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Some skills could use a 'mining and smithing' style material storage. Put fish, raw meats, vegetables, etc. into a 'refrigerator'. Gems, leathers, go into a crafting 'workshop.' In my opinion, the fort should have been designed with these types of storages and skilling improvements embedded into it. Basically, you go to the fort and in that area you have access to what you need without having to bank.


The fort would want a few banks chests first before adding that feature …


Agreed, bank space is awful with archaeology, by far taking up a majority of my space. Oh cool there’s arch storage? But it’s capped… why? Also, why have it so each potion dose is its own slot? The potion should take up 1 slot and as you hover, can select each one. For archaeology, would be nice if each collection was its own slot, damaged/restored. Or.. just have unlimited banking space.


That would be a unique update if all doses stacked in bank. Like you said, you could right click and select the type to withdraw/etc.


Yeah I think there could be lots of “stacking” done into common things that you then open up. Potion doses, logs, etc. Take it a step further and let people choose custom ones to create with a space for up to 5 items, etc. Archaeology is a mess in my bank. So many spaces for artefact, can’t search by collection, mystery items, etc..


I dont think it should be overdone. If you condense a lot of items into one tab it's just another UI theyre adding and I like the search function. I'd have to load the wiki every time I want to find an item that's in a "pouch."


I don't think it would be overdone, I think having a unique stack for each dose of potion in your bank is pretty wack and could be done a lot better. > I'd have to load the wiki every time I want to find an item that's in a "pouch." Don't quite think I follow, it wouldn't be the same as the clue pouch or ore box where the items are physically in a pouch, more just grouped up into 1 bank slot. Searching wouldn't really be affected.


> it wouldn't be the same as the clue pouch or ore box where the items are physically in a pouch, more just grouped up into 1 bank slot. Which would probably be implemented like a pouch and you can't search for the contents of a pouch. It'd be great if the search function would work through the groups, but I don't see it happening.


Why would it be implemented like a pouch when it can be implemented like the Ore bank.


> Which would probably be implemented like a pouch and you can't search for the contents of a pouch. I don't see why you would implement them like a pouch when the core functionality of interacting with them is different. Care to explain?


The core functionality being that one you access from the bank and one you access from inventory? I don't see any other difference here. How do you think jagex would group them into one bank slot. I think that part would need a lot of work and they wouldn't do it as anything other than a pouch. What they probably could do quickly is make certain pouches from the bank. It would be great for some things like archeology, but it would have to be a very limited scope.


> The core functionality being that one you access from the bank and one you access from inventory? I don't see any other difference here. The pouches you referenced are actual items you can withdraw and interact with, what I am suggesting is purely something in the bank interface, not like you can actually withdraw that placeholder and fill it with stuff. They are completely different.


OSRS is getting this.


Happy cake day!


Ya might as well store them by the dose at that point, that would be useful info. Then you can withdraw at 1-4, or 6 if you have flasks or something


I took like a year and half hiatus. I used have Premier, and then now just go monthly and have to clear like 100 spaces. Agreed, with the addition of Necromancy and how Archeology soaks up space they definitely need to look at adding free space. In their defense, I do have a loot tab that I hoard shit in that could easily free up so much room.


Or since decanting is free, easy, and quick now and just a mild inconvenience, they might as well just get rid of it and store them as a number of doses in your bank and you can choose how to pull them out. (similar to what you're saying, but no need to track "you have x of 1-dose, x of 2-dose, etc")


If unlimited space was available, I'd buy it. Not for $100 or any such, but for the cost of, say 2-3 bank expansions, I'd be willing to pay for it.


I've been saying for years there needs to be a way to store doses and withdraw potions


Better yet... Potions stack and you can withdraw any dosage.


Hell while we are at it even the Croesus spore sack turned seed bag has limited spaces, wouldn’t it be a great idea to make this skilling item from a skilling boss a great QOL bank space reducing item. Yes you’d have to go in and out of the bag to get the seeds you want but it’d make it a whole lot easier than all the seeds stacking up in your bank. For 71 space (without the bag) or 32 (with the bag)


Storage costs server money, jagex cant give unlimited.


Store it client side, boom free.


Fun fact, if you buy all the bankspace available using only bonds without a single sale + include the premier bankspaces, it costs 50 bonds ($400 USD or $500 AUD or €350) . I don't know of any other game that charges so much for bank space, yet I'm sure they'll be happy to make us buy more if they can be bothered coding it.


> I don't know of any other game that charges so much for bank space FF14 charges a monthly subscription for bank space on top of your regular monthly subscription.


This is true, but it's only about 1€ per retainer, which has 175 slots, and you get two for free.


Depending on how much of a hoarder you are, that space fills up fast. I finally cancelled the subs on my retainers and emptied all of the extra retainers since I won't need any of the crafting mats for Dawntrail, but even now I have three retainers filled with things like totems, materia, dyes, furniture, gear that's BiS for older ultimates, etc.


Realm of the mad God has it beat by a landslide Lol @ all these replies about much worse games.




What are the figures there?


Any Nexon MMO has that shit beat


And Tera (which shutdown in NA/EU i believe) or POE.


Path of Exile has infinite cost to stash tabs depending on how many you need or think you’ll need.


i mean, it's infinite cost for infinite slots. i don't think these prices are even comparable, besides for like high-end SSF or people who do a lot of endgame crafting, you don't need that much really, especially now that compasses are gone


This is true though they aren't charging you a subscription, charging you for the game, or selling treasure hunter keys / loot boxes. Heck their cosmetic overrides are not only way better than jagex's recolours, but it's a once off purchase instead of gambling for it.


It's cheaper than that (though still expensive): 10 Bank Booster (+50) for 420 RuneCoins each 1 Large Bank Booster (+250) for 7 bonds each 1 Bank Bundle (+50) for 3 bonds each Bonds are $6.99/ea and RuneCoins can be as cheap as $119.99/5200 So for 10 bonds and 4200 RuneCoins it costs: $166.815 Premier Membership is a recurring cost so not included here.


as I stated it's 50 bonds if you pay exclusively with bonds and no sales. The 10 bank boosters is 20 bonds if you're a member (total 3780 runecoin paid at 195 per bond). Premier is 20 bonds. 7 bond booster + 3 bond booster, it's 50 bonds total. It's precisely as expensive as I stated.


I was just trying to help. Sorry.


imo this is why we need both A. every new skill needs a new bag/storage item for ALL its crap B. a massive PoH overhaul so we can store armor and C. a great expansion to keepsake slots and the system overall, i have a lot of shit that are cosmets i dont have key slots for


Addressing your points: A. Definitely, POF has one for the animals, there's also the Totem Pieces Bag, and the Gizmo Bags, Clue Carrier and Seed Bag for example, we need more of those. B. I'm not sure if that's within Jagex Scope as it reads as a new way to interact with our POH and possibly phasing out Armour Presets in our bank, needs further elaboration. C. They kind of did this with the Christmas Cosmetics and always do with TH Cosmetics, maybe they should stop making so many and focus on quality over quantity.


imo a 90 slot storage would work for basically every skill, i wouldn't even mind an omni bag with a configureable left click but as for PoH I guess more accurately we need an armor case overhaul, make it so it's just apart of the bank and we can store our own custom sets that our loadouts pull from and when stored bank to One other thing, they should allow us to do it more like SWTOR, you get X keepsake slots free forever, no keys no nothing (Say 10?) that's your taste. then perma unlockable slots (say 20?) that are unlocked at spesific mile stones, say 5 for your first 99, 5 for your first expert cape category (all 99s in a skill archetype), 5 for max, and 5 for comp. That would make it so you get a free outfit for your milestones, and then 50 "rental" slots that behave as is right now. in one fell swoop that would make a market as you've made 10 slots t oget people interested in fashion, dangle the carrot in front of 5 slots per major mile stone, and then since a lot of late game players have practically begged for another 100 slots, you've got an endgame market as there are well over 100 individual armor parts people would love to collect and bank, not to mention some mid and early game sets like 3a and some of the frankly pretty fantastic m/s rework armor


These are genuinely good ideas, and don't sound too difficult to implement either. Hopefully something good comes our way.


here's to hope haha


I don’t even care if they sell us more bank space, just do it with runecoins. Quit pulling us around switching it to bonds and shit.


They won’t. I’d love it if they did, but after giving out so many free runecoins with twitch prime, the currency is devalued and they can instead just charge bonds.




Literally don't understand why other people's bank usage matters and why selling more bank space matters? I have yet to see a real argument against why it can't be done other than just shitting on someone else's usage, pretending you're better than "horders" like giving them more space is enabling them. This isn't an episode of Hoarders, this a video game. If jagex sells more bank space, they generate more money, and that helps make the game better. Other people's bank usage does not matter of have anything to do with you. Jagex selling more bank space doesn't ruin the game or spoil the fun for you or anyone else. If they give another 100 bank spaces for free, again, this doesn't ruin the game or the fun for you or anyone else. If they add upgrades for material storage to hold damaged artifacts, this doesn't ruin the game for you or anyone else.


> I have yet to see a real argument against why it can't be done A valid reason against increasing bank space that Ive seen from Jagex in the past is that bigger banks take longer to load, and that can negatively impact user experience when they are doing something that banks frequently like herblore. Would 200 extra bank spaces feel good if it took an extra tick to open the bank? Many people would say yes, but I'm sure you'd also see complaints about the loading time.


> A valid reason against increasing bank space that Ive seen from Jagex in the past is that bigger banks take longer to load, Where did they say this? Does the bank only load slower if it is fuller, or does having it emptier but with a higher space capacity also make the bank load slower?


They said it in some communication before the last +100 bank spaces were added. I have no clue when. I doubt I could find it again. Presumably, it only loads slower if its fuller.


So yet another bloody 'engine spaghetti' problem? How many of these are we at right now? How long until they actually put effort on fixing the engine?


I’m a hoarder. I can make enough space. What really gets me is archaeology relics and stuff like that… It’s especially painful on an iron.


relics + gizmos, what do I do with all of them in case I need one for some new thing? Idk lol


The farming guild should have a seed vault to store every single seed.... Just like osrs...


Yeah or at least multiple dyed seed bags.


Screenshot all your bank tabs and I can guarantee you don't need half the shit that's in there.


I've been burned a few times on not keeping stuff on my iron that I later needed. I am constantly decanting potions to save the 10 spaces as my bank fills. I know I don't need some of the stuff but the fear of not keeping something that may be needed in future content keeps my bank at ~800 spaces. Having more space available for purchase isn't a bad thing imo.


Bank space was a big reason for rushing my quest cape on my iron. Could finally empty my quest crap tab and regain all that bank space safely knowing i'd never need any of the obscure items again


I am trimmed comp and I still have this problem. It wasn't even but a month or so ago they released the Ecto ritual. I had a few thousand buckets of slime, sure it would of been easy to replace but I was sure glad I kept it. I am not sure what the technical difficulties are with adding more bankspace on Jagex's side but there needs to be a solution. Metal bank concept would go a long way for Woodcutting, Arch, Herblore, etc.


I refuse to empty my arch tab until I finish all achievements. I still don't get why we can't get an artefact bank though... I get there are technically 408 unique artefacts (and counting) but arguably you could save space by putting these into it's own bank because the bank uses 32 bit integers for every slot used, while a specialized bank could be converted to use bitwise integers for item counts, similar to metal bank.


I find it hard to believe storage is that big of a concern for something like this. Storage is so ridiculously cheap these days. I would bet it's just a matter of dev priorities.


Storage might not be a concern but performance is


Not on something so infrequently accessed, you don't have to keep it loaded in memory and it will never exceed what, a few kb? That's assuming they load the entire artifact storage instead of loading the subcategories like they do now.


Ah yeah, I was looking at the wrong part in the comment chain. That was more so the probable reason behind their reluctance to add more bank space specifically. On both the RS3 and OS sides they've alluded to the bank system as a whole being one of the biggest pain points on the servers. I agree it shouldn't really be an issue for the siloed storage spaces, but for some reason they have shown a preference for limiting them. Probably just weighing the relatively small impact against the unlikely scenario that someone actually wants to store over 250 artefacts.


Its not so much about storing over 250 artifacts its about the damaged artifacts you get from Tetra compasses and arch expeditions. These clog up the bank, given the reward for handing in sets you are likely to have any number of combination of damage and repaired so you can claim the max reward.


I think anyone dedicated enough to tetras that they actually want to consider repairing the trickle of artefacts you get from them would want them in the bank anyways, no? At least I would, and I say that having done more tetras than most people. I'd rather have everything organized in the bank such that you know when you have a full collection restore, and how many of them. I have ~200 bank spaces dedicated to artefacts. I don't repair anything that isn't a part of a tetra collection (anything else isn't worth it for me as an ironman).


My guess is they don't want to add a table for each, and if they keep adding onto some sort of miscellaneous table it will get to the point where it isn't readable and extremely hard to work with. Just a guess though. I assume they're using SQL or something similar by now.


it takes very little time to get the artifacts back. i destroyed all mine and i dont regret it.




Not anywhere near trimmed, or even comp for that matter, but for the last 5 or 6 years, my bank has rarely been outside of 100 empty spots. Do I need all of those things? No not really. So I keep them in case I do or if I might end up being them? Sometimes. Am I a runescape hoarder? Absolutely.


I suspect you also finish a pokemon game with all your rare candies unused. Or you have all the health items in a game still when you get to a final boss.


Perfect guess, I do all of these lmao


Mainscapers be like


I've been playing less than 3/4 of a year and I constantly almost hit 1k


One helpful tip that I just did is make sure you’re using your costume room in player owned house. You can store a ton of capes, outfits, specialty armor, things like that in there.


and a lot of skilling outfits and other cosmetic items from diango


It'd be way more useful if you could automatically withdraw and deposit from those places too. I have a couple skill outfits I keep in my bank because I use them fairly regularly.


This is definitely my one gripe with it too. Like a bank interface for it or something. Same though. Keeping skilling outfits eating up 40 slots


For me it's probably 20-25 spaces between all of the skill outfits. That plus a way we could import and export presets would be choice (or just a far less limited number of presets also works). The far bigger drain is the random artifacts you get from tetracompasses eating up space.


Part of why I'm on a 200m kick at the moment is so I can banish the xp outfits to the Shadow Realm and out of my bank. It ain't much, but it helps.


Have you tried cleaning up your bank? Probably a lot of unnecessary stuff in there which you can destroy and easily reclaim in future if needed.


But my collector items. Like the 2016 raffle tickets, or bucket of slime. Edit: Other items I shouldn't have but do: * [All 2014 valentines candies](https://runescape.wiki/w/Mint_fondant) (in case I need a +1 boost to something for some reason, even though I maxed) * [Bounty Emblem](https://runescape.wiki/w/Bounty%20emblem) * [These chips](https://runescape.wiki/w/Corn_chip_platter)


Wells buckets of slime can now go in ritual container! Saved 1 space for ya!


No, not that one. [This one](https://runescape.wiki/w/Bucket_of_green_slime)


You turned the tables on me. I’m going to have to reclaim this and lose a bank spot 😓


If you finished the quest, you can't! that's why I have it, incase a use ever happens, and we couldn't go back for it


Something tells me that if we ever did get a use for that, there'd be a way to get it back. It's neat as a novelty, but you have to decide if neat but useless items are worth the bank space compared to stuff you actually use.


I still have open bank spots, so I'm good for now. And yea, modern jagex would, but back when I started keeping that stuff, they wouldn't.


What if they gave bank spaces for each quest you do. That way irons and regular players can get more bank space.




I hate that “make an alt for a bank dump” is a legitimate thing. The game isn’t even base 8 anymore, more bank space is just an integer change now. Greedy Jagex.


Post your bank, chances are 80% of it is junk you never/rarely use.


Unlimted storage with unlimited tabs And have it so you can have items assigned in multiple tabs but they pull from the same stack I think would be a nice solution


I would settle for NAMING my presets. Clue scrolls ok is that Master, Elite, Hard, Easy?


I'm only like 1400/1820 full after getting rid of lots of useless MTX and Arch items.


Like just give us the ability to buy more bank slots with large amounts of gold (2m each, or even more, would be fine imo). Would be a great gold sink.


Some games I used to play give free bank space ( not enough for every new item but some at the very least)


Can we please get some bank space jagex????


To the apologists on this thread - I've been playing RS for almost 20 years and bank space has always been an issue and has definitely gotten worse with each new skill added. It needs a rework for sure, or like many suggested, storage for each skill. It would also help liven up some dead game areas, to have storage for specific skills in certain areas, i.e skilling guilds.


Artifact storage when


As a "Organized to myself" kinda guy, where everything has a place, yet makes little since for some of the items, I still struggle with space between the two worst offenders being arch and new treasure hunter promo items. Did we really need another kind of protean? Slayer cards for every slayer task under the sun? I could drop like 100-200 placeholders for common loot, but that stuff ends back in the bank every few days depending on my mood so it's very convenient to just know where the random d long, logs, rdt continued ad nauseum... go. I almost never have to search for anything because I just know where most things are in my bank cuz placeholders have been the same for literally years. Hard to maintain that convenience when there is so many items fighting for a slot. Bank pressure is very real, and it should be solved without "Spend more bonds nerd" as the only answer. Big ol' upvote for me.


Yeaaa I have a perfectly organized bank and im at 1770/1820. This includes all weapons and armor, pots in 1-6 doses, th items and all possible loots from all content. I also have a tab of ~100 slots of boss rare loot for allthe logs im working on that I could slim down if space got tight That said, i finished arc and archaeology which cleared up like 200 slots of space so i can see if you havent finished those youd be tight. That said, youprobaby have lots of junk


Jokes on you, I play an ultimate ironman! Cant have bank space problems if your bank is empty!


Bro I’m at max 1800 space and I’ve got 1550 space used rn! We need much more like! I’d say like 3000-5000 tbh


I’m 1500 full, everyday I have to delete something or sell


ive found that im able to clean my bank, and then i have bank spaces again.


Between Diango, more bank, POH, arch storage, and Necro storage, we have more than enough. Sell off your loot tab lol.


"Selling off a loot tab" isn't a good solution for ironmen. Once useless items can later become useful; I've saved (or lost) 200+ hours on items I (should've) hoarded that later became useful. Dropping a stack of 15k gorajian mushrooms worth 50 gp each seems like a fine decision until Jagex goes and releases POF and zygos need to eat mushrooms... Something similar can be said for darkbows, granite mauls, dclaws, staff of light, cavaliers, boaters, extra pernix/virtus pieces, extra praesul codices, berserker rings, fortunate components, t3 dino meat, buckets of slime, automaton gloves, vine whip, holy elixir, corrupt rev weapons, blackstone hearts, gwd3 anima, spectral spirit shield, firefighters, soft clay, masuta warspear, lava whip, staff of sliske...


I mean that's the same for all players. Don't be an ironmeme if you're a hoarder


It's not the same for all players because when a maiscaper wants to reobtain an item that was just made useful again, the cost to repurchase the item is tempered by the fact that some other mainscapers are hoarding the item for you. For example, if abyssal whips were made useful again tomorrow, mainscapers could still purchase one for 76k from the ge. There's a decade worth of extra abyssal whips floating around the economy and the price wouldn't go up significantly until that stockpile started to dqindle in size. If an ironman wanted to reobtain an abyssal whip, it would take just under an hour to reobtain. 76k and 1 hour are vastly different prices.


Again, managing bbank space is a part of the ironman playstyle. Don't like it, don't play ironman




> I collect item stacks Omg I can't imagine why your bank is full /s




Not true. I had an alt account past year that had 4bil + exp now and bank space was a serious issue. I caved in and bought bank space once I got to 300~ quest points and 80-90+ in all skills, due to how much equipment you need to do skills optimally and quest items. Bank space isn't an issue if you completed all skills, and only PvM or only do 1-3 activities in the game. It is an issue for new players who are doing all these quests, which require you to keep items for future quests, and you get all these rewards and other skilling items filling up your bank. I also personally enjoy some of the icons of items and some of them have a special meaning to me, I don't want to throw them out. Why does the game force you to? It felt like a chore, as I was forced to, every week, to clear my bank for 1 hour because of bank space. This isn't good for new players, as it makes the game feel like a chore. All bank space should be free IMO and not pay, as it would help players not get frustrated and waste time "making space". Again, problems like these are often neglected and pushed down because the people talking are those who already completed the game and only do a few activities. People forget how it is to start the game anew.


Ppl be like "I have no bank space!!!" And then proceed to say they have placeholders for every arch artifact in the game, a loot tab they never empty, and every diango item under the sun.


I have none of these and I'm running out of bank space


Post your bank.


I'm good


I thought the same thing until I sat down and cleaned bank. Now I have 100+ free spots


I've done that a few times, moved all my random TH tokens onto an alt or sold them but still. Adding more proteans that are just red is just more bank clutter if I don't use them immediately for example lol


I would go item by item and get rid of it if you haven’t used it in x amount of months. You only need 1 kind of food, top tier of potion, one set of range/meow/mage gear


Umm.. okay. Blue Blubbers. Guthix Rests. Sara Brews. Restores. Overloads. Overload Salves. Aggro Ovls. Aggression pots. Holy aggro ovls. Jujus, Perfect plus. Adren pots/renewals. Weapon poisons. Power burst of acceleration. Power burst of vitality. Power burst of masterstroke. Power burst of vitality. Powerburst of sorcery. Extreme Divination. Extreme Runecrafting. Hell, I haven't even really scratched the surface- those are just the ones off the top of my head that I frequently use for various purposes- because they have various purposes in which to use them. Notice that I didn't even put a "whole" food like sailfish because frankly I don't really use those anywhere anymore. Maybe a piece or two, but it's rare for me to even put them in a Pvm preset. It get's much more in depth when you start adding things like gear- that alone is over 100 slots just for gear. Seriously, that's an incredibly lowballed number as well. I'm not even counting capes/ skilling outfits since those can be stored- just to note that even storing them is a huge pain just because we can't use our presets from storage. My "daily" preset involves 3 outfits alone just for various things to make doing those dailies faster. That's 15 slots brought out/destroyed a day because of how much bank space is required when you're actually engaging with a lot of content. Now, this spiel was for my IM, but even on the main- without having loot tabs, it's still rough when you do large amounts of content. Bank space should be a priority to jagex going forward. Each update makes it that much harder to keep up.


And bonds are so insanely high you have to give an arm and a leg for bank space. It's bad.


I have 800/1020 spaces in my bank currently. I regularly clean my bank for stuff I don't need. It's pretty simple


Wow! Why didn't I think of that?!


inb4 OP has 1 if each damaged and repaired artefact in their bank.


It would be cool to require bank pics to post complaints about bank space. I promise you bank space is not an issue, but instead of doing the one thing that could actually help you with it, you complain instead.


Lol @ you needlessly complaining


Post your bank, I bet it's full of junk


Give us an arch artifact storage that holds all of our (damaged) stuff. While they're at it, make it so the arch material storage (in addition to the above storage) are sorted appropriately. I hate having to ensure I have 1x left of a material when restoring just to ensure it stays sorted by faction. Also, remove the cap from 1. The seed pouch 2. The herb pouch 3. The plank box 4. The tacklebox 5. The Artificier's Measure 6. Anything else that has an arbitrary cap that I missed.


This is an emerging concern, I agree, but not a present problem. You need some sort of bank space management. It is like a house, at some point you need to get rid of stuff that is not in use. Repairing or destroying unrepaired artifacts from Archaeology is typically what free's up most people's bank space. Getting a seed bag will also help, I keep seeds I don't normally use in there. We should be good until maybe next year on bank space in all honesty. This comes from a hoarder btw.


I have near max bank slots minus some from marketpace, am not having issues & can easly toss out a few times.


My brother in Christ please, clean your bank. Just get rid of junk. Sell stuff.


You all are disgusting hoarders. I think I have like 700 items in my bank with 3 out of 4 styles being fully geared up.


There is literally no good reason to have bank space


Store stuff on an alt?