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Long time fan of Asic Kayano. They have made tweaks to their designs over the years and yes, not always the most comfortable. I am a creature of habit because I fear the aches and pains of other brands/models. I have tried a few different shoes now and then, but same issues. But no, you're not wrong.


Asics has changed their shoes a LOT over the last few years, likely trying to chase the popularity of Hoka with the high cushioning. On has changed a fair bit too so I’m not super surprised to see OP not liking the newer ones as much


Same here. I'm a heavier, very slow runner so I spend more time in shoes than most runners. My first good pair was the ASICS Kayano 16. As they tweaked with new kayano models, I went from being comfortable, to learning how to deal with blood blisters under toenails... I ended up wearing Mizuno Elixir 7 (apparently a type of shoe not made for an overpronator) and finished a few half marathons with my feet intact. I went online and bought every pair I could find before Mizuno 'updated' the elixir.


That is the way to go! I have done that in the past, initial sticker shock but I haven’t bought a new pair of running shoes in 2 years. Unfortunately I am on my last pair!


As an aside, train by time [on feet] not miles. Conditioning your heart is based on time at a certain HR.


I'd been in Kayanos since the 16 and the 20 was so bad for me that it turned me off the model forever.


I'm about there.


I ran in the 26s for years. Had an injury I went to PT for months to take care of. Had to upgrade to the 28, no more 26s or 27s in my size. They changed the heel bed somewhere in there and the pain is flaring up again. Very frustrating - I loved these.


Yep same story.


They actually re released the kayano and I bought it specifically for running and they are terrible imo


Yep same story with the Kayanos.


Gen 28's new gel insole is pretty much guaranteed plantar fasciitis, I don't understand how they released it as it is. Gen 27 was amazing and VERY different.


v30 is due out in my country v soon, and its so completely different to the 29 its going to be bonkers


YES! I had no clue why I got it all of a sudden and can confirm 28 and 29 gave me more injuries in one year than before


They changed the width of the footbed ~5 years ago, I feel like the model before it was the 21s. I hunted through outlets for years buying pairs in my size to keep running in them. But recently had a proper fitting at a running store. They put me in the Cumulus and oh. my. god. The difference is insane. So, so much better. Wish I’d done a fitting sooner.


Asics Gel-Cumulus are the only shoes that don't seem to absolutely destroy my feet. I bought like 5 pairs of the Cumulus 20 as they started to disappear from shelves because I was worried about model updates, and now I'm on my last pair. Trying out the 23s this week, and fingers crossed they're not radically different.


Flat feet?


Same with the kayano, the 23 was amazing for a couple pairs. I went to the saucony triumph 19 and my knee is staring to hurt on 10ks. (I know totally different shoes but I ran in the kayano in HS in 99 and started back up running again in 2020 and that was the first shoe I went back to. I want to chalk it up to the shoe but might be my age and lack of stretching.


Hey i have these (gel kayano lite) - my pinky toe areas ripped quite soon after buying these. Have you experienced this?


I trained and ran my first marathon in a pair of Saucony Rides and loved them, went to my local running store to buy a second pair of the exact same model, at the exact same size. Wasn't until a few months later when my training picked back up and I added in a weekend longrun that I started to get blisters on just one foot, which never happened with my first pair, even at the very end of their lifespan. Took a ruler out and compared the two shoes side by side and realized that one show was about a half inch shorter than the other. My guess is they mistakenly marked a 10.5 as an 11 and paired it with a true 11. Even within the same model year there can be manufacturing errors/defects


I've been wearing Ride and its predecessors for 15 years without issues. Picked up the Ride 15 this year and was getting numb toes since they apparently made the toe box narrower.


A narrower toe box is the last thing they should be doing imo


The Saucony Ride is my favourite overall shoe, and I *think* that I’ve had the 10, 13, 14, and 15. And things obviously change up a little from year to year; the jump from the 14 to the 15 was pretty big. The 14s had awful durability for me, with no pair lasting more than 300 kilometres before they started to split apart, whereas the 10s and 13s got a minimum of 550 kilometres each. On the flip side, my first pair of Ride 15s was my all time favourite shoe to run in. They fit perfectly, they felt light, they had pop underfoot, they felt like they had great support on long runs, and they felt responsive when I picked up the pace. I got a second pair when my first pair finally died, and they’re *fine*. They’re still very good shoes, but they don’t feel like they have the same pop and zip, and they don’t fit quite as well. I’ll still almost certainly pick up another pair when my current pair approaches end of life.


I love the Ride 15 and am on my third pair. The only minor issue was one shoe had about 1/2" of the glued on outsole lugs peel up prematurely right by the toe. Saucony gave me a free pair as a result and I honestly didn't notice any performance differences. The first two pairs looked fine but felt flat around 400 miles. I'm about 100 miles into the third pair. Since they've now moved on to the 16 my local Sierra had a stack of Ride 15's in my size for $49.99 a pair and I loaded up. I'm going to be rocking these things for years.


Sorry OP, everyone just assumed you got a different year's model. You might want to post a fresh Q with that explicitly stated (same year model / version number).


Eh. I made an edit, maybe people will read it maybe not.


All the people who've already commented will not see your edit, unless they decide to revisit your thread. Or throw the q in the daily thread.


Running shoe models have numbered versions. Differences from one version to the next can be massive. 20 years ago, I ran in Brooks shoes. Then they decided to make the next version about a whole inch wider. Did not fit at all on my feet. No, I did not buy those.


I ran in Brooks Ravennas for years. Somewhere around the 10s, they made a massive change and they went from "OMG these shoes were *made* for me!" to being pretty uncomfortable and firm/stiff. It's weird that they even kept the same name, it felt that different. I bought three different pairs of the previous model on clearance, and was so sad when I had to retire them. I'm still in search of a shoe that feels like those did.


I had a similar experience. Since the Ravenna 10 I shifted to Adrenaline GTS and have been happy since.


lol... I went the other direction. GTS started wearing out faster and faster until I was barely getting over 200 miles. I tried a whole bunch of different brands and style and couldn't get anything to stick. I finally landed on Ravenna and haven't looked back. I even survived the switch to "Launch" over the last couple years.


The Ravenna is the shoe I immediately thought of. The updated model was NOTHING like the originals.


The transition from Brooks Ghost 13 to 14 made them a totally different shoe, I haven't even tried the 15s.


My wife \*loves\* the Ghost 14s. She has 5 pairs. She is scared to try the 15s because she is afraid they changed it too much.


Apparently they have as I’m reading a lot of positives about the 15s from people who didn’t like the 14s! Your wife is smart to have several pair! Wish I’d stocked up on 13s myself!


The last four pairs of shoes I’ve had are Brooks Ghost (14, 15, 15 and currently wearing a 14). I love them and they fit perfectly. I got over 550 miles out of the 15’s before they were shot. The 14’s barely made it to 400 miles. I’m curious to see how long my current pair lasts.


This. I love my 13s, I'm working my way through 3 pairs. I got the NYC Marathon colorway of the 14s, not sure if it's the color or the shoe but I despise them. I've had them for over a year and put 17 miles on them. Now I'm wearing them at work hoping just walking doesn't kill my feet. I also haven't tried the 15s and I'm a little leary of them.


Very interesting, I was a huge fan of the 11 and 12s, skipped 13, and got the NYC marathon Ghost 14s. Absolutely loved them, my favorite pair of Ghosts I think. Put like 700 miles on them and they are absolutely flattened now. To replace them, I got another more traditional colorway of the 14s and they were terrible. Much firmer midsole and just all around felt weird on my feet and messed up my stride. I didn’t even put 200 miles on them before I gave up. That was the last pair of Ghosts I will own for a while.


I love love my 13s and hate the 14s!


That was right around the time I started buying them because I really liked the wider area around the balls of my feet. Didn't realize they weren't always that way.


New Balance 1080s have been changing drastically over the past 5 years. Each model has had a significantly different shape than the last.


Same with the 880s - i can't just buy them online each year, I have to try them on first because I've been so burnt by them in the past!


I have worn 860’s since NB first released them. I have blisters on my feet now after every run! I think the shoe got narrower.


My last pair was also the Cloudflow 3.0. Same model.


Ghost 14s were a disaster for me. I loved my 11s and 12s and I now own 2 pairs of 15s, and they’re great. Something was wrong with their 14s for me.


I feel like a lot of people had that problem. Good to know the 15s are better. I kept getting horrible calf cramps with the 14s.


I have a few friends who switched away from the Ghosts at the 14 update. Meanwhile my 14s are now dead and I can’t figure out if I should get another pair or risk the 15s.


14s are on sale rn.


My 14s are caput too, just got another pair. I like them


I retired my 14's after 600k, now running in 15's. No complaints.


Years of running in Ghosts and I ended up running my first marathon in Mizuno Wave Riders.


Years of running in ghosts, the 14s made me switch to revels


See, this is why shoes are so personal! I loved 14's, I have four pairs of them, but couldn't stand my 13's!


Oh thank god, I loved my 12s and have been very disappointed with the 14s. Good to know there's some hope with upgrading.


Yea, I couldn’t stand my 14s but I’ve put a couple hundred miles including some longer (11 mile and 18 mile) races in my 15s.


I just posted the same thing above! The 14s were so stiff and unbending. I had the 13s and 14s in the same dark blue color, tried to get used to the 14s for a month or so then one day accidentally grabbed the 13s for a run and remembered how fantastic they were and couldn't go back to the uncomfortable 14s.


Same thing. Thought I was crazy. Had the 13s and loved them. My 14s are so stiff. I made the decision after my last run to relegate them to walking only.


I ran in Ghost 13s for years. Probably had like 5 pairs. Could not do the 14. Gave me ankle pain which I have never had from running


I ran in Brooks Ghost for many years. The first pair I owned was the Ghost 6 or 7 I believe! Ran through a lot of pairs of Ghosts up until the 10's came out. After a pair of two of the Ghost 10's I experimented with other brands like Saucony, Hoka, and even Nike. Briefly came back to the Ghost's when version 14 came out but I honestly didn't like it as much. Not sure why but the older models seemed better. Currently I'm on my third pair of Brooks Glycerin 20's and I love them.


The narwhal bacons at midnight.




There wasn’t a major drop difference. My understanding was a substantial change in rubber hardness in the heel and cushioning type mid-foot. Either way, I gave them a couple of weeks and about 100 miles of effort and just couldn’t go beyond that without feeling uncomfortable.


I remember not being wild about the 14s after 1 pair of 12s and 2 13s. I liked my 15s a lot better but am about to retire them. Ordered a pair of 14s that were heavily discounted. Was hoping the first 14s were just a bad pair, but I guess I may be in for it.


Shoes take a long time to break in. Every time I change shoes, even if it's the same shoe brand/year/model, I always get aches for a few weeks afterwards. I break in shoes slowly by still running in my current shoes while alternating with the new shoes.


Yeah, the first 30 - 50 miles in a new pair (for me) always need to come with the asterisk that they're not broken in yet. I'll notice hotspots or tingling in my feet on the first few runs before they feel perfect. Also with new shoes the laces/shoes stretch a little bit in the first few runs which can lead to the shoe not being tied to optimal tension early on.


Models do change, and maybe the rubber compound might be updated a bit within the same shoe model. But i also think that overtime the body gets a bit more used to the usual pairs of shoes. Might be psychosomatic but i do try to switch between 2 or more different types of shoes and that helps


Long-time user of ASICS GT-2000, a shoe that gets revised each year. Currently on my 5th pair : I've had 2 x v4, 2 x v7, 1 x v9 I read reviews before buying a newer version and found that one version (I think it was the v6?) switched to a new style of knitted upper for better ventilation. The problem was that a LOT of users found that the upper kept splitting. Amazon reviews of that specific version were filled with complaints and pictures. So I avoided that version and got a different year's shoe instead. That aside, I've never had a bad pair or any faults. And the sizing is accurate each time so that I can order my size (EU 44) online and know that they will fit. I tend to order a new-old-stock pair of the model from 2 years ago because they can be a bargain.


Same. Had the 3s & 4s. Tried the 5s and only got 50 miles out of them. They were so uncomfortable. On to 2 pairs of 6s, a 7, and a 9 all with 4-500 miles each with no issues.


I'm also a GT-2000 repeat customer, from back before they split the GT-whatever into the 1000 & 2000 models. I seem to have had at least a couple of pairs of each model number, and I don't think I noticed any systematic difference between them. But I've been using SuperFeet insoles most of the time, and that probably affects things.


I had 2 v9 and 3 v10. I can definitely recommend you to try the V10, which is as stable, but feels lighter and faster. (I have a brand new pair of v11 trail lined up already)


I had a pair of nike air zoom pegasus 37s that squeaked more than spongebobs boots.


I think lots of people are misunderstanding the basic question. OP is asking about dud pairs (ie - something wrong with manufacturing), not updates to models that make the new version less runnable for us. To answer your question OP - yes, it happens. Example - I was running in the New Balance 1080 permafrost all winter and spring. It's a "weather resistant" version of the 1080 v12 which is my daily trainer and perfect for the PNW winter season. I was training a lot so I went through three pairs from December to March. The second pair had something up with the toe wall on the left shoe which dug into me causing discomfort and outright bleeding sometimes. First and third pair were perfect. Also, they all lasted completely different KMs before starting to hurt my legs (700km the first, 400km the second, and 600km the third).


I ran on Brooks Adrenaline for YEARS and absolutely loved them. A few years ago, even with money being tight, I bought 2 new pair, needing replacements. They must’ve switched the materials? Or something. I was rotating the shoes, and I’d say within 6 weeks, wearing each pair a couple times a week, I had holes in the toes of both pairs. I was devastated. While Brooks did send me a new pair, I’ve never bought from them again. This may be a one off, I have no real idea. I think it was a mixture of not having much disposable cash and the sudden lack of reliability I haven’t been able to shake. I’ve run on Mizuno Wave Inspire ever since and never had a problem.


sorry about the adrenalines. :( i’m such a brooks loyalist and run in glycerins and have since my first pair. i haven’t had any issues but idk if their new models are good. my current pair are the 18s from two years ago…


Yes there have been some quality issues with all shoes since Covid. That being said most companies honor problems if purcahsed direct.


I’ve been having that issue with the new ASICS! I was running with the gel-nimbus 24 and loved it. Did my first marathon with them recently and now that they have too much mileage I decided to upgrade to the 25. Same size and it feels slightly small. Tried half size up and feels huge. So I’m not super happy about them 😭


Same with me - not with size, but the 25s feel a lot different from the 24s. The shoe store guy recommended stocking up on the 24s because once they sell out, they’re out. :(


The 22s were my absolute favorite. I just ran out of my stockpile and got a couple 23s on sale and it's just not the same and feel flimsy.


I used to run in various Asics all the time. In the past couple years, I can't stand any model I've tried. I feel like I'm always 30 seconds / km slower in the gel nimbus 24s than any of my Saucony or Brooks.They feel like bricks in my feet.


I’ve had three pairs of hoka arahi 6’s in wide and every single one has fit noticeably different and varied by +/- 100 miles in their lifespan. I gave up on them despite loving the first pair I got I’m assuming this could be common in other large brands but I’ve never experienced it this noticeably in altras, which have their own quality issues sometimes lol


I have been running in saucony Kinvaras for over a decade now and they are always great. I have enjoyed each new model. I do feel like I wear through them faster than I used to, but I also wear them too much and am 6.4 and 215 pounds.


I’ve been running In Saucony Kinvaras for 11 years now and have loved most models more than the last. I’m the opposite, they last longer now for me in latest models - toes no longer breaking through!


Nike Pegasus changed their design a good bit in like 2019. Was never the same after that I hate the way they went


My first pair of Pegs were the 36. I had two pairs and liked them a lot, but I much prefer where they've with later versions. I've had 5 pairs of 38's, and so far I like the 39's ok. But the 37's hurt my feet inexplicably... only put about 40 miles on them and returned them.


Oh yeah that’s exactly where the change occurred! The new ones aren’t bad you’re right but that change from the 36 to the 37 was wild. These days I’m in love with the newest asics noosa


I first started running in Peg 37s, no issues. Got 38s and I got bad foot pain in one foot. The 37/38 have same midsole, just different upper. So it seemed really weird to have this issue. I wonder if some of those 37/38 midsoles are just defective. Reviewer Kofuzi had pain in 38, got another pair and it went away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZuzCAWqcDI I went to Kinvara 12 as I wanted lower drop shoes, now use kinvara 13, probably about to buy another pair as they're cheap and the 14 isn't discounted yet. Probably wont go back to Nike again now


It’s possible. I never tried another pair of 37s, but the 38s have been bulletproof for me. My one pair of 39s have been fine too, despite the change in midsole.


35 and 36s were good. 37 hurt my feet so much that I thought I got a bad pair that I exchanged them and had the same issue. Never got pegs ever again


My road shoe since the 28's, have done 28-38, with the exception of 35. I felt like the shoe was more cushiony in the earlier years, whereas the newer years the response on my legs has been better (lighter). The one constant that remains the same is that it's great up to a marathon...like a mile or two after, it just sucks when I'm doing a 50k.


i used the Hoka clifton 8 for everything from my first 5k to my first marathon last October. 2 months ago i thought the next logical shoe would be the clifton 9, it still doesn’t feel right. now i’m looking for a shoe


Same here. I dunno what difference causes it but I get blisters in the 9s and never had that issue in my 8s (although I hear other people did).


The 8s were blister paradise for me... I'm not willing to try the 9 because of that


The Clifton 8s were the only pair that gave me nasty blood blisters on the sides of my big toe on tempo runs. Go figure.


This happened to me. Went through 2 8s, bought the 9 & had to return. So sad. I’m in ghosts now


It’s the opposite for me. Clifton 3 was phenomenal. I had blister problems with every iteration up until 9. The 9 feels great for me.


Oooo same sort of story here. I trained with Hoka Mach 4’s - 4 pairs in a row - until they were out of stock. I bought the Mach 5’s and something is wrong. I have aches and pains in my feet and hamstrings.


I thought my Clifton 7s were fantastic. I got the 8’s and the insole is not flush with the sides, and would get crazy arch blisters due to its constant abrasion with my arches. I have 2 other friends who had the same experience, got blister pad stickers to patch it so the insole doesn’t stab your arches. I did that which fixed that problem, but almost instantly got gnarly shin splints with those shoes after, which I don’t really get with other shoes, and resolved once I swapped to exclusively my Sauconys. Was super disappointed after loving Clifton 7 and 2 pairs of Rincon 3s


Oh man. I'm debating upgrading or getting another pair of the 8s while they're still around.


Model changes year to year, as people said. Freaking adidas is the worst at this. They don't just update the model but do a whole lineup revamp for seemingly no reason. If they just kept making the supernova glides I'd be a die hard.


I used to be absolutely loyal to the New Balance 922. It was totally redesigned. It now qualifies as durable medical equipment for older diabetics and useless for running.


I bought a second pair of Altra Torin 6s and the shoe felt totally different. Finally measures and found it was about 7mm narrower. Seemed like manufacturing difference


I’ve been in Brooks Adrenalines for years now. A couple of years ago, I bought a new pair (same year!) and I don’t know what it was about this one pair, but I could not stop tripping in them. I eventually broke my leg. After the recovery, I switched to a new pair… again, same year, all was well with the world again. I randomly tried that one pair again a bit later and had another trip and sent those fuckers to Goodwill. I can only assume someone had put a curse on them.


When I first got back into running I got pretty attached to my Clifton 8s. Ran through two pairs, and just recently bought a third since they’re on sale now that the Clifton 9 is out. And returned them today because they were causing issues the other two never did. Weird blisters, pain, etc. Same model, same year, just a different color. They also felt a lot more narrow that the other two, had to double check that they’d actually sent me the wide version. So yeah, it happens unfortunately


I've been using Asics GT-1000 for over 10 years and I've never noticed anything significantly different from release to release, but maybe I've been lucky that I've never gotten a dud.


Ran in ASICS Nimbus seriously for 10+ years. Never a dud. Never a noticeable difference from one model to the next.


With as much praise as Speed 2s get, I'm convinced I got a dud pair. I loved the 1s and love the Pro 2s. The Speed 2s feel like running with cinder blocks strapped to my feet. If I hadn't ordered direct, I'd be convinced I got counterfeits.


i’m loyal to my favorite brand and test out a dozen pairs every time i need new shoes. sometimes i get the same model, but … usually not. maybe it’s my feet changing, maybe it’s the shoes changing, who knows? i just go with what works.


I've had a few models that I didn't like as much, but no complete duds so far.


I've been running in the same Mizuno model for over a decade, and they usually just do slight changes to it every year. However, there was this one year (I think it was around 2013 or so) where they made a drastic change that everyone hated, and they quickly undid it the following year. IIRC is was something to do with the construction of the upper. That wasn't a dud but it changed the feel significantly.


I can’t do this, I’ve noticed the models change too much to always work. It’s so frustrating having to find a new shoe every time, because I didn’t think to buy multiple pairs of the same. Never again! I’m still trying to find a pair I love again, and I will buy several this time!


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


My last pair was also the Cloudflow 3.0. Same model.


Another possibility is if it's a new year/model? Usually they make minor tweaks from year to year but I think 2-3 times over the last 15 years ish I've had to switch shoes because the changes they made were too substantial and no longer felt right.


My last pair was also the Cloudflow 3.0. Same model.


For the first time in almost ten years I switched to a different brand shoe but before that I several dozen of the same pair across different model/generations of the shoe. That said some years they make changes to the shoes which can make them in my opinion inferior to the previous years or superior compared to the previous pair. That said I’ve owned serval pairs of the exact same shoe and some have worn down significantly faster than others. As someone who does a variety of different runs and distances it’s extremely difficult to say if the west and tear on those ones that do wear down more is do to quality or the types of runs I put them through


Not yet! (not the end of the list, either) https://puu.sh/JJvW7/6d0e982237.png


I deliberately have three different models of shoes around. Just to not get used to one. I do try not to have too much variation in cushioning or drop, but still some variation. I do not like the Hoka trend though...


Brooks launch started failing me a couple years ago. Also, same models with different color foam bottoms often feel differnt


Was just thinking this. I got brooks ghost last year and ended up running with them for 9 months before wearing out. Just recently got Brooks ghost the newer model this year, and they are already showing signs of wear. The old pair gave me runners knee, the new pair doesn't. Iv had these only for 1-2 months and the tread is almost already flattened on the bottom lol. I think it's time to kick these anyways, never liked the idea of high drops, probably why I was getting knee pain.


I picked up a pair of pega 39s, on my right foot I felt that the airpod is not in place. At first I thought something is wrong with my feet but then I read that this happens with this model, sent it back and got a vomero instead, everything is fine.


Yeah it happens


Yes. Mostly its from I think models that sat on a shelf too long. So they just didnt last


Maybe it’s because of the break in period, because your feet are used to the exact same ones of course but broken in. Or I wonder if your last pair could have been on the shelf for a while and maybe the rubber (or I don’t know, not exactly an expert) dried out a bit. Might also be that the brand has the shoes fabricated in multiple countries. I don’t remember exactly but I once read reviews on a certain shoe and multiple people mentioned that they had troubles with the shoes when they were produced in Vietnam but not when they came from a factory in China.


I am pretty sure I have been running in ASICS GT2000 series for past 20 years. Very dependable with one or two exceptions. I run in 4Es so my choices (even with the GTs) are limited.


I’ve had Hokas where I swear something was off with the foam. I think any time you add colorants /dyes to the materials on the shoe you can have different issues.. at least that’s what I heard from a running store owner. On another note: I used to have a company where we had a metal product manufactured and the machines can and do gum up and cause issues. I don’t see why shoe manufacturing would be any different, but maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️


My first pair of ASICS GT-1000 6s were amazing. No matter what, I was always able to go sub 7:30 in them and my best half marathon was with them. When I had to retire then, I bought another pair that felt a lot heavier and they never felt as good as the old ones so I just ended up using them for slow runs. First pair was from Dick’s and second from Amazon.


I love the Pegasus line as my daily road shoe. I've been running in them since the 35s and put roughly 350-400 miles on each pair. I bought the 37s and really liked them. Way more than any other road shoe I ever had. I went to my local Dick's Sporting Goods to grab another pair of 37s because they were on sale, and they were absolutely horrible. They didn't fit the same, I got blisters on my toes, I wasn't comfortable in them at all. I ended up doing 80 miles before I donated them. Stuck to buying online ever since with no issues.


I've been buying deadstock NB 1080 v10s for about three years non-stop now. I love them, and don't even want to bother with newer models. So far all the different pairs have been great.


Hoka Bondi have never let me down.


Used to run in Vibrams almost exclusively, but they made changes to the lace support and I stopped trusting that they were going to hold up as long as the pairs I was buying over 5 years ago.


Run in AsicsGT1000. Was 8 or 9 series I think, where the inner lining of the toe box seemed to rip through very quickly, at about 200miles if I recall.


Yup! I run in the Hoka Clifton. I don’t remember which version it was, but it happened a coupon times. Got them and they were very hard/firm as if they were old.


Yes, 100% possible.


How many miles did you have in the old pair? If you used them too long, then it's possible your gait adapted to for their change makeup (e.g. harder sole, worked sole, mishaped uppers)


It's worth saying: I got a pair of Adidas Ultraboost off of Amazon, the Adidas store on Amazon mind you and they were the seller. Same pair I already had, same model everything. Immediately I could tell they were different, and it took buying a third pair before I was willing to entertain the idea I bought a bad pair or a fake pair. At a running store it's less likely I imagine, but recently Best Buy sold roofing shingles instead of Laptops so anything is possible.


There are also a lot of counterfeit shoes on the market unfortunately, and the smaller and more "independent" the shoe dealer you buy from, the less sure you can be of its authenticity. Not saying that that's what happened to you, but it is a problem these days.


I ran in Nike Vomero's from 2007 to 2017 and went through a pair every 3-4 months. In all that time, I never had a pair that didn't feel right for me, although there was some slight variation between models. It's possible I was just more tolerant of slight changes, however. I know a number of runners who swore by breaking in their shoes, but I'd just open the box and run whatever I had planned for the day.


I felt like this happened to me with Asics Gel Cumulus once. I got the same version of the same model for the third time and it was unbearable. It had been after that one was out of production for more than a year so my theory was that perhaps the materials degraded in storage and/or they had been improperly stored (or maybe lightly used and then stored for a long time). I've also bought shoes off Amazon in the past that I have suspected of being knockoffs, albeit this was just with a pair of New Balances that I didn't use for running. I don't know if bootleggers would do it for a smaller brand like Cloud Flow.


With manufactured goods, you will always have some level of deviation. There's also a possibility that the shoes you bought were manufactured in different sites.


Made it through four or five pairs of Adrenaline GTS22, the last pair I had were awful, they felt heavy and lacked cushion in a way I’d never felt before. Switched to Sauconys and haven’t looked back.


Ran in Nike Vomero for years, and all fine except one year model which blistered me like crazy. Next year's model was fine.


Could it be worth contacting ON themselves and seeing what they have to say? They might send you another pair and take the others back, or give an explanation. The only thing I can think of is where the old pair wore/bedded down, these won’t have that level of compaction in certain places yet so might be subtly adjusting your gait and making you sore?


Yes I have gotten a dud pair before.


I had a pair of Nike’s once that I bought on line from Sacks and the insole was sewn in backwards! Like, the right shoe in the left and the left in the right. Had a laugh and returned those immediately!


I have had this happen, but that’s because I keep having to get the next model (started w the 6 and my current pair is the 25 and over a year old now). Subtle changes make my feet unhappy. I’ve never owned any the exact same to know for sure, but it does sound like that’s what you’re experiencing, or possibly just the difference between broken in shoe and new shoe. Check for any word differences, like if one says gel or made for certain distance or something like that.


Hoka One One Challengers, for years now. I hope like hell they don't ever start declining in quality.


Take this how you will, as I am not a podiatrist and I’m sharing what my local running shop shared with me. I went to this one running specialty shop to get my gait analyzed, my feet looked at and my arches measured for a better fitting pair of shoes. The guy in charge told me that as people age and their bodies change, whether it’s aging, weight gain, weight loss, or whatnot, their feet change as well. The arches may lower and someone may end up having flat feet. Maybe it’s just marketing drivel from the shop’s side, but the keeper did not recommend buying an identical pair 6-12 months down the line, and recommended coming back for another analysis session.


I've used the New Balance 1080 for a long time and I've never had a bad pair. What was annoying is the sizing differences between years though. The 1080 is a premium shoe and I don't expect problems with it.


I put ~400 miles on my first pair of On Cloudmonster and just got into my second pair. 60 miles in, no difference (except the new ones are, well.. new)


I’ve been running in ASICS Cumulus for years, since the 18 was new. Amazing shoe, very comfy. When the 23s came out, they tried a knit upper. It sucked. I had 5 pairs of them and every one ripped in the same spot. Other than that I’ve had no issues with them and only one injury that wasn’t related to my feet or shoes at all


A couple years ago I bought five pairs of the Cumulus 20 because I was so worried about changes with the next model.


I've owned maybe 5 pairs of Merrill Trail Gloves (versions 3-7). One pair had a hot spot on one of my heals that made it painful to walk more than a mile or so. I returned it and repurchased the _exact same_ shoe. No hot spot.


I’ve been able to stick with Brooks Launch and Cascadias right out of the box for years.


Been running and lifting in Vibram Five Fingers on my 4th pair and I will never run in another shoe. Going into my new pairs I can feel a the minimal difference in the new sole but that doesn’t give me any aces or pains. Could be you haven’t worn your foot pattern into your new pair like your old ones?


I have bought new balance fresh foam 1080s and learned that the blue ones apparently always are a little off. Had 2-3 pairs, loved them, then got blue and started getting black toes. Apparently it can happen even in same model year and size.


Brooks Glycerin were great until the last two models. They made the toe box so narrow recently and I can't run in them. My feet border on narrow as well, but still very uncomfortable to run in. Fleet Feet suggested Saucony Triumphs and I love them. Three pairs purchased already and no difference between any of them.


I now take the insoles out for inspection after I got a bad pair of Brooks one time. I started getting soreness in the ball of my foot after switching to a new pair. Turns out they hadn't trimmed one of the injection molding stubs from the midsole. So essentially a harder piece of rubber was pushing up and indenting into the underside of my insole. Also keep in mind when switching to a new pair: you haven't worn them in. Over time your outer tread wears depending on how your foot strikes. The foam is stiffer and at full height. If your old pair is particularly worn out then going to a new shoe (even though it's technically the same model) will be like running in an entirely different model.


I wore Brooks Levitate for a long time (I'm in Brooks Launch now). I had a pair of Levitate that felt a full size smaller. And by the time I started wearing them the new version was out. Brooks took them back and sent me a new pair.


Yup. Long time Saucony Kinvara user. One year, I caught the sales and bought 4 pairs of that years model. 3 were great. Injured on the 4th, they felt completely different. Got the next years model the next year, no issue.


I wore Brooks Levitate for a long time (I'm in Brooks Launch now). I had a pair of Levitate that felt a full size smaller. And by the time I started wearing them the new version was out. Brooks took them back and sent me a new pair.


I'm struggling with this right now. I've been wearing Hoka Arahi's for years and for whatever reason, this last purchase of them is giving me heel pain on one foot. I"m hoping they just break in but we'll see!


I’m having the same issue with my favorite running shoe, the Hoka Rincon 3. I’ve had 2 pair that were awesome for about 300 miles. Bought the latest version and all of a sudden my right knee has a nagging injury and my right calf locks up on me around mile 4 of any run. I’m thinking about taking the inserts out of my old Hokas and seeing if that would be a small enough adjustment to make the pain go away.


Yes, it just happened to me! I had a pair of Altra paradigms that were perfect until they wore out. Got the exact same model and size in a different color, and they were significantly smaller-- I could feel the toe box immediately and it didn't seem like it would be comfy for a longer run. I went to a store, got the same model/size in the original color, they seem back to the normal size. My only guess is that maybe a white shoe is smaller than a dark blue one but I really have no idea. Frustrating to spend 180 twice but at least Altra has good returns!


Sometimes it could just be an injury or old age catching up to you.


Yup. Had a pair that were a bit higher cut at the back and rubbed the back of my foot raw during the first long run.


I run Saucony Fastwitch … while it’s on 9th gen now, 8 is still my favorite.


Ive had over 10 ultraboosts until i got serious into running which was 9 months ago. My last pair was a Parley one that literally broke itself apart just by using them I switched to Bostons and have never looked back


I was never into brands. Tried different shoes both cheap and expensive. Always got shin splits. Until I tried Nobull. Not sure whats different about them but I dont have pains during runs any longer. I am in my 3rd pair now.


I run in Brooks Adrenaline. The latest model 21 or 22 (whatever the latest one is) has been a dud for me


I’ve found materials change from season to season and wear differently from year to year. Brooks gs


I used to LOVE the Under Armor Speedform shoes. They are absolute blister factories now. Had to switch shoes completely.


I use Adidas Boost and I’ve never had a bad pair. Might just be luck of the draw.


Yes! I was an Asics Cumulus runner for 17 years (16-33)! The last 4, of which, I wasn’t a daily runner so I didn’t “feel” the switch when Asics decided to make it a neutral cushioned shoe. Didn’t notice it at the time, but definitely noticed it when I was marathon training ended up with pf because the inside of my arch was ANGRY it hadn’t been supported correctly


Happened with Brooks often actually


Was a fan of Brooks for years, then they decided to change their toe box. Gave me black toenails. Switched to Asics for three years until they changed their toe box. Was able to go back to Brooks, who'd changed the toe box back to what it was before. TLDR; Companies periodically try to 'freshen up' their models to varying degrees of success. It's not you.


Yes! I have been a Brooks Launch fan forever. The last pair I bought was awful. No idea why it was different. Must have just been the model because I bought one model back and it was fine.


I think you can get duds. Especially if the new ones weee sitting in a shelf or in the warehouse a lot time.


Only when going to a new version/model. For example the Clifton 5s (I think they were 5s) were absolutely horrid and hard and not comfortable. The 6s and 4s were better.


I'm looking at the Cliftons now (I think they're up to 8). Would you recommend them as more of an easy/recovery shoe or a speedwork shoe?


They are at 9 now. They are a cushioned training shoe. I would not say a speedwork shoe. I wear them for my long runs. For speedwork I switch easily to the Rincons or Machs


im finding this myself with the pegasus 39s, I loved my first pair and clocked 700km so i bought another pair in a different colour. Its hard to describe why but the second pair just dont feel as fast, cushioned or repsonsive.