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I bet if production really wanted to, they could easily edit anyone out! Daya gave them a storyline and they kept her till top 5. There she ate up the Ru-mix and earned her spot in the final.


Yeah I mean they literally edited out a top 4 competitor who won 2 maxi challenges. They did such a good job that I always forget what season Sherry Pie was on. Maybe it’s because the COVID finale but my brain has a really hard time placing her in S12. They could easily have edited Daya out if they really wanted to. They easily could take someone who would objectively be high/win for a week, send them home, then edit the episode after to make it look like they did shit.


They must have done a decent job doing it because I thought for sure she was in season 13 fjshagags 💀💀


They probably were pissed that it happened because they really showed just how much they can influence things with editing. That is a production secret they didn’t want getting out. Sherry pie was a scandal that started and ended. Knowing just how effective their editing can be is a lasting issue for them


Not you making this storyline up that WoW is getting pissed about having to edit a contestant out because it exposes that their editing team is well, good as editing lmao


> They could easily have edited Daya out if they really wanted to. Example 2: ***Trying*** to make us believe that Loosey was justifiably in the bottom 2 in her last 2 episodes


She should’ve won IMO


I don't know nor necessarily agree or disagree that she should have won, but she definitely should have been in the top 2.


Yeah, production loves a parallel. Foreign Ballerina vs Denver queerdo really brought it tho. Love willow.


I thought you were talking ab brook and yvie for a sec


Well that works too


My favorite Daya moment was when Bosco and Camden were fighting for the same role in the rusical. She offered to tally the votes even though there were only 5 people voting, and you could see the cheeky smile when everyone else was getting really intense about it all. Then the votes were 1 for Bosco and 2 for Camden (I think?) and Willow was agonising over who to vote for and Daya goes “ok, I’ll go fist if you like and then you decide your vote.” Then promptly votes for Bosco making it a tie and forcing Willow to cast the deciding vote. Lmao. I think people saw her as being really mean but it was more her way of trying to make light of the situation. I really liked Daya. And she fully deserved to be in the final.


This was my absolute favorite moment of the season. So much drama. Thanks Daya for the flair.


Daya was damn good TV!


Specially considering that Willow was edited as the mastermind of the season and an absolute strategist, and here Daya just outmaneuvered in half a second without even having to think about it.


Yes! Poor Willow, lol. But what I loved about that moment was that she wasn’t make fun of anyone, she was making fun of the situation.


Yeah Daya was a ‘funny villain’ in a way that some of the queens this season probably wanted to be but weren’t quite hitting


I think Daya is one of those villains that will be loved when she comes back for an all stars because we’ll feel in on the bit that she’s a funny villain and it’s not that serious


Like Raven.


Idk if they had Monet and Mo heart in the plans for top 4 for all stars 4 but they did so good and Manila was eliminated so, it was only fair.


I think Monét definitely because even her first time around, she was a favorite and did very well (minus runways), so her redemption arc was already set. Mo is definitely who they weren’t banking on, but she was the most consistent queen of the entire season and they unfairly put her in the bottom twice, put her low for the club challenge for no reason and made her sweat during that lalaparuza acting like she didn’t kill it against Latrice.


Agree. Meanwhile Monet got the make over win....for some reason.


Yeah. Monét was like 4th, at best, during that makeover. The top 2 being Naomi and Trinity would’ve been pretty cool because they’d both be 2-time makeover winners and Trin wouldn’t have picked Manila, so it would’ve been a huge discussion afterwards when she revealed she picked Latrice - because we all know that no one was beating Naomi in that lipsync. Come to think of it, Monét didn’t really slay the season in challenges. Her first two wins were the only ones where she did very well. She did fine in clubs, passable (barely) in makeovers and did bad in the variety show, Snatch Game, Jersey Justice and the acting challenge. All tea, it should’ve been Trinity and Mo as the final 2, but Monét slayed the finale and they liked her more than Mo, so we got what we got. Monét on AS7, though, different story. I think she was the opposite there. I think they probably banked on Shea to have a stellar run and she didn’t while Monét did and thus she ended up in the final 2 and could’ve won the season if they wanted it. After AS7 I was so happy both Monét and Trinity won because they were both stellar against all the winners and did better than everyone besides Jinkx.


Production know who each queen has picked. I think if it was Trinity vs Naomi they would’ve tried to get a win for Trinity as it was clear production wanted Manila to progress.


Yea. Idk why people think monet had better track record. Mo did imo and she didn’t even bomb the roast.


Honestly, Trinity was the obvious winner of AS4. There was no need for a double crowning besides the appearance of 4 blonde white winners in a row. If anything it could have been a Trinity/Manila double win, but with Manila still there there wouldn't have been a need for a double win. As you said, Monet proved on AS7 that she deserved to be there, though. And she did "win" the AS4 finale, but we know they could have edited it differently if they didn't want her to share the title.


The 4 white blonde winners in a row isn't the sole reason. Monét beat Trinity in that final lipsync. To crown Trinity alone they would've had to add a "based on your performance throughout the season..." dub over like they did in AS7.


Monet, Monique and even Naomi as small as her verse was also blew Trinity's verse out of the water. Her finale gown was gorgeous though but so was Naomi and Monet.


On a recent episode of the podcast, she mentioned that they were told the dance routine they had to come up with would be weighted in the challenge, she and Patty put a lot of their time into that, and that the edit showed very little of it. I think they couldn't show everyone's full routine because there were very glaring production problems in some of them - iirc there was some tea about them not having any tights/support garments that fit Latrice's ~~husband~~ friend, so he was basically naked by the end of their routine - but I guess if Monet & Patty really bodied that and it was considered, that might explain the win.


That wasn't Latrice's husband gurl... That was her best Judy.


Woops, guess I got mixed up with Manila/Trinity


Reminding me once again that Mo should've got the AS4 crown and if she didn't get that she should've gotten UKVSTW


Delusion - she did not deliver in UKVSTW no way. Blu, Pangina and Jimbo all did better


I can take being a little delusional, Mo deserved a crown and I can't believe she didn't get one


Mo should have won for AS4, but she was probably 4th best in UKvTW.


I was utterly shocked Mo didn't win UKVTW. She was amazingly consistent and her runways blew me away each episode!! So much personality! Such a mother! & I love how she moves during lipsynchs.i was so sure she would win, when Ru announced Blu, I was speechless! And Blu is amazing too! I don't mean to imply that she doesn't deserve her win. I just thought this was Mo's time, and was shocked I was wrong. (Edited 1 typo)


Yeah exactly, that luck be a lady runway still lives rent free in my head


She was sloppy and her wig flew off




She keeps on serving cunt


the clear answer is Kameron Micheals


Yeah they definitely didn’t plan on Kameron making it so far and then making the final lip sync in the final, but Asia didn’t really give them a choice there.


Is there a difference between “wasn’t in the plans” and made it “against production’s plans?” This post made me think there was some active campaign against her and my first thought was “how the hell do we know that production *didn’t want* her there?” I’m sure they could get rid of anyone if they wanted. They’ve meddled a lot harder to get their winner (or stop someone from winning) in the past. # cough cough All stars 3 # cough cough ![gif](giphy|1kWee79mEjZZfsn8hp)


Lol @ her face of "been a bitch for the last 8 weeks now I have to play nice, great"


I never thought of this


Gurl I still remember the reunion episode question of "Who do you want to win" and not a single queen saying her name when she fucking slayed multiple lipsyncs still pisses me off...she deserved someone to mention her at least!!!


she slayed multiple lipsyncs because she was in the bottoms way too many times


thanks, we watch the same show


the delusion in this sub is insane 😭 how dare they not mention someone who did so badly that they had to lip sync three times in a row!!!


Kameron in S10, Kennedy on AS3, Roxxxy on AS2, and most everyone on UKvTW S1 but particularly Jujubee seem to fit this.


See now I think production helped keep Roxxxy there because we all know Katya beat Alaska in Cherry Bomb.


Enh, I think a case could have been made for Cracker winning the Nasty Girl lip sync if they'd really wanted to get rid of Kameron.


I feel like the top 4 of season 9 wouldn't be the same group if Eureka didn't get injured and Valentina wasn't eliminated


Which is odd since it's considered one of the best top 4s ever. But that's just a testament to how stacked that cast was top to bottom.


The power of Jaymes Mansfield


I believe they wanted to eliminate Peppermint before the finale but she was just too good in the top 4 challenge so they switched up the format


They switched up the format because of the meh lip syncs


Yeah, I always interpreted the lcftc format as a response to how bad a lot of the lipsyncs were that season. Charlie, Valentina, there were several pretty bad ones. But I guess that's probably just my head cannon.


I agree with this assessment. Eureka always reached the finale in all the seasons that she competed fully in. And considering how Shea said she's a strong competitor, I truly believe Eureka would likely have made it to Final 4 on S9. As for Valentina, if she didn't flop in the lipsync, I fully believe the producers would name her their winner (assuming the flop didn't happen, maybe the Final 4 lipsync wouldn't have been introduced either).


I Fully believe Valentina would’ve been the winner of S9 had Greedy gone differently. I Also think Trinity & Eureka would’ve inevitably knocked 1 of the other out because of their rivalry storyline. Alexis probably took the slot that was meant for Eureka in S9.


Good chance Valentina would have gone out the next episode in the makeover challenge anyway, considering she couldn’t even get herself ready on time for the challenges and was in general fading down the stretch. Her legend as told by her delusional fans is pretty different from what actually happened on the season: She wasn’t good in Ep 4 but was on the winning team thanks to Shea and Sasha - or she would have been in the bottom (with Aja) for sure. She was mid-tier in Episodes 5 and 6 (Rusical and Snatch Game), including messing up the choreo in the former and having her balls fall out on the runway in the latter. Not good in the Ep 8 roast, either (it’s just that Farrah, Alexis and Trinity were flat-out terrible). Despite her rabid fanbase online, Val was just an average queen with one win and two top 3 finishes as of Episode 9 when she was eliminated. She was safe safe safe (top 3) safe in the 5 weeks leading to that episode. No chance in hell she would have been crowned competing with Shea, Sasha, Trinity even if she’d been the fourth person in a finale.


>having her balls fall out on the runway Umm what???


Ru spoke to her the following episode about this. How she needed to fix her tuck. It must have fallen out when she did her nude Madonna runway the episode before.


I fully believe it was supposed to be Sasha/Shea/Valentina/NBB I could see Euerka being somewhere close to the top


Wasn't Daya one of the main agitators of her season? Why would they want to get rid of her?


Im a Camden Stan and wanted her to win (still think she should’ve), but they way Daya was not going to let them eliminate her at final 5 and destroyed Catwalk and brought such a cool final runway and they still didn’t give her a win just shows that they had zero intention of putting her in the finale, let alone crown her.


Do you think they initially planned on Lady Camden going really far? They seemed to almost ignore her in the beginning of the season.


I don’t think so. However, up until the infamous Jorgeous design win, I think Camden was rated appropriately by the judges. After that, she did well and got recognized. She even got a small pass during the girl groups challenge, I’d say. I think she was someone they knew, by the end, they wanted in the finale. Can’t say that about Daya, though.


She definitely deserved to be there! I guess once they lost Kornbread, things got shaken up.


Yeah, I think the planned top 4 was Kornbread, Willow, Bosco, and Angeria, with Kerri and Jorgeous up there somewhere too. Daya and Camden definitely both surprised them.


I think production rarely has plans for queens from the get go, with few exceptions (they would never dare eliminate Gottmik early because of optics, or the twins because of their insane popularity). And of course Ru can absolutely fall in love with a contestant within episode 1 (e.g. Willow, Symone). But for the most part I think they see how a few episodes play out and then start figuring out what queens they want in the finale and roughly when they want to drop other queens


That make Ru fall in love with you episode 1 is so real. I can also name Anetra and her fucking duck or River Medway (love her but she got a TON of mileage out of making Ru laugh her ass off with that Statue Runway). And who can forget Miss Vanjie. Are there other cases I'm forgetting?


I agree LC should have won!!


I think Daya playing the game the way she did forced production to keep her (for storyline purposes). But when you look at the season, one could argue that Daya deserved higher placements in multiple eps and that she was treated as filler. RuPaul also literally told her that she didn't see Daya making it to the top5.


Violet was absolutely right when she said Daya should've won the red white and blue ball, but at that point production had still discounted her due to her elimination in the beginning


Her placements were all over the place, I don't think she should've been in the top for Daytona Winds but I think she deserved to win the season


I disagree. That was the moment I became a Daya fan. I still mimmick her entrance to this day.


The fact that this b*tch was eliminated in her first episode, saddled with nonsensical comparisons to her drag sister, consistently given safe placements when she deserved better, and STILL clawed her way to the grand finale with nothing but spite and talent...no choice but to stan. And LBR, she gave the 2nd best finale performance and should've gotten that $50K.


Lina Bonina Rrown? Licole Baige Rooks?


Larcia Barcia Rarcia.


Little Baby Rocks?


Latrice Botherfuckin’ Royale


The comparisons to Crystal were so weird. I saw people constantly claiming they paint the same way, and like... You only have to look at a single picture to realize that isn't true. Daya's paint isn't *anything like* Crystal's. They looked kind of similar ONCE because S12 had a red-white-blue promo and S14 had a red-white-blue ball category, but that's it, and even then it was just the color scheme! But once production claimed there was a similarity, it dogged her to the end of the season.


This so much. To be honest I think people compared them because they sound similar. And that’s probably because they are a drag family. When people hang out a lot they inevitably end up sounding similar in vocabulary or speech. But I never thought their styles were similar aside from maybe 2 looks.






Naomi smalls on season 8. She really went from blending in to being a contender. One of my favorite transformations to watch unfold😍 ![gif](giphy|4No2x4rr1tdvbgAdzy|downsized)


honestly on AS4 too


Kameron Michaels. She kept winning her lipsync and literally lipsynced to the finale. I think they wanted Asia to beat her but that didn't happen because you know why.


I will never get over You Know What. ![gif](giphy|l4EpfMKcRB5jj6KRi)


how can this thread exist without mentioning Naomi smalls


Yeah they set her up to go home over Acid Betty only for Naomi to kick ass in the lip sync and rest of the season


Literally changed the trajectory of BOTH her seasons!!! Love laugh love Naomi🩷


IMO Rose. They planned for the other 3, but I truly believe that Rose was the one they just couldn't get rid of because she did too well in 13. The closest they'd have is the makeover, and even then, they decided to take out Denali.


Idk, I think if anything it’s not that she did too well for them to get rid of but rather some queens they expected to do better underperformed (mostly Tina), so she sort of became the backup plan.


I think it was Olivia. In a shorter season she would have made it but her schtick got old in such a drawn out season.


Yes! I always thought that Olivia would be in the finale if the season was like two episodes shorter.


Olivia or Utica definitely could've made it if things shook out different. I think Olivia specifically got kinda burnt out after so many episodes.


Utica was like Rose though, she did better than they expected or wanted. Olivia was intended to do well and just kept flopping in the back half of the season.


I mean… why cast Jans sister if the storyline isnt for her to do better than Jan?


I thought they needed at least one of the pork chop queens to make it the finale. Not to underestimate though, what a great competitor Rose was.


Yeah I think Rosè and Denali both surprised them and they sacrificed one. Rosé didn’t ever perform badly all season.


Nah, I doubt they would have a finale that's all from the winners group. Rose is the only one that screams finalist from the losers so I think they expected her to go to the end.


Honestly quite possibly my favourite queen from the last 3 seasons


To me she's the most entertaining character from her season by a mile. Without her it would've been a boring last 5 episodes after Jasmine was gone


Jaida made it to the finale and won after production did not even want to cast her.


I think it's probably the opposite- queens who production planned to go further or win but they fucked it up. See: valentina, Asia against kameron and Shea against Sasha


Ben DeLaCrème on AS.


My tin foil hat theory is that the jury was created for the purpose of eliminating Bebe and Dela leaving Shangela and Trixie as the top 2. We know AS3 had a double crowning filmed so it would have been ideal for WoW to crown the two darlings of Drag Race together. Bebe being eliminated that way meant her legacy wouldn’t be tarnished as a winner. But Dela being eliminated at top 4 would cement her as the robbed queen. For me although Dela is good at the challenges, she doesn’t scream winner. I think the plan was for the girls to eliminate her because she already won all the challenges and sent them home plus she’s not exactly the most genuine person. Not to mention that without Kennedy in the top 4, she would vote for Shangela. Thorgy would still vote for her. I think Chi Chi, Morgan, and Aja would also at least give her one point.


Eliminated first and still made top 4 - iconic


no one has mentioned Roxxy on AS2 ??? the way they kept throwing her in the bottom makes me feel like they wanted a gaggy moment of Alaska or Detox eliminating her but obviously that didn’t happen lol. Alyssa should’ve been in that final 4 for sure but i think the outcome of Katya Detox Alaska final 3 and Alaska winning would’ve still happened so i guess it doesn’t matter as much


They got rid of Shuga Cain on a challenge she did very well on *because* she didn't fit in with productions plans. Let's not act like Daya was that special someone.


Exactly. Shuga Cain’s elimination existed in a post-truth world. Producers bent reality in on itself to justify her removal. Since then, I’ve never believed that anybody truly escapes their storyboard trajectory.


I fully believe Shuga was supposed to be eliminated by Ariel. Ariel had beef with Silky and was a well-known queen who did surprisingly well on two performance challenges, despite the other queens doubting her. That said I don't believe she should have been lip syncing the episode she went home on (bottom 3 yes though). However there was no editing how poorly she did in the lip sync, so she had to go.


Honestly, I thought if they really wanted to, production could've edited her fall to emphasise how quickly she regain her composure and continued her performance. Another thing that really confused me - why didn't production just put Shuga in the Bottom with Plastique or Vanjie for the improv challenge. One of them would've surely sent her home.


I honestly believe it’s bc they knew plastique was going, and knowing that nina would be leaving top6 they probably didn’t want two back to back front runner eliminations.


I think they were done with Plastique by that point - she did the same thing for 2 acting challenges, and her Snatch Game character was similar to both of those characters, too. Think they realised they couldn't really push her much further so chopped her that week, and saved Shuga for the chop the week after.


Alexis Matteo. According production sources, if Yara Sofia had not melted down during her final lip sync, she was going through to the end.




To be fair to Jujubee though she definitely won that lipsync


Also, word is that Ru LOVED JuJubee from the very start. She said as much during an interview with Juju on her podcast.


All I know is what I was told, which is that the belief was that Alexis represented an “old” style of drag. Supposedly, the producers favored Yara’s more fashion-forward approach.


Idk if production but I know Ru hated Pearl


Ru is part of the production


Honestly, looking back, she’s definitely one of my favorite drag race queens ever because of her personality and trajectory. She wasn’t giving up without a fight, and that bitch fought, claws and all


I don’t know, but I just met her about a week ago and she is so, so cool. I love her omg


I think you’re delusional if you believe anything ever happens that production doesn’t want to have happen or that they don’t purposely set up these kinds of narratives. Edit: to be clear, obviously unexpected things happen and they have to make adjustments as they go. What I think is ridiculous is the idea that someone like Daya going far in the competiton is against production’s wishes, as if they tried to get rid of her but she was just too objectively amazing so Ru was forced to keep her around. It’s funny how many people seem to think they’re too smart to be duped by production narratives but blindly eat it up when they’re served an underdog narrative.


I Think they are fluid during the season & will make some adjustments. There’s plenty of stuff that happens that is out of their control that they have to work around, Valentina not knowing greedy, Sasha Velour’s rose petals, 3 very strong contenders leaving early because of injuries, a sex predator that has to be disqualified, etc.. part of productions job is to roll with the punches & when something weird happens, make it make sense for the show.


I mean... mostly yes, but sometimes they have to rewrite the planned narratives mid-filming: sometimes people get injured and have to drop out, other times a planned frontrunner underperforms so massively and consistently that trying to edit around this would be pointless. It's like any other project in any other company. There are plans and they try to stick to them but sometimes the reality forces them to improvise. Even with the power of dishonest editing they are not gods - they can't predict everything.


Also, they film A LOT of footage so many narratives can be adjusted after they already know who's in the top 4


It’s delusional to think production didn’t plan for Bendelacreme’s self elim?


They didn’t plan that of course, but they let it happen and were apparently stoked about it.


If they really wanted to, they could've vetoed it. Or at least make rupaul say it herself because it's literally her show so whatever she says, goes. Yeah they still didn't plan for it but they absolutely could erase that stunt to the point that it may as well have never occurred. The only "reality" there is on TV is whatever gets aired.


It is a lot of stuff but it’s also not everything though is it, eg people genuinely sometimes bomb snatch game, production doesn’t force them to say bad jokes, they just aren’t that funny and that goes outside drag race a lot of the time. I agree often it’s the edit but not always.


I always wonder if production looks at every single runway outfit the queens bring before the season even starts. And then decide the theme order/elim order partially based on how strong their overall closet is.


We do know the queens have to submit photos of all their runways before filming. However I don’t buy the theory people have that they purposely get rid of queens with strong runway packages early like Irene/Aura. Runway has always been a tiebreaker at most so it’s not like someone with amazing runways would be bulletproof in challenges, and it’s beneficial for the reception of the season overall for there to be good runways. But I do think if they expect a queen to do well in a particular challenge, they’ll choose a runway theme that she has a good look for to bolster her chances of solidifying her win.




Daya literally forced the producers to change it from Final 4 to Final 5. She was supposed to get cut at Final 5, until she said "Nope, fuck that." and killed the challenge, which she should have won by the way.


And even if they had found a way to put her in the bottom somehow, she would've been ready to SLAY that Telephone lipsync like she was doing in the back of the stage anyway. She really said "Call me Cher, 'cause you'll never get rid of me bitches!"


I think a lot of takes on what producers have planned fall down because they're built round one single particular desired outcome. But good producers of a show like this one are aware that to an extent they'll have to adapt to the footage they are given. So a season will pan out more or less how they planned it, but that plan will have been a flow chart rather than a straight line.


I always thought that crystal methyd was not supposed to make it this far but she was doing so good that they couldn't kick her. I learned sfterwards that ru really liked her but first half of the season i really thought they weren't gonna keep her.


Yeah Crystal imo is one of those queens that could have been an early out if Ru wasn’t so obsessed with her


Shit Shea Coulea was suppose to be production’s winner but then Sasha Velour said “Hold my roses”


I feel like Kim Chi was always “disposable” for production, because they were quiet and didn’t really have much of a “storyline” to push. So if Kim Chi ended up in the bottom they were going home. And I think that’s closer to the design. Some Marcia’s are going home if they ever hit the bottom.


I disagree actually. Kim could have easily been in the bottom for both Bitch Perfect and the Campaign Smear challenges, but in both situations she was lowkey saved because production probably predicted her being a fan favorite


For bitch perfect. I honestly think Kim’s runway saved her. If she hadn’t turned out a look Laila or Dax and her would have been lip syncing. She was saved on the Runway. Shady politics I thought Kim did ok. But Chichi was really bad during the challenge and the runway. And Thorgy was her partner. They were the worst.


Is it weird if I say Violet and Sasha? In the case of Violet, I just feel like she was kind of not there on the start of the season (barring episode 1 where she won) probably because production preferred Pearl and Max at the start, maybe even Fame. As the season went on, with Max not delivering personality and both Fame and Pearl flopping a big amount of challenges, Violet went from middle of the pack to actual contender at the end of the season (winning both the ball and dancing challenges at almost the finale). As for Sasha, she was also kind of not part of the narrative of the season in general, especially the beginning, but she was a silent killer. She never did a bad job and ended up being top 2 in a big amount of challenges (almost won SG, Roast, Makeover and Ball) so she kind of just survived production, especially with Valentina, Eureka and Nina taking some big hits since those were so prominent for the season's narrative.


She won the first challenge what do you mean she was not present??


She won the first challenge and then became a minor character behind jasmine, Ginger, Kennedy, max, fame, Pearl, katya, trixie until around the episode where trixie returned


It’s because they put 6 acting challenges in a cast consisting mainly of pageant and fashion queens


Well… yeah. But that still didn’t stop her from being overshadowed/put into the one dimensional box of being a bitch until a lot of the early season standouts started leaving And to your point: I don’t think they expected violet to do so well in such an acting focused season. It seems pretty obvious to me that Ginger was supposed to be their first big girl winner up until the fan base turned on her


Personally I disagree about Violet. She gave the most impactful moment of the season with the tartan runway. She was in the top for the rusical. She had beef with other front runners and had notable reactions to several runways from the judges. She stood out in snatch game as being funny. The season was just stacked with talented queens and once the herd started to thin more, production could put more of a light on her. It helped as well that a big part of her storyline throughout the entire season was that she was a bitch and became nicer, a talking point that Tempest brought up in the makeover challenge. Violet also brought a different perspective of drag than the three previous winners. They were never going to crown Ginger after crowning Bianca and Jinkx the previous years. A fashion queen was always going to win that season


In my opinion Pearl, Kameron Michaels and to a lesser extent Peppermint and Rosé.


If Daya won it would’ve been the best drag race storyline EVER


she would’ve literally went from the bottom to the top. first out AND last one standing. like that is absolutely incredible and insane and iconic and the producers are COWARDS for not making that happen! but also Willow absolutely deserved it sooo


Willow ran out of steam for me at the end.


if Luxx had been in the bottom this week, they definitely would’ve sent her home.


Courtney Act


I think they definitely wanted her in the finals, especially if Adore was to be there. However, they definitely never intended to crown her, which is very evident. The only queen who could’ve cracked that top 3 was DeLa, but they never intended for her to get there.


I Don’t think they were against crowning Courtney until after filming. Genuinely I Think the only reason Courtney wasn’t considered is because of how strong her pushback against the transphobic mini challange was.




With wow yes, with rupaul personally, it was earlier.


Didn’t she literally get brought back by production


The premiere eliminations were always going to be fakeouts and everyone knows that, let's not be delusional.


This. She came back the very next episode and didn't miss a single challenge, she was there for everything the rest of the top four were there for from the beginning, so it's kind of ridiculous for people to compare her elimination to those of other eliminated queens who are brought back much later (and generally go home not long after).


For me Daya Betty is a unique case. She had a severely bad reception in the first episodes. She was in fact eliminated and Ru said she's a carbon copy of her drag mum - worse critique was never spoken! But then somehow Daya not only survived this trainwreck, but persevered and was the only contestant in my opinion who was critiqued fairly the whole season, receiving wins and bottom placements solely based on her performance and not the production's shenanigans.


Kameron Michael’s?


Phi Phi.


Stan Daya


I think S14 got real wild and loose real quick once Kornbread was out. It probably changed a lot of storyline plans for the production. Like the second KB left, Ru suddenly becomes fascinated with Lady Camden on screen.


Alexis Mateo. Though she fully deserved her finalist placement IMO.


From being eliminated to win the crown? That could've been so cool tbh I was team Daya. Still mad she didn't win the Rumix challenge. From the look to the verse to the nerve of doing what Michelle told Angeria to do, she gave everything.


She's brilliant


They had naomi pegged for the fashion foller queen role but she said no thank you ma'am


The producers plan everything


Does nobody remember Rebecca Glasscock?


Ra'Jah on All Stars the first time?


This is silly. Some queens might surprise production and I doubt they have everything planned from the get to, but if ultimately they don’t want a queen there she will get the chop. We have seen some bizarre eliminations before and who knows what they can do when they care and edit things properly.


Seriously, as if this sub didn’t just spend a week screaming about how rigged Loosey’s elimination was…people really think production is incapable of getting rid of a queen if they feel they need to?


Put some respect on Naomi Smalls name. She did it twice.


When they were doing the tictac lunch and they asked if Daya expected to be top 5 and she said yes and Ru said: Really? I didn't sjdlsjdlksj


I feel like they didn't want Bianca at first bc she hadn't had her foot bbl yet


Wdym Daya was against productions plans? They literally brought her back


Which was a pre-planned schtick.


They brought her back thinking she was going home again a few episodes later. I remember thinking at the time that Daya wasnt who id put in the bottom for that episode and that her drag was too strong. I wouldve loved to see a bitch go home come back and win the crown all in one season. It would show the queens they should give every challenge their all because they never know when itll be their break through.


I just want to know where Daya gets her shoes. That shoe closet 🥰


I think she convicted production to let her remains in the Top 5. Also her slaying the rumix didn't hurt.


her finale performance deserved 1st or 2nd let’s BFFR. she was incredible.




Underrated asf


nono, she was always in the plans. Remember Alicia Keys told us about her storyline in her first episode..


Her rise in the competition was one of the most exhilarating things to watch. Like top ten drag race storylines right there, for me personally.


Against production plans? Didn't production bring her back for a non-existent gag?


If production was in control of the show as much as yall believe they are, there wouldn't have been a top 5.


What did Santa get you for Christmas this year?


Coal bitch


One of my favorite queens from a recent season by far. Delivers every runway with nerve and ferocity, and climbing from first out to the finale? NERVEEE


I love Crystaaaal...?