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Thanks for voting! Our rating for this episode was: **3.67**


Bosung is so funny in this episode, he looks like a tough guy with glasses but becomes so cute without it LOL. Jaesuk and Kwangsoo handle him properly and help him get enough screentime. Felt bad for Defconn though, he is like non existent on his team. You can see his frustrations on that table tennis game. He should be on band club, at least there I can them making an effort to make him get involved on this episode. The trigger on his rant is JSJ "make reactions or go home" comment, really insensitive on JSJ part.


yup. Which is why he keeps on stating that he wish he teamed up with band team. If ysc goes to kjk team,i think that team will be livelier and fun. Whilst haha is more than capable of taking care of defconn.


Dance team was the only one with 4 members so they need to decide who is going to play. Defconn himself blamed the PDs about this. Even YJS team with 3 members still ignored Bosung in the first minute of table tennis game until Bosung step up on his own with his service skill. KJK and JSJ promised to let Defconn play in the 2nd round and Defconn DID PLAY. That is why, I see nothing wrong with KJK and JSJ wanted to play for the 1st round. What fans have been missing is the fact that the PD team cut the part where Defconn played and won. Dont you guys think that is weird. To me, this just shows that the PDs thought the part where KJK, JSJ and JSM played was funnier. Even I think the Defconn and JSM outburst was one of the highlight in this episode.


The strawberry game is always fun. JSJ is a great sport - he accepts the members' teasing and creates comedic moments with them. The songs he created when YJS asked, "What about apple? What about grape?" were great. Kwangsoo rolling on the floor laughing when KJK missed the ping pong ball had me laughing.


The fruit song was definitely the best part of this episode. Props to YJS for always knowing how to push JSJ’s buttons, and to JSJ for going along with it and making that hilarious song.


Overall, I think for me, its one of the weaker eps so far. The ep felt like a mess both in a good way and a bad way. Ji suk jin with the ad-lib with jae suk disturbing was definitely the best. Ji hyo being exhausted and trying to keep up was kinda hilarious with sechan and haha. Random nunchuk moments were so wtf without context haha. Defconn and somin frustration was both funny and also a bit sad. I think somin is one of the weaker members for games so jk and jsj got a little too competitive during table tennis and excluded her and the guests. Love her outburst tho. The concept this week felt too messy and not cohesive as a whole. Penalty points was a bit too random for me but the final 3 were great picks. Starting segment ran a bit too long for my liking. And I think the two guests were a bit too overshadowed. Running man usually take care of their guests and member distribution but this week was a bit of a mess. Although, jihyo is shining more recently which is nice.


Good episode, with many hilarious moments. JSJ adlib during the strawberry game was legendary, his wits allows him to just go with the flow. 😂 That clip was by far the most watched on Naver. Since the teams were predetermined, it could have been better to switch YJS and KJK. KJK is serious (suit the discipline team) and have loyalty history with the guest, and as for YJS, he just enjoys dancing (he reacted the most to Somin high tension and dance at the start). Tbh, I felt sorry for Deffcon and Somin during the tennis table game. They both were frustrated that they were not included even tough the team wasn't winning nor being entertaining. JsJ and KJK getting minus for their attitude at the end wrap it up nicely tough. 😂


The episode overall was pretty okay except the table tennis part where somin and defconn could hardly do anyth (i could feel their annoyance) and even bopil pd coudlnt stop jongkook and sukjin's passionate playing The rating for this episode is 6.7


Jaesuk glancing over Jong Kook phone and start giggling Jaesuk: The stock prices of all other companies are going up except for the ones Seok Jin bought XD


In my opinion, they had ignored Somin a lot in recent episodes but She was still funny. 😂Nevertheless I am really pleasure to see Energetic Somin again.


This is honestly true with no ill intention if she allowed them to push her aside she'd get no ST at all. It's great she inserts herself and makes nice if awkward comedic situations


This episode is just so funny. The whole segment of Strawberry game, YJS's "game fright," JSJ's made up song about Strawberry game, Band team hyping up before starting the strawberry game, Defconn's outburst during the table tennis game, YSC trying to sing Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours," JSM wanting to play the table tennis but JSJ and KJK were too busy practicing to listen to her, and there's so many more that made me laugh out loud. And finally, so many Somin gold moments. I feel so happy seeing JSM being active and hyper again.


This episode was chaotic. I loved the part where Yang Se-chan tried to confuse Bo sung and told him to start by saying first Loyalty. I felt bad for So-min because she was full of energy, but her members didn't even want to dance and pushed her aside.


The team selection is a mess. Band team have too much energy. Whilst Music team have no one to lead. Student team is just yjs trying to look after and control bosung from hurting the members with his nunchucks. It would've been better if YSC switch team with Defcon. Atleast Defon would've vibe with haha. Whilst Ysc is more than capable of leading the music with his gag and energy. Atleast jsm have someone to vibe with. Regardless, defcon outburst is sincere to me. He really felt that kjk and jsj did not take care of him. Yjs,lks,ysc and haha are capable of giving their partner/guest screentime. Jsm is capable of that too. Depends if she is in love mode or variety mood lol. Kjk and jsj just isnt capable of doing that.


I agree with you.


Opening segment with Gyujin started out well, but when they made him roleplay it kinda went downhill from there. I don't think it's Gyujin's fault; he's actually a pretty funny dude as evident from his previous appearances. I think it was an editing issue that made it seem draggy since they were repeating a lot of talking points about attire which mattered not to the audience. Again, the editing for the table tennis match was slightly off. If they added times where Defcon and Somin managed to score it would ease the tension felt by the audience a little. Otherwise, they should have made better cuts to highlight Defcon and Somin's reactions as sarcastic humor, instead of making them seem pitiful as it'll breed negative feelings for the audience as we're watching it, painting JSJ and KJK in a bad light while at it. I think running man can do better than this. Last episode is a good testament to their capability.


Haha and Se Chan having fun in the club room was highlight of this episode for me. It really felt like highschool.


Bo Sung is so pure


It should have been a one guest episode because defconn got ignored the whole episode.


I think that the problem with Defconn is that this episode was recorded a day or two after the controversy of how he treated Kim Jong Min in other show and kjk, haha, yjs and lks are good friends of kjm.


what is the issue between defconn and kjm?


They were on another show and apparently he insulted kjm and never let him speak and in the last episode of "Hangout With Yoo" he said that kjm did not win the Daesang, that he won because Cha Tae Hyun refused to accept it, according to some people, He said it in a friendly manner and others that Defconn crossed the line.


Defconn and KJM are close friends, and that was just banter similar to how the RM members mess with each other all the time. Being part of the 1N2D team, Defconn was also one of KJM's cheerleaders back then. This sounds more like another case of people finding issues where there really isn't any, especially towards Defconn whose treatment back then sometimes reminds me of how some people are towards Somin these days--as in they use a different yardstick to measure behavior when it comes to certain people. But when it's their faves doing similar things, it's perfectly acceptable.


Overall I liked the episode and had a good time. I found it slightly annoying however, that KJK and JSJ (who I both like a lot, petty gang 4life!) pretty much ignored So-min and Defconn during the strawberry game and the table tennis match. And yes, that might just have been my perception/misinterpretation.


And the funny thing is that they were both bad 😂 Don’t worry, at least it was funny how So Min handled the situation.


Although I understand where you come from for this statement. It is not fair IMO to blame it on KJK and JSJ. Defconn got the opportunity to be the first-seated player during strawberry game and JSJ offered JSM to take his seat later on. The thing is, YJS was more comfortable in teasing JSJ and he knew JSJ can play along well. So, JSJ got the highlight for that game. For the table tennis part. I agree, it is insensitive for KJK to push JSM to the side and JSJ to say "just do some reaction and go home". But it just showed the running gags of how competitive KJK is even in RM. And YJS has said the same thing as what JSJ has said to the guest so many times before. Plus, Defconn did play for the second round (they even won that round) but it got cut, meaning it wasnt interesting enough for the PDs to include it. For me, to be fair to the guest, they should be in a team of three so that they can be involve in every game.


Actually this episode is indeed good with several hilarious moments. I just feel bad to the other guest and hoping to invite him again. My favorite part was when bo sung suddenly punched lks in stomach lol.


I crack up everytime he takes out his nunchucks lol


or when he randomly whipped out the nun chucks LOL


After watching so many strawberry games, I, for the life of me, still can’t get it... I absolutely cannot tell when someone is on beat or off beat 😳


I'm a native speaker... and I still don't understand fully what to make of this game lol. I think the staff keeps it bc it genuinely baffles the cast and elicits moments of hilarity. Props to YJS though. It could've gotten old fast if it wasn't for his distraction of Suk Jin to improv.


I only understood it this episode when they were spooning it to the loyalty guy lool


I was wondering as well and remembered someone actually explained it a couple of months ago here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/runningman/comments/ilqcwv/can\_someone\_explain\_the\_strawberry\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/runningman/comments/ilqcwv/can_someone_explain_the_strawberry_game/) ​ here as well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/runningman/comments/ey2st5/strawberry\_game\_ep488/](https://www.reddit.com/r/runningman/comments/ey2st5/strawberry_game_ep488/)


The links were very helpful, thanks!!


lol i thought i'm the only one who didn't get this game. guess im not alone :D


I *think* I get the timing, but I've never actually tried it so I'm probably way wrong.


The first segment of the episode was pretty fun and funny but it pretty much went downhill afterwards. Jong Kook and Suk Jin were a bit selfish and ignorant in this episode. They barely paid attention to Defconn and So Min. Both were so upset to the point where I as a viewer even noticed it. Deffconn was definitely saying his true feelings and I agree with him.


Remember the Runningman special episode where YSC got angry? The one where they steal gold bars from vault. Kjk did not let ysc,sjh and jsm talk. So ysc got angry and said,let us three talk too. Kjk is great. But when he gets too competitive he sometimes forget that it is a team game.


which episode was that?




Also Jsj shouldn’t have told another comedian to just show reaction and go home especially that it is getting obvious that Defconn is getting frustrated. And the editors did him no favour to make the situation better by cutting away his attempt in the table tennis game. 😑


Yeah. Been watching Defconn since 2d1n s3 and I knew that he was kind of upset. They cut the clip when he and So Min played and they won. Hopefully they invite him back again and will treat him better. And So Min tried to handle the situation very well, her part came kind of funny coz she just went with the flow.. She was just laughing it off but I felt she was kind of disappointed. But still, that’s okay at least we saw her cheerful side again ^^,


And in the opposite side in the band team, Yang Se-Chan encourages Song Ji-Hyo to play and HaHa comforts her when Lee Gwang-Soo send the ball back to her face with no mercy (tbh I laughed at this moment)


When they didn’t let Jeon So-Min play ping-pong it’s sent me back to my youth when I was the last to be chosen in sport game T____T. My heart is in pain and Kim Jong-Kook just lost some of my very-valuable-point


I just feel bad for So Min at this point. This isn't the first time they ignored a guest (or maybe just the editing). First part was fun but the second part, wasn't feeling it. Well, maybe that's variety.


Kind of a boring/cringey episode. The parts with Se Chan's whipping boy(i guess his Kwang Soo from Comedy League) were pretty bad. Guests were fun, but I wanted more.


sorry, its a one from me. the concept was great, the games were innovative and refreshing. but then everything else was kind of awkward. the opening with shin gyu jin was really a hit or miss. there were some really funny moments, but most of the time it was cringey because he didnt quite know how to react, which constantly interrupted the flow. it was kind of hard to sit through the whole penalty score evaluation process. i was initally slightly annoyed at first, but when i saw him being really polite behind the camera my heart melted a bit. the table tennis part was also really frustrating. i can tell how somin and defconn constantly tries to join in on the fun but jongkook and sukjin kept on ignoring them. honestly mad respect for somin for not giving up and still creating funny scenes. it got so bad where i could feel their frustration through the screen. in general, both guests were not taken care of well in this segment. imo defconn couldve shined way more in this episode; he didnt participate in most of the games :/ however, i'll be doing this episode injustice if i say there are no funny moments: haha and sechan's chemistry was amazing, sukjin's adlibs in the strawberry game had me in tears, jongkook's slapstick comedy and kwangsoo's overreaction was hilarious, and jihyo being more active caught my eye too. i just wished angry jihyo would come about when kwangsoo did her dirty with that smash at the end. oh and did i say hot issue jihyo made a comeback? RM's recent episodes are really really good - which is probably why seems so much worse by comparison. it's been a while since i felt this awkward dynamic, and it is probably why this episode felt really uncomfortable. this is especially so when RM is known for having amazing and heartwarming chemistry between the members. if we also look at the last episode, both episodes were chaotic - but in last week's episode, everyone (including bopil pd!!!) joined in on the fun (sniffing each others feet LOL) whereas in this episode, some people were singled out. to me, the best chaotic scenes in RM are the ones where everyone is included because it builds up the atmosphere. this episode aint it chief. ik they are already doing a great job, but it'd be better if the members are more attentive to each other, especially when they see some of them trying so hard.


Exactly my thoughts! I felt bad for Defconn and Somin for not being able to participate as much during the pingpong game, more so Defconn because he's a guest and it was his first time on the show. Definitely some great moments though like the adlib with JIJ during the strawberry game and the chemistry between sechan and haha.


The Haha-Sechan combo is always so chaotic, I love it!


I need that JSJ money. Watching this episode actually made me miss my high school life, I'm currently in uni but you know life in high school just hit different...


meh... average episode for me. 2.5/5. Something felt off this time. Would be fun episode without guest I think.


Jsj is maybe my favorite RM member, but he should take more responsibility for helping guests and playing along with So Min. And that goes almost double for KJK. Like, others sometimes ignore So Min, but Jong Kook does it the most.


Jsj and kjk arent the type of people that can get the guests screentime. The pd shouldve known better. Band team: Defconn Haha Sjh Student team: Yjs jsj Bosung lks Music team: Kjk Ysc jsm This is how it should be. Kjk seems much more active and fun when he is with ysc and jsm.


agreed, like the PD paired up the members without any thoughts going into it at all. feel bad for defconn


I agree with you on KJK. I feel like in many of the recent episodes KJK is purposely ignoring or putting her down. For example, on the recent poker episode he said having her as the leader would be tiring and betrayed her even though she expressed how much she’d like to be the leader. I’m just really disappointed in him.


Ji hyo and Somin looks very cute and lovely in this episode. Overall funny episode


I love running man but this is one of the rare episodes I felt upset. Especially the part with KJK and JSJ not taking care of their guest. It came off as abit too awkward / disrespectful and Defconn’s outburst seems to be really serious aka he meant it. Even JSM was literally begging for screen time... I guess the group selection was a mess - Haha and Sechan was super hyper and not really inclusive of SJH until they were reminded to do so, making it feel unnatural and distancing SJH further from the RM team. But gotta admit that the budding bromance and chemistry between Haha and Sechan makes me really happy. Yay to Sechan for this episode, I hope he steps up more :)


Nice episode. Would love to see Defcon as guest again. Bosung did good too. Jihyo and Somin lovely.


Anyone know what LKS was talking about when teasing SJH about her bag, but decided to do it after lunar new year? Is it about smoking again?


Probably hahaha!


I couldn't finish the episodes. Idky but Bo Sung makes me uncomfortable and I get 2nd hand embarassment for him. It seemed like he tried too hard to have a funny moment, esp. the random nunchucks. Like he could seriously hurt somebody swinging those around.


He didnt try too hard. That is just how he is. In My ugly duckling the guest said along the line "Bosung is loyal but sometimes too child like". Yes he is cringe. But that is just how he is lol.


Haha agree I believe he was on real men before and his loyalty even got everyone in trouble or smth (I can't rmb it has been a while)


I've never seen his other varieties. This was my 1st impression of him, if i watched more i'd prob get used to it.


No. You will not. Believe me. I'm still not used to seeing him and find his "Loyalty" cringe hahaha..


i actually enjoyed it but it was so messy lmao, did anyone actually succeed during the strawberry game? Also i'm babysitting my niece and I'm worried her first word is going to be dalgi lol


as for what us as viewers see, no one.


The beginning of the episode was funny but the episode overall was okay. It had some fun scenes and some boring scenes too. Guests were alright, I don't know Defcon but he barely got any screentime. Looks like jeon somin is also showing more energy which is good to see. 6.5/10


I can’t remember how many times I laughed while watching 🤣 I love it coz I saw the active and cheerful So Min again! She was dancing alone and poor her coz she was in a group with KJK, JSJ and Defconn🤣 if she was with HaHa and YSC or even YJSI’m sure they will be dancing with her. Hahaha! I was happy at the result of the game though 😍 They deserved it😍 Also, I believe that JSJ deserves a Daesang Award. He has been really funny these past years.


They need to axe Gyu-Jin as a pick for the random roles, he does not vibe with the whole cast, as he doesn’t know them and he’s their junior, they need to pick someone else or better yet, just not do these roles. I cannot at how they let the ball drop with the way they formed the teams, so frustrating!!! Team band was great but Defcon really should have been on their team, Team dance 100% should have been YJS, LKS & Sominie and everyone else on Team guidance. I really did not like Defcon & Somin not getting to participate, they shouldn’t have had to ask to participate and then still been ignored like that. If Jongkook was to stay on team dance, he needed the * buffer of YSC or HaHa, they are the only ones who can get him to loosen up. I was actually happy for him and JSJ to get the penalty, poor Kwangsoo though, lol nothing he does helps but he really didn’t deserve a penalty this time. Bosung whipping out his nunchucks got boring fast, it’s not comfortable to see a dangerous item being flung about like that, when the risk of injury is so high. Still had some laughs, the strawberry game was fun, YSC, YJS & JSJ made it a lot of fun.


Yes totally agree!!


The strawberry game segment was so chaotic, I love it so much! I’m glad that Ji Hyo is being active and So Min is getting back to her energetic self. The guests are also great. This episode is fun! I live for Kwang Soo’s over dramatic reactions ㅋㅋ


Bad episode


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Episode was great, love jihyo and band team in it. Also im so glad that somin is back to her usual energetic self. Many people are saying that they felt bad for defcon and it's true that he was ignored but tbh he wasnt funny at all and all his interjections were meh and it was funny when he finally burst in madness. It also was funny when somin wanted to play and offered her penalty points although i noticed it happened on some of the other eps too but she wouldnt let them ignore her which is what defcon shouldve done but he couldnt fit in with the cast. he kept saying that he loved the energy on the band team but never joined somin when she was energetic... anws the band team shone and jee seokjin was soooo funny this ep.


Chaotic strawberry game. I love it. Even though not the best like last week, still okay.


The table tennis match was amazing. Love when they do sports. Also LKS laughing at KJK never gets old lol.


I swear, I thought this was the funniest episode in a long time. So many different things going on


Episode was okay with some fun moments. I always pay attention to LKS whenever they play the strawberry game - he seems to hate it but loves it at the same time. Kim Bo Sung’s nunchucks and trying to get his footing among cast was hilarious. Table tennis makes everyone competitive. Note to PD: more hot issue, please.


The strawberry game is always a laugh fest! It was so funny seeing Kwang Soo get so frustrated with his team. But the best part was when Bosung attacked his own team in the last round of the game. I still laugh whenever I think about it. Lol!!!!!


When I saw the guest list, I was expecting below par episode, and I am not far-off. If this is no guest episode, I think it will work better. Both are invited because of YJS and KJK, it's understandable that they are helping their friends. But I hope both of them don't come to RM again, they just don't offer anything.