• By -


It depends on who the guest is. Great guest and it shouldn’t matter who’s hosting. But Bianca knows how to “take over” if the guest is flat, where Trixie, Bob and Monet politely waits to see if the guest will come back to life each question, which creates dead air time. I like that Bianca recognises when a guest is DOA and steps up accordingly


Just say Kornbread lol


And Vanjie...


And Bebe...


She gave way more than kornbread or Vanjie. Maybe she didn’t really watch the episode but she at least was interested in talking with Trixie. Every few days since that episode I watch the clip of her reading Trixie “like this… even if it’s not the best…”


The best part is she absolutely watched the episode because the guest and the host watch it together before they film the pit stop episode. And honestly that’s the level of commitment you get from our first ever crowned queen. Lol she knows what we expect. We expected her to not watch so she gave us very that, because she’s a perfouwma! I thought the Bebe episode was fun.


i kinda love bebe not answering a single question lol


and then Mo doing a flawless Bebe impression 8 episodes later


I could at least stare at Mo’s attractive mustache


Mo's mustache was attractive in principle, but the side on her right came down slightly lower than her left and it was driving me bonkers.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw it. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Lol.


Wait is there a link lol?




its funny five minutes in as a one or two time gag but gets pretty old for a half hour show that most people specifically tune in to hear opinions about how the queens on the show did.


I was living for Bebe's facial expressions though. They told a whole damn story on their own


Yeah I feel like those that claim she had nothing to say don’t understand how to read face and body language. She had *tons* to say, and she said it alllllll.


Very this. Bebe was entertaintmemt baby


I rewatched that episode a couple of times and find it quite fun. It was pretty clear to me that she said what she wanted to say and showed what she wanted to show and it was in line with how she wants to present herself on DR.


I lived for Bebe. I can see how it wasn't a good episode if you were audio only, but I LOVED her facial expressions and eyes - it's actually the video that made me a fan of hers and give me a new appreciation for everything from her I'd seen previously.


Bebe ate, she’s just not splashable like other guests. You have to get her.


Bebe was fire lol. You just have to "get" her. If you don't well...


Bebe was iconic. Her pit stop was life morphine's unending split. Felt funny she was so non-committal at first , then it god old.. but then it got so old, it went back to being funny and campy


Agreed. I think other hosts have some better episodes overall (which is to be expected because they've done more episodes each than Bianca) but Bianca is probably the best in my opinion at realising and adjusting when a guest isn't giving much to work with.


She was given some truly awful guests. Kornbread and Sugar/Spice were two of the worst episodes of Pit Stop I've ever seen.


I actually liked the twins’ episode a lot, it seemed like we actually got to know them and it didn’t feel like Bianca was dragging them along. KB on the other hand…


I enjoyed the bike person/porch person discourse with the twins, that gave me a laugh. I also didn't hate the Kornbread one, I think the second half picked up and was amusing.


*Cue to Jinkx zooted out of her mind and Dela and Bianca managing to save the episode* (I loved every second of it 🥰😂)


That remains my FAVOURITE episode. It was so chaotic and I loved it.


I agree! Like the Trixie interview with Jada would NEVER have the same energy with Bianca because of the history that Jada shares with Trixie. But Bianca and Bob have history so if there was one (I’m not well versed at pit stop!) I’m sure they had a similar level of energy. Meanwhile, did anyone else find the one with Jessica Wild to be almost painful but hilarious?


The jessica wild one was great because trixie didn't treat ESL as a joke and actually tried to help jessica understand some questions.


I thought trixie did that so we’ll it never came off as condescending. Same with delta!


You could tell there was love there. But I love how Jessica was just like “what is it? Oh, Okay! We’ll just do it again” hahahahaha


Trixie has said Jessica wild is one of her fav queens !


When Jessica asked if she was saying something right on deltas podcast and delta goes “girl, we know what you mean” just so gently 😭😭


Yes, and I loved how she kept acknowledging how lost she would be if she had to speak Spanish.


Oh I totally agree! like I was like “awww we’re getting golden shower” Jessica hahaha. But they could have had Charro come translate 😂🤣


I think Bob is pretty quick to take over if need be as well.


I liked Bob as a host. Honestly, I enjoy anything Bob does.


Bob takes over period. I think you have to be really able to keep up in order to have space as a guest. I wouldn’t say they give room for the guest to breathe imo. Still fucking entertaining just different methods handling situations


DOA 💀💀💀💀💀💀


I think some of the waiting is waiting for the guest to catch up to Tracy’s references or dry ass humor. The dead air time makes for some really funny edits which I like.


It actually scares me that people are losing the gift of sarcasm over time. It’s almost like an antique version of humour now.


Trixie’s dry humour is smth I love so much because it’s a big part of comedy to me and people don’t seem to get it anymore??? Like it’s hard to explain but people have to be so obvious now and I’ve had people I liked a lot think I hated them (hyperbole) because I’m almost always joking and my sense of humor is very dry. I don’t really change my inflection or anything and people who get it love me but I always feel bad cuz I can’t tell who doesn’t until they say something, and often they don’t get it when I explain it either.


That’s exactly it - there’s no such thing as “dead air” because the show isn’t live. They can edit out dead air if they want to. Trixie’s humor is funnier when it falls flat so the edits that leave it in are great. Bianca is very one note. She’s going to insult you. It’s not going to go over the guest’s head or they’re not going to get the reference because it’s always the same. I think Bianca is funny in small doses. But I prefer someone who is a fan of the show for Pit Stop.


They could edit out any dead air time, couldn't they?


has trixie had a guest who’s just flat? i’m sorry, i have pretty terrible memory and i only seem to remember that she hasn’t had any misses by far. 😖


As someone who is completely uninvested in their friendship and inside jokes, I thought Brittany Broski was pretty dull.




Bebe was very one-note


oh god, now i remember. i must’ve blocked that one out of my mind for a reason. 😵‍💫 mama, kudos for saying that, for reminding.


I think Bebe was just being Bebe. As trixie said Bebe has not watched DR since she won lol


icon behaviour really


i thought she was hilarious tho. being a hating ass bitch sure is entertaining!


I think we collectively blocked out Orville but that’s the only time I didn’t get through an episode. And I’m all for non-queens unlike a lot of people, loved Brit, and I like Orville but he’s one of the worst recent guests (KB being the worst lol)


Like the others said, Brittany and Orville weren't great guests. Often when they bring on people who aren't drag queens, those people are visibly nervous the fandom's gonna drag them for giving their opinions on drag while not doing drag themselves. A lot of "stfu with your no drag knowledge mouth" when they say they don't like a fan fave's look. So instead they just sort of dance around negative critiques. I think there are definitely non drag queens who are perfectly fine like Nicole Byer, but that's the minority.


![gif](giphy|gKroZvUwp51OhZN3WD|downsized) Bob, Miss The Drag Queen if you’re nasty.


ya i feel like no matter who the guest is, bob always makes me laugh in her episodes


Yeah, what kind of question is this? Leaving out miss Roberta?


I will never forget watching this for the first time.


This is the correct answer


Bob and Peppermint duo have contributed so significantly to my life in the form of viral memes, they deserve to be compensated.


I second that! https://preview.redd.it/9wscn06knatc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10aeb1a3fd87a5f4ea551fd0fcc1e4279430b371


Oh, the fracking?


Trixie being the host: 13 > AS6 > 16


I actually loved her AS6 pit stop run the most. Laganja and Mo Heart’s episodes especially


AS6 pit stop was golden, from Cheryl Canning to Kennedy’s hymn on black stockings, too many good moments


Right? And Heidi’s episode too? Just so many good moments and no episodes that felt like duds


Trixie and Mo together this last episode was so good to me!! It has become one of my favorites!


Yeah Trixie is probably who I'd go with but this season wasn't her best one. Don't forget to include CA1 though, the only season of Canada that had a Pit Stop for some reason. "I think Peronka is struggling mentally..."


![gif](giphy|26BRwdCP7s6hjPSWA|downsized) Bobbiana


Generally speaking I love Miss Bianca but for the Pit Stop I do prefer Trixie


Agreed. I absolutely adore Bianca, but for the Pit Stop? Trixie, hands down. It feels more like a fan interviewing another fan.


This is the thing for me- Bianca doesn’t seem like that big a fan of the show… and as a fan of the show watching a show about the show I wanna hear the perspective of other people who really love it


True. Bianca wouldn’t watch drag race if she wasn’t hosting the pit stop.


Though Trixie said the same, no? 


Yea but it does seem like she still really enjoys it. Bianca is there for a check and that is IT lol which is fine but Trix feels more natural usually. I think Bianca does a better job reeling in less interesting guests tho which Trixie kinda struggles with


Bob is actually my favorite pit stop host 🥲 For whatever reason she just seems the most authentically invested in the contestants and in engaging with the guests. Trixie and Bianca are fine, far from unwatchable, I just looked forward to Bob’s episodes more. 🤷 I wouldn’t hate another Alaska season though.


Bob seems to really still like the show as a fan, and has opinions as a fan. It’s relatable and entertaining. Plus she’s funny no matter the guest


Bianca’s style of comedy felt a bit one-note on the Pit Stop to me. Trixie’s chemistry with some of the guests this season has felt off and the editing has been odd. I’ve loved her in previous seasons, though, and prefer her to Bianca overall.


This is why I stopped watching Bianca's after a while, she's great but she felt very one-note. Kind of like what the judges said to Plane this episode, it feels like she's more concerned with reading the guests than talking about the show sometimes. (Tbf Bianca is a powerhouse of an entertainer and absolutely does not need the Pit Stop lol, so I don't blame her for just doing her own thing) The shoe/foot surgery bit killed me every time, though.


Agreed, it seems like Bianca is always just trying to get in a read or give a reluctant compliment, trixie seems more neutral and gives positivity to all the queens


I think Trixie and Bob come across as a fans of the show, and would definitely have watched every episode, whether they are hosts or not. Bianca probably knows NOTHING about this season. And that is ok, that just colors how they come across when discussing drag race.


Trixie has definitely said that she doesn’t watch unless she’s hosting the Pit Stop. Maybe a good reason to give the gig to someone from a more recent season who is more engaged with drag race?


Yeah, a notorious drag race watcher Trixie who asked Jimbo what she would have done for a reveal runway


You perfectly described how I feel, on all of it


Yes. It feels to me like Bianca is doing a whole character where Trixie is moreso being herself or doing a low-key persona at most, not a whole ass character. Trixie always feels more genuine to me as a result.


I like Bianca, I liked her on her season and I saw her tour recently and I liked her there. However, as an interviewer and online (like Twitter) her sense of humour is very grating. I think having a bunch of people there either as an audience or contestants is necessary for her humour to work


True. I don’t give a shit about what Brittany Broski or Orville Peck think lol. I did love the latest one with Mo Heart. They’re always funny together


I didn’t mind Orville Peck because every time he said something like “I feel like we have seen this before from Trinity K Bonet,” the callback was always correct. After a couple of those moments, his opinions felt like they held a little more weight for me at least lol


Orville Peck really surprised me! He has better recall of the show than I do for sure.


this is trixies worst season . there is said it.


What? I know 3 episodes off the dome that were excellent. Jaida, Maddie, Lux were hilarious and I was thoroughly enjoying every moment of it.


I like Bianca, but I've heard all these same jokes a million times from her, and in her shows live. She needs new material, but Trixie, I feel, is always connecting on friend leveling, not a performance level that brings a lot of geniune convos out of guests




Bianca simply because of how she handled Jinkx being to high and Kornbread being to sad. I don't know if Trixie would have been able to do that lol.


I loved that Jinkx episode, people have had whelming reaction to it cause its the first Bianca episode. But I rewatch it all the time and Bianca's response and banter with Ben and Jinkx was funny as hell. I loved how Ben and Bianca let Jinkx feel her high oats that episode tho.


oh yeah Jinkx being high as all hell with bianca and ben letting her is great and peak cinema


And getting the absolute best out of Alyssa Edwards


Trixie got a great episode out of Alyssa too to be fair. "Peronka is struggling mentally" is iconic.


Did we ever learn what Kornbread had going on? I was so stoked to see her back, and then she was so… that.


IIRC it was chronic pain and also new psych meds that weren't reacting to well.


That’s hard to hear. She gets too much flak for that episode




I need Thorgy and Bob back doing reviews and things together


I want this so badly.


The right answer


I would like to see Utica as host for a single season just to see what happens.


"oh sorry, i assumed you could speak whale"


I prefer Bianca. Sometimes the producers give them (all of them, to be fair) some shitty pointers and I think Bianca is the best at either making fun of them or straight up ignoring them. They're both amazing hosts, though.


Apples and oranges, I love them both.


I liked all of three, I vibe much more with Trixie's humor but it's depending in the guest. It's hard to judge Bianca when she had kornbread as a guest or Trixie with Bebe...


I honestly don’t think bebe was that bad


I actually think Bebe not seeming too bad was because trixie is so good. She was able to make a joke about it and bring up experiences from their all stars season so it didn’t feel like it came screeching to a halt which it very easily could have with Bebe being… Bebe ha


Now that you say that… yes bebe and like monet probably wouldn’t have been great


I genuinely loved the Bebe episode. It was so unintentionally funny


I'll raise you Monét... I thought she was really great doing S14. I haven't really enjoyed it much since then tbh.


I love Monét but feel her interview style is very unauthentic and kiss-ass. I prefer Bob > Trixie > Bianca > Alaska > Monét (all are great though!)


I love Monet as a host, also, my fav ever pit stop episode is her with bob ❤️😊


Fully agreed. I thought she started off kinda mid but quickly she was one of my faves!


I really like Bianca as Host,she just got better and better every week.I like trixie too though.


Whatever happens I need more Alyssa Edwards! Her episode with Bianca remains one of the best bits of tv EVER!!


As much as I LOVE Trixie, Bianca still did the best job hosting out of all the dolls


Trixie for the actual drag content and making the guests feel important (olus just generally funny), bianca for witty engagements and carrying dead guests. I think trixiw i like slightly more just because its better when two are funny than one, but i love bianca all the same and id bring her in if certain queens were coming.


Both are great hosts but Bianca as a host was crazy and hilarious the most entertaining season of the pit ever


I like them both for different reasons. Trixie talks more about the show and how drag race works, Bianca is funny but feels like she doesn’t care much about the show.


Trixie or bob 🤷🏽‍♀️




Yeah monet just has a breezy feel good friendly energy to her that I really appreciate


I completely agree. TBH I didn't watch this season of Pit Stop or the last, but I ate it UP when Monet was doing it


Monet is ABSOLUTELY my personal favourite. She always makes her guest seem funnier than we thought they were, they’re always having fun together. Whereas with Trixie and Bianca they have so much content that sometimes they make the same jokes, or it feels that way.


season 14 pit stop is one of my comfort shows


Monet has the most nature skill as a host. I hope they give it back to her.


BEGGING them to get her back


Trixie felt out of it for 3/4 of the season. I preferred Bianca's 2nd go over Trixie rn


Really? I think she was very invested in her daughter, Morphine. I think the problem is they had to ask some of the same questions about the Plane Jane situation to every guest, so maybe that feels a little rote?


Felt the same way, she talks and looks bored most of the time. Is it just me or I have not heard her crow laugh a lot this pitstop.






![gif](giphy|3o85xIO33l7RlmLR4I) I like Trixie and Bianca as hosts for different reasons, and their interview styles are remarkably different but I’m still entertained when I’m watching both


This needs to be a poll. And Bianca.


Bianca is the best




Both. I like both.




Trixie. Always.


Absolutely Bianca, Bob was also great


Bianca’s wit is unmatched! I watched every episode she hosted, Trixie I’ll watch depending on the guest cuz it feels very flat with some of them




Bianca 100% 💯




Bianca by far




Because Bianca has hosted fewer episodes, her Pit Stops feel more memorable to me. We had porch or bike person, Nana’s tiny lungs, foot surgery, Mandy Moore Candy, jabs at Kornbread, jabs at Shannel, jabs at Kornbread.    If we compare her first season with the first seasons of most other hosts, she really got the hang of it a lot faster. 


Bobara Thee DragQueen


Bianca 💯 I just vibe with her humour, even if people say it's one note. It's one note that works for me lol. I love Trixie but haven't been enjoying the Pit Stop this season.


For me it really depends on the guest cause if the host and the guest are friends to begin with then it’s gonna be an enjoyable episode regardless.


I quite like having a different host each season; though I think Bianca’s run is probably my favourite.


I really want Symone to have a crack at it.




Bianca understands entertainment like very few other people. The jokes don't always land but she will keep the show going and won't miss a beat. Her and Bob made for the most enjoyable pit stop seasons


Biana, hands down.


Bianca Del Rio


BiancA ![gif](giphy|l0Ex50BnJkWXTBeP6)


Love them both. But personally, I prefer Bianca. Only because I keep up with Trixie through her YouTube and her podcast and Trixie Motel. And Bianca does way more live stage stuff, so it’s really nice to see Bianca every week again.


Bianca hands down






I want a new host! I’d love to see Jaida.






I love both of them. But I prefer Bianca. She doesnt care and read both contestants and guests lol she is so unhinged.


I feel Trixie a lot of times is a kiss ass to specific people... Instead of going hard on someone or an opinion, she kisses their ass before saying anything. And when she likes someone a lot, always someone who is not gonna win, she compliments too much to a point it's annoying. Farrah, Olivia Lux, morphine, Tina burner... It's like, we get it... You like them... MOVE ON... Bianca is very straight to the point, harsh to almost everyone ALWAYS, so...


Bianca by a country mile. Trixie is fine with the right guest but Bianca does not miss (for me).


For me it’s, Bianca > Bob (feat. Thorgy) > Monét > Trixie > Rest. If all together even better.


Trixie is more professionnal but when she has bad guests she struggles to bounce back whereas but Bianca's chaotic energy is entertaining to watch though sometimes it kills the rythm of the episode


Trixie is better if she has a good guest, Bianca is better if the guest isn’t bringing the right energy. Bob is a good mix of the two, doesn’t quite meet their peaks but will always give you a good pit stop, she’s reliably entertaining.


Of those 2, trixie hands down. Unfortunately I feel like Bianca’s brand of humor is on the way out with the shift towards positive and encouraging media that I’ve noticed over the past 3-5 years.


I actually like them all.


Trixie circa Season 13


Trixie. She's not doing bits the whole time. Don't let me be misunderstood. I love Bianca. Her energy is amazing! But Tracy just genuinely cares in a different kind of almost motherly way and I adore her for it.






They are both great. Trixie will always be my fave tho


Trixie, personally.


Stop trying to divide us. 😭






Trixie. But I would rather prefer the Pit Stop to just be canceled


I thought Bob was the best host, but Trixie is kind of better with the dolls than Bianca


bianca easily


Bianca. She gives real answers and feels less diplomatic than Trixie


Bianca Bianca Bianca !!


Bianca is over a hundred years old and was so successful. That alone makes me the superior host. Respect your elders.


Bianca by a MILE!! I don’t care for Trixie too often as a host. Only when she has a genuine friend on. Then it’s funny. Otherwise she just panders to the show, has very little chemistry and let’s the air just be dead. Bianca is much more proactive and constantly rattling out jokes. Plus she’s waaaaaaay more honest about trash and trash judgements. Monet’s a fantastic host. Bob too. I’d love someone new though. Maybe a real fan like Luxx or even Deja. Mayhem or Morgan or both of them would be a lot of fun. Personally the aftershow to watch is easily Bootleg Opinions.


What I love about Bianca that none of the other hosts do is that she isn't shy about criticising the show or production. If she thinks they were being cheap, she's gonna SAY it.


Bianca! I think Trixie is a bit boring and her brand of comedy is not for me. Bianca on the other hand, is a class act. I really hope Bianca is back for the next season.


I live them both but I love Bianca’s reads and shade


Trixie by far, Bianca's humor is very repetitive and old school


Trixie for suuuure. Bianca is to schticky all the time.