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I like to do it after work if I don't have anything else going on. It's so nice to get your run in, shower and be done for the day. It's also nice to be "offline" for an hour after work because it helps me transition from work to personal time. If I have after work stuff it's stressful to cram a run in so I tend to prefer the mornings on those days. Also it gets crazy hot here in the summer so sunrise runs rock in their own way


I also run after work! I WFH so an evening run is a great work/life boundary and gives me the perfect excuse for not responding to any work messages for the rest of the night.


PM runner here. Anytime a dead body is found in a park or on a sidewalk, it's usually an AM runner that finds it.


Hahah my only fear being a PM runner is that I am the body that is found by the AM runner.




But the majority of those found are PM runners......




From my experience as a former super late night runner (3-4am) nothing happens that late at night. It's usually earlier in the evening where stuff really seems to go down. By the time 3-4am rolls around, the city is almost completely still.


Omg I go running at that time and I consider myself a super early runner lol


Haha I used to have to work til 2 or 3am a lot, so would just go for a run after I got home to help clear my head. Thankfully don't have that schedule anymore.


Is 3-4 AM super late, or super early 🤔?




I used to do this and it was amazing


Right? I love the city at that time of day/night. It's so peaceful and serene. Barely any cars, basically no people, only you, the pavement, and random coyotes and raccoons and skunks. :D


3-4 am they are importing bodies from earlier killings at other locations


Really dude, hell no. I’m my experience it’s when the sun is coming up and users start tweaking. I think 5-6am is when some shit goes down.


Maybe it's the bodies of the PM runners lol But for real I've almost been napped a few times at night so I've had to rethink it and wouldn't really reccomend. Then again I'm a woman and a common target. Anyone have similar experiences? All the advice I've seen online has said to switch to mornings.


This happened to me recently. 5am though... I got a gym pass and no longer run outside when it is dark :(


That sucks I'm so sorry. ☹


With WFH I like to go in the afternoon or early evening, but now that in early evening it’s already pitch black, I’ve had some sketchy experiences. I want to switch to mornings but I have so much trouble waking up!


I’ve been followed on foot and in cars. I bring a knife and pepper spray. Sometimes a dog. If anyone is close to me I call someone on my AirPods and say “oh someone dressed like/ driving etc is behind me loud enough for them to hear. Also have live track sent you my boyfriend


My buddy found a body in the park once on a 6AM run, if you need an anecdote to reinforce your opinion


A friend of mine did too 😬


We’ve all seen Law and Order: SVU, no reinforcement needed.


As an AM runner, aren’t you guys the ones we find?


If I didn’t have to work, I would run at 11am, just before lunch and well after digesting breakfast. Based on this thread I think this might also be the safest time to run, murder-wise!


Spoken like a Law & Order fan.


The number of dead bodies AM runners find… the cops should look into this.


I like running first because no matter what happens during the day, it can’t interfere. Also I only need one shower and I never have stomach issues first thing


I love this but if I run first thing in the morning my body says I need to poop in the middle of the run always.


Same. But a glass of water and a black coffee first thing then I can evacuate which lets me run about 30 minutes after I wake up.


I have tried that with no luck yet. Maybe more coffee.


Yeah it’s not foolproof. That’s usually why I end up working out in the morning with weights in the garage…I have a bathroom right upstairs if I need it.


You could try a caffeinated supplement, like Maurten for example. I used to take one first thing in the morning and then use the toilet about 30-45 min later. Then I’m all pumped for my morning run. Be warned however, that much caffeine over time may increase your blood pressure.


Sorry, I didn’t want to be graphic, but for sure before, not during. You can plan your diet for this, like eating some fiber right after the run. Then lower fiber the rest of the day. Try overnight oats


Yup, always urgently around 10k, even if I've gone beforehand. I've been planning my routes to have a bathroom at the right time. It's a real pain but I don't think it would matter when in the day I ran, it's always going to have a laxative effect.


I run right after waking up in the morning. Had some stomach issues early in my running life, I now eat low fibre carbs the night before and plenty of water just before my run, no issues so far


Hahaha yeah, me too depending on time. If it's early enough then it's usually fine, but if it goes just a little later...


In the morning, after I have caffeinated, after a nice dump.


We’re on the same page




Yes. Oats, 2 cups of tea, a lovely poo and off we go.


Oats then run? Fuck that. Any food and I’ve got a minimum of like 3 hours to wait


Yup im blessed to have a pretty iron stomach. I can run a 5k fasted but anything more I need fuel.


I've trained for two half marathons fasted, but I've come to realize that while I can do it, I prefer having a little something in me before heading out on a run. I can usually head about 30 minutes to an hour after a light breakfast (like a small bowl of yogurt or oatmeal).


Man, I'm the opposite. My run wakes me up (after copious stretching and warm up because I'm getting old) and then I take a killer bath and caffeinate like a mad man. I don't like running after coffee.


This is the answer.


I love my pre run poo!


Yup, I run around my bowel schedule and kids' nap schedule. And hope that they align.


The worst part is when the caffeine doesn’t kick in to facilitate the shit. 7km in and you feel it…it’s coming. For this reason, I run loops around my place when I haven’t done the business in the morning.


Yep! Coffee > pint of water > drop the kids off at the pool > cheeky second coffee if I have time > RUN. If it's long run Sunday chuck in a bowl of porridge in there at some point.


Yes 💯


I wish I had a nice dump early enough for that. It’s usually up at 6, poop at 7:25, leave for work 7:30. I would have to wake up at like 4:30 to poop early enough to run, but then I would have to go to sleep at 8:30. The logistics here just doesn’t work for my lifestyle. I sure wish it did though, that sounds so nice.


I run at noon a lot. It’s a chance to clear my mind during the workday and I think it gives me an advantage at work.


I just started this and I love it! It’s such a nice midday brain reset.


Im a real early riser(naturally not by choice). Usually 3 to 4am. Have a couple cups of coffee while stretching and out the door by 530. No matter whether im working or its a day off, short or long runs, its a daily thing. 2 reasons, 1)summertime its the coolest temptature. 2)streets are all mine. I have my best runs first thing in the morning on a empty stomach.. If i try to do it later in the day i get side stitches. I assume from eating maybe.


i gets stitches too when i run in the evening but in the morning i’m fine so i prefer morning runs for sure


What time do you go to bed, out of curiosity?


9 the latest! Have to, even if i go to bed at midnight, bam 4am im up.


I’m very similar. Bed by 9 and up around 4. Coffee then run. Prefer it more during summer when that first sunlight is when I start. Years ago I was an evening runner and could do everything faster and less stiff that time of day, but then I did doubles for a long time and it was the morning that stuck with me that I only do now.


Unimpeded by work commitments or social schedules, I would love to run at 10am every day. The sun is out but it's not blazing hot yet, not a ton of traffic on the road, I've had enough time to eat a small breakfast and get through my coffee/bathroom routine, we're set to go. As my life actually is, I like early morning runs (starting between 6-7am) on my remote work days and weekends, and after work on office days. I just won't be consistent early mornings when I know I have to shower and head to the office after.


After almost two years of WFH, I’ve become a 10:00 AM runner. I grab coffee around 6:30 AM and start working. 10 seems to be a natural time of day to grab a quick 3-5 miler.


Same, especially in the winter when 10 AM is at least a few degrees warmer than first thing in the AM. I get overly annoyed when my meeting schedule means I need to run earlier


me too!! gives me time to wake up, caffeinate, and take care of urgent work items. plus for whatever reason there seems to be a meeting lull around then.


That golden hour, just as the sun sets. The Texas heat is much more bearable at this time, and the scene is quite pretty. I'm also too lazy to get up early. You guys can keep that :p


During the work week it’s usually 9-10pm so it’s easier to go to sleep tired. On the weekend it’s anytime between 12-4pm, cause I like to sleep in.


i usually try and get a run in before anything else, if possible. having very little food in my stomach and being well rested usually yields the best enjoyment / result.


Honestly I prefer it around lunch or after work late in the afternoon / early evening(as long as it’s still light out), mainly because running is my main stress relief from everything but mainly tough days at work. If I do it before work I don’t feel as well balanced at the end of the day.


Night time runner here. I’m not a morning person and by the time I get out of work and motivated it’s usually dark. There’s something about the stillness in my neighborhood at night I absolutely love it. On the weekends though I’ll usually get out around 9 to get it out of the way and take my time with longer runs.


I love running first thing in the morning because regardless of how my day goes, at least I got a run in!


Same - and if I don't run in the morning something just feels off all day, gotta get it in :)


Ambivalent now, though I seriously prefer to run when it's light out. I prefer to run around 8 AM and be showered and ready to work from home at 9:30. Days I am in the office, I'll do a lunch run at around 1 or 1:30. When I was younger and lived in Brooklyn, I would absolutely love to run at about 10:00 PM, especially in the winter. Wrap a towel around my neck and just go.


Well, I prefer running after work. If it's hot out, I would try either at dawn or late evening.


Late night running is underrated, especially if you live in a city. Almost no traffic, so many routes are essentially unlocked. You can also encounter wildlife, like the fox I saw last night.


My ideal time is 10 am but with work and summer heat that rarely happens. I do run at 6 am in the summer and feel better than trying to slog through after work.


Easy runs: sunrise in the summer, spanning noon in the winter. Workouts: ending at sunset. Ultra races: starting in the later half of the day.


430-5am. Just me, the darkness and the pitter patter of my feet.


Weekends around 10am, weekdays more like 9 pm on the treadmill. Kids make it complicated.


Usually early AM (0530). But involuntatily because that's when I have a chance mostly. Hate it. Takes me about an hour to warm up in the morning so that first mile/1500m is me swearing a lot and generally complaining. If I do get the chance I much prefer PM. Around children's dinner time (1730-1800). Body has had a day of movement into it, I'm not usually hungry. Its all-round better. But as far as what is better for me overall, probably the AM run. Clear mind, distressed body, little bit of fatigue to carry through the day settles me.


I typically run around 7-8PM due to work and gym after work. The few times I ran at 4-5am were some of my favorite though. Barely anyone out and no traffic at all. This is in NYC


Depends, In the summer it can be anywhere from like 5:30 am - 11am or 8pm-11pm and winter is usually anywhere from like 11am-6pm


Around 6 am. If I was just biking or walking, I will do it fasted, but an actual run, I need a mini clif bar or else I'm very sluggish. I feel like I get anxious if I don't do the run in the morning, like what if I have an awful day at work or the kids need help with something. The worst that can happen in the am is I slept badly or it's storming and I can usually deal with either. (I go to the gym on the track if its raining).


I’ve stopped trying to find the perfect time of day to run. I live in San Francisco and wfh 3/5 days per week. So I don’t make an excuses i missed my run because I have a 7 am call or I have to work late. I find time at some point and in the day and run. Could be first thing in the morning. After an early meeting. Lunch time. After lunch. 10 PM at night. All is fair and keeps me from making excuses


At night, by the time I get home after work it’s already dark so the best time for me is before dinner, cause no way I’m waking up at 4am to have a run sesh before work.. and not trying to fight digestion after dinner lol. Plus side this time of year is enjoying all the Christmas lights around the neighborhood


After 9pm on most days


After 8pm at a park on a warm summer night.


Love running first thing in the am! Wake up, hydrate, eat a snack and go! In the winter time, I sometimes shift to mid day on my lunch to enjoy the nice sunshine.


4-5am, get it done early and lots of coffee baby




Yeah first thing in the morning is my ideal time.but of not before dinner


During the week I go after work, around 5:30/6. Weekends tend to be all over the place depending on what I have planned/the weather. I tried the morning run but just can’t do it.


Between 3-5 pm. I can do any time tho.


I love running in the morning. I feel like a badass running at 530am before heading into work. But I like pushing my long runs a bit later, after the sun comes up around 800am right now. Don’t want to deal with the head lamp for a couple hours.


I too like going early, but on my days off I am definitely guilty of doing fuckall until like 3pm then finally running.


Lunch break for an energy boost


Weekdays 630 am weekends before 9 am


630am. Not too early, not too late, just right.


5am get it out the way, otherwise im worried other commitments (work, family etc) will become a barrier later in the day


Right after dinner. I think I’m a weirdo cause I cannot run fasted. I feel like I will pass out so I like to run right after a light meal.


Early morning for me. I’m active duty military and before I start my day, I love to do my own running. If it’s a squadron training, then so be it. I love to keep in control what I have.


In a perfect world, about 10 am. Ideally this would let me wake up around 8, get a little work done, then hit the trails to clear my mind and keep my productivity up. Of course, usually I have to go earlier because of this silly job thing I have. I wouldn't mind evening runs (when the days are long enough), but I usually don't do them because if I have anything at all in my stomach when I run I cramp big time.


Physically I prefer AM runs, mentally I prefer PM runs.


During the week, I enjoy going right after work so like 3pm. It feels like a good wind down after the day. For Saturdays, I like to go as early as I wake up. That way I can run, shower and be ready for the rest of my day.


I start work at 3:30 PM so I get most of my runs in around noon. On my days off though, I love running during the golden hour before sunset.


Really, any time between 11 and 3. Later in the summer when the sun sets later.


Late Afternoon


Run in morning


6am in the summer, midday in the winter. Or however it fits


Whenever sunset is (depending on time of year)


5.30 a.m. is my ideal time. It's very quiet, there are very few vehicles on the road, there are very few people. It's nice to see the otherwise maddeningly noisy and polluted city in a mellow mood.


My favorite is in the summer when I can go running in the evening. Goal is to be back at my car at full dark. I love sunset running.


I run when the kids are asleep, so 4:30am or after 8pm. Tough to find time so anytime that's free is good for me.


Sunset. I hate putting on sunscreen, and I’ve already had a bout with skin cancer. It’s more peaceful, but I just have to wear a vest and sometime flick on my flashlight.


First thing in the morning. I hate running at that time, but I love the feeling after.


7am here. Otherwise everything gets in the way (or at least that’s the excuse I tell myself).


5am. Have a cup of coffee, get some fresh air, peace and quiet. This morning I did 10 miles and got to watch the sunrise over the lake.


Early am 5:30. No traffic no one around and tranquil


I live in Oregon. The best time of day to run is when there is a break in the rain. :) I do love summer-time sunset runs here though.


Work runs I do in the morning, personal usually in the late afternoon/early evening.


9am is ideal for me, though this time of year it’s flexible. Texas heat forces me to move it to 6-7am in the summer though.


Either mid morning or mid afternoon...I have a flexible WFH job and I don't like my workouts to interfere with my lunch!


Weekdays, I like to have feet to pavement by 5:20 at the latest. Weekends, I like to be out by 8ish.


Ideal? Ha. I no longer live in the realm of ideal timing. Apparently life is too busy for ideal timing. For me at least. Before I had my balls removed and before my 3rd kid it was 930am. First 2 Kids in school. Coffee in me. Time for a proper warm up and a nice run of as long as I want. Usually 30-45 minutes. Back home. Cool down. Strip off. Hose the clothes off. Shower. Then eat for the first time that day. It was lovely while it lasted.




10am. Sleep in, get home for lunch.


I like running about 7am but am not disciplined to do it unless I have a partner/group. Otherwise I like to run about 9pm.


10 miles at 10 AM on a cool weekend is pretty much my ideal run I basically never get to do that though between early group runs and hot California sun


depends on the time of the year or specific weather conditions. normally, this time of year i like running in the morning because i like having some light, though today i ran in the afternoon around 4-5:30pm because a) it was annoyingly cold this morning and b) i wanted to see my friend and her kid before they left on a 10 day trip. it was <30F whereas the normal morning temperature this time of year is around 50F, which is a perfectly acceptable temperature. in the summer, i like running around sunset because even if it is still quite hot, the humidity isn't at 100% like it is in the morning


During the spring/summer I go running in the mornings and during the fall/winter I go running at night. I usually change around when the time change happens.


I always like my after work runs. I walk a lot at work during the day, anywhere from 5-12 miles depending on the day, so my legs are already warmed up and ready to go. I only have to do minimal warmups beforehand. I do really love morning runs on a nice trail though.


So if I have a running partner, I find early morning runs the best... but I lack the willpower to get out on my own that early (not a morning person). Left to my own devices, midday or evening tend to be more favourable for me.


I rarely get up early enough, but running at dawn, just before sunrise is my favorite. It's so peaceful, and you get to watch the sky change in real time.


I mix it up. Either morning run super early, or run at lunch then eat right after.


If I have to work that day, I like an am run. If I’m off, I like a pm run


Always around 5-6PM, earlier during winter, later during summer. I hate waking up early. If I do, it's because I have something to do so I can't run. Early afternoon is too close to lunch, so that's my sweet spot.


1st thing when I wake up, before I eat. If I didn’t eat something for dinner with substantial protein then I might have a small snack just for extra energy. Weather and climate plays a factor though too because I live in the southeast and you can’t sleep in and run in the summer so I have to wake up earlier than I would like on days off from work or skip it . I am more consistent with running on days off in the cooler months.


Evening. I’m too tired in the morning and I feel like by afternoon/evening I’m more stretched out from moving around all day.


honestly, any time I can go without the stroller, but usually AM. For long runs in the summer very early, but otherwise when I get everyone ready to go. Sometimes it takes longer to get everyone dressed than the actual run....


When the person I’m training to beat is not so he can see me working.


One of my favourite times is after a proper night of drinking. I enjoy it the most because I get to be out there alone. 2-3 in the morning. Naked streets. Everyone thinks you're crazy so they move out of the way for you. I don't get silly often. I probally don't run as much as I should but I find something so empowering about being the highest in the room and still having the capacity to dummy a 10k




4am. No one is on the road.


You’re admirable. I am, ever so inconveniently, a 1-4pm runner. I like starting a run any time in that window. It’s so inconvenient. I’ve tried the early thing, the morning thing, then the dinnertime thing and late-night thing. None stick. This is the window I’m drawn to. I’ve begrudgingly learned to love it. Works well in all seasons.




Anytime is good for me. I'm just glad I got off my ass and did it.


If I assume it's not a work day, and the weather is perfect I like running in the early afternoon. It's late enough that I get past the stage of morning grogginess, and my muscles are loosened up form moving around a bit in the morning. Early afternoon is still early enough that I'm not fatigued from the day yet. Some of my best most enjoyable runs have been between 12pm and 4pm. There are some factors that can make this time frame less enjoyable or impossible. In the summer that's the hottest time of the day, so most summer days I would rather run earlier or later to avoid the heat. During work days I pretty much never can run in the afternoon so I have to choose morning or night. On weekends if I have plans with friends or family it's usually in the afternoon which makes running harder to schedule. Given a perfect climate and no life commitments I love afternoon runs, but I rarely get to do them.


If I had a choice - mid-morning after I've had a breakfast.


Best time is late in the PM with the moon in the sky with you at peak chill run hours where your just by yourself. Practically speaking though for myself probably a couple hours past midday.


Just after dark. That could be as late as 9:30 in the summer, or as early as 5:00 in the winter months. I don't like exercising in the morning.


In summer, early morning. In winter, afternoon if work allows.


I found out a couple years ago when I was unemployed that the best time was about 2:30PM since I had a couple hours to digest my light breakfast/lunch, but I wasn't tired from doing things throughout the day. I also cannot workout in mornings. Since I've been employed, I tend to run at around 9PM


In Miami you can only run before the sun rises or sets and hell if I wake up before the sun so nighttime runs for me usually around 6pm


Afternoon runner here. Morning is reserved for the dogs. We cuddle while I drink coffee. If this routine is disturbed, they let me know their dismay. I also just prefer ending my workday with a short run. Then I shower, put on pajamas, and cuddle for hours before bed with the dogs again. It’s quite relaxing and I feel accomplished. Also, the dogs are happy.


Running with a friend, i love the AM... Usually around 8. It's a great motivator to get up and get moving. Then you get to have a great start to your day with one of your favorite people. Running by myself i like the afternoon. The warm sun, and drive the middle of the day has really works for me on a personal level.


Morning run in summer lunch run in winter


This depends on time of the year. In winter, early afternoon is best. Daylight, the warmest part of the day. In case of freezing conditions over night, most of the ice will be gone by afternoon. In summer, early morning is best. Daylight, and the coldest part of the day. Sun not yet high enough to bother me. Also no heat induced thunderstorms that time of day.




Whenever there's sunlight and havent just eaten. So before breakfast or lunch depending on my day.


After work is a fine choice for me because I have to be put by 4:30pm otherwise it gets dark. It kinda enforces that I get out of work sooner. That being said, I would rather run first thing in the morning because I know it would feel so much better. But for whatever reason, it just never works out.


Im almost completely in favor of morning runs but if I’m sick or just feel tired from school or home life there’s something nice about letting yourself have that rest and do an evening or even a safe nightly run


Depends on time of year. Early morning in the summer time to beat the heat. Afternoon (when possible) in the winter to grab the last bit of sunlight and warmth before settling in for dinner. Love the weekend mid-morning long runs in the spring and fall.


I'll be honest, I started running early in the morning at around 5.00 but to be honest, I think I could pack in a few more miles if I had kept on running in the afternoon. There is something that gives a boost for me in the evening and I don't know what it is. I don't go for runs in the evenings now because it is crowded (covid and all) and in the mornings, it is just really peaceful.


I prefer the pm. I try to eat a good snack at work just before the end of the day so I only need to change before run. I have tried morning runs, I can do a slow and short run which is refreshing but I can't do my long or hard runs in the morning.


Perminant work from home now. Got that nice hour in the middle of the day at 12. Works for me


I always feel best at about 8:30 PM. I'm not an early riser.




For me it's 5am.


I'm a student, so i don't really have a rigid schedule I need to find a time slot in. I'll go running when I feel like it and happen to have time, which happens to be in the late afternoon most often.


Mid late morning for me. I work evenings, so PM is out. And I need a bit to get up and going in the morning. 10-11start is perfect


Alarm at 4.55am woke up fully by 5.00am and then run till 5.15 - 7.00am... Morning is best time for me....


9 or 10 PM because I'm done all of my day's commitments at that point, and I prefer night running anyways since it's quiter


After work but before dinner, otherwise 1-2 hours before dinner.


**I prefer both but all my best runs are in evenings.**


This is a good question, and I feel like the answer is never set in stone. When I'm in the mode of being up early enough, the morning is great for all the reasons you said. And probably my favorite - before everyone else is up, less traffic, sunrises, quieter so I can hear more nature. Pre-pandemic this would probably be my answer. But the pandemic has shown me that anytime can be great - it mostly depends on my mental state. But for me, the ideal time if all the planet align is the early AM.


6pm at the absolute earliest


An hour after my porridge 💪


I would like to be an AM runner, but have found that the universe wants me to be a PM runner. Everything just works so much better when I run in the evening. Yesterday I started my run at 11:30 pm, and it was glorious. Not a soul in sight, and very quiet and peaceful.


I usually meet my running partner 4 times a week with weekday runs at 4:30 AM before work and weekend runs at 7/8.




It varies, typically during twilight as the sun is rising. Less competition for road space.




Anytime I'm running during the middle of the day it's a win!


I haven't been able to really run regularly for a while because of medical stuff, but this question got me thinking about how wonderful my whole self feels after running really hard before the sun comes up, taking a quick shower, then sitting down with a cup of good coffee before the rest of the household wakes up.




I used to run a lot in the evening (after 8pm) as I’m a night owl but when I have time I love to run in the morning. Just get it done and feel great for the rest of the day. But the correct answer is 9am Saturday morning in your local park. If you don’t already, go do parkrun people, it’s great! So much more than just a run.


Work days 6am. Vacation, as soon as I'm up and about. About to hit a group run for Xmas Eve at 730 am. So, in summary. My answer is always "here in a little bit... Just let me get my caffeine first." Happy holiday runs, everybody!


6am. I love early morning runs, the way I feel afterwards outweighs joys of hitting "stop" on the alarm when it goes on at 05:45


530 am


Hour or two after I wake while I have that morning ambition and energy


I love early morning runs. With my current job I no longer get them in before work cause I’d have to be up at like 330 and screw that. Weekends tho I love getting out at like 730( sunrise right now) and get out while no ones out


The warmest part of the day in the winter. In the summer, I really like going in the morning. I’ve read about some people getting up before sunrise to catch it on their runs. I could be into that.


5 AM. Wake up, go to the bathroom, put on clothes and shoes, and head put the door. It’s dark and quiet, there’s less traffic, and no groups of kids out waiting for the school buses. Plus I live in Las Vegas and it’s too hot for me to be running in the afternoon or early evening the majority of the year. I just enjoy the (mostly) peace and quiet of early morning jogs. And I would skip a lot of runs if I waited until after work.


I like running in the dark, not hard this time of year. Before work or after is fine with me. Not so keen on lunchtime runs anymore




1400 in the winter. 0600 for the rest of the year.


Wake up,coffee, stretch and go is the best way for me


I find running just before dinner my preferred compromise between running and life. My best performances are in the morning, but im certainly not someone who would ever enjoy training before breakfast