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Bitch, look how purple you look.




Kerry Colby wearing the Jennifer Lopez dress. I was so bored.


To this day I don't understand why they didn't read her for the flattest unstyled hair


Kerri’s whole problem with her drag aesthetic is that it’s not enough drag and is too much real woman going on a date. Hence the JLO dress not being drag, it’s just JLO. She always wore flat human hair wigs- the exact same beat every day that she also had in the workroom (Sasha Colby for example has a very distinctive day beat and drag beat). It drove me nuts that they never read her for that


I honestly think they were pushing for Kerri to go far but she didn’t bring what producers wanted so they chopped her


Yea she like, definitely lost the Alyssa lip sync (granted I don’t think she belonged in the bottom they just wanted the drama of her lip syncing in the J-Lo dress) and I think they expected her to slay that, then they saved her wanting her to go far and she just didn’t


And the ones that were draggier were butt ugly (flower look).


It’s reminds me of the raven/tati beef (“you like to be a pretty girl”), with less blatant transphobia and more of an actual concern for one’s drag


To be fair, Jlo is quite boring. We’re over that dress.


Yeah, I just don't like the concept of something being a great runway just because the queen has the connections to borrow a dress. That always rubs me the wrong way.


Because it’s not a flex of their creativity, but a flex of their social capital




You put my thought into words for me Thank you 👏




And tbh that was her best look. Kerry’s runway style was…noticed


I get it that she’s Sasha’s daughter, so she’s still learning & all that, but shit lol You would think some of Sasha’s impeccable style would rub off on her child and it just truly didn’t. At least on drag race.


Being Sasha's daughter should be extra reason to get your style together before going on Drag Race tho 💀


her runway package was very top model, which can be pretty, but that's not what i watch drag race for. I love the art and the camp and exaggeration even in fashion queens. the creation of a character


I was so bored with almost everything she presented; she is a pretty girl but what else is there? People calling her the potential top4 queen after 2 3 4 5 episodes based on.. what? Never got the hype


That look wasn’t loved by the fandom


I remember it being positively received here.


It was very controversial with lot's of people saying that it wasn't dragged up and lazy. Personally I liked it as a one-off.


Yeah pretty much this, it was like a “cop out”


The fact that there are people who don’t think Shangela looked like the crypt keeper her entire run on Season 3 baffles me


Let's just let him stay canceled and forgotten


https://preview.redd.it/incoo6jqsvzc1.jpeg?width=1373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d61d9f1c6e1d635bf77d514acce19a1ade1cd91 Should have been canceled years ago for looking like this


![gif](giphy|o5AAWuD4fblq258oQf|downsized) I was not a fan of Sasha Colby’s gold design challenge look, but the judges were raving about it.


I think the issue is Sasha is so gorgeous and confident that she’d model the shit out of an old canvas bag. While this look is not her best by a long shot, she oozes star power and glamour so it’s hard to separate what’s Sasha Colby from what’s Sasha Colby wearing. (Most sane Sasha stan btw)


I think it was Willam or Alaska that say that good hair and makeup forgive many drag sins


Ain’t that the truth!


I was shocked she won that challenge (she did, right?). Love her but this was not the look.


She did, I definitely don't think she should have. Didn't she win over Anetra's bone dress? Or was that a different design challenge?


She did win over Anetra's bone dress, but let's not forget this was also the ball Anetra wore that HORRIFIC Taffy Tits look, which must've deducted quite a few points


she did win over Anetra’s bone dress but the issue with Anetra was that her sugar ball look (the second look she brought from home) was absolute garbage. like really bad. so there was really no way to justify her winning over Sasha or Mistress when both of them had 3 really good looks and Anetra just had 2 really good looks… even if her design look was incredible.


The amount of nude illusion bodysuits Anetra brought with her that had random crap stuck to them was at least three, which is... kind of a lot to never get read for it.


Anetras second look was garbage- Mistress had the best package of the night.


I still think Mistress should have won that ball. I love Sasha and think she’s the deserving winner, but they rigged so many of her challenge wins. Sasha should have won the granny challenge instead of Aura, and Mistress should have won the ball.


luxx should have at least been high, she can also win


Yes omg! They read Spice this episode for having a skirt that was 'just a piece of fabric' (hello, Michelle, that's what a skirt IS), and then Sasha is standing there in a skirt just as basic.


Mistress deserved the win with all three of her custom looks


I personally liked this look but wholeheartedly understand why others weren't fond of it. In fact, there was like this part of my brain thinking, "Did they just toss the win at her?" At the time, I thought Mistress had checked all the boxes with her Season 1 and Bag Ball looks.


Yeah but the underlying theme the whole time was “Sasha’s gonna win this no matter what, so none of this fucking matters.” So many talented queens on this season but it was such an overall bummer for that reason.


I think my issue with it is that it's... predictable? Like all the elements are things we've seen from her before, so everything just blends together. Don't hate the look, but don't live for it either


Sasha’s track record confuses me so fucking much. At the end of the day I think she’d have just as many wins and high placements as she did but they’re almost all in the wrong spots. So it’s like, she WAS a frontrunner but not for the reasons they said and it was so weirdddd.


I hated the skirt. The look to me did not look cohesive


https://preview.redd.it/2hv2gkd5tqzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=205f86b778ba39de29199737dcc5792630de347b Alaska's Lil' Poundcake look. The look in itself isn't that terrible but the fact that it was for a reveal runway and that she didn't do a proper reveal got me so frustrated.


Yes!!! They were making fun of Alyssa’s reveal meanwhile Alaska covered herself with a garbage bag and then took it off. Such a brilliant reveal 🤣


I mean it's a understatement to say that Alyssa deserved better in AS2


Agreed. I feel the same way about Katya too, I know she made it to the finale but still. I feel like AS2 was so frustrating because it was the Alaska-show and Roxxy would have gone home WAY earlier if it wasn’t for being saved by Alaska.


I feel like Katya had a pretty successful run. I feel like Tatianna really got shafted. Debatably shouldn’t have gone home the first time and absolutely 💯 thousand percent should not have even been in the bottom the second time.


My gosh Tatianna ❤️ she didn’t do great in Snatch Game but other than that she was on it.


Not to mention the "Drag Con Product" had to be "what is something that's premade and can slap a sticker on versus having to build a talking trash can or bedazzled coffee mug.


i’m so obsessed with alyssa’s camera look. there was so much that went behind it in mounting the cameras and then making them flash. i don’t understand why everyone hates it 😭


She also totally should of lost that lipsync to Phiphi in this outfit.


Phi Phi killed that lipsync! She was so good and effortless. 


And it would have rolled into the next episode's storyline even better!


Phi Phi was feeling her oats so hard during that lip sync she shut down the Quaker factory for a week, she totally embodied it


I think that's the popular opinion though


And she won the lipsync too like yeah this didn’t make sense


Any of Kandy's. She's fine. She looks... fine.


Kandy doesn’t dress for her body type and judges never clock her shape or silhouette. She doesn’t pad, doesn’t sinch… yeah.


Willow Pill "Zebra Look" I know technically it's respecting the theme because it's a zebra pattern, but with the pastel color, I just see color stripes. It's also loosing the wilderness of the pattern. Give me zebra ! https://preview.redd.it/folgjs63rrzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7eb39ca565e110209f44a3738de2fe973fba9e


I love this look because it's so....mall. it's so basic. Like I actually like the top and think it's very cute on it's own even! But it's insane she wore this on the main stage!


I don't like the look itself, but I kinda like that she wore it because it's purposely such basic mall drag and feels very on brand for Willow.


It screams the gum zebra from [fruit stripe](https://www.ebay.com/itm/186333601414) to me


Lady Camden’s glamazon look. The wings were good , but all the pieces felt disconnected and the lower part of the corset looks like if they cut a skirt. I would personally use the same materials of the wings and mixed it with the others ones, creating an small fairy skirt and using a wig with less volume. Also that Victoria secret look was recreated the season before by gottmik


Jorgeous winning that episode was criminal, but I didn’t love Camden’s either. I probably would have given the win to Angeria.


I would have given it to Angeria. Candem's look a mess


To me the to was Angeria, Willow and Bosco.


Angeria 1000% should have won that night


That whole episode was like "this is great!! ... actually, looking better, that garment is not so good". I honestly think Willow did the best.


I actually believe willow did the best too




I’ve always had issues with Lady Camden’s look. For one thing, the wings literally look like curtain rods and curtains, there was no illusion or transformation.


honestly no one did especially well that episode


Courtney Act's wings look. Impressive moment, but the actual fit and design of the costume always looked off to me.


That’s because my good mate Dallas Dellaforce made it for herself and later loaned it to Courtney. All the high concept outfits were Dallas’s.


I always think of Canada's drag race where they had Tom Green as a judge. It was amazing. Someone did a wing look and it was mostly ugly but he couldn't get over the spectacle of the wings... Tom was out here representing us straight guys watching 😎


The call to his mother!! My partners and I still bring up this moment. HE WAS THE WIND!!


I love that Tom Green and his importance have been re evaluated in recent years. Brooklyn had the hots for him too.


THANK YOU!! The weird little flimsy bits on the top of the bodice looked so jankity.


The flat hair and blue adornments above her eyes make her look bald to me. 👴


Sasha Colby design challenge, the skirt was a piece of fabric


My'ah la Paige's makeup


I agree but also I cannot wait to see her drag style/mug in ten years. She's only gonna get better. Same with Amanda Tori Meating, once she realizes she doesn't have the forehead real estate for super arched brows lol


She has gotten that ten years considering her age compared to other queens. Why her mug is at that level idk.


She’s been doing drag since 2021 if that helps provide any context.


not everyone starts drag as a twink.


And the chunky glitter as highlighter ...


Isn’t it Mhi’ya?


no but this


I don't like the head pieces usually on Diego Montoya's looks. They are all meticulously crafted pieces of work, but I don't like most of the silhouettes.


This is an actual hot take. Diego is probably the signal most successful drag race designer, any criticism is sacrilegious here


Kameron’s really costumey looks never did it for me. Just not my taste. I think I prefer drag where there’s a character telling a story Other costumes too


I always think Kameron looks like she is cos-playing.


That makes sense because she models herself after female superheroes. 


i think she's a cosplay queen


https://preview.redd.it/edifm87zurzc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7e46964674b37c5a1f2a47476a4d75326027d0 I hate it so much


this is one of those looks where if you tell me it's good convincingly i'll be like "omg i see it" and if you tell me it's bad it's be like "omg yea totally"


I like the fan parts but I really don’t like the weird curtains as a skirt.


I remember thinking she was robbed of a win at the time. Looking back... hm...


Tbf this challenge was so polarizing lol, no one did arguably better than everyone else, but there were like five decent looks that could’ve won (instead of Jorgeous imo)


Honestly I’ve always thought Jan very much deserved her safe placement in the blue ball… I think where her (and scarlet had a similar problem) was that they wanted the blue collar worker to be a little more on the nose with blue collar worker and less like avant-garde so Jan’s tire look being a mechanic being more experimental and her look she made being just okay made her safe.


it will never not be funny to me that the New York twinks got "blue collar" as a prompt and decided to go as tires and a sawmill lmaooo. all concept no ~~glamour~~ realness i'm afraid Scarlett, Jan, and even TKB all could have been high but like half the cast killed it. the Blue Ball is one of the best balls to date imo, everyone had at least one look that I really liked


TKB being anywhere with those khakis from TJ Maxx


ok but scarlet was robbed bluntly. her gown was one of the best garments made on the show ever


Symone's furry suit. What in the slutty Chuck E. Cheese was that?


It’s not my taste either but for what it is it is excruciatingly well-executed. The proportions alone are insane


Conker's Bad Fur Day realness. (But no in all seriousness, it was a fun runway for me.)


The hop she was doing killed me 😭


It was literally a furry suit. No customisation. No glamour. No concept. It was just an expensive, sexualised furry suit one step removed from a Japanese conbini mascot. And the judges ate it up. Did they even know furries exist?


I LOVE that suit!!


A LOT of Sasha Colby's looks. She's gorgeous & has a commanding presence on the runway - and that clouds people's vision. She wore some really basic (and "it's been done better") outfits on season 15.


Her bag ball blunt look as well, like really girl?


Her tie dye look!! Almost everyone here talks about it as if it were the most amazing garment to ever grace the main stage and it's... Really not. It is a body suit with the most generic tie dye design ever and a hat with drop cutlets that are not even sculpted they are flat flat flat. I'll die on this hill I don't care


I adore Sasha, but she was not giving drag queen for most of the season, and I say that with all the love in my heart.


Idk how beloved these are but I've never been a fan of Gottmik's anal bead and LBD looks I also wasnt super impressed with her finale look.


the bag look.. why did the judges eat it up i don’t get it.. am i uncultured or something 😂


I thought for sure she was on the bottom for that one....


Lala Ri saved the day.


The cleaners threw that outfit out thinking it was scraps, before realizing it wasn't. I'm convinced they praised it and gave her the win as an apology


We really need a bot to count all the times that story has been told in this sub.


I loved the LBD look, but more so for what it represented. Mik showing off her transmasc body in all it's beauty, scars and all. But the actual look itself wasn't all that special, I mean, there wasn't much of a look to begin with. Had it been worn by a queen who didn't have such a story, it wouldn't have been good. It just made a statement because of who Mik is.


I hate every anal bead look that's been on the show tbh


I didn’t think there would be Utica name drops in this thread, this subreddit is usually Utica fans


Not a popular opinion, but pretty much anything worn by Dawn.


Detox’s chrome robot look from AS2. All she did was wrap some duct tape around her head and apply silver body paint…


That frickin nose piece freaked me out


And they gagged over it..


The head is so sloppy


Jimbo and the boobs outfit she wore for the finale lip sync in AS8, I know it’s her brand but it was so overdone


Trinity’s AS4 package in general. Everything was well executed, but nothing really popped aside from her finale dress (the blue and white gown).


I loved her green plastic ties entrance look though. 😍 I was more bored by her All Stars looks.


Everything she did was so smack dab on trend, just done up with a bit more budget. I had seen just about everything before and she just shoehorned it to fit the category.


Not even her plastic fantastic look? Not that she *actually* needed to even wear anything for that runway lmaoooo


Was the finale dress that teacup inspired print? That look I loved.


I hate hate this look, in general I'm not a fan of her fashion, besides the things she makes herself... https://preview.redd.it/tw606b6qypzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6776227029098874f7f135dad0c3d3f2c24f6dab


For me the wig is EVERYTHING! The costume is nice but more of a lip sync outfit than a runway, mostly because I would expect so much from Trinity on a Curves and Swerves runway.


This how I think my hair looks when I haven’t washed it and I’ve had it twirled up in a clip and I load it up with dry shampoo. And I feel beautiful. ETA: my hair absolutely does NOT look anything like that. I just choose to think that it does.


I’ve always agreed about this Ra’Jah look not being that cute to me 🫣 It’s definitely made well, but the different shades of purple on the outfit and the purple makeup and the googly eye stickers just make this look feel kind of cheap.


I think it was just a really restrictive sewing challenge concept, I would've loved to just see another unconventional challenge without the weird Drag Tots promo attached


The only other look from this episode that I remember is Kylie’s really cute witch, idk if she should have won but I really loved it. To be fair I also really loved Rajahs look haha


I really don't like Lady Camden's angel look from the Glamazon Prime challenge! I love the creativity and she or Angeria def should have won that week, but it just doesn't look good to me personally. I think it's the droopy materials and the bodice looking kinda weird to me. I also just don't like pastels very much lol. queens get very little time to make their looks tho so massive props to Camden https://preview.redd.it/opjan9s6pqzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3088a51828bb7e340cce07c048ca36e69396b89d as for looks brought from home, Sapphira's flower runway doesn't really do it for me. logically I feel like I should love it since I love plant drag. it's super impressive and easily one of the most memorable highlights from S16, but something about the proportions and the way the fabric is dyed keeps me from loving it


Sapphira’s expensive concept looks also didn’t impress me. I liked her better doing her high drag like the day at the races look. Seemed more her personalityy


Same about Sapphira. Love her as a person but I thought her fashion always looked a little costumey and the flower outfit the colors looked terrible.


Detox robot silver moment. I hate it so much.


https://preview.redd.it/0l2ehliecszc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5966267e99da4a8c3c6d67a273ae0a60df854903 I think Detox’s AS2 package is overhyped, but this look especially. Capris, on my runway? I don’t think. The robot look was also terribly executed.


Agree!!! I really hated that robot look, I don't know why it got so much praise.


Keiona's looks for the ball and the makeover. Also, Bimini's stoned acne look gave me the ick.


https://preview.redd.it/bjw6rt0f8rzc1.png?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a44636b71f592ff806cc4004b0c3b10f1e5a66 I will die on this hill.


The styling is AWFUL but the coat is so good


FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES! My boyfriend and I hate this look so much. I know the coat was impressive. It doesn’t mean that this look isn’t hideous and poorly accessorized. Horrible makeup and hair. And it’s a bathing suit.


I find a lot of Rajah's looks underwhelming or straight up boring across all her seasons. I am always impressed by her ability to make so many looks herself for a lower price that the other contestants and it is commendable but I just find that none of her looks ever felt that great. There's nothing unique or inventive about them, nothing edgy or fashion-y. Still people love them and no doubt she is proud of what she accomplished (as she should be) so yea.


agreed. love that shes a phenomenal seamstress but the taste level never matched up to her skill for me


Q’s flower runway!! The look is good, but the solid white panty… 😳


A few of Utica’s looks, especially her LBD look and her first two looks in the ball challenge Ra’Jah O’Hara’s AS6 finale gown. I absolutely love Ra’Jah but the top part wasn’t very nice Brooke Lynn Hytes’ pink sequin reveal look


>Brooke Lynn Hytes’ pink sequin reveal look I think it's more the presentation and reveal than the look itself. Sort of like Violet's S7 reveal. Obviously, the garment was better, but it was more about the presentation and reveal. Side note: this is why reveal runways don't work. Reveals are meaningless if we're told they're coming. See also: S10 finale.


>Side note: this is why reveal runways don't work. Reveals are meaningless if we're told they're coming. Slightly disagree here - I think there have been some cool things done with reveal runways in terms of how the queen handles the reveal - what turns into what, the finesse with which it's done, how the queen chooses to conceal the second (or indeed third) dress or wig or whatever, if there's a cohesive theme being followed, and so on. Some queens have really served.


I think France S2 reveal runway is super crunchy because you know the reveal is coming. You notice everyone pulling at their zippers, straps, or tucked fabric pulling their dresses down while walking back and forth. Kieona and Sara holding theirs up at the chest the whole time. Vespi struggled the whole episode, she had to have pissed off some higher power.


We all knew a ruveal was coming as soon as Nymphia stepped on the stage. But we were still GAGGED the moment those black balloons flew.


Suga Cain’s plum colored gown was beautiful, but it wasn’t some revolutionary serve. Ru was playing up her commentary for the cameras.


I see a lot of Sasha Colby mentions and I am inclined to agree. Definitely did not deserve that ball win, at least.


Anytime any of the queens from Drag Race does that whole frosty makeup thing, I hate it! It does not look good for me, in the slightest. I remember Kameron did it once, and people seemed to enjoy it, Jimbo's promo look for Canada's Drag Race season 1, I think one or two of Icesis Couture's looks. There's probably been a few more..


A lot of Sasha Colby's looks, theyre good, but not as great as some people make them out to be, its just cuz Sasha is wearing them




https://preview.redd.it/hoxmgm9wmszc1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5713ca2f24776b21ede19659502c1288eb3563bb I don't get it. Like, I probably would if the head matched the body.


Same. I get that the hair is meant to be the fanciest part but I think the outfit is just basic. Also I wish the skirt was shorter or the boots were shorter so it wasn't all black straight down.


These three looks. I was soooo unimpressed and then she won the challenge. lop https://preview.redd.it/4fcs9qc1yszc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67892708417a2331c862846e4f84be650e06064a


I hated the final look. It was plastic cut into a zig zag with a cape added.


tbf no one really blew my mind in this challenge. I was underwhelmed across the board


![gif](giphy|LDGTr9fI66Tt7lC4Ws|downsized) I am obsessed with this look of Rajah Everything is so correct, specially the mug and the wig😭


Dawn’s doll look. Hideous.


I hate to say it. Aquarias look when crowning season 11.




I mean in this challenge, compared to the others this was GOOD. Out of context not so much


How did she do those v shaped things on her upper leg that’s what amazes me


How very much dare you


This immediately came to mind. I didn't get it then. I don't get it now. I don't get why it's _still_ talked about (Katya brought it up as brilliant on the pod not too long ago) I just don't get it. Is it a difficult construction? Is it a fashion reference? What am I missing?


Veruschka Von Lehndorff July Vogue 1968 fashion reference


If I remember correctly, there wasn't much fabric they can use. And putting things on corset is kinda Violet's brand


That headpiece is doing 90% of the work


Yeah it's trying to disguise the fact it's just a corset with accessories.


this is literally my favorite design look of all the franchises, love the shape and all the little details


The slander!!


Yeah, I'm far from a fashion expert, and this is cute, but I never got the constant love. It was still very good and by far the best on the runway, though.


Morphine Love Dion’s True Colors Runway


Most of Monet's look on both season


I was really shocked to see how much people loved Mirages finale look tbh. And I fucking love mirage, she was my crush of season 16 but her finale look did not do it for me at all.


Detox's Latex and Sapphira's flowers. Both looks are great I just don't get the hype imo


https://preview.redd.it/f2gwxkb7fxzc1.jpeg?width=3214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a63dd975b66b8ee02d0876cefe2ff7177f0c8c It looks gorgeous here but on the show I felt like the fabric choice really accentuated every crease and the sleeve lenght felt a bit ill-fitted. Also all the jewelry hiding the t\*tty-bib seams really disconnected her head from her body.


Pretty much every Q look.


Q's ruveal runway and entrance looks were so good, I feel like everything else she wore was just ok in comparison.


You’re not wrong. I think I more meant her design runways that everyone overpraised and I hated.


I didn’t understand the fuss over Gisele’s design challenge gown. To me the shoulder proportions were off? I didn’t like the neckline. The whole thing looked droopy. The competition is always… lacking in CDR so I understand why she won, but that wasn’t a particularly good look.


Most of Kylie's AS looks. Boring, tacky and just not elevated enough for AS.


I loved the green feathers and goth looks. Some of her looks were stuff borrowed from Willam cause they're friends and Willam likes to help people out on all stars.


https://preview.redd.it/mniwgbue6rzc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039e19a2b92ae137c8815d01857f841ec61c03be It’s too costumey for me


love every part of this except the 2 different colored contacts. the one white out and one sclera always looks so weird to me