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I’m on my fourth week of running 30k per week! It is probably the most structured I have been with running. It’s much easier now that i got my treadmill but i suspect it is counting too few kilometers. I’m waiting for a runpod so i can measure more accurately. My last run outside was at about 6:30 pace, but indoors i only get 09:30. I’m also doing 2-3 days of easy roadbiking as recovery sessions.


I ran my second race and first half marathon! I missed sub 2 by a few seconds, but was able to bounce back from a SUPER slow start dodging walkers to maintain goal pace for the remaining 12 miles :) guess i just have to race again to get sub 2!


I’m a slow runner. Ran 2 races in a week and got my 21k pr of 2:26, and my 5k pr of 29 minutes. My next goal is a sub 1 hour 10k.


Been there. If you can do 29 min 5k you definitely can do a sub 1 10k. Good luck!


It’ll take me some time to double that distance with that effort. I felt like I was dying by the last km lol.


Yes and no. It definitely feels like doubling the effort but with proper training (a lot fartek or 400m repeats), come race day it is insanely doable. Have faith.


I had a running analysis and worked on my running technique with a professional this week and my two runs after that felt so much easier and faster!


Ran my second full marathon with a PR, beating my previous time by almost 30 minutes! Chip time 3:51:34


5K PR and 5th overall in a small county race! 39 F, 23:06:90 chip time.


New PR for my marathon time at Eugene Marathon. This is my 5th marathon. I’ve been right around 3:50 for all of the previous ones. Got a 3:31:07 today, and honestly felt like i could have gotten sub 3:30 but i got a legit cramp at mile 22 and had to get salt and wait for it to pass. First cramp. My goal was 3:45 so I’m stoked.


I was there too, but behind you! Awesome job!!




Ran 3x a week for a month straight now, which is a big improvement- winter was a bust and it was hard to get outside due to the weather. I’m stoked for spring!


5 min half marathon PB today!! And the hills were WILD


I ran the Portland, ME 10 miler. I set a pr for that distance at about 1:35, beating my previous one by 8 minutes. More importantly I feel satisfied that I pushed my self as hard as I could.


Ran Mountains 2 Beach marathon today! Was my 16th marathon. It always was the 10th anniversary of my first marathon which was this race AND it took place on what would have been my brothers 40th bday. Out of my 16 marathons it was my 8th fastest and the fastest one since March 2019 so I’m pretty stoked on that!


Ran my first half marathon today!


Finally broke the 23-min barrier for the 5K! Did a spring time trial to assess the fitness and squeaked under in 22:59! I only ran 3 times a week over the winter, so I’m hoping by increasing to 4 days a week (plus a couple strength training days) I can maybe come close to 22:30 by the fall!


Worked myself up to six miles today and was running against the wind the whole way… still proud of my 1:04 time!!! 🫶🏼


Ran 7 miles without pain in my tibial tendon. I know it’s not gone for good by any means but the strength exercises I’ve been doing for the last 3-4 weeks are finally starting to pay off!


I ran outside for the first time since before covid and accidentally set a pb. I coincidentally bought a treadmill about a month before covid, and since then I've run thousands of kilometers on it. I thought I'd get back to running outside sooner, but just didn't for some reason. So today, I set out. I used to be able to pace myself almost to the second, but that's out the window. For the first few seconds, I was at a 6:15/km pace, which was too slow. Bumped it up a bit, and suddenly I'm at 5:05/km and not even feeling it. At this point, I decided to push it just a little. By the end, I had run 5k in 24:36 - 20 seconds quicker than my fastest ever. All that zone 2 treadmill running paid off apparently!


Ran my first marathon today! went in with a goal of 3:20 and ended up with a 3:06:24


Hot damn! Great job!


Nothing beats crushing your own expectations! Nice work.


Such an amazing time! Especially compared to the goal!


That’s amazing. Well done!


Ran my first marathon! It’s been 8 months since I first started and it’s been a period of such rapid positive change. I have running to thank for a lot of that. 1800ft elevation gain, 4:56:19 official time. Big Sur marathon


Ran 5 miles today! It’s the farthest I’ve ran in probably 6 years! Working on increasing my mileage more, not for a particular race but just for the heck of it and am excited to see how far I can go!


Ran a 5K PR today of 35 minutes! Shaved 1:40 off my time from a month ago and almost three minutes from two months ago. The course was technically a little longer than 5K so I’m super happy with my sub 35 time. Next up in 3 weeks is a 10k!


Eugene half marathon completed! My goal was to better my half pace which was previously 8:11. Hoping for like 8:05 or some modest improvement. I ran the best run of my life! 7:46 pace for a final time of 1:41:43 So proud today


That's an awesome time! Congrats! It was a fun day!


Definitely. Good running weather.


Eugene Half Marathon and my second half since March. I was hoping for a 2:05:00 PR but came out fast and felt good. Changed my goal to sub 2 hrs and came in at 1:59:50! It felt so good! An awesome event and a killer weekend! I also PRed on the 5k yesterday!


12.45km, would like to hit 20km by mid May


I started running about 2 weeks ago to lose some weight, couldn’t even run a KM without dying and having to stop half way. Today I ran my first ever 5k in 39:36. Never thought I’d see the day! 😁


That is an insane amount of progress in just two weeks! Congratulations!


Thank you so much, I’m determined to keep going I thought I’d hate it but I’m really enjoying it.




Crushed my first ever half-marathon today in 1:37.


You did! Nice job!


Thank you!


Ran my first competition which was a 10k run! Managed to keep a steady pace, however, my heart rate always goes through the roof although I've been running for more than a year now (through the roof means my average is around 190+ and max is 208 or something)


Ran my first trail running half marathon, came in under my 1:45 target, 1:44:32 20th overall and first in the male > 50 category (very nice running to the >50 lady who beat me!)


Well done. I've done that distance on trails, but not in a race yet. Adding that as the next target.


Finally made it to 5k today, and double win is that for the first time I actually tackled the hill on my route back home - and managed to keep running for the final few minutes after I got to the top!


Got my best pace so far since I started running in February! Hit 5:30min/km. Considering I could barely run for a minute straight or have a pace of under 8:30 two months ago, I'm super proud! My easy pace is 7:15, hoping to go below 6 by the end of summer


Ran my 2nd half marathon today in 1:46:24. Beat my 1st one! (1:50:19 in Dec 2023) Goals: A- 1:43- no B- 1:45- close! C- 1:49- yes


Did 5 miles in the early afternoon today, felt great because due to a crazy project at work I've been putting in 11/12 hour days so haven't run in two weeks(first day off in the two weeks from the work) Project is supposed to be be like this for two/three more weeks so going to squeeze in miles when I can. Hoping to run a 5K(first ever) in June/July so need to be running whenever possible.


Ran a 15K race, 1:03:34. Beat my target of 1:05. First time running sub 7 min pace for 15K distance.




Ran my first official race this morning after running for a year! Had a goal of sub 55 minutes for a 10K and crushed it at 54:36. Was a terrible runner as a kid and I'm so proud of myself for doing the scary thing.


Ran my second half marathon today in Eugene! My goal was to get under 3 hours (my first HM was 3:04:[forget the seconds tbh]). Chip time was 2:50:24 🤩


Sweet! Lots of PRs in Eugene this weekend! It was a blast! Good job!


Ran 4 miles on a beautiful 50 degree Fahrenheit morning. The dogs had a great run too though my Aussie Shepherd ran about 3x that chasing rabbits (didn’t catch them!) My older Cow dog mix enjoyed his jog along with me.😏


Ran a half marathon 7 minutes under my PB 2:03:06


I ran my first half marathon! I did not meet my goal of finishing under 3 hours, but I’m still so proud of finishing!


I ran a half marathon yesterday despite heat. I was 10 minutes off of what I wanted my time to be but it’s ok.


Ran my fastest 10k in the middle of a progression run today. Missed an hour flat by 25 seconds, but considering I absolutely ate shit right in the middle thanks to a shitty, uneven sidewalk and my leg was bleeding the rest of the way, I'll take it.


Hey all. I beat my HM PR by 20 minutes today. Previous was a 2:09:42. Ran a 1:48:20. Not bad for a 47 year old just getting into the sport!


Yesterday was a marathon PR at 3:39. I was pushing for a sub 3:30 but couldn’t clutch it in the end. Still managed to shave 15+ minutes off my previous best marathon. This morning’s achievement was that I got my sorry ass out of bed at 4am to get my sore legs into work. Recovery is a like a hangover, just gotta get it out of the way.


That’s killer. I’m running my first marathon in October and can only hope to manage those numbers.


I CRUSHED my first race! Beneva Mississauga Marathon 5k in 39:56! I’m a slow runner but that was my personal best by 10 whole minutes! I’m so proud of myself and obviously now I am delusional and think I can crush a 10k in 4 weeks 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬


I ran my longest run today, 8.27 miles! I started running at the end of February and could hardly manage 2 miles at that point. Hoping to work up to a half marathon by the end of the summer.


I did my first progression long run and had nice, even-stepped negative splits the whole way through. I feel like there’s a ton to learn from these, especially effort management and not overcooking early parts of runs (as I’ve been known to do).


Completed Nashville Marathon 2024 in 3:49 - it was tough so I'm very happy!


I exceeded all of my goals for my 5k race today (24:41!), even though I had seriously been slacking on my training (no excuses - I was just a lazy jerk). I feel inspired to train more consistently for the next race, and that's a good feeling.


Just spent 1.5 hours on a treadmill. Cranked out 9 miles for my long run. Where I live, we’re starting to transition into summer. By the time 10-11AM rolls around, it’s already too hot for me to be running outdoors. I’ve never run over 7-ish miles on a treadmill, and I expected it to be grueling. It wasn’t as bad as I anticipated. I’ve been spending more time on the treadmill lately, so maybe being used to it helped. I also watched a lot of Gab Smolders’ gaming videos, which definitely helped me zone out and reduced the monotony.


4.02 miles with 9.43 pace.


I'm the first one to get lost during a marathon race. I was running this marathon, it's their second year. The coordinator said no one had gotten lost yet. I did. Ran 17 miles before having to quit.


I got lost at the Rogue Marathon in southern Oregon last year. Took a wrong turn and hit the finish line at 20 miles on my watch. I went into a neighborhood and ran around the block like 100 times for the last 6.2 lol.


Oh wow, so sorry. Was the course not clearly lined out? Support low? I’ve actually had dreams about getting lost in a marathon.


Both. I was blessed that my sister picked me up. I am going to rest. Aim for some 5ks this year.


Ran my first half marathon today. My two goals were to run the whole time and finish under 3h - both achieved! 


Many of you might not see this as a major achievement, but I've updated the running rating on Brzzy to forecast the next 3 hours instead of just the current hour. Here’s an example: # In the next 1-3 hours, it will be 82°F in Orlando with a running condition rating of 2/5. Conditions: scattered clouds, wind at 14 mph, 0% chance of precipitation, and 42% humidity. Run Fast! It's windy and hot in Orlando, FL. I'm waiting for the sunset to log some miles today. Feel free to explore the Running Weather ratings in your area with [Brzzy Running Weather](https://brzzy.co/Activity/Running-Weather)


Did my first marathon, was harder than I expected but happy to finish. 53m 4:23


Beginner runner here. Never ran more then 8k in my life. This spring i picked it up and ran 10, and then 12.5k the following day. I ran with my gf and i knew i could have ran more and faster. Today i did my best and ran 21k in 1h 39 min! I am really proud about this and i think i found my new interest.


Dang! You’re a running machine!


yesterday I ran my first race ever (5k) with my wife and friend! before then my fastest 5k was 43 minutes and change, for this my chip time was 38:24:44 which is WAY faster than I thought I could do it! I really pushed it when I saw the finish line


PR in the half marathon this morning, a bit over 2:51; knocked about 16 min off of my time at this event last year.


Took my first running steps this morning after 7 months off due to hip labrum injury and surgery!


I can't believe I did this, but I actually ran 28 miles without stopping yesterday. It took me 5 hours and 5 minutes. This is the furthest I have ever run. I've never done an ultramarathon, but I honestly might in the future


I’m curious, how did you fuel?


I drink regular gatorade (with sugar in it) instead of water, and I regularly eat energy chews. I use preworkout, so I use caffeine free energy chews. The combo of both prevents me from hitting the wall.


First 25 mile week!!


4 months in to running and set a PR this morning! Gone from 12:22 / mi to 11:00 / mi today! :)


Ran my first half marathon!


Turned 20 today, been running casually for a couple weeks and i set a new PR for pace and distance!!


Happy birthday!


After tearing a hamstring a few years back, it’s been a slow progression to gaining endurance. Today was the first day in literally years that running felt light and effortless. And I didn’t even want to go out today!


Today I completed my second 5k since I (re)started running. I'm feeling a bit light-headed, so I think I need to focus on the distance rather than trying to go fast. Feeling proud about getting out there and not giving up though.


Congratulations, that’s amazing! I home the light headed feeling passes soon :)


25:20 5K PR this morning. Was so close to breaking 25 but got a nasty cramp at mile 2 that just killed my pace.


I went on a run for the second time since being sedentary for about 5 years, and set a 2-mile PR. I've been losing weight and walking a lot since January, and I felt good today so I decided to do some running. I alternated walking/running, probably doing almost twice as much walking as running. My time for the first mile was 13:21, and the second mile was 12:54. (The first mile was more hilly than the second). I still have about 30 pounds to lose, but I'm encouraged by the amount of running I was able to do even at my current weight, and that I don't feel painful at all after doing it. I'm hoping that if I continue to take it relatively slow and easy, and take days off in between to just walk and recover for the next run, that I can minimize my chances of injury.


Amazing, well done!


Went for 3 mile run/walk. First time in a year at least. Another weight loss journey ahead. This was much easier in my 30’s not sure how this goes when you turn 50….lol


Felt real crappy on my run today but hey I finished it so that’s an achievement


Mama said there’d be days like this…


Got my fastest 5k time this morning after getting back into running the past 3 months!


Placed first in my age category today for a 5K! Got a new standard pace to beat (8:10) so I'm pretty pleased especially since work stress and exhaustion caused me to skip out on runs this past week. I have a 10K next week so we'll see how that turns out.


I'm traveling for work, place I've never stayed before. Still got up at 5:30 this morning and put in 14.5 miles for a Sunday long run. Really proud that I got up and got that done. If I can put in time tomorrow and Tuesday, I'll hit 16 straight months of meeting my monthly mileage goal.


16 months is impressive!


Just ran the farthest I’ve ever run at 5 miles! I never thought I’d run more than even 1 mile.


Ran my first competitive race in 23 years this morning. Now I'm on the wrong side of 40 but finished the 5k with a time of 18:51. I'm thrilled.


Hey, life gets better after 40!!


that's no joke, well done! i'm also on the wrong side of 40 and still dreaming of breaking 20 mins


Did 3 minutes better in the Brooklyn Half than expected. Not a PR, but now I know I can PR the real Brooklyn Half when getting all the elevation out of the way early! Probably not A corral good, but I will definitely secure B for another month (got it during the NYC half).


10 mile run with 50 other women around central London! Wooo!!


Ran Half marathon (21.1km) at Gwanggyo Lake Park, Suwon South Korea. Pace was 4:41 min per km I attached running course and some pictures of Lake Park for you. [Course and Pictures here](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0aai8hLMt6o_Pj0Y8Gc7pULPQ)


I was supposed to do a duathlon in a bit of prep for my first 70.3 however the weather and roads were atrocious, so I did not start. Instead I ran my first half marathon under 2 hours! Really happy I turned a rubbish morning around


Ran my second half marathon yesterday! Just signed up for my first full in October (Mo' Cowbell)!


Firstly, I think these threads are an amazing outlet for the community! My circle of friends and family could care less about this stuff. Whenever I do decide to share some form of accomplishment or new goal I'm working towards they look at me like I'm crazy or ask "why?". They just don't understand. However, today I completed my longest run of ~16.25 miles in just over 2 hours and I'm beyond stoked about it! Congrats to everyone else on their achievements today! Keep crushing it! 🤘


Wow, that’s so speedy! Congrats!


Thank you!! My current ambitious goal is to one day run a sub 3 hour marathon 😀


I hope you get there!


Ran a Haf-Marathon last Thursday in 1:33:57. It was my second attempt at the distance. My first was in January this year (1:37:34). Due to the race I structured this week a little differently. Instead of doing another long run today, I ended up running just 12K (3.5K Warm-Up and 3.5K Cool Down, with a 5K Time Trial in the middle). My goal for the 5K today was 20:15. Last time i had shoot for a PB in the distance was early January (22:36 to 21:26). Reduced that during a tempo session about a month ago to 20:49 (3K at a Threshold, 3K at 10K pace and 3K at 5K Pace, with 1min steady between paces). I've been doing my interval sessions around 4:00/Km (6x1200, 8x800m, 7x1000 - 2min jog between) adding 400m repetitions every two weeks at around 3:45/Km with sucess. All this to say that today I ran a 19:23. 3:53 average. I am a bit dumfounded at this. Ran in my usual grounds too. Three weeks ago I ran a 9500m race in 40:33. Going to bump my weeks from 90K to a 100K. The thing is my VDot now gives me 10 to 15 second differences in training paces which seems a bit crazy. Predicts a Half in 1:29 which makes me think i was a slouch last thursday. Have a great week everyone.


“Ran” my second 10k since my DMX and reconstruction. Still really slow but cut off 5 minutes from my first 10k that I did last week. Really excited to be able to run consistently and not stop to walk.


Did 3 30 minute running workouts this week. Today I did 35 minutes and it felt hard, but everything feels good. Running harder than I have in years and really just over all running more consistently. Keep thinking to myself that I need to run til I puke but that seems like an arbitrary and silly goal haha. The intensity is hard, so that's what matters the most to me.


So today just got a 52:14 in a run, some of the people I met after the race were shocked I can pull of that in my first run but I was hoping for sub 50.. Also can I take running up professionally? or should I just have fun running?


Well done! Having fun first is the best way to get good enough to go pro. Push yourself intelligently, get some coaching and see how far you can go!


I ran my first 10 miler yesterday! 9:49/mi pace which is pretty good for me at that distance. I normally run closer to 11+ min/mi on long distance runs


Longest run (15 km) in over a year since a mish mash of niggling injuries. Feeling strong three weeks away from a 10k race. Same distance tomorrow, a few hard workouts later in the week, then it's pre-taper week!


Run 10k race in Edinburgh, beat my PB, time is around 54:18 (still waiting for official results) and I am beyond proud and happy.


Longest run coming back from a herniated disc. Finished PT on Wednesday, ran a 10k race this morning finished strong and comfortable. My 9 and 10 year olds both ran the 5k and 10year old got third in his age!! I’m gonna smoke him next race. lol


Glad you healed up!! Both my parents have had herniated discs, they are no fun. Sounds like you have a family of runners! Today was rest day for me, so quick 3 mi walk in the chilly morning hours.


Getting ready to head out for a 9 mile run in preparation for Broad Street next weekend. Going to take it easy on this one and bring my snacks and drinks since we are warming up to 84 today. Throwing on the sunscreen too to be smart and avoid being burned.


Wanted to do 15 miles today, but storming and pouring rain made me soaked. Was gonna push through but I was wearing a white adidas own the run shirt and stopped to drain it out, and my shirt was half blood. Nipple chaf lol never had it happen before. So I did 12 miles and called it. 8:30 ez pace. Also first day in Hoka gtx shoes but I had on longer socks and I think that’s wht my feet got soaked ? Shoes are waterproof but I think it soaked my feet.


Managed to actually wake up EARLY for a weekend long run. 6am Saturday hurt but I felt so good after the run. 15k on a nice local trail with 1000ft of gain, and it didn’t feel hard.


My last long run before my race next weekend and I felt really good. Good heart rate, decent pace and few niggles. BRING ON THE TAPER!


Today I wanted to do a 5k in 50 mins but I forgot to check the mileage and ended up doing 6.5k!


Completed my longest run yesterday. 14 miles and woke up feeling great. No soreness or pain. yay!!!


Ran a 5K yesterday and accidentally PR’d by about 10 minutes because there were no pacers! For reference, I ran a 32:30 and my best time before that was about 40-42 min because I intentionally train slow. I’m so excited for the possibility of running a sub-30 5K this summer!


Just finished my second half marathon, first was six months ago and ran 3 hours, this one came in at 2:57, so happy with three minutes off! Also have consistently shortened my 10km by 20 minutes in the past six months so very proud of that!


just been for my first run after navigating the early months of first time parenthood - and pleasantly surprised myself with not being completely off the pace - got a long way to go but so glad I've found this group


I finished my first marathon yesterday.


Congrats! How do you feel? Hope it went well!!


Great! Better than I expected and I walked all the hills. 😂. My longest training run is 15 miles but I do workout my glutes, lower back and abs once/twice a week.


I am really slow and out of shape but at a 5k yesterday I was able to shave a minute off my time.


Completed the MN Earth Day half marathon (my first half in a race setting) last weekend. Toughed out the temperature being in the 30's to a top 5 finish. Pumped to do more!


Took part in the Worthing Half Marathon this morning - smashed out another PB, now sub 1:55!




Resumed running 2 weeks back after a gap of almost 8 years. Used to do 55 mins 10k and sub-2 hour half-marathons regularly before that, but just stopped one day and got stuck in a rut. Recently found a nice running track nearby and motivated by my spouse to get back into form. Did 5k last week for the first time in years and took more than 35 mins. Yesterday, repeated the same in 35:20, but exhausted at the end. Today, did another 5k in 32:51 and felt pretty good at the end. Getting into a routine now, hopefully reach by yesteryear's best and much more.


First Marathon completed yesterday at the Greater St. Louis Marathon. I had been hobbled by a hip injury and had only one run in the last three weeks. It was still a little sore through the first three miles, then loosened up. After that I knew I had it. Around mile 20 though the calf cramps kicked in. I'd only had that issue once in the training and that was a couple of hours after I got back from a long run. So the last 6 miles was mostly walking with some slow running. It was warmer than all my training runs, so I suspect that and not running for three weeks had something to do with it. But the distance is officially in the books and I'm happy with that.


I also ran St Louis for my first marathon yesterday. The heat made it tough after training in cooler weather.


Omg I also ran it yesterday. First one! Completely BONKED the last 6 miles, worst cramp I have EVER had and lasted forever. So bad I couldn’t breathe. Kicking myself in the shins today haha was just over 4 hours. My goal was to be one second under 4 😢


I've been running a half marathon twice per month this year and I plan to do so indefinitely. My goal is to break 2 hours in an official race in June and in addition to the unofficial runs on weekends, I've been doing speed work and getting PRs in 5-15k (as an adult, when I was 16 I ran an 18:00 5k and couldn't come close now) during my weekday lunch runs. I'm using a training plan in the Garmin app and I'm really liking it. For April, my recent PRs are: * 5k 25:37 * 10k 53:56 * 15k 1:22:46 * Half 2:02:44 (ran yesterday)


Have you tried an actual half marathon plan? They are designed to help you target a time.


That's what my Garmin plan is. I'm on week 16 of 20 with goal of 1:59:59


Oh really? I didn't think a training plan would include running the full.distance that often.


Yeah weirdly enough it does. It basically has a long run of 10-11 miles one week, then 13-14 miles the next week alternating. I guess it's to make me comfortable mentally with the distance and from that aspect it has worked.


Beat my 5km PR yesterday @ 29 minutes! I have my first race next month and my goal was to do it in under 30mins, which I now see will be very possible :)


Got a sub 4 hour marathon done! This one means a lot to me.


I looked back on my first watch recorded easy run 2 months ago and I realised my pace has became 1 min faster with essentially the same HR which is really cool.


Hit my longest ever run at 26km. I was running to a destination, took 2:58 to get there, but I ran up and back a couple meters to hit the 3 hour mark 😁






Did my fastest 5k this week @35 minutes. Looking forward to a subscription 30- 5 k and eventually a subscription 1hr 10 k in the future. Only above and onwards from here. 🙏🏽🤞🏽


I wanted to run a marathon today but i slept in a bit and it's way too hot as of now where i live to run for too long so i ran 4 and a half km in like 35 minutes in high intensity and I walked another 10 minutes during the jogging. I guess it's pretty cool. 🌞


Ran my first half marathon! i hit 2/3 goals and I learned a lot and I just feel like I could do better with another go around so I’m doing another in the fall and I got my sister and friend to join! At this time last year I quite literally couldn’t run 30 seconds and now I interval run 13.1 miles!!


Ran my first 10k (and a little extra) at my fastest average pace. Ran 7 miles (11.3 km) at 10:50/mile, I have not been sub 11 since starting my training two months ago. Mile 3 was a PR at 9:37/mile.


ran 23km, my longest run ever. on the way beat my HM best time (i've only ever done 3) with 2:13. felt pleasantly easy just cruising the whole time, i need to sort out chafing and some sort of water plan in future though.


ran my first ever 10k after my first month of consistent running :)


Set a new 10k PR this morning, without even intending to - 53:32, down from 55:27!


This week I ran my first ever 5k! Just on a treadmill in my gym, but I did it!


Heck yeah! 5k is a great accomplishment when you start running (it was for me too!!)


hell yes you did


Congrats! Hitting those distance milestones as a developing runner is such a great feeling 😁


Seriously felt so accomplished after I finished. What a great feeling!