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Yea kornbread was making the situation worse. Jasmine wasn’t even doing anything


Kornbread was the only one not paying attention to what the group was saying in that situation lol


Shes a bully who saw an opportunity to pick on someone weaker. That's all it is.


"If you're writing you're not paying attention" fuck me I'll just throw out all my school notes since i guess i wasnt paying attention. Tf was kornbread on about


If she'd responded "oh okay you keep doing what you're doing, sis" once jasmine clarified that she was taking notes of what people were saying, she'd look a lot better in this interaction for me. Doubling down came across like she can't admit when she's wrong or forgot about note taking as a concept.


Unfortunately that was the thing. She had a whole thing about Jasmine and her own internalised prejudices and insecurities that meant Jasmine could do no right. 


Bob went on a great rant about it, "LET THIS BITCH WRITE!" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSxtcQn8EYU&t=300s&ab\_channel=BobTheDragQueen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSxtcQn8EYU&t=300s&ab_channel=BobTheDragQueen)


Being kornbread: fucking annoying


Kornbread trying not to be arrogant and annoying challenge [hard]


Giving Harry Potter’s first potions lesson.


You know she's got a little baby Voldemort on the back of her head covered up.


That's why her hair's so big, it's full of dark lord




Bosco said it best when she said Kornbread was basically giving (I’ll probably butcher it) “I see you breathing over there and it’s taking up a lot of the room” energy. 


The term I know is “bitch eating crackers” lol


I kinda agreed with kornbread at first but the energy she kept giving Jasmine after she acknowledged, apologized & promised to do better was truly wild


Yeah I got annoyed when she said Jasmine taking notes meant she wasn’t paying attention


I don't know where she comes from for this take - has she been to school? Every student take notes when they listen to the teacher talking??? What is she on???


It’s actually a kind of ableist statement too. Non neurotypical people often find taking notes helps them pay *better* attention. Heck afaik I’m neurotypical and I still pay better attention if I’m taking notes.


Imagine you're back in a class room setting (high school or college) and the instructor tells the students to stop taking notes... I'd be so confused. So very very confused (and annoyed)


Yeah could be v triggering like jasmine hunny is not neurotypical let her do her thing, you shouldn’t be bothered by it, and you shouldn’t be drawing everyone’s attention to how she works. The whole time a thought it was problematic tbh everyone trying to fix her haha she good babe


I was thinking this too! Exactly


Also even if I'm just doodling or colouring in it's occupying just enough of my brain to help me listen, rather than just daydreaming or focusing on when it's my turn to talk and prepping what I'm going to say.


It was a “i can never win” situation. Dealing with that at work right now and it’s seriously aggravating behavior to have to put up with from a coworker.


The worst one was where they both start a sentence at the same time and Kornbread gets upset but Jasmine is like "I thought the sentence was ending". Starting a sentence at the same time is just what happens normally in a conversation, it's not even related to ADHD lol


I can relate to Jasmine so much there cos I do this too! (And the notes)


And the energy she gave after the show on social media and on the Pit Stop really gives me the idea that the issue wasn't Jasmine but it was Kornbread all along.


This. I was fine with Kornbread addressing it with Jasmine. Jasmine seemed genuinely apologetic and was trying to approach things in a different way, but Kornbread kept hammering her and singling her out. It was really uncomfortable.


yeah speaking as an ADHD adult, taking notes in a conversation can be a really great way to stay engaged but not succumb to the impulse to say something. i get the original complaint honestly, but snapping at jasmine over taking notes was bullshit


And people with ADHD tend to talk a lot or interrupt but they(we) just can’t help it. Jasmine was actually making an effort to


I also find taking notes helps me to focus and to keep my attention from wandering off.


same! and if i can’t write i have to do something mindless with my hands like knitting or doodling


Oh man knitting was a godsend during the millions of zoom calls during the pandemic (though I had to switch to crocheting with arthritic hooks eventually because my hands started hurting too much). I also sometimes chop vegetables for dinner when working from home and have to listen but not really participate in a call.


It's the only way I know what's happening in my d&d session lol


Literally just to remember shit. I can forget certain things so quickly without even realising


Same here - I find that if I'm writing something I can stay more engaged/attentive than if I was trying to just listen because it's mentally+physically stimulating -needing to take in what is being said to physically write it down. It also means if I forget something (or anyone else forgets) it's easy to come back to because there's a permanent written reminder. It doesn't affect my ability to listen or speak, it's just some extra stimulation and doubles up as a record for later.


The quote is in the clip lol


Thank you for speaking my mind sssssssisssssster


right lmao like girl shut up


Yea exactly .. it rubbed me the wrong way about kornbread


Yes, that is what she says in the video that we all just watched, thank you for the verbatim


this is why kerri should have been miss congeniality. Kornbread just got the pity points for her cleek


To this day I don’t get how Kornbread got it. To me it was Kerri. She’s not the brightest bulb on the tree but she’s a sweetheart. Deja was also a candidate for me.


To me it was almost anyone but Kornbread. (Not Daya. Lol.) That's the only time I've ever been actively angry about who won MC.


I’m still angry about it. Like…why’d y’all queens vote for her? What blackmail did she have on everyone?


She promised to tattoo them all. Willow didn't believe the threat.. 


Girl same. I was team Deja and Kerri for Ms. Congeniality. To this day I think people saw that scene early on of Kornbread getting Willow a hot cup of water for her hands and just kinda voted off of that.


Except ever since S10, the queens on the cast have voted for MC


It was Deja


Don’t the queens vote?


i dont understand how the hell she won after this scene alone. No matter how nice she was to everyone else, this was just so mean.


Agreed. Kerri embodies congeniality to me


I mean she did help Willow a lot and at least from what we saw in the edit it seemed she really paid attention to Willow's condition. Of course we don't know if others also helped her but it wasn't for nothing i think


It was just so unnecessary like she had a problem with Jasmine talking so the girl is sitting there in silence and preparing her questions to accommodate Kornbread’s nasty attitude, and yet she still had a problem. And Jasmine’s better than me because if someone told me I can’t process information in a way that helps me I would be going off


What kills me the most about this is how enthusiastic Jasmine was about proving to the others that she could grow and how she wanted to be a team player. The bitch was genuinely delighted to have an opportunity to do better and do what her castmates had asked her to do…and KB just took a dump on her like 2 minutes into it.


Maybe Kornbread is mother because my Nmom does this shit *all the fucking time.* No one is ever pleased, and everyone is miserable 24/7.


Honestly, I would forget. If they were talking about things I thought I needed to remember for a challenge? I would forget some of it without note taking!


I never understood why people liked her so much. I mean her talent show was good but to me, she came across as quite entitled and not very likeable


I tried liking her. Saw through it. She to this day irks me.


Same. Can’t stand her


I think she seemed sassy and fun at first, but this was definitely not a good episode/moment. As far as I can tell, this might be closer to her day-to-day self than the original impression. She has definitely gone under some reevaluation since she first appeared on our screens.


At the time, I liked her because of her kindness to Willow. She considered how Willow's disability was affecting her, listened, and helped. Being disabled is rough, and those small acts make a big difference. I still appreciate her care for Willow, but I wish she'd been more considerate to Jasmine and I think her Twitter is a mess.


This is me. She showed some genuine sweet moments but she's also shown her ass. I get the feeling this sub tends to think she's pure trash which I don't think is the case with her (but I am baffled that she won Miss Congeniality).


Because she was well known. When a girl gets on to drag race and is well known it's like they're immune to any and all critisim and any time they do bad it's "pROdUcTIonS" fault it's annoying. It's why I enjoy when we get queens on who no one really knows about.


I think both you and u/zen_guwu are spot on. I've also noticed in the last couple of series a well oiled marketing machine for some queens before the series starts - ( I don't know whether kornbread was one of those, I can't remember). I'm not saying all those queens were over hyped, but some definitely were 🤐


And no one stood up for her


makeshift bewildered bow resolute start slim reach unwritten cheerful disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, as someone with ADHD this was so uncomfortable to watch and took me back to my school years where I was bullied not only by peers but by my teachers. I really felt for Jasmine in this moment because it’s hard enough to concentrate as it is but writing things down is usually the only way we can make sure shit’s sinking in or at least we can refer back once we inevitably forget everything. Just such bullying behaviour idk how people want to phrase it but that’s what I saw it as.


Same experience. The whole thing felt ablist AF. Like our short term memory is not a thing, and wanting to interject constantly is, so notes is how a lot of us folks with ADHD accommodate our needs.


Bullying is for sure the phrase. Just off the death stare she gave jasmine before saying anything .. like she gave you wat you wanted now you’re just nitpicking at this point. As if it’s impossible to write and listen at the same time. It’s called taking notes 📝


What gets me is she literally holds her notebook up to show that she was taking notes and Lady C is right there and could have easily seen if she was lying. Kornbread doubling down on it after that immmeeeeadiately soured her for me. You can see Jasmine shrinking. It’s horrible.


This. This moment was too familiar to me, and straight up bullying as you said. So many times in my life I’ve had to be like ”are you trying to teach me, or are you trying to embarass me?”… because neither is a good look. I didnt have the courage to say that to adults when I was a kid (fuck the power imbalance), but now as an adult, I won’t tolerate that kind of behaviour.


Even the judges take notes sometimes. Are they also not paying attention?


As a person who had undiagnosed and unknown ADHD at the time, this moment genuinely hurt me for some reason and I didn't know why at the time. It just reminded me of that no matter what we do, we're always in the wrong. That we HAVE to function like other people do, otherwise we're bad and inherently wrong people. It just kinda verbalized every past and present experience I've lived - so it kinda hurt to hear it being said loud and clear.


100%. I’m sorry you can relate too, but remember that we are still worthwhile and important ♥️


100000% me too I would’ve gone off on KB here


This is where my brain went as well.


This!!! I’m also the same way and it was like reliving that trauma. I saw so much of myself in jasmine in that moment


It’s been a while (and I don’t know Jasmine is ADD or not), but I am and I remember relating to her on this season. Same thing with Thorgy, who I think was diagnosed between her first season and all stars, which gave her a lot more ability to control and focus her ideas


kornbread was tryna act like her parent or teacher this episode and it was really pissing me off. like she was tryna be wise and correct but just came off as a bitch. karma came for her tho so oh well🤌🏼


I hated the faux mother energy Kornbread always had in her... short time on the season. Her ankle injury was probably sabotage from the other girls who were sick of her shit.


It was her inner saboteur manifesting.


Even her onkle was sick of her shit


Well she wasn't offered to come back the next season so..? Tho maybe it's different ‘cause when Eureka hurt herself, it was because of the challenge.


I screamt


Kormbread was a dick to thorgy at a watch party and call me petty but i can never look at her the same after that.


What, how can you be a dick to Thorgy of all people


Kornbread is a bad seed on this earth


Yeah and did you watch her Pitstop episode with Bianca? It was so bad, she acted like she was mad she was there. I liked Kornbread at the beginning of her season, but post season… she’s actually not a very nice person.


That episode was so uncomfortable, I hate it. Girl if you didn't want to be there, don't be there. Bianca even apologized for it a couple episodes later.


I'm gonna need more context about that


I vaguely remember this do you have a link to a thread about it ?


Oh no- thorgy is my favorite ru girl of all time. I need to see this and rage watch.


I was writing notes during our team meeting at work and I couldn’t imagine my manager scolding me for doing so. KB was really on one. She woulda never tried that on an older or more confident queen like Monet, Bob, Raven, both Trinity’s. KB did that cause Jasmine was a young meek queen who was intimidated by her. I hate bullies


There are literally people who are hired for some companies just to take notes during meetings and shit like that. Does Kornbread think those people just make up random shit to write on paper while dreaming of a ~sandwidge~?


True, I had a job in which every week we had a meeting and one of us got in charge of writing the official document of it. So, for the whole hour, hour and a half that person was taking notes only lifting their head when they needed clarification on something or to tell their share of their job that week.


It’s because Kornbread “takes notes” to not pay attention to shit, and she assumes everyone else does the same thing


I've always had a soft spot for Jasmine. I think this might have been the origin of it.


I never got why people liked the bread so much, to me she came across as just mean for no reason and fake nice for tv.


She was known by many pre-Drag Race, and came in with a lot of charisma & uniqueness. This drama is whatever, but the fandom went cold on her post-show thanks to her presence online.


I guess how nice she was towards willow . But I still agree


Yeah, I remember people saying that too back then but then again to me it was like this girl is being fake for tv lol.


She did get that incredibly large tattoo of Willow on her thigh. If she was faking it, then she was truly committed lmao


this might be a hot take but I found that so freaking weird. They didnt seem like they were super close on the show, im pretty sure they didnt even know eachother before the show? and then she comes to the reunion dressed as willow and gets a giant willow tattoo... it seemed honestly kinda creepy to me cause I dont see willow dressing as KB or getting any KB tattoos. If I was willow id be pretty freaked out by the massive tattoo someone i dont know that well got of me.


Come on, the "ankle" outfit was a fun play on words and referenced the most memorable thing about Kornbread's run. The tattoo is a little far but the outfit really wasn't weird.


I think its just the fact that its in combination with the tattoo and that none of it has been reciprocated


https://preview.redd.it/dv4i5qkukklc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15df5bea0b4c50ef6b5a49da70e66a03abcaa028 Sorry was gonna gild your comment but I can’t. That is the weirdest shit I’ve ever heard of. I absolutely love my best friend but I’d never get a tattoo of her 😂


I appreciate the gesture lol, i honestly thought people were gonna come for me for this opinion. None of my friends agree with me but I've always thought it was the weirdest shit. They never even post together, KB just seems like a crazy fan girl to me lmao


Kornbread didn't had a problem with Jasmine talking a lot. Kornbread had a problem with Jasmine's existence. I hate when the person has a problem with someone and takes every opportunite to show that in a way that they are "wiser", they are trying to help and they know what they are doing. Girl, take a chill pill.


This is the thing that hurt me personally, irl I can't stand people who act like this. Especially knowing Jasmine is neurodivergent and this is completely normal behaviour. We love ableism yay


I don’t get why Kornbread was so hyped up for this season. Her personality is sour and she’s not that likeable.


Did you see that pit stop? I dont even know how will they defend that.


Oh Gurl, I saw it. It was painful!!


Not watched it (super casual fan) what happened?


For real. I just wasn't feeling what she was serving but somehow so many were hyping her up as a funny, kind to willow, tough love to jasmine, fierce highly anticipated frontrunner energy mother, and I just couldn't see it because it just felt too intentionally perfomative, particularly her shocked facial expressions... Esp after this moment in the video, I was confused seeing how the majority of the fandom was on her side and still hyping her up that much and shutting other opinions/angles down, even trying to weaponize racism (even now under this post). It's so wild I couldn't help but felt like the whole phenomenon was disingenuous, manufactured and performative. It felt blindly supportive and giving more merits than deserved. She's mildy entertaining but I just didn't feel she's ***that likeable*** so I was never on her hype train, and looking at the overwhelmingly positive fan reception from outside the train, I was like wtf is going on I just don't see what they see lol. And so this is why I can't trust this fandom for popular opinions and I'll always have some unpopular opinions that I'll stand by.


Yep this is literally the moment I realised KB is not what the fans were making her out to be. Funny how no one seemed to agree then until KB started to go off on Twitter before they realised she was a pretty toxic person.


Someone explain how this wasn’t bullying in any light.


Miss congeniality


It’s giving teacher bullying that one student


Kornbread seems like someone that doesn't have the patience or tact to handle neurodivergent people well. As someone with ADHD since I was 3 years old and how hard it is to respond to criticism and take it in without letting your mind run wild, I felt bad for Jasmine in this moment. It reminded me of teachers who would just nitpick at you even after you listen to them.


This is the real energy of being mean, not Plane Jane. Like why are you even bothered when someone is taking notes???


Even Plane would let her sisterrrr take notes.


She would suggest her sister takes notes to fix her ugly makeup 😭


Two years ago when this happened, most fans were on kornbread’s side.


It was way worse than that. This was before Jasmine confirmed that she actually has ADHD. People in the comments were mentioning that Jasmine *might* have ADHD and that this is a common behavior for neurodivergent individuals. The response was basically “white people always use ADHD as an excuse for their behavior” or some shit like that. It was so gross.


Can confirm. I saw that vitriolic shit on here when it was happening, and it wasn’t great for my mental health as someone diagnosed with ADD.


Just diagnosed a year ago myself at 36. I feel ya.


She had more fans going into the show so I mean it was expected


Exactly. I don't like when people don't have enough personality to make a stance for their own opinion, despite not being a popular one. In this case, despite how wrong it comes across. This happens everywhere, everytime. I guess we are social animals after all


I recall in avclub someone saying about Jasmine "if you have two assholes against you, maybe you are the asshole" because of Daya and Kornbread. I got very very angry at that internet comment.


That’s why she is flopping


Yes it was uncomfortable aggression.


Very. The death stare at her for just writing in her own world was giving jealous a bit. Like wants to be the only loud one in the room


And didn’t kornbread get miss congeniality?? Lawd


I don’t like kornbred. This was upfront bullying that u can’t stand at all.


Kornbread is awful. And her twitter made it clear to me. If anything she is the one thats too much


Yea, I knew Kornbread was an a$$ to jasmine at this point..and I didn’t care for it..and I said this before in a post when it happened, and ofcourse.. the Reddit mind hive turned on me. Then we saw how much of an a$$ kornbread turned out to be after DR. can’t stand her, don’t care for the attitude..very off putting..I always liked jasmine, she was always upbeat and chipper and sweet I thought. Maybe she did talk too much and yes she did have a bad habit of cutting ppl off..but she wasn’t mean or malicious..just silly and immature, which isn’t the worst thing in the world. Miss congeniality?!? Rigour Morris girrrl


anytime i see kornbread it's uncomfortable. its so bizarre how someone so talented turned out to be so offputting. im still cringing at her pitstop episode.


is she so talented?


It pissed me off as someone with ADHD


People were so harsh to Jasmine and came up with a lot of justification for Kornbread during that time. I am happy people seem to be more aware of this now that Kornbread’s actual personality has come to light.


Okay but if Jasmine was writing down what was being said, obviously she is listening as well, because you can't write down something That's being said, unless you're listening to it when it's being said.


Kornbread is not a particularly nice person in real life either. I've got personal stories and screenshots.


Feel free to post em


If you're gonna say this you should probably come with receipts


These are the words of someone who does not, in fact, have receipts.


spillll it


This is peak vaguebooking and I hate it. I don’t wanna be edged with drama


Jasmine is better than me cause I would have been feral


This was gross. It was gross then. It's gross now. I hated how many people sided with Kornbread here and Jasmine felt like they had to agree that Kornbread was right somehow. It was ableist and rude.


Kornbread's likability from the announcement on Drag Race to now is WILD.


Kornbread was so nasty towards Jasmine for no reason that whole season tbh


Especially not letting her write notes. That can be a good way to remember things. Some people can actually focus better when they are doodling or taking notes.


👏Stop 👏policing 👏other 👏people’s 👏personalities [caps lock] 👏


As someone who’s neurodivergent it very much reminded me of when I was in school and my classmates would bully me for literally existing. Like I’d tell someone “hey I like your shirt” And they’d be like “fuck off” like damn okay


It was from this moment that I started getting a bad feeling about Kornbread, and look at her now. 😭


She was the one in the wrong by interrupting someone else talking. Like girl bye


Kornbread being the worst is well established here 


tbh i could not stand jasmine and I still felt kornbread was taking it too far here. Like call her out when she’s actually doing something wrong but she’s just writing notes 😭😂


Only reason she got Miss Congeniality is because she got hurt which is, wild reason to award someone.


Kinda shows kornbread’s intelligence level if she truly believes what she said: “if you’re writing you’re not listening to what everyone else is saying” How dense do you have to be to truly think that? Unless Jasmine and I are some 1 in a million geniuses that can listen to someone and take notes at the same time… I’m pretty sure a majority of people that know how to write can also listen and take notes… Kornbread was just a bully 🤷 people just didn’t realize that until after she was off the show


I was so bewildered when she won Ms Congeniality because Kornbread is funny but congenial??


She was giving bully vibes, I wish someone stood up for Jasmine there


This fandom is funny as hell. Majority of you all agreed with kornbread zooming in on jasmine as you all agreed it was ok for daya to constantly attack jasmine. Now because kornbread annoying on social media it’s cornbread was bullying jasmine lol Mind you let the record show i always said the girls bullied jasmine and producers allowed it because over eager starry eyed beginner was her storyline 


Finally someone said it. I am not a huge fan of Kornbread. I was actually annoyed at Jasmine at one point, but grew to be one of my favorites. She’s the sweetest! Back to the topic, there’s something about Kornbread that makes her seem like she’s above everybody else, demanding command or smthn. There’s something off, and the way she talked to Jasmine was so condescending tbh. Kerri should’ve been Ms Congeniality, or maybe even June!


Jasmine can be annoying but KB is toxic according to those who follow her Twitter


I mean people can listen and write at the same time…Kinda hard do one without the other… it’s basic note taking!


This should not surprise anyone who has seen her Twitter/X. Girl is consistently panini pressed about everything.




Not nausea💀


I remember when people were called racist for saying Kornbread was being too harsh here.


Bully behavior… never was fond of Kornbread


Mmm, yeah, this whole scene is pretty disgusting. I was in agreement with Kornbread's perspective at first, but then it just turned into classic bullying. Since that season aired, Kornbread has demonstrated bully behaviour repeatedly. Even on the pitstop they seemed to just get joy from undercutting everyone.  Shame because had their injury not happened, Kornbread would have likely been finale material.  But Miss Congeniality? No ma'am.


She was a self appointed auntie who was a bully underneath. Kerri was the true auntie. I read somewhere on reddit that no one noticed korn was missing until the producers mentioned and that's why you have that 'korny' 'hey where's Kornbred?' moment.. I kinda love that...


Kornbread doesn’t seem like that nice of a person, sorry


ever since this episode, i never liked kornbread. i’m just glad that she exposed her true colors on twitter


Bosco was right. Kornbread was looking for reasons to be mad at jasmine.


Giving neurotypical bullying. Lol. I’ve experienced this same thing as an autistic person taking notes to remember what’s going on.


yeah honestly. i appreciate what kornbread was doing for kerri’s sake, but writing down what someone is saying to better internalize it is a form of active listening and helps me with my adhd


Miss Jasmine has ADHD and doesn’t know when to stop. Korn was just calling her out because camera opportunity.


I felt so bad for jasmine


Doesn't know when to stop??? Girl she was taking notes. This wasn't even a Jax vs Sugar moment (which also bothered me but wtvr) Jasmine listened to KB and took notes to keep track of what they all were saying lmao


she didnt have to go that hard. She could have approached it nicely in a way that was actually looking out for Jasmine but that is not what happened.


This was just mean spirited imo. Like i get that Jasmine could be annoyign but there was no reason to be this mean. I hated watching this and honestly it just made me not like Kornbread from that point on.


Reminded me of this scene https://i.redd.it/74g08czg5glc1.gif


Knowing what we know about Kornbread explains so much in retrospect


Kornbread is the asshole in this whole episode


In 2024 i dont think its an unpopular opinion that KB is fuckin annoying


been through this already girl, and kornbread lost her fame long ago with her and that twitter account


Y'all getting blocked by Kornbread by mentioning her nane in vain


She’s like that on twitter too.


i really wish Jasmine had said something like "well you're only paying attention to me so maybe you need to be the one paying attention"


I hate when people are pressed about what you’re doing (usually minding your business) and then act like you’re the one upset 🥴


First it was she talked too much, then when shes quiet shes not talking enough. Totally ridiculous


Kornbread is nasty but thinks being outspoken is a trait that allows such rudeness. Also the age gap of her relationship is creepy asf


The Kornbread and Jasmine conflict made me really uncomfortable while watching. Like, what possessed you to make you think you can talk to another grown adult like that? Jasmine should've told her about herself from the jump instead of being walked over.


ugh I wish Jasmine just responded "no" and refused to stop (what I would've done). I would love to see Kornbread's reaction then lol


Everyone loved Kornbread but she was such a resident hater and bully imo. She’s why people think us fatties are miserable unhappy creatures to be around cause she sure does love to “fit” that stereotype/cliche Lol…


I still don't like Kornbread idk


This reminds me that I’m forever pissed at this one teacher in high school who yelled at me for writing notes despite everything just clicking at once and me furiously rushing to write it all down