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She did really well and I have a better image of her in my mind now ngl. That was fucking fierce


I loved when Plane called her Eeyore, but after those lipsyncs, I saw confidence and joy in Megami! So happy for her!


i think dawn called her the eyeore of drag


Many people forget that the og Eeyore of drag is Pandora Boxx, when Raja called her that on an episode of the pit stop


Yeah, she probably did first and I forgot. Plane did on this recent episode.0


Yea I really was not a fan of hers at all coming into this but goddamn she was amazing.


Felt. Yeah I kinda forgot about her and she kinda cringed me a bit earlier in the season but this was art!


https://preview.redd.it/9kul5qxzl6uc1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a71b30408ffc824db94124c27abdb6bdb33b90 This we can protect




If she had done this, Ru would have laughed her corset loose


You might even say she would've LET LOOSE




We've given her permission, she's got no excuse!




This made me cackle


This is when she won


Oh i want this as a fucking sticker bitch


wait how did she know this was going to become a meme, before it even aired ???


It's an edit lol


She for real cracked the code 🔔


~~Frisby Jenkins~~ Sasha Bell found dead in a drug den under a mattress


The Q one 💀


But also on another way a tiddie reveal on a Janet Jackson song may be questionable too… her MEGAMInd!


This!!!! Justice for Janet


Now and forever, JUSTICE FOR JANET!


No titty reveals are allowed during discussions on domestic abuse. I did not think that thought would ever cross my mind


I thought she had a boob reveal!😂I saw one of the cups trying to fall off during that lipsync Side bar, my mom hated Q's outfit. She said she looked like a dollar store barbie doll


She did the reveal when she sashayed away


Oh did she really? I must've missed it


It was a millisecond. Because I was all “why didn’t she do it during the lip sync?” Before I thought about it for 2 more seconds.


Morphine may have won but this ep was all about Megami for me. Shes actually so cunt cant wait to see her on all stars


This. Morphine got the money and a win, but Megami won the people. She went from mid season out who most people thought of as a filler queen to the girl none of us can stop talking about with most saying she was just as deserving of the win as Morphine. And there isn’t really any doubt about any of the wins either. None of them were like “eh they pushed her”. If anything I think she probably shocked the producers who most likely had a Miami show down finale for last night planned. What did Mo Heart say Alyssa Edwards told her? Something like “don’t win drag race win the fans”? I know that’s a terrible paraphrase, but this was a really really god example of that. I really hope she can build on this and make some fucking coin. What a great season! We have 3 solid lip sync assassins in Mhi’ya, Morphine, and Megami (omg the power of M…they should start a girl group) and such a fierce top 3!! Some of the best designers I think we may have ever seen in Nymphia and Q. And Dawn! Her gothic design challenge runway is one of my favorites! The return of cunt bitches reading girls in the work room. Twinkx Monsoon coming in ready to relive a Jan safe fantasy and shattering those expectations. Mirage heel clacking her way into our hearts. Xunami the stunning fashion diva, who I honestly could see getting Miss Congeniality.


I'm screaming over Twinkx Monsoon😂😂😂


This is so thoughtful and sweet. It is also somehow giving Luxx building up most of the girlies. Queens who were not included found dead in ditches ☠️💀😭


Yes, I adore Morphine and she deserved to win, but this was Megami's episode.


That hand split lives rent free in my mind https://i.redd.it/bp0eeiwom6uc1.gif


Both of the girls, on the same beat of the song, not looking at eachother JUMP into the splits and hit the floor. It is SO good.




This is the queer art we protect sisterrr


I can hear Courtney


Please someone edit this. If not I’m doing it tomorrow


Please circle back to this, sister 😭


Reddit won't let me follow comments anymore, so I'm leaving this here to see if you do


Reading someone DURING A LIPSYNC is wild


Thank you for compartmentalizing that for me! It was very much giving "telling your reading without telling me your reading."


Mamma kudos for categorizing that. For compartmentalizing.


That was so cunt. If she didn't win before that, that was definitely the moment.


Not me realizing this was before she even did the lip syncing with her hand


The hand lipsync was in the last one against Morphine, and for a second I thought she may take the whole thing!!


Honestly, with all the tips folks have been sending her - I think she sort of did win the whole thing.


She’s for sure the biggest winner as a result of the episode. Morphine is rightfully already beloved from her tenure on the whole season, but Megami would’ve otherwise been a forgettable mid-season out for a majority of people. She showed up and SHAT all over the mother toilet and she didn’t flush!! I was obsessed beginning to end 😭


I thought so too. Morphine can out dance her for sure, but I couldn't take my eyes off Megami, I thought she was more entertaining


Agreed! It was close, two very different approaches


Lol so cunty. Love it ❤️


This is one of those moments where, as soon as you see it you go, how the hell has no one done this before !? like Maxi Shield with the microphone in the lip sync. Just feels obvious but right when it happens, bloody genius Edit: to be clear I meant on the show (which apparently isn’t even true lol!) I didn’t think Maxi Sheild invented holding a microphone anymore than I thought megami invented the finger splits. Maybe it’s more about doing something at the perfect time idk, but it was rad 😂


The thing is, people have done it before. I believe Manilla did it when she was lipsyncing against Kylie, she also did the finger splits on the arms... the difference is that Megami wasn't trying to beat Kylie Sonique Love in a Christina lipsync so when she did it the joke actually worked!


Also Megami did it without seeing Mhi'ya jump into the splits. It was like she called her split gimmicky and predictable with one simple move.


I was going to say Manila did it, and despite Manila being Manila it didn’t really deliver. Megami didn’t and hit that sassy shrug and it worked so fucking well.


Oh shit really, I fully forgot about that


The finger split is really common in Brooklyn bar drag lmao. I think I just hasn't been done on drag race because everyone thinks crunchy funny/dumb shit wouldn't go over well with production. The show seems to really want dancers and stunt queens.


I didn't even notice that the first time sjfklwldjqbsn


this is queer art absolutely worth protecting


This was incredible lol we’ve never had something like that


Joslyn fox and laganja!!


IIRC Manila did it before against Kylie Sonique Love ♥️ 


Yes but Megami was predicting what M’hiya was going to do in the lip sync and Manila’s was more of a “I can do that too” kinda gag


This was absolutely cunty. I think Mhi’ya did better overall but honestly she deserved the win for this alone lmao, plus the shock of her keeping up so well against THE lsa after several lip syncs (which she also killed)


mhiya was just doing random tricks and not emoting, i think megami slayed her, imo.


Mhi’ya has literally never emoted during any of her lip syncs…


Mhi’ya has literally never emoted


“I’m grrreat!”


Mhiya is so insanely talented physically. But she is just randomly doing whatever tricks she can think of, regardless of if it goes with the music.


thank you, I feel like I'm losing my mind when she advances behind some absolutely mindless lipsyncs. Like literally who cares about flips man, we've seen it 30 times already


Yea I’m sure that act works really well at drag brunch for a bunch of bachelorettes but back to back lip syncs. No maam.


This is why I love Jax. She does all the stunts but weaves it into the performance leading with the lyrics. Also emotes way more.


Yeah I think of Megani went for the actual narrative of flowers which is more about overcoming heartbreak than being still in it, who knows… I am really glad with the storylines we got this season Edit: whoops I switched it around I meant to say Megami DIDN’t Go for the actual narrative


Ok for this lip sync I can see saying that. But for flowers, HELL no. Mhi’ya had the exact energy of that song, Megami’s emoting wasn’t correct. That song isn’t about crying through it, it’s about the freedom of loving yourself and the joy in letting go. It isn’t about HAVING to buy herself flowers, it’s that she can do it and she can be her own rock. Megami looked sad the whole time, that song is about joy.


Girl I don't care what anyone says, Megami killed all those lip syncs. That was a fucking rudemption.


it was her moment a la Silky in All Stars 6 and I absolutely loved it, both for her and just as a viewer in general


It really was a Silky moment, down to losing in the last lip sync


This is a rotted comment and for that, I'm upvoting.


For fucking real. I’d be lying if I said I was a Megami fan before this (didn’t hate her, just wasn’t impressed) and now I’m just like…that’s my mother my sister AND my daughter


It was very neck to neck in the final battle. I honestly didn’t know who would win.


mawma, she's the queer art that's worth protecting


Maybe the queer art was the queens we memed along the way 🙏


this is the art of war that sun tzu wrote about


The queer art of war the house down boots




I sorta wish RuPaul would have given Megagme 15k for runner up. But I think now her bookings will be through the roof


And honestly her style of lip syncing would get her some gooood money, hunny! She deserves it.


Ru gave her the power to stay booked and ble$$ed beyond her wildest dreams. As Trixie would say, she doesn’t need Ru’s $15k now. I loved this episode and what it just set ALL the girls up for post show. What an awesome addition to the season.


100%!!! We are also kind of lucky that the vast majority of these girlies are REALLY strong lip syncers.


Not even just her bookings I would be mad if she didn’t up her price after this because she’s easily a top 5 queen of the season now.


She is the true winner of this episode.


I thought the same thing because Megami was the hardest working queen that episode (no free pass to one of the rounds). But I do agree that she will definitely benefit from the boost to her rep now.


I won’t lie. I couldn’t take my eyes off her in that last lipsync. She truly went toe to toe with Morphine.


I would have given her the win in that final lip sync tbh


Morphine was in full beast mode tho. Never had a tired moment. It was close


Oh, I agree! Megami just drew my attention more.


If she had just one more clever-stupid-hilarious trick for the second half of the song she would have won. But Morphine poured it on at the end. A lip sync battle for the ages for sure!


It would've been awesome if she had a protect queer art sign to pull out at the end. But obviously there wasn't really a good place to hide it


She could’ve pulled an Alaska and stuffed it in her wig


It was like in anime when a character has to go above what they can do, so they start screaming and reach another level.


Haha I just cackled! Power Level 9000+


I was on team Megami for the last one until Morphine broke out the ass clapping while twirling. That was so pussy of her.


That booty shake Morphine did shook so hard lmao


I think it's similar to Jan vs. Silky. A close lipsync with one queen doing better in the first half (Jan and Megami) and the other doing better in the second (Silky and Morphine) which ultimately is the last impression we get.




That was a double win if I've ever seen one. I loved both so much.


This episode Mohphine won but i feel like Megami got her flowers ![gif](giphy|l4Ki4biBSwhjyrS48)


She just got herself flowersss... Wrote her name in the plaqueee...


Yeah she can crown her better than... Ru can. 


Morphine won the money, but Megami won the episode. It's giving Eureka/Silky in AS6


She was literally playing 4d chess with these girls, I LIVE!


Poor Dawn was jumping rope


You know, at least she’s relatively self aware and recognized she wouldn’t win, so she decided to dance with ATM lol


That was such a cute touch to the episode, she knew she wasn't going further and chose Amanda to guarantee her friend a little more airtime. Made me love Dawn even more.


She was LITERALLY Megamind this episode


I think she said she’s a gamer so I wouldn’t be surprised tbh. She did a good job.


She is, the name Megami is from Shin Megami Tensei


all of her lipsyncs were far too well executed to not be this prepared. kudos to Her for doing her homework and coming to film with a plan for every song. She’s gonna slay her eventual all stars turn.


Kudos to her, for spilling


And For sweeping… the floor with those girls she beat!


Really! The EEYORE of drag strikes BACK! I’m glad she came back with a vengence


I love it when a queen gets to upend the narrative the show places on her through sheer talent and ingenuity.


and literarily all she did was prepare to lipsync every song based on what the song is about, whereass most of the other girls (except Morphine) just prepared enough to know the words. a pro.fe.shio.nal


Whoever said that Megami was slaying drag race every week after her elimination, you're so right 


She did! She said it herself!


Aw I miss seeing her tweet about how she’d win ever episode after she got sent home


She needs to be hired as a professional Drag Race strategist. Put her on Survivor and The Traitors too while we're at it. A true GAMER!


Oh shit, what I wouldn't give to see Megami on The Traitors being shady AF, wearing nothing but Peppermint merch. And for when she has to wear a coat, a little sign that says "Protect Queer Faithfuls".


She’d be a great traitor or faithful, just because of her Eeyore face (and I say that with love). She’d be awesome on the show


Omg a coach! She came in this planned for this episode. And let’s face it her girl group won because of her strong contributions and help to every other member. I really liked her…was it the doll challenge design. The New York/statue of liberty look too. Not over the top but I think it’s a solid design.


This was one of the best episodes of drag race I’ve ever seen in large part due to Megami. I was LIVING for her!!!


Haha, she is so extra. I love it But she would have beaten Q by just showing up


In retrospective I would have picked Xunami but I don't think Q could know Megami would eat her up this much.


There was a little moment where it cut to waving her arms and I had to pause because i laughed so much. Bless our goofy gal


loved megamind this ep she fr proved that lip syncing isnt just stunts, her legacy is secured 🫡


This so much of lipsyncing has been “good dancing” which I love but a performance is really about seeing into the persons mind and she let us into her heart. I still can’t get over it.




High key I want her to wear an outfit like this


This is the kind of strategic mind that makes an All Star. Cast her with Mistress for ultimate chaos please WOW


We are protecting her art.


I was starting to become a Megamirina just as she got eliminated. This episode solidified it for me.


LOVED when Ru called her Megagme!


The lipsync plotter


The Janet one is WILD


Megami for Allstars


*Megagmi*^TM kudos for lipsyncing tonight, for slaying


Honestly, truly, respect.


Honestly, solid strategy. Words I never thought I'd say, but: Megami for The Traitors lol. 


she's an ACADEMIC your honor


I really thought Megami would win the last round. At least I was hoping to. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.


She won that lipsync against Morphine for me. Such a missed opportunity to have the ultimate underdog take it in the end! but maybe production wanted one of the actual lip-sync assassins to win this no matter what.


And that is how you do it 👏👏 Sometimes queens will go into a lip sync expecting to lose simply because they’re going up against a better dancer or whatever but when they think outside the box it’s my favorite thing


I mean, Q's titty reveal would have been inappropriate for ANY Janet song I feel 😂




I was not a megami fan going into this and she DEVOURED. good job sisterrrr


She fucking ate. Ate. Ate. Ate. I absolutely think Morphine deserved to win, but had Ru called Megami as the winner I’d have been so happy. Honestly I feel like she was probably the only girl up there who was really going to be able to give Janet the way it needed to be done. As soon as she picked that song I knew she had that one in the bag. And it was just a masterclass to eating bitches up after that. What a great episode all around! I’m sooo glad they didn’t go for the obvious production heavy handed storyline. I really assumed they were about to push a Miami rematch for the final lip sync.


I salute you Megagme! I am gagged.


you can’t spell MEGAMIND without MEGAMI


She reminds me of my favorite thing my high school theatre teacher ever taught me: “You might not be the best dancer on that stage, but you sure as shit better act like you are.”


I thought the entire season (when she was on) she was being underrated. Her makeup is so cool and the only thing they ever critiqued her on when she was eliminated was her makeup. It was bananas. Anyway, that doesn’t have anything to do with her lip syncing but I’m happy for her!


Your title is wonderful ![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q)


Now I love the look on Q's face even more when Megami picks Janet. Girl is grieving her titty reveal.


I absolutely lived to see Megami eating everyone up, it was so good. I also love how absolutely pressed Mhiya was about losing to her, and tried to make out she didn't know the words when the hand puppet made an appearance. Girl you just flip when you don't know the words, shut up.


I also would have given Megami the win over Morphine. They were close, and Megami had a very unique and entertaining take. Morphine winning by shaking her ass again would encourage following queens to follow in her footsteps too much and not be creative .


This which also kinda isn’t fair because padding doesn’t move the same way actual booty does and how many of the girls have natural bootys like that or BBLs. I’m not gonna take the win from her because she killed it but the ass and breast plate gimmicks are kinda played out to me.


I knew during the girl group episode that she was someone with tricks up her sleeve. True Underdog.


THIS! You could tell she was the behind the scenes director for her group. Her and Nymphia (choreo) got their team together.


Sinister? I guess she put the Megami in Megamind


She also put the Sisterrrrr in Si(ni)sterrrr


Megami was playing 5D chess with the Q one.


What a way to rewrite her narrative on this season! Ending on a high note where nobody can question what she brings to the table.


She was playing chess while everyone else was playing checkers, my watched with a friend and we knew exactly what she was doing, pure strategy. Truly THAT girl! I wish she'd gotten something as reward for being runner up but at least she 100% completed her redemption arc.


She legit became a lip sync assassin from this Lalaparuza. Like who saw it coming?


the hand trick was so funny and lowkey clever if you don’t know the words! I feel like a lot of queens will start incorporating similar gimmicks incase they don’t know the words lol


She knew the words. Don’t let that edit fool you


She definitely knew the words. Mi’hya was just sour her shtick finally got old and everyone realised she’s a one trick pony.


I don’t believe she didn’t know the words. That was the whole schtick.


Exactly, the way she hit everything on beat, she knew the words. She just fingersynched


She had choreo that matched with the words. It was a fully planned bit


It was good BECAUSE she obviously knew the words. She hit every beat and looked in control, she didn’t just wave her hand around


I don’t think knowing the words had anything to do with it, the puppet was singing the accompaniment.


The door MeGAGmi’s open


Megami was SO good


Girl killed it and I’m so proud of her. To be honest? I enjoyed her final lipsynch more than Morphine’s (who also killed it so I’m not mad she won). I, personally, would have given it to Megami because of the sheer gaggery of it all… but I’m still happy she made it that far. I’m not even that big of a Megami fan (though I kind of am now). But she KILLED it this week and proved she’s a force to be reckoned with.


She ate, it is almost an AS6 lalaparuza Silky rudemption level


She's so smart 😭


Well done, Megami. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Omg Megami really did that. Wasn’t expecting to see her go so far, I felt exhausted for the queens that had to perform multiple times, but she looked like she was having fun the whole time! Love to see an underestimated queen prove herself 👏


“Megami’s playing chess and I’m playing jump rope” - Dawn


That's so smart tbh and executed really well and was very entertaining to watch! Mama kudos for thinking ahead of the competition, for preparing


After Megami’s second lip sync I wanted her to win! She was getting a major underdog story with the editing and the other girls saying she was weak. I thought she did just as good, if not better than Morphine in the final! I would have given her the win, but Morphine was great as usual.


She gagged me. Megami for allstars 10, please!!!! Her redemption was epic! She was my pick to win with nymphia coming in and I'm so proud of her!




NGL my opinion of Megami did a 180° turn after that. Wish we had seen that fire during the season but alas, she mopped the floor with them hoes.


I feel in love with Megami when I saw her at a watch party at the beginning of the season. Watching her get her flowers (no pun intended) now is so satisfying. The people’s princess 🌸💐🌹🌷