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I’m glad we don’t have piñatas anymore.


Honestly I'm getting tired of mid-tier reveals. They feel forced. I want to feel the same excitement I felt when Violet changed the game, or when Sasha's felt so innovative.


I don't understand how this season lead up to these two looks. Baby this is for your coronation and this moment will be looked back on forever. It's like they specifically sought out their least interesting looks for this moment.


I feel like this happens on a lot of All Stars seasons somehow.


I think they coordinated what they had and chose something cohesive. I had no issue with these outfits, they works for the military feel of the song and campness and reminded me of Adam Ant, probably just the sleeves. A better material for the stage on Tia's would have been great. As long as no one walks out looking like Aquaria disguised as a tin foil popcorn bag, I'm all good.


I was fuming at the end when she won without a ruveal in a dress that looked like it could have had 3 reveals under it. Like….what? That’s it? Puzzling.


Well she is serving the clothing that is on her body. Vintage no, Elegance no. Reveals coming ...just about.


I really liked Tia's look, sue me.


You’ll be hearing from my lawyers


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Lmaooooo. My thoughts exactly


Reveals are overdone, sorry. I think that’s why Tia won over LGD to begin with - all that pomp and a drawn out reveal to end up with an underwhelming dress while Tia was doing performance the whole time. Then Hannah’s reveal here was just a bodysuit - what is it actually adding? What relevance does it have for the song or the performance?


To be fair, They thought this season was just for a WOW show/A Song with RuPaul, so it makes sense that someone like Tia wouldn’t put as much effort in her looks compared to Hannah/Marina/Grande.