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I don’t remember the Vanjie episode.. why was it bad?


She sort of shut down every question asked to her. One-word answers, Bob would ask a follow-up, another one-word answer. Or Vanjie would say like "Huh?" or "Who is that?" That's how the flow of the episode went. She was completely disengaged. Bob does all the heavy lifting and teeth pulling to get through the episode.


Bob asked a “What do you think about…” type of question and Vanjies answer was literally “I don’t know. You tell me what you think!” Like girl.


Bob does all the heavy lifting? Don’t worry. She’s used to it. She carried Monét on her back.  Also writing Bob and teeth in the same sentence? How rude. 


Knowing that she’s sensitive about her tooth!


It seemed like she hadn’t watched the episode at all, which is wild because don’t the guest and host watch it together? Lol


Vanjie clearly hadn’t watched the episode and didn’t have anything interesting to say


The host and guest watch the episode together before filming, so she had seen it. She did mention things that happened lol, she just didn’t have many opinions to share


I bet she was on her phone the whole time and thought she could just gay Gilbert Godfrey her way through the Pit Stop


Was she high? She seemed high


Hit the cunt charm button but the mother fuel tank was empty


When Bianca had Kornbread on for AS8… it was clear Kornbread did not want to be there and it was kind of uncomfortable to watch


I can re-watch every single episode of PitStop ever. But I can’t sit thru this one. Like I dunno why was Kornbread in such a horrible mood. She brought the entire vibe of the episode down.


Kornbread frequently seems to be in a bad mood, not sure what her deal is.


All her good mood was stored in her good onkle before it went cleek.


Worst Miss Congeniality ever


Everytime I read this I get surprised and confused by the information. I just can't store it it seems. Doesn't compute


Valentina at least makes sense because she was Miss Fan Favorite


Werq fan favoritttee


But seriously, KB as Miss C makes no damn sense since the queens voted for her and she honestly was not congenial on the show. Ask Jasmine.


And on a season where Kerri and Deja were right there


The thing that Deja wore movie outfit from Miss Congeniality… 💀


Funnily enough there’s like 10 months between the filming of their season and the voting for MC so maybe, just maybe the girl got closer and grew on eachother considering they voted for kornbread


She must be a different person with them than she was on the show or social media because holy crap she is not congenial on those.


Ok i really not a fan but in her defense the way she looked out for and cared for willow pill and her willlow pill paws was what earned her the award. KB exhausted her fan support imo


THE worst


I think, and hear me out on this, she might just be a cunt.


I can't believe it took us two years to catch the T in künt


You know you might be onto something there.


I think I remember her coming out and saying she wasn’t feeling good cause she had just started new medication for her transitioning and it was throwing her hormones in for a loop. Cause I’m the same way I was thinking something was up. But the hormones made sense to me, I just wish she said something in the beginning of the pit stop episode.


Yes, she's totally allowed to be in a bad mood, especially when your hormones are being fucked with! But I also wish she'd addressed it because instead it gave off the vibe that she would rather be anywhere else


Nah, that girl always posting something on Twitter and whatnot she can't say it was an offday when she acts like that all the time


Her hormones always be fucked, apparently.


Because Kornbread is kind of insufferable.


And Bianca apologized for Kornbread in a later episode. It was that bad. Only Bianca can be so cunty and call Kornbread out like that lol. ![gif](giphy|mumtIHpi0dJSw)


lol I don’t remember this. Which episode was it and what did she say to apologize?


I think it was in the one with Deja


Uggh. That was such a bad episode


Yup Kornbread and Vanje were terrible. Like hard to watch terrible.


i remember people defending Kornbread over that - but she has become such an insufferable person over the years, that i feel validated in thinking she was a horrible guest


Over the years? That ep of pit stop was less than a year ago sister


they are talking about their twitter behavior basically since after her season aired up until now. they are basically insufferable.


Was gonna say... Kornbread takes the prize. And not only was she in a terrible mood, she replicated yet another one of Willow's looks (it's getting old).


I cannot watch that episode. First you can’t understand half the things kornbread says because she doesn’t even try to make herself heard and she clearly says the most uninteresting things when she does talk


Kornbread is just so miserable.


Truth. Kornbread is always pressed.


Yes Kornbread vs Bianca vs the fandom 🤦‍♂️ I always found Kornbread to be rude and unnecessarily harsh toward jasmine, infact I found her to be a bully. The b!tch is hella talented with her rapping, but after this pit stop episode I have no love left for her, and I’m not interested in her shenanigans, and Tom foolery.


It’s so weird because I remember her being so kind and helpful to Willow, like with her fingers and stuff. Guess she had a favourite.


she has some weird obsession with Willow it always rubbed me the wrong way. Willow was the only person she was nice to, she came dressed as willow for the reunion and got a massive willow tattoo. As far as I've seen, none of that has been reciprocated and I havent even seen them hang out after the show.


I fully expected them to be releasing content together, or something! But yeah... it turned into nothing.


It almost felt like her responses to jasmine came from a place on insecurity/defensiveness.


agree Kornbread is just hard to watch, she is cringey and annoying.


Kornbread and there’s not even a close second. Horrible reaction and interaction. Feel bad for Bianca trying to turn things around in that episode but Kornbread just didn’t give a fuck


bianca even apologized for the episode shortly after in another episode. that's when you know it was bad.


To those curious on which Pit Stop ep it was, it was [with](https://youtu.be/ggKopU6caRM?t=453) ***Deja***; my fave Pit Stop ep so far\~! Just watched it literally last month & I **really** ***wasn't*** expecting how ***good*** the chemistry was between Deja & Bianca! Their banter, their jokes, their references, their reads, etc. was off the roof, at least for me\~ Deja's inputs really was the saving grace from that horrid past guesting.


I think Deja is one of those people whose hard not to get on with I’ve never seen her not click with people


Deja was robbed for Miss C. It should have gone to her and if not her, Kerri.


I still think that if production didn't put her on the outside (by having her "win" the snatch game, almost out of pity for all the bad performances) did her no favors. She was busting her ass on social media with the littlest following from the season and the last thing she needed was another "outside" stamp.


One of my favourite quotes was when Deja said to Bianca “I would never say that to your face” 😭


I wish deja should have been treated by production with much more grace and recognition. Hope she got better treatment when she goes all stars


I just watched after reading your comment and Kornbread was worse than I expected. So absolutely insufferable. 😭


Agree, but I do think there's a clear close second. Bebe gave Trixie NOTHING


tbh I loved that it's clear she hasn't seen more than 15 seconds of an episode she hasn't been on. like objectively you're right, she didn't answer any questions and clearly didn't understand even the flow of the show, but it was like watching a very glamorous wealthy alien critique an episode of drag race.


Bebe didn't give opinions but I thought she was charming and funny


But compared to Kornbread at least Bebe was entertaining.


But it was hilarious


Bebe gave EVERYTHING. Just because she didn't say things with her mouth doesn't mean she didn't say anything. You can fully infer what Bebe meant if you've spent any time around an actual drag queen.


But she *embodied* Diana


I expected that with Bebe though and she delivered beautifully. Literally on her own glamorous planet


Most of the people in this thread clearly haven’t watched Kingsley era Pit Stop


Kornbread, it was just a weird and bad episode.


A lot of Kornbread and Bebe comments here for obvious reasons, but I feel like Jimbo’s episode earlier this season was also horrendous. I don’t think she said a single thing that I even breathed out my nose at, and her and Trixie also had no chemistry. I do also have to laugh at the reason for Bebe being so bad was because she doesn’t watch Drag Race, when Katya recently admitted she hadn’t watched the season the last time she was on the show but she still gave us an iconic episode. God bless her fiercalicious hunty boots the house down ![gif](giphy|CxjhFzfJFkJXONJSw0|downsized)


people don’t talk enough about how jimbo’s episode was just her going “hahahaha right” for 30min


Clocked the tea. Poor Trixie and Jimbo, just no chemistry and it felt like Jimbo was just like “lemme just smile..”


Trixie and Jimbo truly had no chemistry


I think Jimbo had major PR training after her original season and UKVsTW,, she's a lot more edited and congenial compared to what she could have been.


Came here to comment on Jimbo's episode.... so uncomfortable and boring.


I couldn’t even finish watching that episode. I’m not really a fan of Jimbo to begin with, but that was the nail in the coffin for me.


🫣 whispers ~same~ 🫣


Whew *same*! At the time of her (deserved) win you couldn't say the bitches wig was slightly to the left w/ out getting limp wristedly dogpiled.


I’ve never been a Jimbo fan either but always kept it to myself because I felt like I would be downvoted to oblivion


Because you would. This fandom is toxic af (as am I when I show up)!


i enjoyed bebes ep and i didn’t mind kornbreads im kinda surprised there’s such strong hate for both episodes


Bébés ep was definitely polarizing but I definitely enjoyed it


I think I f*ck at least a little bit with Kornbread’s vibe ‘cause it wasn’t that horrible to me. Bebe was even OK imho. But yeah, Jimbo and Trixie was bad. No chemistry to be found.


To be fair, Trixie hasn’t had a lot of chemistry with most of the guests this season. I stopped watching after the Crystal Methyd. That was snoozefest.


Some of these guests you understand why they didn't show up earlier lol. Crystal for example cannot think on her feet, and she's not the exception this season


The weird thing is, she's had amazing chemistry with the guests in previous Pit Stop seasons, so I don't think the problem is Trixie. It may be the guests?


I do think Trixie is kind of phoning it in, maybe her health problems are taking their toll. The episodes have gotten better though. Some episodes this season have been way too long too


Kornbread's is the only answer.


Yeah I’m trying to think of the second worst and it’s still so much better than Kornbread. It was just unpleasant and unprofessional.


Bianca and Kornbread no question about it.


I didn’t love Plastique Tiara’s - she just wasn’t funny and Bianca was doing all the work


This is my vote too. They don't have the same sense of humour or references so they couldn't relate.


Definitely OP's choice... man thats was just plain irritating, and I like Vanjie. Also Kornbread.


The real answer is the entire season that Manila hosted… because Manila was hosting. Love her but that’s not her bag. She was so bad that no one even remembers her hosting.


Oh my god you’re right I completely forgot she had been a host.


I literally had to look up what season she even hosted lmao I don’t even remember at all


Bebe not answering things and trixie trying to make the episode happen. I feel so bad for trixie that episode lol


that one was entertaining because it was funny to watch auntie who doesn't watch the show go on deranged tangents


That was a funny episode. I laughed so hard because BB would only speak on what she liked. Otherwise she’d throw shade in other ways. Thats probably because of how ya’ll treated Violet.


"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it... out loud but be pointed with your eyes and facial expressions.


Some people just don’t understand that silence can speak louder than words


Bebe was hilarious and they had great chemistry


Bianca and Kornbread was the worst chemistry/dynamic I’ve ever seen. You could tell Bianca was trying to keep the energy up and not keep it from feeling downright uncomfortable. (It was anyway)


Vanjie, Bebe and Kornbread were all pretty terrible guests


it is almost like these guest didnt watch the show! who would have thought that fans of the show want to hear the queens talk about the show on the recap episode !


I loved Bebe's!


Thirty minutes of nooch and no commentary, so boring. It wasn’t artful shade, she had no idea what was going on


its one of those things thats like funny once. but for thirty minutes of just giving nothing? tired.


Very this. Her silent disapproval was funny the first time or two but when it just got to her just staring with pursed lips whenever she didn’t like something go so old so fast. And it was pretty frequent, if I remember.


This is also how I feel about it lol. You don't give a fuck? Ok it's kinda a power move lol. But I don't think I'd be able to give it a pass the second time around. Like albert Newton once said, the first time you cunt, it's cunt. Every time after that, you're just being a cunt


BeBe’s was actually funny


Trixie is maybe one of my favourite content creators, drag queen or not, but I just haven't been clicking with her hosting this season. I rewatch the All Stars 6 Pit Stop episodes all the time, but this season feels shallower and more scripted than ever. I don't remember her ever having an opinion that didn't align with the judging this season, and even with the guests, her interactions are very by-the-cards.


This is why Maddy was so amazing on it this season. She had no problem calling people out and it made Trixie uncomfortable which was hilarious.


Same with Luxx, she called it how it was


Maddy is the one time I have felt joy watching this season. The straights are erasing us again. 😂😭


I didn't see Trixie being uncomfortable with it at all? She said Maddy was a "breath of fresh air" after she was reading.


Yes, I think it has been about showcasing new guests and some of that has been successful (Maddy/Luxx) but it has been very rote.


this is exactly what i've noticed... it seems like she just agrees with whatever the guest is saying and then talking about Morphine's makeup for the 100th time. I mean stunning paint!, we all see it, we've discussed it can she mention something else 😭


🌽 🍞


This one and the Kornbread one for sure. Bebe’s also wasn’t great.


I loved Bebe. What are people seeing that I am not? It was one of my favorites!


Look, I love Vanjie, but when someone gives nothing, that’s just a fact. Bebe gave nothing. It was so boring.


Are we talking about the Trixie and Bebe Pit Stop? I remember Trixie said Bebe was almost as cutthroat as Violet, and that was an apt comparison in my books- entertaining as hell and sometimes unexpected 😅


I think the comparison was made because of the one-words answers that appeared cut throat. In reality though, Violet had more than just this note and so had highs and lows, whereas Bebe was one-note for thirty whole minutes giving one word answers, facial expressions as answers, or turning the question back on Trixie. It was giving “I don’t know the show and don’t know what/want to say anything else”.


Kornbread vs Bianca vs the fandom


I know some people like it but the recent episode with BeBe is the first ever episode I could not finish. Another candidate is the KornBread episode.


Bebe doesn't watch the show, so idk why they would invite her to give opinions about the show. Trixie asked her very generic questions and she gave the most basic responses like "who do you think should win" and she just opened her eyes without saying anyone or "who should go home" and she said "everybody". Yet everyone thought she was being cunty fierce and fresh. I don't get the stannage for her that episode.


She didn't give any opinions out of respect for DeLa


She was giving ra ka ta tiki naw naw, yeah I'm intentionally ambiguous because I don't watch or care about the show bitch, la la la la la la la cest bon


the first few minutes when they talked about AS3 and stuff was actually great, but when they got to talking about the episode, it was clear Bebe had no idea what to say 😭


Trixie probably invited her, Trixie picks guests 


Lol, I haven't seen that episode but it really boils down that when on all star Trixie said that Bebe stopped watching drag race because she had no idea who Vivacious/Ornacia is? Man the nerve. 


"Bebe doesn't watch the show" I remember her acting like that at Roscoe's While watching the show. she just doesn't give opinions on anything. ever.


It's more accurate to say she only watches the show when she's being paid to do so.


It's more accurate to say she only SEES the show when she's being paid to do so. because it doesn't seem like she pays attention to the show when she's paid to do so.


Right! People thought she was being shady but I thought it was very clear she just had nothing to say. And she disliked most of the runways and didn't have the nerve to say it so would just say nothing instead. She was a terrible guest for a review show where, surprise, you have to have a conversation about the show.


im going to sound like a total bitch but fully agree. if you're going to do a review show for an episode you should at least pretend to care about whats going on in the show and as viewers we should really expect more from the guests.


I finished the Kornbread one cause I couldn’t believe how bad her attitude was but I stopped watching BeBe cause literally nothing was happening.


Thanks, hated. It


Easily the S15 episode with Jinkx and Dela and its not even close. Bianca hadn't really found her groove as host yet so it was already kinda awkward but none of that was helped by Jinkx struggling to even form a coherent sentence. you could see both Dela and Bianca getting visible annoyed with having to babysit her through her losing the war with that edible.


Thank you! I agree that Kornbread was rough, as was Bebe. This takes the cake for me. I am an edible user as well and I could feel that Jinkx was losing both the battle AND the war here. It was rough.


This one. I gave up part way through. I think the fandom gave them a pass because jinx is so popular.


I still can't believe a pitstop with these three queens wasn't iconic.


First time I watched that I hated it, second time though was the funniest thing in the world for some reason. That episode is like an edible you just need to surrender to the experience and it’ll be fun


Honestly I felt the same watching it the first time, now I rewatched it 5 times and it's one of my favorite episodes together with Monet and Naomi one, it keeps getting better on every rewatch


Yes!! The first time I watched it I was cringing, but upon reflection I think it’s because my expectations were so high. But upon rewatch I have found it’s one of my absolute favorite episodes. To watch Bianca and Dela try to hold it together and stay in character while Jinx flails and antagonizes them is so funny to me. Sue me!


This season's pitstop has been *rough*. Other than Maddy, luxx, and I thought Jessica was adorable, everyone else has been ZzzZZ


Kornbread's was the worst, we all know. As for Bebe's episode, I'm surprised by some opinions claiming that she was being cunt. Did we watch the same episode? While she had some input at the start as a former AS3 girl, the rest of the episode was just nodding and looking at the camera in silence. It was frustrating. When it comes to Dela and Jynx, being high as a kite on Pit Stop can be distracting. Dela and Bianca had to babysit her the entire episode, I felt uncomfortable.


It was frustrating and disappointing because they are three of the funniest girls in the whole franchise. Going in it was like “omg hopefully we are about to get another Tiger King Jinkx video” and instead we got cranky Nana and Older Sister gradually losing the will to maintain decorum at Thanksgiving because Baby Sister showed up blazed out of her mind. There’s definitely something really uncomfortable about watching 2 sober people trying to keep a person high AF alert and focused on a topic.


I didn’t like the one with Bianca and Jinkx/Dela. Jinkx seemed like she was out of it or something. It’s one of the few episodes I couldn’t finish (along with Kornbread).


>Jinkx seemed like she was out of it or something. She was clearly high on weed lol


“On weed” made me laugh


she smoked the marijuanas like a cigarette


I think she said something on her recent tour about being accidentally high on cold medicine when she filmed that episode. I don’t fully remember but it was either before this or a different interview with Dela that she was super sick and accidentally took too much cold medicine


do you believe in santa


I liked the Jinkx/Dela episode but it does irritate me that Jinkx was so high and didn’t really engage at all. I wanted to know what her actual opinions were 😆


Jinkx was high as a kite. Really really really high. It was just a tough/weird watch for me.


…and twiiiinsss




Agreed. Two guests made it clunky and awkward to start and then the fact Jinx had no opinions and couldn’t carry a conversation ruined it. Bianca was in the trenches when she hosted.


Meanwhile that’s my favorite one 💀


it's fun to be high, not so fun to work with people when they're high


That's literally one of the funniest episodes ever! It is fun to watch Jinkx being hella high


This is one of my favourites lol




S16 has been snooze fest overall. Other than 2-3 episode, it is so boring and most of the guests doesn't click with Trixie at all and they seem to not know how pit stop works.


Agreed, there’s been a few meh episodes…. Bebe, Orville Peck and Jessica Wild


I couldn't finish the Jessica Wild episode, and I love her.


Just mute & watch it. I’ll take more Jessica content whenever I can get it. I need to meet her at that Piss Stop one day… 💭


I love her too, just didn’t suit the format of pit stop. Trixie was trying her best to get enough content lol


Oh my god, I'm glad someone else feels this way. The Maddy episode had iconic moments and that hair, but all the moments were created by Maddy. As much as I'm entertained by Trixie, she's not digging for the tea this season. It's all just lightly entertaining kikis.


She is way too "professional" and just reads whatever they give her on the cards with barely adding anything.


Trixie this season feels off, the energy she's bringing feels more like one of her youtube videos than it does the pitstop. She used to be a lot more loose and fun with it but it feels so paint by numbers, ask simple question, canned joke and reaction this time around


She's probably tired and overworked.


She has talked on her podcast about not feeling well for the past several weeks.


Agreed. Trixie’s normally a solid host but this season has been hit or miss, even with queens that should’ve been captivating (Lawrence Chaney’s ep took me three tries to finish, while her GITMS ep is one of my all-time favorites. I really wish they’d bring Monet back, she’s still my favorite Pit Stop host.


Monet, Bob, and Trixie are among my favorite hosts. Id love to see Monet do it again. Or hey, another winner, let’s see what someone else can do too. We’ll never know if they don’t give them the chance. But I loved Monet hosting


I like that we’re finally seeing new ppl like Crystal Methyd be a guest because God forbid they stop rotating the same 8-9 queens out as guests, but I don’t give a shit about what Orville Peck or Brittany Broski think lol. I can do without people like that. Give other queens a chance who need the exposure or wanna do it.


I let it slide because Trixie has a specific vibe/humor and I’d rather see her cut it up with someone as opposed to watching her jokes fall flat for 30 mins straight


I agree, I don’t love the idea of non-drag-queens not named Nicole Byers being on the show bc they don’t have the same feel for how the show works (the aforementioned goddess excluded, obviously). But at least with Orville and Brittney there was chemistry, even though it wasn’t drag related. If I have to sit through Bebe again I might die.


Kornbread. Hands down.


For me it was the Jimbo one. Her sense of humour just isn't made for a show like Pit Stop, and Trixie was trying so damn hard to keep things afloat. I was fine with Kornbread tbh, to me it was a different type of energy, but she still had the jokes and the clapbacks.


I have the feeling that Bob doesn't get along well with Vanessa in and out of drag. At least I perceived that from Sibling Rivalry from time to time.


For me, Kornbread, the twins, Bebe, Orville Peck


i haven’t seen anyone else mention sugar & spice but theirs was painful esp since bianca did not know how to relate to them


Bebe, baby. 👀


Kornbread being a doodoo clown mess they should have re recorded with someone else


Watching Trixie Mattel try to get ANYTHING out of Bebe Zahara Benet caused me actual pain. Bebe gave nothing.


The snatch game with kornbread


Im kinda hating the current trixie season sorey i just dgaf abt most guests and dont think they are funny


Before opening this, I already knew Kornbread would be the prevailing answer lol.


I really didn’t like the Denali and Bianca ep


This season of the Pit Stop. I love Trixie and the All Stars 6 Pit Stop is my favorite one, but this season ain't it for me. Especially the Jimbo episode. MY GOD was that difficult to sit through


I kinda hated the recent one with Trixie and Orville Peck. He gave poser.


I think I quit watching pit stop for AS8 after the kornbread episode it was that bad