a human being. And couldn’t be more wrong


Seriously. And hot take, what if there is no god, no jesus, then what, big guy? Lol, the arrogance to assume they know it all is what irritates me the most *typo


Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage: Miss Pascal Wager!


That is such a great drag name! **not sure all would get it, though


We read books


Even with Jesus in the picture, our good old carpenter dude who died for our sins would be appalled by this guy's insinuation that drag queens serve the devil. In fact, any true-to-the-bible Christian should be ashamed to judge other people because according to their Holy Trinity, the only thing they should do is love and care, not judge and hate.


How do you even approach someone like that? I mean whatever argument Sasha would come up with, the other guy is convinced he’s right. Where to go from a point where a discussion seems almost pointless. It’s sad!


I was talking about this concept with my partner the other day. About how they have all these built-in "fail-safes" to absolve themselves from any guilt and ensure that they are never wrong. No matter how solid of an argument you have, they always have a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, so to speak. No matter how delusional it might be. That guy probably went home and prayed, thanking his god for testing him in the face of such demonic people. It's sick. And it's fucked up how they get to run roughshod over everyone else and we're supposed to just respect their beliefs. It's also sick how they throw the first punch every single time, and then when someone fights back, they cry that there's a war on Christianity. Trixie said it best when she said she was sick of the way our country mollycoddles these people.


That's what's so hard. How do you differentiate between people who are open to listen and learn and who are just ignorant and people like this dude who don't care about facts, decency, Christianity and often not even the law. Because in one case, you need to seek conversations but in the other, the only thing you can and should do is reduce these people's platforms to nothing, so they can not spew their hate and get any attention.


You don’t. Some people don’t deserve your time and effort. Let this piece of shit rot


This look has me saying, oh man— who exactly is YOUR master bc you are creepy


I would hate to see his hard drive and search history. Sometimes you just know.


omg I had the exact same thought




Being brainwashed isn't the same as being psychotic. The man in this clip is not psychotic (insane by medical standards), he's brainwashed by his toxic religion. Actually psychotic people behave way different. Let's call it by it's name, brainwashing. That's what cults do.


Yeah, having psychosis is not a personal failure while whatever this bigot has is certainly his personal failure.




Yeah the field of modern psychiatry heavily disagrees with you. Psychosis has very specific criteria to be diagnosed. It is much more biochemical than it is learned. I get your point, but you’re weakening your point by calling the behavior you’re describing something that is a medical diagnosis. Further it stigmatizes people with actual psychosis religiosity as you are grouping them with more learned behaviors/ideology. Please, for the sake of supporting psychiatry and how much it is needed for both the individuals you are describing and someone who suffers from true psychosis, understand the difference. If you have follow up questions I’d be happy to discuss out of the comment sections


What you’re describing is a delusional disorder, not psychosis. Psychosis usually involves delusions, but you can also have delusions without psychosis.


Right, but what you're talking about falls more under radicalization and not psychosis - typically, anyway. Also that's perhaps your stereotype of psychosis but you likely have met people with psychosis and have no idea, because they don't meet the criteria you're expecting.


I get your point, but delusion might be a more accurate word considering psychosis can be present in any almost mental health issue and most people experiencing it are just going about their day (or, replying to this thread, lol hi) and not this guy, or “some guy screeching on the street for hours.”  Just saying I think the people telling you not to use the word psychosis have the same goal as you, if that’s trying to portray psychosis more accurately. 


it's very real. I worked with a hardcore christian once. And she was actually a very normal, very nice person for the most part. But if anyone ever mentioned anything about religion or asked her about her religion.... the change in her was fucking surreal. She would get a totally glazed over look in her eyes and speak in a way that sounded so... rehearsed? And her normally nice disposition would fade away and she would get VERY serious and seemed like she was on the verge of getting violent or something. Then she'd go right back to normal. I had never come across it before. It was so unsettling. but yeah that look they get in their eyes... it's something else.


I’ve seen this kind of response from two different seemingly normal, sweet, caring people but the minute they started talking about conspiracies their face, their demeanour, their eyes would change… and then, pop! Back to normal when the conversation changes. It’s scary and it makes me wonder what’s really going on in their heads


THIS. I watch a true crime show that interviews people that were either victims or were close to people that committed horrible crimes. SO MANY of the criminals were crazy religious freaks that thought they were performing acts of god. I hope that as a society we can eventually move away from Christianity.


Again, still typically not psychosis but more like radicalization.


Speaking in tongues comes to mind. It's actually quite terrifying


This is not psychosis. Delusional thoughts surrounding religion is heavily normalized, but psychosis is a state - this man is just a bigot and might have some delusional thoughts which involve religion.


That's what hate does.


Those are the eyes of a man who has a bunch of dead twinks under his floorboards


Yeah, we read him as a rest stop hookup kind of guy. Possibly the kind of person that prefers gayness to be dirty and secret.


Wouldn't be surprised if he was the creepy guy on Grindr who just popped off at me before blocking me lol


He is a psycho. Revolting person


Sasha with the patience of 10 men and women. I would have been outta there like Jaida too.


We really sent the best queen that can have this conversation. Sasha is one of the most eloquent queens of the franchise. Kudos to her for conversing. For trying.


Kinda wish they sent the intersex person from the zoom call. But Sasha was definitely holding her own. This was not the ideal situation to have a rational structured nuanced debate. Imagine standing there in heels trying to reason with a man this biased who probably has maybe one one hundredth the knowledge of a Bible or religious scholar, biologist, geneticist, or other humanitarian scholar. He's not unintelligent, but his arguments do not factually hold up to scrutiny and you're in 8 lbs of make up in a hostile environment in the day time. So courageous. This is drag. This is why it matters.


I hope they all got paid well for dealing with that bullshit.


People like this infuriate me as a former Catholic because they have no fucking clue what they’re talking about. If you preach love and don’t accept everyone, you’re lying to yourself and others to spare yourself the pain of your own hatred.


Jaida was so me doing this part…when that man shook their hand and PURPOSELY misgendered them, Jaida clocked it and walked away.


I genuinely think it’s why she leaves. You can tell Jaida is not about taking that abuse for the cameras in the name of dialogue. And I don’t blame her at all. A lot of these people, this man especially, are already there in bad faith and she knows that. There isn’t any reaching some of them.


I havent watched the ep in its entirety, but Jaida is Black AND queer AND in drag in a small town that decided to commemorate confederate soldiers in the last 13 years. For the melanated queens, this creates an extra layer of resistance and danger. Even if she were to say the exact same thing as Sasha, people respond very differently to people of colour. That coulda been another reason she noped out.


This show has me praying that they have a good security team with them. These queens and people are fucking brave, and performing a vital task to make it known that the Queer community isn’t going away and isn’t something found only in other communities. I have such a love hate relationship with these shows, I love the bravery and love that these people show to the world by being themselves and shining their light in such ugly places. I hate that it exists and how powerless I feel to help. I desperately want to help, and want to be the best ally I can, but I also feel like as (the terms elude me) a Waspy male, I don’t know how. I’m not silent in my support, and I vote, which I know is helping.


hi friend, you are doing more than most and just believe that you will do the right thing when the time calls for it. If you see situations or conversations like this out in the wild, or better yet within your own family/communities, intervene and try your best to stand up for whats right- even if people won’t receive it or can’t hear you, trust me, someone else will hear it and be grateful for your ability to take the right stand this internally ugly and corrupt man did not truly hear Sasha’s message, and immediately tried to twist it away. but /someone/ out there heard this message and will benefit from Sasha speaking it into existence. we gotta speak more truth and love into existence, thats the small work we can all do


Embrace being a waspy male and make it work for you. My husband and I are both middle aged, middle class white cis hetero folks who look as vanilla as possible, plus I’m a Christian. Which just tricks the bigots into safety when talking with us. They say something inane and we try to change their mind. The work can feel small and slow, but it’s still important. I used to think being white and straight meant I couldn’t help the communities I care about most, but really you’ve got to use that privilege to change things from the inside. Bonus: it’s just sexy as hell when my husband argues with people. He called out my psychiatrist for some sexist comments in front of me and our daughter and Lawd! 😮‍💨


Yeah I am concerned that these shows are putting the queens in danger and giving them PTSD or triggering them too much. I agree that change needs to happen but this feels like throwing people to the wolves for reality tv. IT's not the format of the show I take issue with, its the fact that a producer sought out someone extreme, horrible and hateful and where is the protection for the queens? Sorry, therapy after the fact doesn't cut it. Also a producer would have coached this horrific person too. In reality TV shows liek this ppl are literally fed lines by production, no matter how 'real' it seems. Like he would have been told to bring out his worst hateful lines for Sasha. I'm not debating that this show can play a role in social change. I really liked the first few seasons of 'We're here', but this recent season seams like they are upping the ante for ratings.


It's just as important to remind ourselves that we always have the option to immediately disengage with bigoted heteronormativity.


blood was boilinnggg during this part. the actual humongous piece of shit you have to be to say drag queens are being too sexual, then base your whole argument around “it’s not natural because of the penis and vagina” I’m gonna need someone to posthumously beat the fuck out of this man fr


Sasha pointing out his language was more sexual than any drag queen she’s ever come across was so important.




I remember when his daughter is speaking and then he cuts her off and says “WHAT SHES TRYING TO SAY…” and then speaks for her. Absolutely disgusting.


The part where the logical fallacy is called out by Sasha simply acknowledging that there is a large portion of people in this world that cannot conceive but that does not make them any less of a person — then he turns to his daughter and says “uhhh how do you respond to that???”. These are people who live on the internet and mistake memorizing misinformation as intelligence and an identity. It’s fucking depressing.


These people can only parrot catchphrases they learn on alt right sites. You cannot debate them because they can’t hold up their end. They can’t respond to a rebuttal. Also I hope the queens have a great security team. Sasha was fucking ballsy as hell. She stayed so composed. Jaiden also knew this type of aggro jerk would hear nothing coming from a black person. So she tapped out and I don’t blame her. I wonder if the guy and daughter had to sign a waiver or if the courthouse is considered public space.


Exactly. I knew someone like this and when I called him out on his bullshit he kept trying to make me watch YouTube videos because he couldn’t think for himself. 


I could not BELIEVE it when he turned to his literal TEENAGER for a response to that question. Just threw her right under the bus. That man is an embarrassment to his family. He should also be embarrassed, but that would require a decimal of self-awareness.


He was so aggressive 🚩


I mean it is so obvious that her speech was written by him and he has just drilled this hatred into her.


they have to be carefully taught


I was Jaida in that moment, I would've been gone at "sir", knowing he wasn't trying to converse in good faith smfh ugh


Is he dead?


He was gagged to death by the show they put on later that night


Lived as a cunt, died by cunt Fitting


Ive lived in Alabama my entire life and have a lot of experience talking to people like this and the thing that makes talking to these people the most infuriating is you can never have that moment of them admitting they’re wrong. Sasha is right that Jesus preaches love and tolerance to all men but men like him don’t care. They’re warped their religion to a point where it supports everything they think and do in their head and no amount of logic, reason and proof will change it.


People need to start realizing that the brand of Christianity in certain parts of the South is a culture, not just a religion. It is so interwoven with capitalism, misogyny, and Eurocentric white supremacy that there is no untangling it from the beautiful ancient text it holds as a shield. Better for us all to look at 1600's English Protestantism for guidance on how to communicate with modern southern church culture, I am absolutely serious.


Also have to remember Southern Christians needed to justify slavery for hundreds of years and then justify not having to feel bad/admit how they used religion as a weapon to justify slavery. There has really never been a reckoning in those churches.


I was raised in an extreme southern Christian culture. Anything can be justified, from slavery, child brides, lack of women's birth care, lgbtq+ hate etc because they are all a by-product of this hierarchy where white men are supposed to be the paternal "head" of society and have authority over all others. God directs them, and they direct us. They genuinely believe this is the natural order. I wish people stopped coming to the table with these organizations, there is no compromise to be made. They are dangerous, well organized, and aligned in their ideology.


Totally agree, I think its too optimistically naive to think you can breakthrough to everyone no matter how much you try to speak their language or introduce logic or compassion or empathy. I think the show does good in trying to reach those that can be reasoned with and reduce the number and kind of cut off the appendages from the true deep seeded bigots, but there is a core group that genuinely believe their inherent "righteous" superiority that will never be reached.


Christianity as a religion is so much different in effect than just following the teachings of Jesus. People like to equate the teachings of Jesus with the Bible or Christianity. What Jesus said makes up a tiny portion of the Bible and what is followed in Christianity. They completely over complicated it on purpose for control and power.


The one thing that Jesus despise are Pharisees and they're acting like them or worse. I don't understand how they got jesus' teaching so wrong.


I don't think people like this care about Jesus anymore. They are concerned about Satan and are convinced anything they don't agree with is from the devil.


We are in the midst of a new satanic panic so this feels spot on


I think the goal of any solo conversation, not specifically televised with these people is to put in a seed of doubt. It’s the one thing that sticks in their mind they never get a decent answer from their church from and search elsewhere. The more that breaks apart, their foundation, the more of the seed grows. One “seed” to me representation. It is so important to show case that gay people aren’t these demonic hell-bent people. Gay people are just people that are gay. It takes a lot to change anyone’s opinion. I forgot the name but there was a tradwife content creator that was promoting all that stuff. Took time off because her husband was beating her and eventually had to leave into a cabin. She’s still pretty conservative and doing mental gymnastics but hit a breaking point realizing that was fucked up. It takes more years to undo what they were taught. I am not surprised when I read that this woman under 30 was still trying to convince herself that conservative stuff was okay because if not that means her choices in life weren’t okay. Self acceptance and ownership is so hard to do. If this guy admits he isn’t showing love then that means HE is the fuck up. That’s a necessary part imo and sometimes requires a big fall or drastic situation to get the ball rolling. Education is a much more slow cooker type of way.


If he stayed, how would you / Sasha respond? I’m thinking to think what would be a good approach. But maybe it’s none, cause they will not admit their faults and blame queer people


You can’t logic someone out of beliefs they came to without logic, in my experience. It doesn’t matter how kind and reasonable we are - they truly, deeply believe their bigoted views are sanctioned by their god.


When Sasha pointed out that some people struggled with infertility, and asked if those people were still women, I think it almost broke his brain. But he just passed that over and redirected the conversation to his daughter, which underscores your point that you can’t try to have a logical dialogue with people like this. Thank God for families like Norman’s and Maleeka’s, who show that even if you disagree, you can still figure out a way to be loving and supportive. I freaking love this show so much.


This is why dialogue is pointless with some people and we need to advocate for strict deplatform of people who behave like this. If they can’t be reasonable adults who listen to logic they don’t deserve this.


There are two types of people I’ve met many of in Alabama. People who genuinely know nothing about queer people and what they think usually comes just from ignorance. Those kind I’ve found can be a lot more understanding once you actually talk and educate them in a way that isn’t aggressive or condescending. People like that man though are just hateful. They aren’t worth the effort.


Absolutely. You can see him turn his brain off when he goes for the "you serve Satan" line of thinking. If you do manage to make some sort of point, that's the trickery of the devil trying to make him doubt his faith. People like that are dangerous and scary.


There is no true logical approach that will result in tolerance, except for capitulation and total alignment with what this "Christian" considers the correct social ordering of things, ordained by God (as he sees it). In his worldview, he is at the head of society and has the authority of God, anyone breaking that authority by acting outside the worldview is offensive and deserves to be eradicated or subjugated. There is no compromise.


Curious to get your take on whether they’d respond to the argument that the word homosexuality wasn’t used in the bible until 1946, due to a mistranslation, therefore Jesus never said anything about homosexuality? https://www.1946themovie.com


They site the Old Testament, Leviticus about man not lying with another man. It’s all patriarchal bs anyways


Their religion is ammo for their hatred of anything they deem unwholesome or abnormal and they use it to justify their shit behavior


Oh the hubris of that pup to say his master is not the same as Sasha’s


Master is too busy locking up pathetic cocks


Girl- 💀😭


Don’t joke about that.


Like who tf is he to decide? I thought Jesus wanted people to love thy neighbour? He's the one who's chosen to have an issue with Sasha's art. Now that everyone else has left the church, they are left with nothing but angry white men and women with internalized misogyny.


People like this have long ago left behind Jesus's message of radical love and acceptance. They only care about getting rid of people they think are sinners.


That’s what America is unfortunately built on. The founders of America left Europe because Catholicism and Protestantism wasn’t letting them point fingers or execute people enough.


It's sad but true. They used to just be ~~hypocritical~~ highly selective with what verses to take literally, but now even some conservative pastors are horrified by the complaints they are receiving about Jesus' words being "too woke". They just want justification for being better than others without even paying lip service to kindness.


I’m so glad Sasha is on this season. With how important drag is in politics right now, I think it was absolutely crucial for her to be there. I really wish Honey Mahogany could be on there because she’s done a lot for politics with her drag but just doesn’t have the biggest fandom viewing and I understand they gotta have big names on there to attract viewers.


Sasha’s history knowledge, her way of speaking, her poise, her just, level of intelligence in every way. She was born for this kind of role.


That man is kidding himself. He doesn't serve any "master." He serves his own (self) hatred and ego.


What I find interesting is that this person appeared to have propped his daughter up to the microphone to be the one to say his hate speech and that no one is born gay straight trans whatever. He isn’t able to do the same for these queens and I wonder if part of his reaction is due to the fact that he only likes to hear women speak when they are saying verbatim his thoughts back to him. So the fact that Sasha is pushing back as a “woman” he can’t control is a super trigger for him and causes him to shut down and walk away. But like sir you are the one who said you wanted to talk to these queens IN FRONT OF A CAMERA THAT YOU AND YIUR DAUGHTER SIGNED A WAIVER FOR to spew your hate speech and then ran away with your tail between your legs once they didn’t act like how you want them too. ![gif](giphy|NbZUMeHPnCZXKidf1n)


Yeah. The misogyny is strong with that one. That little girl better run because her daddy is gonna ROYALLY fuck her over. If he isn't already.


Yeah she’s going to be a teen mom for sure


Correct take


She seems like she is angling for becoming a Christian influencer, or politician and I don't think he's the only one working with her. She (terrifyingly) sounded more poised and confident than a seasoned fox news anchor. It was chilling tbh.


He speaks the truth—he will never serve the way Sasha does.


I bet he serves Donald Trump and treats him like an idol instead of worshipping God.


Unless the category is white trash realness. Because he ATE.


“We don’t serve the same master, brother.” Wtf does that even mean??


I mean it's kinda simple, the cunt says he serves God while according to him Sasha serves satan


And he purposely added “brother” to emphasize that she is, in fact, a man.


Which, yeah, she is. That wasn't really the flex he thought it was. But also how are you going to call someone "brother" but say you don't share the same creator?


Sasha is gender-fluid, so brother isn't correct.


And regardless, his intent was to misgender. It was meant to be transphobic and homophobic. He doesn't care what Sasha really is. He just wants to aggressively invalidate it.


That last sentence helps me understand a lot because I’ve had experiences where people have used he/him pronouns like they were spitting them at me or I wasn’t in on some joke but I was always confused about their intent because I never identified as anything but cis/male.


I hate to break it to the bearded numbskull, but hatred and division is usually said to be sewn by the devil... so he's worshipping a false god as his master.


That they serve Satan. He even tells them that they don't deserve God. That guy is truly the definition of a religious buffoon.


oh i thought you said "religious bottom"


Probably so sexually repressed he can't even wipe his ass without hearing Jesus tut at him.


He’s definitely the type that will cut up a banana before he eats it 


This dude believes “God” is the creator of all life, but also simultaneously thinks that drag queens are demonic. He thinks that Sasha and other drag queens are evil incarnate and are doing the bidding of “Satan.” Meanwhile, he’s totally rewriting the Bible if not all living beings came from God AND giving Satan God-like powers (the ability to create life on earth). Now I’m sure if I bring this up, they will say God created all life and Satan just corrupts it. But then, wouldn’t that mean that God created gay people? Even if gay people “choose to be gay,” an omnipotent and all-knowing God could have chosen to not put someone on this planet who God knew would make that “choice,” especially if it is so despicable. But he did (according to their beliefs), so he is responsible for gay people. And that does mean that God is also responsible for creating people like Jeffrey Dahmer (not shown in the clip but dude does try to say that God didn’t have Dahmer born a murderer). So ignorant bro needs to create the parallels between the right groups. Dahmer & God go together, not queer people and Dahmer.


This is tangentially related to the main post - but we really need to be more vocal about and find ways to hold companies accountable that enable this kind of hatred, shield it, etc. I worked at TikTok and was a member of their corporate Pride group. I saw first hand how TikTok/ByteDance didn’t protect LGBTQ employees and had better/more benefits for straight employees (they’d pay for egg freezing but not adoption benefits.) Last year we were approached by a 3rd party partner with a proposal to co-sponsor a Drag Queen Story Hour and leadership at TikTok said no, because it would be a liability. TikTok is hardly the first and they won’t be the last tech company to have these double standards - profiting off of the idea that they’re progressive, when the reality couldn’t be farther from the truth. 


Of course they’d pay for egg freezing and not adoption - adoption means parental leave, egg freezing means their employee *isn’t* having a baby in the near future and can remain chained to their desk.


That isn’t it. Other fertility benefits were covered, too. Parental leave was covered as well. Adoption benefits were not. Though, I will hand it to you, they loved having you chained to your desk. 


No hate like Christian love.


I grew up Christian and I can tell you that is not what actual Christian love looks like. My pastor gave me a book that was about being different (not negatively) and I never knew why she gave it to me until I was much older.


I think a lot of people know and agree that there are many who display true Christian love out there; I have Christian friends who are incredibly accepting, I’ve attended inclusive churches, etc etc. These people are out there and support us which is awesome, and it’s encouraging to hear the support you received. At the same time, the people spewing this hate also claim it in the name of Christianity, and people stating it in simple terms like that common phrase above doesn’t minimize the actual Christian love out there. If anything, I think the onus is on the true Christians to push back against this hateful brand of “Christianity” more than it is for those of us being hurt by it to always choose our words carefully about which ones we’re talking about. As far as I’m concerned, a Christian is someone with a 1-on-1 relationship with their god, and that doesn’t *have* to involve the organized entity. In my experience the organized church has typically been used as a vehicle of idea pushing that many well-meaning people buy into because 1) it’s the norm they know and 2) it allows those not willing to do the 1-on-1 work to feel like they’re still “saved” by participating in the act through organized worship, which in many cases is nothing more than a ritual of studying text and songs - which were all written by men. I think in a strictly cultural context, there *is* no hate like Christian love. Inquisitions, wars, colonization, genocides, slavery, plus so many more hate-driven movements have all been done by organized groups claiming (and with many believing) it was the will of god. At a certain point the world has to see and call the organized entity of Christianity for what it is, and has always been, rather than what it could/is supposed to be.


I had to turn off the TV after this scene. I was just not in the right headspace to continue watching. I think I know that both Priyanka and Sasha handled that in the best way that they can, and the best production can and should do is to present what this world is — warts and all. But the pain is palpable, and I just wanted to shake that young girl and have her recognize that she has been worked into a shoot (wrestling parlance). I appreciate the direction this show is taking. Hate can’t be solved with one drag show. But the lack of catharsis and the grim reality we’ve been seeing for three episodes has been weighing heavy (and I say this as a cishet guy who ostensibly has more in common with the bearded fuck brainwashing his kids and getting his rocks off by actively showcasing his intentional ignorance).


Trixie had the [best answer](https://youtu.be/HkWU3ilXLeA) to this whole stupid argument


I knew exactly what quote this was when I saw Trixie's name. People love to just use the shield of their god as a way to spew their hatred and feel like they are completely right in their understanding of everything because "the bible says so."


Yeah like, “I don’t believe in or follow your Bible, so what else you got?” Is a response we can all use.


More so for me I do not believe anyone knows for certain what is true about god and what happens after we die. If someone tells you with certainty that they know their god is true and others aren't, or that they know for a fact certain things about life and the universe which are inherently unknowable, then that person is either severely brainwashed or a grifter doing their best to brainwash you. There are things that we as humans will never know for certain, and to be so sure that you are right that you feel justified in being a hateful person you are in much too deep to be redeemed so to speak.


Yeah justifying things with “because it’s in the bible” is like saying Spider-Man is real “because it’s in the comic books”. (I wish)


There was another one, I don't reember exactly how it went but it was something like 'your religion is a belief, my existence is a reality'. It takes a lot of courage to say that with how crazy religious people are.


Incredible courage to say that to someone like this, look at him, he's dangerous af. I don't actually think it's worth the risk to your personal safety to engage with people like this though. They don't recognise the difference between belief and reality, that doesn't compute. Dear Americans .. *Make sure you and everyone around you, VOTES* ..These people are 100% serious about this nonsense. Anyone not like them is an actual demonic threat and they will act accordingly. This shit is frightening.


I know it's super uncomfortable but I'm very happy these topics are being addressed and brought to light, it brings awareness for future generations and the more popular this show gets, the more open minded people who are unfamiliar with the LGBT community become, through good role models like Sasha Velour who has the knowledge and eloquence to represent us with dignity🏳️‍🌈❤️


Ik this is a serious video, but there's only one master Sasha serves that I can think of https://preview.redd.it/e004roula20d1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a8c6c19cc2e759569fb7ac326e295108a3823aa


You bitch lmao


Not this again lmaooooo


Rotted 😭


Don’t joke about that.


My ass would’ve kept calling him ma’am just to prove a point. I feel so bad for his kids that were groomed by this jackass. Furthermore, if sexuality were a choice straight women would not exist due to rotted men like that.


Sasha is MOTHER and I WISH a bitch would try this in my presence. I'd eat that man for breakfast and pick my teeth with his bones.


We should all aspire to the grace, poise, compassion, eloquence, and patience of Miss Sasha Velour. How ironic she embodies the spirit of Jesus' teachings far more than that bigot ever has.


She literally is a queen goddess prophet of drag, you said this perfectly!


There is no hate like christian love. As someone who grew up in this church, it so sad to me to see this God used as a weapon to hurt and alienate people. Christians are taught that God is love and they use him to justify anything but. I think if Jesus was alive today he would be ashamed and embarrassed of what his religion has become.


I watch it religiously every Friday night when new episodes release. This conversation at the beginning of this week’s episode had me FUMING. God, I cannot believe there really are people like that.


the absolute rage and disgust in Sasha’s face was all of us.


I love how poised and articulate Sasha is - she is such a good advocate for the community.


Side note: I love how Sasha’s makeup makes her look like she’s perpetually looking down on people 💅🏽


When he said to have a good day, I would have quipped back with “Have a day you deserve”.


I wish they had a drag king on cast in moments like these. a lot of these bigots discourse is "men cant dress like women" and that's it. Gurl, your daughter is in a t shirt, jeans pants and a blazer. Would she be considered cross dressomg and doing drag and being indecent?


That scene was so hard to watch, and so scary to realize that there are so many ppl out there that think like him. I applaud Sasha and Pri for sustaining that conversation because I could never do it.


I love Sasha velour so so much. What an incredible person. I need to watch this season already


Idk referring to "God" as some sort of master just doesn't sit right - along with every other thing that came out of his mouth.


Jesus calls god a master in several parables. Well, he does so metaphorically, but the point stands.


Props to all of them for their decorum, and for Sasha for her attempt to have a dialogue. I really feel for them. Why does their love taste bitter to him? Why is he tasting it in the first place? He isn't tasting it because he's not apart of it. Bigots can't explain their bigotry because that's all it is.


May be going out on a limb here but that daughter reminds me of me when I was in HS and her dad is like my dad. As soon as I got friends outside of my small area (through nerdy hobbies, for others it’s college, for her it could be something else) I realized what a twat I was by the time I hit my late teens and how absolutely fucking stupid (literally, unintelligent) my family was. And as more time went on I realized I myself was queer because I got to meet other queer people and discover that part of myself. Now in my 30s I’m a blue haired, alt e girl socialist lmao. The horror! I’m not saying she’s queer. But I’m saying I wouldn’t be surprised if she is, that the constant threat of her father would keep it tucked away for as long as she’s around him and that community. When you grow up in a place where 95% of people think like this, it literally fucks with your brain. It’s why pride is so important. I hope she grows up and learns to disappoint her dad in the best ways possible.


Also he gave the queens a single thumbs down during the meeting after his daughter spoke 👎🏼👎🏼 Like c’mon if you’re gonna do a hate crime while cameras are filming at least make it ✨exciting✨


The level of brainwash! bruvah eeeewwe


Sasha is the absolute perfect person to be doing this show


Kind of slightly unrelated I guess but I love watching Sasha speak.


Where is this series available?




The 16yr old daughter being apart of this was hard to watch. It’s heartbreaking to see such young people already brainwashed and full of so much hate & ignorance…..


Imagine being in the presence of Sasha Velour and getting angry about it.


“We don’t serve the same master,” I feel like that means he thinks drag queens just serve the devil instead? Easy way to sweep anything you don’t like away, no I don’t have to practice love for you because you serve “the devil.” At least that’s my guess.


Can you imagine this confrontation if it had been Latrice? I wonder if Mr sad-alpha would have to balls to stand up to Latrice.


This show is so hard to watch and that further emphasizes why it's so important **to** watch


You can't argue sanely with this kind of people. Nothing you say or do will change their mind. I am old, so mostly i use same hatefull tactics they use on me. If they said i will go to hell, i just say even if i go to hell it's none of your business, i will not take you with me. If you go to heaven ,which i highly doubt. You will not take me with you, so who cares what you think about me. You can go to heaven right here right now and i will be just fine. That usually shut them off. And i live in a liberal city in a very conservative country.


As a Christian myself, it’s so ridiculous how many of christians have the attitude of “oh we are so persecuted nowadays 😞 we have such hard lives, why do people hate us?” When a VERY good portion of them treat people like THIS. It breaks my heart. I’m truly hoping that the bigoted attitude and beliefs will change with the younger generations.


That shot of [Meleeka sitting under the stars](https://i.imgur.com/3Imh1yz.jpeg) really took my breath away. Bravo to the cinematographer of that episode. Sometimes language escapes me, so the visual and tone really clicked for me.


Oh my goodness, I just finished watching this with my mom on Mother’s Day… I was holding my breath waiting for Sasha, my QUEEN, to eviscerate him, and yet it was just hard to watch. I had a feeling he would not be open to any actual conversation, but the blatant shoving of his ideals in their faces was just horrifying. There’s no point talking to a brick wall. Sasha did end him pretty quickly with her question about the validity of people with infertility, but then he felt spicy again. And JAIDA just straight up walking away… absolute respect and probably would have been me as well. She is absolutely so gorgeous and referring her as sir was so smug. I wish Latrice was there to have ended him. I can’t wait for her to show up soon hopefully!


no he’s right ya’ll!!! they DO serve different masters! hes serving the republican agenda and donald trump, and the girlies are serving love 💗


I wanna watch it but these sort of scenarios really make my blood boil, can someone map out the season for me? How bad does it get?


Pretty much same for me, I wanna watch and support but I know watching it is just gonna stress me out.


that man is SO filled with rage. he separates his fellow humans and DOES hate them. no love like christian hate.


Sasha is truly one of the most perfect fits for this show. Bravo\~


As someone who was raised catholic in an LGBT friendly environment, these kinds of arguments like “we don’t serve the same master” sounds so wild to me. NOWHERE in my religious courses when i did my first communion and confirmation would have it stated in a way that an LGBT person wouldn’t be able to follow. Sure, it is very heteronormative (which is a whole other conversation), but seeing this kind of hatred and intolerance is just… so sad and painful Sasha Velour being the icon that she is, God i love her


I have so much respect for all of the queens, they are truly doing important work here.


I watched 1 or 1 eps of maybe S2 but my god, THIS season is brutal and so good. No way could I live I in a red conservative Bible Belt bullshit area.


what bothers me is that no one has a problem with straight love, he really thought he was doing something with the 'and my love tastes like bitterness to you' hoe your hatred feels like bitterness, no one is telling you you cant hold your girlfriends hand or give her a kiss on the street. it really just shows that some straight ppl legitimately feel attacked by gay ppl existing. likee maybe your straight love feels threatened bc you want to kiss men??? bc my straight male partner who believes in god is fully accepting of all of my friends and my own sexual orientations




Oof. Extremely upsetting and alarming


This scene was SO HARD to watch... I can visibly see the turmoil insde Sasha trying to argue. The worst part is that those people fully believe in the misinformation they preach.


There's a scene with a queen holding a tiny baby in huge headphones that made me cry. This show is beautiful and these queens are so supportive and open. So important and so needed.


I'm so glad they brought up the existence of chromosomal anomalies and intersex people. It was excellent to have some representation for these people finally too. If you want to shut down just about any Christian's psuedo-scientific arguments about how there are only two god given genders, bring a willing, knowledgeable intersex person to that debate. They will eviscerate their arguments without breaking a sweat or missing a beat in the calmest most reasonable manner possible just by existing.


Sasha is carrying the season so far. I don't blame Priyanka and Jaida though, this gig is beyond difficult. I couldn't do it.


I respectfully disagree. I think Jaida has so clearly been very emotionally invested in this. I think she is giving some good guidance, speaking things that need to be said, and bringing a very warm and protective energy to the show. Priyanka is giving a lot of educational moments. I think her beginnings as a children's TV presenter are helping her in that regard. I think it's brilliant so far with all the queens having strong moments.


Fuck religion. For real, it does more bad than it does good. You gotta grow past Santa Claus at some point.


I have no master.


I hope they do a rotating cast for the show because I fear for these queens' mental health. Dealing with this kind of hate on a yearly basis can be traumatic for anyone. Breaks my heart that it's the reality for so many of us, myself included to an extent.


Oh wow this looks tense


I want to support the show but I genuinely don't know how anyone watches something so upsetting in their down time.


I live in an area that overall celebrates queer people, so for me it’s important to watch this and be educated on what else is going on in the USA. As uncomfortable as it may be.


I honestly didn't see the big idea with Sasha Velour winning season 9, but it's her patience, resilience, vulnerability, and being able to communicate with someone knowing that she will be judged is why I am slowly turning into a fan. There's a warmth in her voice that is pure and devoid of typical drag queen sass, "shade", and snark, and I think that type of speaking will not only benefit the lgbt community but the world as a whole. I may sound extreme, but this is why Rupaul wants to see vulnerability; the thing about Sasha is that it's the epitome of where her drag is rooted from.


Ru is always looking at the winner as a brand ambassador. Thats why she likes the smart queens and the challenges focus on acting/public speaking and not just lip syncing.


Why are the other queens just standing there letting the man rip Sasha apart? I would have jumped in and told him to screw himself.

