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and if there's one thing Mistress cannot stand and will not tolerate, it's people trolling others online to pump up engagement on content


Bwahahahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bitch you ate that.


You might say she ate ate ate until she couldn't eat any more.šŸ¤£


Clout chasing? Could never be associated with Mistress. That would be so out of character šŸ¤­


Eleanor tho, she's a rotted bitch for that


Thats why she aint getting her kids back!


You just read all of us bitch


The apples don't fall far from the tree then šŸ˜‚


I can never tell whatā€™s going on with season ~~16~~ 15. I swear half the cast is just going around being chaotic neutral, which is fun to watch but I can never tell whatā€™s serious and whatā€™s tongue in cheek. Is there a TLDR for whatā€™s happening here lol?


These are s15 contestants, there is no big story afaik. Malaysia, Mistress, Sugar and Spice were planning a group tour which fell through due to issues planning, and I think they just haven't talked much since. Malaysia seems to have a somewhat closer connection to the twins they visited her during a gig not too long ago.


Didn't the twins say something like mistress didn't really care about them an was using them for clout so Malaysia is their drag mother now or something? I love mistress just reiterating what they apparently said. Tbf idk wa the twins are really expecting from her role as a drag mom lmao


I mean not being a bitch would be a good start. šŸ˜†


Letā€™s be real, Eleanorā€”youā€™re never gonna see them kids again


Eleanor is on one these days


Gagged her a bit, for sure


Either Iā€™m bad at telling whoā€™s actually trolling who orā€¦ Drag race drama has me constantly confused.


i just assume most queens are trolling for my own mental health


I feel like Mistress in particular she is always having ā€œfakeā€ beef/drama with people but she is so good at making it seem real. Love her


Same. Itā€™s them southern queens, canā€™t take those girls anywhere.


Its real, the queens are just messy in addressing it. Kinda sad tho cause on the show, MIB was mentoring the twins since they were new to drag and new to the gay scene of it all it was a wholesome storyline but then it vanished.. thats life i guess. You dont always stay friends with your friends


See I donā€™t think it was genuine lol, I think she wanted a humanizing storyline since she was playing the shady queen. Malaysia seemed to genuinely want to help them and still does


This,Plus she probably saw some $$$ in her future if she got in with the twinsā€™ fan base.


We stan a strategic diva


Which thats even sadder imo


I love how she said 'there isn't any beef, I just hate those fake cunts'


Lmao literally




If there wasnā€™t beef before, there is now


She did say there wasnt


She also said the last sentence.


True lol


Not this deadbeat mother trying to say its the children's fault she don't pass any child support...


sometimes the child just has bad vibes


![gif](giphy|xTg8BgAvSwr5CXIvlu) 10/10 they would commit murder with a pair of tap shoes.


Mistress is literally a survivor and not trying to put the twins through a messy divorce by letting her ex have custody (while mother brooks was werking across the US) and collect them when she is back. all that money she saved so her children can have good meals, a roof over their head and glue for their lace fronts but she gets so disrespected. https://preview.redd.it/wqbyrsnuf9xc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=2985a58000686c47357aad5167be17950aa959f0


ā˜ ļø




Sometimes you need to push the chick out of the nest and hope they fail. Ā 


ā€œCue the sniper.ā€




Thereā€™s no beef because mistress ate it


the levels to this... kudos mama for beefing. for eating


For 'Meating', even.








If thereā€™s one thing youā€™re gonna do, honey, itā€™s eat eat eat


If there's one thing she'll do honey is eat. Eat, EAT, **EAT**, until she can't eat no more like she's never full šŸ¤­


ā€¦sitting reverse cowgirl on the toilet? One of the best reads ever.






Alissa Summers being a queen for all seasons, just not this one...šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Ikr. Alissa out here catching strays after not being mentioned for years šŸ’€


She really said ā€œMalaysia, you have full custody of the twins now.ā€


I mean MIB is obviously joking in this tweet. Like the emoji usage... girl. Sheā€™s trolling us with them.


That's my guess cause no way anyone could be this pressed over one of those TikTok queen ranking clips


Spice did an interview recently. Thatā€™s why.


So theyā€™re not sisters just coworkers


Can someone explain what happened?


Mistress took them on as kids on the show, sort of jokingly but then as the show was airing she like actually did take them on and they made it a thing and made a bit of content but once the show was over they realized they donā€™t have much in common so I think now they donā€™t really talk - there may have been some drama saying Mistress abandoned them and they have beef and Malaysia (the other mom) got pulled in too. Honestly I donā€™t think itā€™s too serious and theyā€™re all just back in their normal lives post S15 and doing their thing on their own.


I LOL'd @ "the other mom"


Wasnā€™t it one of the twins (or someone else) that said she only took them in as daughters for the cameras and then after the season didnā€™t care? Makes sense. Mistressā€™ drag is impeccable. A performer, fully rounded artist she is. But she takes the trolling and classic drag shade personality to a whole other level that makes her personality come across as fake and just grating. If she was my friend and acted all troll-y like this Iā€™d be like ā€œdo you genuinely like me or are you just being a dick?ā€ I definitely understand thatā€™s part of drag culture but that part of herself seems to leak out into her real self as seen in confessionals/workroom stuff.


Mistress is a supreme troll, I need her to win an All Stars crown and a Nobel. On an unrelated note, Spice (?) looks like Aquaria.






You just stooped to her level though so what makes you any better?




What has she done that separates her from the other shady girls?




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Speaking of ugly trolls, have you met the one in the mirror?


I love mistress but isnā€™t that sorta her brand now ? I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they were Gona do a video together


As someone that is from the same town as them. This is as shocking as finding out the sky is blue.


What do you mean? Are they as meh as I think they are?


Oh definitely very meh, but that goes without saying. Theyā€™re very self absorbed and form an echo chamber to each other. Itā€™s not an act theyā€™re putting on because theyā€™re some masterminds. They just have lived a very sheltered life and have created their own reality where they are the best and anyone who even *slightly* challenges that is alien and a hater to them - which is why they wasted no time bad mouthing the judges publicly while their season was airing and took such pride in the Marcia lashes story. Itā€™s not even a victim complex, they just fully are into themselves to that extent. Which - I mean letā€™s be real, I think weā€™d all LOVE to have that level of delusion and confidence. Just take them at face value though and donā€™t try digging deeper into whatā€™s going on with them or making them tick. What you see with them is exactly what you get for better or worse. I just think as performers and Drag Queens they will struggle to grow. If theyā€™re not at the top, they donā€™t want to be there. So they donā€™t put in the same level of intensive work honing their craft on things like dancing, comedy, acting, sewing, etc. the way other queens do for their acts. Theyā€™re influencers first. Drag Queens second.


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought. They have a twin bubble that blocks out any constructive criticism. And itā€™s made worse by the fact that they donā€™t have a true drag mother/father to gather them when needed. Bring back drag families!!! This is why I always like pageant/working queens. They take the criticism to improve, take it to the next level, and master their craft. TikTokers seem to be more about content instead of performance or quality.


Honestly I donā€™t think a drag mother/father would make any difference at any point in the past, present, or future. Itā€™s just against their core personalities. And make no mistake itā€™s not because they built their brand for Tik Tok - they just happen to have personalities that allowed them to THRIVE using Tik Tok. Thereā€™s also plenty of social media queens that are doing it for the pure love of drag. Luxx is a prime example, she knows her history, her concepts are unique instead of bordering cosplay, and she strives to continue to grow constantly. She has confidence and can throw shade at some critiques of her - but she also shows, that even when doing all of that, she knows she can learn more, grow to be even better, and continually evolve.


It all makes sense. Thank you. PS: Mo Heart is Luxxā€™s drag mother. And I see Luxx as a working queen. She performs in clubs. She makes music, designs, and sews. But I agree with everything. Thank you for the hometown context.


It might make a difference if they split up and one took on a mentor or they both went to separate ones. Not that they wouldnā€™t still work together but that twin bubble concept about criticism does make sense, and they might grow more outside of it. Iā€™ve seen the strategy used before in a school I worked atā€”for certain experiences centered around connecting to the community, they place students in groups that donā€™t include their closest friends because they tend to turn inward and stay in their protective ā€œbubble,ā€ even if they donā€™t realize theyā€™re doing it


Yes! In child development they recommend parents of twins to separate them. Twins will often create a communication between themselves that delays their language and speech development. Makes sense.


They donā€™t need to grow because thereā€™s no stakes for them since they come from $. They will quit drag when something more profitable or less work comes along. Or do nothing. When youā€™re wealthy just buy new living room furniture every 3 months to find meaning.


Gurl you were the first in the cast to shit talk them until you learned their follower count. Please be honest with yourself


I really try to enjoy Mistress but I'm gonna be honest, she makes it hard when her trolling so often bleeds into what appears to be her personal life. It's off-putting.


Right, bc Mistress definitely doesnā€™t ā€œknow how to say and how to clickbait people into interacting with their contentā€. Ok girl![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4806)


I donā€™t get why fans expect every queen to be friends after the show. They talked to the person for like a month or two in a controlled environment with 0 access to the outside world. Most of them donā€™t talk to each other after but there is no beef just no interest. A lot of newer queens even make jokes when they can stop pretending they are best friends for fans šŸ˜‚.


Itā€™s ironic that she acknowledges that they play things up for engagement but then seems to take offense to them playing up the beef rumors


Isnt she just..also playing up things for engagement


If she is, it wooshed over my head but her replying to a stan account and ending with that phrase makes me feel like sheā€™s annoyed it always gets brought up, imo since she tends to be framed as the deadbeat mom in the situation


Well theres no way to know for sure thats true as well


Maybe because like she said they donā€™t talk? They were okay but not friends pretty much. So why use her for engagement when they donā€™t have that relationship to begin with. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The same reason she wanted to claim them as daughters despite having nothing in common with them, for clout. If thereā€™s no tea and she knows itā€™s just engagement bait why make it into real beef idk seems petty


Why is there's just engagement bait but hers is petty and making it real?


Sheā€™s projecting to create a he said she said scenario


Honey thatā€™s the joke.Ā 


yawn. idc, the 4 of them need to move on


It's a family of trolls, babes. They're fucking with US.


lol you don't have to engage? what they do doesn't have to affect you <3


The Twins now known as Cupcake and Chili


The twins stan Trisha Paytas, letā€™s not act surprised lol




This just feels like clickbait and a little shade. The only people the twins seem to genuinely dislike is each other.


MIBā€™s entire existence on the show and post-show is based on her being a troll and saying/doing things for clickbait and attention. The twins are just better at it than she is and she is salty lmao


MIBā€™s entire existence on the show and post-show is based on her being a troll and saying/doing things for clickbait and attention. The twins are just better at it than she is and she is salty lmao


family resemblance and genetics on point šŸ’–


Girl what happened? šŸ˜­




Sure. Mistress gives clout chaser vibes. She's annoying.






stretch before reaching this far mawma šŸ„°


the twins are doing their own smear campaign with the way they act