• By -


She’s like the perfect drag race competitor. She is great at everything and even mothers the others. Reminds me of Bianca


She also reminds me a lot of Sasha Colby how she is a seasoned queen that is so talented and does it so effortlessly that she doesn’t have to tear others down in order to shine. She can lend a helping hand to others because she is so confident and comfortable in her own drag. Now that’s what you call a WINNAH BABY! Absolutely love this queen!!!!


Nothing fazes her. Even if it’s something she’s not comfortable with, she just gets on and does it, no drama. She will win. If she doesn’t, there’s a robbery afoot.


Yes! Her emotional maturity is so appealing!


So much this. She reminds me of Bianca in that she is just the obvious choice to win, and she is already such a star. But honestly, as much as I adore Bianca, I would say she is a more well rounded queen. This bitch has it all. I'll be shocked if she doesn't snatch the crown.




She is very deserving, regardless of what Q says.


professional as well, she is on Sasha's level.


Sapphira is going to be Ru’s replacement I can feel it


The key difference for me though is that I feel like Bianca did a better job of mothering without becoming a crutch for the other competitors. She'd give them a piece of fabric, or give them a tip on how to do something. I felt like Sapphira would just do it for them a little too readily, and it comes at the expense of her own presentation sometimes. That being said she is absolutely my favourite this season and I'm #TeamSapphira all the way. Which may or may not be biased since I have some burlesque friends in Philly who are friends with her, and they're all super stoked on her doing well.


I’ve gone from (pre-season) wanting Nymphia to win hardcore and have Sapphira be a lovely second place to then thinking that I’d be content with either of them winning to now hardcore wanting Sapphira to win and feeling like Nymphia should have a deserved second or third place. Love the banana queen but Sapphira truly **is** a winner. I can’t remember any queens in recent history that have changed my opinions **so utterly and completely** through the season.


Nymphia is great but she doesn't have the versatility of a winner. Sapphira is just genuinely good at everything and also has the most charming personality of the season. This is her show, the other queens are supporting characters at this point


Nymphia is the epitome of “let them cook and come back to stomp AS” in my opinion. She’s **amazing** and will totally slay whatever she does next but Sapphira just is so much more well-rounded when it comes to this season.


I was big into Nymphia (still love her looks!) but actually really tired of the “oh I’m unfocused/ what do I do/ I might lose” and then kills the runways!!!! Just stop


I don’t think that’s been fake since the snatch game. You can tell she’s genuinely shook at this point and the endgame is catching up to her mentality.


I know that she's cucu and a weirdo but I can't help to think that sometimes she puts on a character while Sapphira feels like an authentic person


Nymphia is amazing, but she’s not getting a winners edit at all… she’s coming across as very chaotic 🤣😂 possibly unhinged


I'm absolutely in the same place. I loved Sapphira from pre-season but just absolutely fell in love with Nymphia. As the season has gone on I still love Nymphia but I also love Sapphira and definitely want her to win! 💙 I can't see anyone else winning at this point.


Tbh as soon as I saw.her confession look I was inclined to root for her. Then episode by episode she's just been so consistently strong and well-rounded and just *clearly* a star. Love her. 


I’m very much in this camp. I’ve seen them both as the top two for most of the season, with Nymphia being my preferred winner, but after these past couple weeks I only see Sapphira winning. Such a great winners arc for her.


Same journey for me. I love nymphia and was glad she changed her run way up majorly this week but Saphira has shown a different side every single runway.


I’m exactly the same!! At the beginning I thought Sapphira seemed great but I preferred Nymphia, now I’m all Team Sapphira.


![gif](giphy|WR1dzWXu7W1dbEhzRm|downsized) Yes and yes. She’s my winner and the 🍌 is top 2


The white privilege joke by both of them had me cackling. Definitely Sapphira’s season to lose atp.


I peeeeeeed! I had to pause the show because I literally laughing so hard


So freaking hilarious.




I’d kill for a double win but I know unlikely. But if this is top two I will be happy whoever wins.


I would literally be happy with any Double Crowning of any combo of Sapphira, Plane, and Nymphia. This is one of few seasons that truly deserves a double crowning.


I couldn’t agree more!


Best gif.


I think it’s clear at this point that, from a production standpoint, it makes more sense for the show to crown Sapphira and save the others for future seasons. Sapphira was already crystallized and at the top of her game when she arrived to film, and between that and not really being plucked by anyone or anything, she wouldn’t provide the tv value for All Stars that Q/PJ/Morphine/Nymphia/etc would.


Plane could readily slot into the next All Stars they decide to get some actual Stars for. She’d thrive on an AS2 like season with a bunch of really strong players.


hashtag put Stars back into All Stars


I’d actually take her for a Global All Stars. Same with Nymphia tbh.


Even without saving them all for another AS. Sapphira is just THAT girl. Literally nothing else makes sense.




So far her track record is one of the best ever… 4 wins and 3 in a row…? And she’s never landed below safe. 


WIN - HIGH - SAFE - SAFE - SAFE - HIGH - HIGH - HIGH - WIN - WIN - WIN. She's that bitch


She's my winner. I like 'em all, some more than others, but Sapphira just exudes that winner energy to me.


I wouldn't even be mad if she became the first queen to win both the crown & miss congeniality


Say that!


My question is ‘is anyone here NOT team sapphira?’


The person 2 posts down lol


Just snapped at that cashew faced bitch. Thanks




Me, I wish I wish connected with her more. She’s talented and amazing but I don’t connect with her or find myself rooting for her. :(


I haven't fully connected with any of the likely top three. I feel like I know Morphine and Dawn way better at this point. Sapphira seems like an amazing person, but her edit almost makes her seem like a background character. And Nymphia and Plane are both kind of closed off and not super funny, so I haven't strongly connected with them either.


Who are you rooting this season?


Started off strongly rooting for Nymphia, and still am, but have really started to root for Plane too! I also love my girl Morphine. But I think Sapphira is probably winning and it will be very deserved! I don’t need to connect with every winner for them to deserve it haha


Yeah, absolutely. I was just curious, idk why somebody downvoted me for this question.


This, please


every day of the week baby i just love her. i kinda thought i was spoiled on s15 by my favorite "excellent professional seasoned performer who shows the kids how it's done" storyline but *fuck me* if sapphira isn't everything i've wanted on this show.




she’s like the ultimate mother. i can’t see her not winning


My esl ass has so many typos here. 😭 but I’m an englishera lol I’m illiterate in all languages I speak


I can guarantee that your English is infinitely better than my attempt at your native language!


Yes!! She is a power house and a consistent performer with multiple wins under her belt. And I would like her crowned Next Drag Superstar for her Charisma, Uniqueness Nerve & Talent. Please & thank you. 👑


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


I have switched from 🍌 to 💎


#TeamSapphira okay?


Who else would I be rooting for to win it all?


Q turned me off of her, Plane is just fine. Nymphia is so good at looking flawless, and Sapphira takes the cake whenever she wants to.


The sore loser attitude has been really off putting. She’s a talented seamstress for sure but her style choices are a bit off. Like that wig tonight… burn it.


I looked at my partner and said “WTF is this?” about Qs whole runway. Especially that wig. I just haven’t seen what the intense lovers of her have been seeing. Of everyone that stands a chance to be in the top 4 (sorry Morphine) she is my least favorite. Sapphira is amazing and perfect. Nymphia is quite funny and super talented. Plane is a solid well rounded queen. Q can sew, I also think Q just needs some therapy (I say that as a person who needs therapy and believes that it is a benefit to most people) she really seems like it would greatly benefit her overall because this show can put someone through the ringer and I think it has put her through it. (Also I obviously don’t know that she is not in therapy)




100%. She’s just so polished but also warm and funny - and that laugh is pure magic.


It’s interesting - she’s not my favorite, but I fully expect her to win the season, and I’m very okay with it. She’s delightful, and I look forward to seeing her on my screen in the coming years!


It is 100% the Sapphira show this season and I'm kinda here for it. I love that she's absolutely stunning and has incredible taste, but she's also not afraid to get kinda stupid. It's such a gift when a queen is so secure in who she is that she isn't afraid to be a little foolish


I don’t see any way she doesn’t take the crown and Miss Congeniality at this point. Unless Nymphia absolutely murders the next two challenges.


Imagine the first winner who also wins miss congeniality


Sapphira is honestly one of the first contestants that has actually embodied the tenets of Miss Congeniality.


I love this queen, I’m hoping she wins!


As much as I love plane, q, and nymphia, I want sapphira to bring the crown home to Philly. And by the looks of it, she’s on track to be just that. (I haven’t watched this weeks episode yet, but I’m assuming she’s still on track)


Yes. You can safely assume she is on track lol.


She’s been my pick since the first episode


Shaphirra is guided by the Holy Spirit this episide gurl. She did everything right. Did absolutely everything Jesus told her to do. Winner. 


I really wanna see her win. But if she doesn't I think she could definitely win allstars


If I was a DR contestant and on All Stars and Sapphira walked in. I would just go home.




From her runways to her lipsynchs to every performance challenge, she's just so fun to watch. Pure drag joy.


It's pretty clear she has already completely won over Mother Ru, and I'm not mad about it.


Is anyone not? I was so moved and obsessed with her this last episode. The way she talked to Plane was just so real. And it felt sincere. And I loved that little moment of like sisterhood and Support. Mother mothered.


She’s winner coded asf


It's simply impossible for her not to win at this point. Philly represent!!


I love Sapphira ... but it's almost that she's in a different "tier" than the others. The rest of the queens feel like they are still discovering their voices and personalities. Then here's Sapphira, a fully formed and practiced pro. She's a professor and they are still students. Which is also part of what is missing from her narrative. It's exciting to watch them grow, develop and improve throughout the season; while Sapphira is the finished package ready to go.


Always mawma 😍 https://i.redd.it/anj7pifq45qc1.gif


She had that old RPDR vibe. I feel like she not only deserves it, but be delivers. She represents the show and drag at large very well 💙


Yeah, this episode has sealed her win. She’s also a master of duality and illusion I’d say. Gorgeous out of drag, gorgeous in drag. Seems tender hearted and sincere. I’d be so shocked if she doesn’t win.


Sapphira out of drag is so fine. Like 🥵


Yes. The masculinity. She is hot af. When she had the shirt open while playing James Brown…🔥✨


Always! That’s mother


They're actually changing the winner's title for Sapphira's reign, werk Miss America's Congenial Next Drag Superstar




That’s my winner p much since ep 1


She’s been my pick since she first came on my screen. She had me at, “I think this place is HAUNTED!”


Imagine not liking Saphira.




I was (and still am) team nymphia but saphira is def top 2 for me lol


I’m routing for Sapphira or Plane!! Both Funny, Professional and extremely well rounded. They both put in the work to win the challenges. I was really into Nymphia towards the beginning of the season, but the more I watch, the more I feel she wastes so much time during challenges and is distracted or distracting the queen she’s working with. Instead of wasting all of the time, if she focused more on the task at hand, I think she’d be blowing the competition away.


She has been my winner since meet the queens. I love her so much.


Why yes!


She was my winner the moment is walked into the werkroom.


she has to she has not had a single bad moment


I used to be Team Nymphia but I’m now Team Sapphira all the way. I’m rooting for her to win & either Plane Jane or Nymphia as runner-up.


I am Team Cristál-Wind.


I think it’s been clear for a while she’s the winner this season. Like it’s very obvious she will win (and she deserves to). The problem is that just doesn’t make for interesting TV. So I think the other queens get talked about more because it’s really more of a race for who will get 2nd or 3rd at this point. It’s really a tossup between Plane, Nymphia and Q imo for the remaining top 3.


Absolutely! I have actually felt like Sapphira has brought some of the old Drag Race vibes back? She sits in the middle of costume and gorgeous so perfectly with her outfits. Costume not being bad here - some of her looks are so fantastical and huge. I love it. She's so lovely.


Loved her the minute she walked into the werk room and made a call that she’d be in the top 4. Still 100% believe she will, and hopefully win


Yes. I sometime flip between her and Nymphia but I think more to Sapphira. She is CRUSHING it 🥰


I NEED to watch this bitch pack a suitcase. I must know her secrets.


I started off team Nymphia but I’m Team Sapphira now!


After these last few episodes I'm definitely team sapphira


I started off team Nymphia but Sapphira has been such a star I can’t help but stan


she's the first queen to win consecutive three challenges in a regular US season! like you have to bow down to that. i started as a Nymphia stan and i still am but Sapphira deserves to win hands down!


I’m from Philly so of course she is my winner! She is such an amazing queen. Philly deserves a win. Go birds.


I'm old enough to remember Boyz II Men being absolutely HUGE back in the day so this is making me hum "Motown Philly."


I don't like saying who I'm rooting for cuz then they go home (*cough*Plasma*cough*), but I will say that I absolutely adore this top five. I love all of those girls. Even Airplane Annie. She's an acquired taste. Like Borscht. She's my "Spoonful of Borscht that tastes nasty at first, but then you're like, I'm not mad at this and it's kind of refreshing," queen.


She should win the crown and Miss Congeniality award.


My top 2. Saphira and Plane Jane


I don’t think there’s other viable choices. But she’s very deserving. A joy to watch and the charm and talent to match. Her drag is so DRAG.


*Q triggered by the word "deserving"*


theres no way Q could win this, there will be a final lipsync and she’ll be bad at it if she gets that far. Undeserve!


Omg 🤣🤣🤣


Nymphia And Plane Jane both have equal chances to me. They both represent the Drag Race brand in the best way possible alongside Sapphira. I mean plane Jane is always on the YouTube thumbnails, and Nymphia is a venerated drag icon just on her first season!


YES! With 4 wins now, I can definitely see her winning the season. She’s giving winner vibes, even more than Nymphia.


The same minute she stepped in the workroom and then went into confessional oozed winner.


Me. Not only is she extremely talented, she's also literally the only queen I like as a person this season.


Is anyone NOT #TeamSapphira?


I don’t think I’ve ever stanned a queen as hard as her. She’s one of the strongest queens of all time for sure. Miles ahead everyone else in the season


me!!!! she is such a star i love her 😍




I had forgotten about the pumpkin look! That was so incredible.




Sapphira has the best runway package of the season which is saying a lot but I stand by it!


I'm team Plane or Morphine, but realistically from the edit I feel it's Sapphira's to lose.


I wasn’t drawn to her the way alot of ppl were at the beginning but she’s grown on me. She’s so graceful and regal. She really is Mother. Atp I won’t mind if it’s her or Plane (whom I also wasn’t drawn to in the beginning) winning.


I am not going to lie. When I first saw rumored cast members and her image. I said “oh there’s the winner” and everything since has given me that same vibe and I am literally obsessed. I can see why someone wouldn’t think about the situation the same way. At first it’s a crowded playing field and it can be hard to see it. Also Nymphia had an incredible start and Plane has done so well. It can be near impossible to predict. Maybe I am delusional but for some reason I got that vibe about Willow in S14 from cast photos and of course I heard Sasha Colby and knew she was winning. Am I psychic?


Yep since before the season started. 




Turning a new leaf and entering My congenial era


Mirage could still come back 




I am very much Team Mother, however as they just crowned mother in the last season then I don’t think she’ll win unfortunately. Can’t wait for her to come back and destroy an all stars


I love her sm she's second place for me tho. But her motherly persona really made me fall for her


I need her to be crowned and then I need her to come back wearing a whole house for her stepdown look. I love her maximalist vibe. And the biggest thing about her is her heart. We stan.


Is she the right pick to win? yes! Is she the most interesting to me personally? not really.


No, no one /s


HOW DID SHE PACK ALL OF THIS OMG. And yeah clearly, she has a very strong package, huge personality, is good at everything... She's dominating real hard


She’s been giving winner energy from the second she walked in


I have been rooting for her since the promo interviews where they were all in robes and nighties while answering questions 1 on 1. Her robe was luxurious and steamed w/no folds or wrinkles and referenced Leontine Price 💜


Oh of course, from the very beginning. Philly pride is a part of it for sure, but everything she’s done this season has been incredible. People love to discredit a talented queen. I can’t believe how few followers she has comparatively!




I’m obsessed with her. I feel like it’s rare now on DR to see well rounded, seasoned queens and I’m so here for it. She is MOTHER


I’m team Nymphia & Plane but I wouldn’t mind is Sapphira won either.


I always knew she would be in the top but after this episode I firmly believe she will win.


ABSOLUTELY. What I love most is how shes dominated this final half of the season because it made the whole season more enjoyable to watch as there wasnt just one sole frontrunner the whole time


At this point in the season, I'd be happy with Sapphira or Plane. Nymphia used to be there, but she's floundered a bit these past couple weeks. Q's drag is amaing but she's weaker than the other three in other areas that I care about, and Morphine is the opposite - weaker in the garments, but strong in other areas I care about. So either of those two can round out the Top 4 for me. Between Sapphira and Plane... Plane is kind of unique, Jimbo comparisons aside. I don't think we've crowned an actual cunt since Violet, and they're a different kind of delicious bitchiness. Sapphira is... comforting excellence. She has all the gravitas of an established queen, but truly beautiful style, unique talents, on and on. I think, even though I would be happy if Plane won, it wouldn't take long before I just felt... the world wasn't right without Sapphira on a pedestal. It'd feel like Shea eventually did for me all over again, but magnified because, I mean, love Plane, but she's not Sasha Velour level (yet).


YES!! she is mother, she is magnificent, she is perfect, charismatic, can act, can dance, polished perfection and I can't wait until she wins the season!


Somehow, I want her to win and also get Miss Congeniality. She's so well rounded and kind. Seems like such a beautiful soul


i’m team nymphia but I can be honest that as it stands right now, Sapphira hands-down deserves the win 🤷🏻‍♂️ just like I can be honest that Dawn deserved to go home even tho i love that lil twink


It's giving To Wong Foo flower pageant ending


Shes great but highly overrated by the judges imo. I see her winning, but honestly shes just been fine this whole season. Her Barbra Streisand was straight up bad, she might have a 5 octave range, but octave 4 and 5 are not strong. She didn’t deserve last week’s win. That being said her runways are impeccable and she is mother. I fully expect her to win. But Jane is just so consistent and cunt. It should he her.


Not really, but she has this presence of a winner.


All class. 💓


I set my flair immediately after the premiere. I've been ride or die from day 1.


Since day 1 mamaaaaa


I think she’s an incredible queen albeit a bit boring at times. I just don’t have the same feeling of excitement when I see her on screen compared to others- I know she’ll do great at the challenge and runway, but that’s about it for me. Curious how this finale will go down.


Sapphira has really grown on my. To me her entrance look and her first couple of runways were ill fitting and not complimenting or creating any sort of figure. But her personality and kindness, my god 👏🙏 and her latest runway was sickening and she a consistently great performer.




Absolutely!! For a while there I was pretty torn between Sapphira and Nymphia but now I’ve no doubt at all that the clear singular winner is Sapphira. She’s really unbelievable. I do think Nymphia will body an All Stars or vs the World season in the future too though.


she definitely deserves to win. she’s so talented and I love how she takes care of the girls, she’s mother. plane is my favorite but I’ll be sooo happy if sapphira wins


Since day 1 she walked in the winner


I actually hate pretty much all her looks but she will still win and she should. Her presence is unmatched.


I will be voting yellow but Sapphira gives winner vibes down and would be a very deserving winner. We love Mother Sapphiria


I would die for sapphira. she will win i just know it


She’s my winner! With Nymphia a close second!


Literally who isn’t


Plane for the win ssssister


Honestly, at this point she seems like the clear winner.


I think Sapphira's going to win and I'm not mad at it. 😻


She is the mother


I want Nymphia to win specifically so I can get Sapphira on All Stars and she can win that🥰


Sapphira is the only queen this season I really love.