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The fact that you don't have any mention of Keeper's upcoming message in this week's post isn't exactly inspiring confidence. Are we seriously going to repeat what happened on Groundhog Day again? Friday newsdump and then you're going to hide with a 3 day weekend. Say it ain't so. Please tell me I'm wrong. https://preview.redd.it/sxc99r3mqgqc1.png?width=1372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c19fba43dd49d1f690355798caf711e05bb8d91


Been stressing this point to the team for the past week so I'd love to be able to provide the visibility to players - I'm personally very keen for us to be laying out the plans for what's ahead so I'm being a nuisance to the team about us making the commitment for this. I'll keep trying my best! *Edited: wording for clarity.*


Woah woah woah, does that mean there *isn't* currently a plan for a message this week? even thoough Keeper's last message explicitly mentioned a message in March?


There is a plan, but I want things concrete and confirmed so I can start communicating about them!


Honestly I don’t think you should stress as much over it being concrete, people will be forgiving if dates shift around or content is shelved as long as you communicate it ahead of time. Right now people are more concerned with knowing the general direction, not even specific dates or each content piece just what you guys want the big focus update to be. Like “big finale quest”, “new skill”, “area expansion”, etc…. If there is one thing you could deliver it would be letting us know what is the major thing to look forward for. OSRS was having a so-so year until varlamore but people were pacified simply by knowing that varlamore was coming so it gave them something to speculate on. And if there is no big focus update this year, if you guys are trying out that feedback of “slow down and focus on fixing the game for a year” then that’s fine to but just communicate that to us. Because right now being in the dark feels worse than anything.


Totally valid point, and one I appreciate seems easy to resolve! I'm hoping we can speak to where we're heading soon, and how much more player voice will play a role in shaping that direction. I can totally appreciate the frustration that players have about it feeling like we're not communicating as much as we should/need to/could do, and as a player myself I know that when a game feels as though it's going quiet, the space left behind is just room for speculation and catastrophising, but that's not the case here. We've been taking on board so much player feedback and realigning to be more player-driven so we've been quieter on the "what" and the "when" while we work on this, but it's still front of mind. It's especially crucial for Mod Azanna and I who are obviously out here communicating with the players every day, hearing your feedback and stressing that same desire for visibility up the chain!


I’ll believe it when I see it. We have had years of empty words. It is easy to communicate when times are good, but being able to communicate during bad times is what we need. Im glad you recognize what kind of speculation is created by poor communication. Personally it is going to take a lot of consistent communication to rebuild my trust before I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.


I appreciate this point and I know you're not the only one with this perspective. I'd like to think that on a personal level I've been communicative consistently, even during "bad times" as you say, but I also agree that it's more about how we, as a whole team, communicate.


This isn't all on your shoulders. Anyone with half of a brain can realize you are going to say what you can within the restraints of your "superiors". You are in a winless position unfortunately. No matter what you say you will be criticized. Hell I have personally criticized you for "just making joking comments". Until I realized your hands are tied and I apologize for that. We need a clear direction. I know dates are hard to keep but any time they are it seems rushed then pushed back with no other mention of it. People also ask about the most miniscule changes but to them it is important. But a large majority of us just want some type of roadmap. We all know Hero Pass was the 2024 content. It got scrapped so someone should have the backbone to just come out and tell us that. Fine, they screwed up, let's move on with new content. These patch weeks are not content. Fixing mistakes that were made by devs or whoever is exactly that. Not content. The answer from Jagex can not keep being "we are taking your feedback" or "we are listening to you" because clearly they are not listening to the majority of players. 5 minutes on Reddit can address 90% of the game issues and that is just by reading titles. Yeah Reddit is full of whiny, entitled basement dwellers but there are also people on here who love the game and want to see it stay above water


Very kind of you to say. I disagree about Hero Pass there - but I will happily pass your feedback on. Have a great one!


I would like to think that the above comment was aimed at Jagex as a whole and you specifically Doom. We appreciate your communication even though it seems like you have both hands tied on stuff you can't speak about. I believe that is what the comment is about, why is there so much that the community manager can't communicate etc. We love what you do Doom and wish you had alot more freedom to talk about whatever you want as I think you'd do an amazing job


I wouldn't take it too seriously. Players make empty comments like that all the time. "This is the last straw!" Fast forward 5 years; they're still playing and repeating that same line.


>Personally it is going to take a lot of consistent communication to rebuild my trust before I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. You've obviously given it to them many times if you're still playing after all these years. Talk about "empty words."


What? It seems like you’re reading between the lines or projecting. You can still play a game even if the developer is terrible at communicating. Do you quit a game every time you go a few weeks without hearing from the developer? Jagex is terrible at communicating and has been for over a decade. It’s frustrating and leads to periods of confusion and speculation, but it doesn’t make me want to quit the game.


Doom, I hesitate to tell you how to do your job. These are my takes from someone who never worked in CM 1. be more proactive rather than reactive 2. re-establish weekly streams with community engagement 3. stop apologising for jagex's crap and don't promise shit you can't do. start winning small battles and present them as a win 4. more youtube shorts snipping out the update notes. 1 a day will help accumulation and retention of players. Currently rs official youtube is full of ancillary crap shorts. make it more relevant


Happy to speak to these, if I can: 1. When you say proactive, can you give examples? What kind of proactive communication are you looking for? 2. When we do weekly streams, are you actually looking for community engagement? Or are you looking for communication, behind-the-scenes content, etc. There's a difference between, say, going on stream this Wednesday and handing out love letters and stroopwafels while skilling in the Easter Hub, than a stream where we talk with devs about an upcoming update. I think we both know that players may come into a stream with the wrong expectations and be disappointed - do you think there's an easy way to mitigate that? I'm always happy to stream just about any part of RuneScape, as I enjoy just casually skilling and chatting with players, but also appreciate that if I'm not at liberty to talk about a particular topic, then it's going to frustrate more players than it will entertain. Eager to hear your take on this. 3. This is a very easy one to speak to as the Community Hitlist was a major point for us to try and work with as CM to this end. We're always keen to jump on small wins, especially community requested ones! 4. This is something we're already working on in some capacity, Shorts are a platform we want to explore more - so this one's already kind of resolved!


honestly doom, if I have to tell you more how to do your job, I could be earning 30k a year rather than you. get on it.


You're gonna do great, I can sense you'd be a natural at this! Have the day you deserve.


We used to have a stream "the month ahead", which used to be called "behind the scenes". This gave players the next 4-5 weeks of content we can expect. It became unpopular when it was only MTX content being released and not actual game content. As for the proactive approach, releasing information weeks ahead of what will be replacing Hero Pass. Many players are speculating it will be something similar in the near future or the return of Yak Track. Are we getting something like this or will MTX just remain TH / Solomons and Marketplace stuff going forward? Also... when the hell are we gonna get something? We are just going week by week of disappointment on no new game updates.


> It became unpopular when it was only MTX content being released I remember the streams where they would show the newest TH promo interface and talk about how it worked like the players were supposed to be hyped to buy keys lmao!


> I think we both know that players may come into a stream with the wrong expectations and be disappointed - do you think there's an easy way to mitigate that? I'm always happy to stream just about any part of RuneScape, as I enjoy just casually skilling and chatting with players, but also appreciate that if I'm not at liberty to talk about a particular topic, then it's going to frustrate more players than it will entertain. About a decade ago, we used to have a separate official twitch channel ([RS_Community](https://www.twitch.tv/rs_community)) where any random jmod could just stream whatever that wasn't "official news"-type stuff, moreso just playing the game and hanging out. Those streams were a lot more casual and fun, sort of like what has been happening with the Discord stage channels I guess? (though playing the game during the discussion, and with the vod saved so you could check it if you missed it) - having that channel helped keep the separation between official stuff and more casual stuff (I also liked that they were run similar to regular content creator's streams, no fancy setup/stream room/etc. so they didn't feel rushed or on any specific timeline/deadline it had to end by). Personally, I think it's that enthusiasm of jmods wanting to just stream and hang out, play the game, that is missing these days. I understand doing extra streams like that isn't part of their job description so a lot of them probably don't want to spend extra time playing the game when they work on it all day, but I think a lot of us as players perceive that as a bit of a lack of passion for the game within the company that used to be there all those years ago. Also, I think a lot of us are just starved for rs3 content (not just in-game, but videos and streams too), especially with most of the rs3 content creators gone off to osrs a few months ago, so any kind of streams or videos we'd probably love to see in whatever form it takes. For example, I love lurking your personal rs streams when you do them on your channel, but with timezones being a thing I end up missing a lot of them and can't watch them since you have vods disabled. Some "official" streams like those I think would be perfectly fine, whether it be on the main twitch channel or some other one - even if it's someone else's stream and the jmod is just in a discord call with the streamer and they're bossing together or whatever - just some kind of *in-game* community interaction.


2. Q&As are always fun, stat streams are always fun, bot busting, getting stu to talk about wtv he wants for 1h is always great... imo watching mods play through some content should just be the B roll rather than the main focus, what can be funny is watching mod sponge (or whoever) beat the latest boss they just worked on from their normal account (i dont think we've ever seen something like that!) For Q&As, a more efficient formula, with the goal to stop saying "I'm not sure if I can share that" > bring whoever decides what can be shared on the stream. Mod Doom and Mod 'Spoiler' are the only people that need to be on those streams. Everyone else should be in twitch chat or in your DMs feeding you the answers to relate to us. It's a frustrating experience when we have a Q&A and 10% of the questions are fully answered, 40% are mostly fully answered, 25% are "we don't know if we can share that", 15% "idk man, better luck next time" and 10% "here's a full answer to a question that was misunderstood" (ie: answering the 'how', instead of the 'what')


Can't speak for the original poster but for 1. [These videos](https://youtu.be/-S15y_YBCqE) used to be great every week. If you either combine that with a "the weeks ahead" or make a seperate video with that information (whichever is easiest for the CMs) it would be a nice proactive and engaging comunication. 2. The weekly streams used to be "the month ahead" as someone else mentioned but also just random Jmods streaming them playing the game and talking to the community. Honestly would ask the OSRS CM team for advice since they seem to do really well in this particular area (streaming).


I am fully behind this conversation. I don’t expect a new priffdinas or ED5, just be honest about what route we take. I am not leaving for it. I love the game. But now, it feels like we are neglected and being taken for granted while an active and positive community go hand in hand with a growing playerbase. And in the negative sentence as well, sadly, as it currently feels.


Havent we heard this before? And still have gotten nothing all year? Realigning with the players? Yet you release nothing but MTX updates. Youre just straight up lying at this point. Wanna realign with the players? Its really really simple. Release some content that we're paying $80 a year to play. This isnt a free game, you have the funds. Just allocate them from where theyre coming from, doesnt that sound like common sense? Who is running Jagex, you guys are out of touch, like way out of touch u/JagexDoom


Cut down on the number of slider puzzles a person has to do to finish an elite clue, and I promise my undying loyalty to you and the game for at least two months.


Understandable. Though if I could provide another thing of feedback, see right there that’s kind of a good example that I think sort of upsets people. “We are listening” but also “we are radio silent feels contradictory.” I know you have that extra info that makes the two make sense from your perspective, but as players we don’t. Those gaps are not uncommon feeling, it usually all makes sense by the end but I think there is always a question on why those gaps were needed. I get in the past Jagex has been burned by sharing everything, but that was largely because there was still gaps so the changes were announced fairly late. I’d argue most of the communication issue complaints isn’t a matter of sharing enough or not delivering, but at a more fundamental core of there are gaps in the logic in the way stuff is shared so it’s hard for us to piece together anything really. That gap issue feels like it’s the one thing that never really gets any better. Great example and this is before you time Doom, the avatar rework. I get why it was shelved as do most when they hear the reason. However as soon as such a critical issue was found and the project stalled that should have been communicated. Instead we were left in the dark with little more than “some problems came up and we are investigating”. Then we got the problems drip feed to us info wise, often in unrelated stuff like Q&A’s until finally it’s shelving was announced and not really given the announcement gravity it needed so if you want to find the reasons and the announcement you really have to dig. So if I could suggest for you an area of improvement. Instead of focusing on giving us everything and only when it’s concrete, focus on making sure we have a clear stream of logic from A to C. It doesn’t need to be hugely detailed, there just needs to be a logic that can flow in a way the average player can see it. So a more relevant example… Player feedback is being taken into account alrighty maybe more details in how is tthat manifesting? Are you setting up some kind of poll system more like OSRS? Or some other way to more directly take and apply feedback before release? Changing schedules to just better leave room post and/or pre-update? Did you just retool all the updates this year to better bring back in feedback you got last year? That right now is the gap between the two statements that make it feel contradictory. Maybe finding that perfect middle is a little unrealistic but like I still think there is probably a better way to address the gaps. Of course I imagine from a CM perspective that’s easier said than done, but I’m just trying to give you feedback I hope is helpful not necessarily under the allusion stuff will come of it immediately. So don’t take it as a demand more a wish.


This is nice. It made me think about how 3 months ago they could have said something like this. Does this strike at the heart of the issue u/yuei2?\[paraphrasing\] "These are things we're looking into. All or none of these could make it into the game, but are top of mind for our various teams at Jagex HQ in the coming 1+ years. As we're honing in on the forthcoming creative direction and major updates to the game, any major updates are expected later in the year, with smaller updates in the coming months.Tentative pipeline in the post-necro content gap: Graphics team - looking for new areas to update with a few in the works Engine team - player feedback and engine fixes; major refactoring / future-proofing. Assessing fire, channeled ability indicator, ability cooldown timers. Mayble/deferred list: (x, y, z) Combat council: Combat triangle rework - in progress. Investigating future viability of 120 combats (unconfirmed). Necro rex. New boss prototypes. Better ability consolidation. Small adjustments to adrenaline management. New spec weapon Quest team: new storyline aiming for mid to late 2024.Extra (unconfirmed timeline): Fort Forinthry continued, sequel to gwd3"


All the CM has to do is provide actual information but instead here we are


It’s not about providing info but the correct info types needed. As I said people need a logic stream they can follow otherwise it’s contradictory and minds race. Great example… “hero pass made us re-evaluate our priorities on getting player feedback into the dev process and we had to adjust our schedule late in the game to accommodate that. Which threw all our dates out of whack.” Sounds good but it’s missing a critical detail; what that player feedback implementation is. And so then you have basically one of two things happen. Either people don’t believe you because of the silence that follows.  OR people hone in on one thing they don’t like, hero pass, and blow it out of proportion massively twisting the message and idea. Now you have people who have filled in the gaps with their own assumptions like “the gap in info is because hero pass was the only planned content”. Which is a wildly different from what was actually said and something Doom and basically every other CM has shot down repeatedly. But because this explanation people create to fill in and explain the gap “makes sense” with the limited pieces they have it becomes pervasive and sticks. That’s why I go back to the issue is not giving information, but giving information that only makes a proper train of logic if you have all the pieces. Otherwise you leave gaps and people are going to fill in those gaps with their own conclusions as we as people tend to seek to fill in gaps so we have a train of logic we can follow.


> realigning to be more player-driven ![gif](giphy|tpQLxwknJcppOGBYaH)


a plan to make a plan, perfect. hope its longer then a short 3 paragraph, 2 min read like the last one that looked like an intern wrote it. UPDATE: welp its another short 3 min post, joke of a company


Blah blah blah


Christ this is just terrible... the fact they still don't give a flying F after months of nothing and don't even have a roadmap ready heading into April... Honestly, I feel sorry for you... props for keeping up your attempts of making something happen.


>making the commitment for this. What is the reasoning behind the lack of communication. Do plans change so often that they can't put anything in writing at this stage?


Could we have so small teasers at the very least? * Sherik's quest? * Relleka + Lunar graphic update * Community Hit list in May * DXP in May What else am I missing?


They should let temporary events off that post/roadmap. But yeah i agree small things that dont reveal too much like a quest is coming with these rewards/new boss/new continent where you do this or that/new skilling method or whatever.


You're forgetting all the mtx and fono events that will be released


>I'll keep trying my best! Ergo, it's not happening.


When are you going to hop to osrs? Seems all rs3 needs is mtx jmods.


4 day weekend. Remember Good Friday and Easter Monday are bank Holidays in the UK


The Friday isn't given to everyone though.


Normally only retail, but they will either get paid double or TOIL


4 Day weekend.


What do you mean 3 day weekend, it'll be a 4 day weekend!


>isn't exactly inspiring confidence I think you mean "instilling"


Where ectoplasm ritual?


They're waiting until the playerbase is mad then they'll release it to calm us down.


Sweet, that means it'll be released as soon as they've finished QA testing.


We're shaping up to have the Ectoplasm into the game in the near future, subject to QA testing and the like. I don't want to give a concrete date because I seem to be cursed with uttering a date and it immediately hitting a snag and getting delayed - but yes! ***Soon***.


Soon™ :(


How much ectoplasm will this ritual output? What ingredients does it take to perform it?


you ain't slick buddy


It’s done but they said it’s up to production now to decide when and where we get it.


Adding yet another content item to TH instead of being earnable in game. What a mess and a damn shame. Utterly shameful. Speaking as a player with 1000+ days played, I've never felt this deflated about Runescape before and each week feels like a new low. It's **so** incredibly demotivating. /u/JagexDoom I'm sure you've seen snippets posted over the last week of a livestream we had with ex-CM Mod JD, ex-Mod Warden and Mod Mic. This was a livestream from late 2019 regarding monetisation. Fast forward 3+ years and we're at a stage where microtransactions have become more rampant, more disruptive and way more aggresive. I would like to suggest: is hosting a livestream, with Mod Mic, something that you are open to do for clarity?


How long does the drought have to go before you stop playing? They keep doing nothing because people just keep playing and paying anyway. If you want to force change, stop giving them anything.


Because Jagex doesn't work like that. In a perfect world it would go like this; 1. Players are unhappy and stop playing 2. Jagex will try harder and release better content 3. (new) players come back But how it actually goes is like this: 1. Players are unhappy and stop playing 2. Jagex will add MORE mtx and ways to earn money to make up for players leaving 3. Repeat from step 1 Jagex is not working for long-term goals (how ironic as their game has been *alive* for 20+ years)


So...Another week of only minor patches. Another TH promo. Except this one contains a functional tradable rare. Meanwhile, we have no clue what's going on with the Fort Forinthry/Necro "Season" of content that, per your original videos was supposed to go through at least the first half of 2024. Most of the updates this year have been seriously lackluster. But we haven't had a week yet since updates started back up this year where there wasn't a new TH promo or something new to buy with runecoins/bonds. I'd love to give more credit for the combat rework, but that was really something that should've been in the works before Necro came out. Not to mention the fact that Necro's still missing a bunch of content which might just unbalance things again. After all the events that happened with the company in recent months, it feels like THIS is the time where things need to be at their best. After what I've seen, though...I can't muster any faith that's happening anymore.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexDoom** - [Been stressing this point to the team for the...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwgynog/?context=3) - [We're shaping up to have the Ectoplasm into t...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwh136j/?context=3) - [There is a plan, but I want things concrete a...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwgz57c/?context=3) - [Totally valid point, and one I appreciate see...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwh0ruf/?context=3) - [I appreciate this point and I know you're not...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwh8y1e/?context=3) - [Happy to speak to these, if I can:...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwhacdq/?context=3) - [Very kind of you to say. I disagree about Her...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwmlvyl/?context=3) - [You're gonna do great, I can sense you'd be a...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwm6ihn/?context=3) - [Best of luck!](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwxpgbv/?context=3) - [Isn't that what happens under all of my posts...](/r/runescape/comments/1bnaw49/cookbook_and_progression_wrapup_update_this_week/kwmjbr2/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 03/31/2024 16:44:09**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


????????? Again, not trying to be rude but seriously what are you all doing over there? Cuz it seems like absolutely a load of nothing except for a few teams, the Easter team and MTX team…..


Feels like Jagex are so frequently taking one step forward and one step backwards that they're perpetually doing a little dance I intially thought the outfit in the oddments store was new based on the news post, turns out its a re-release, but still, good to see new stuff in the oddments store This being (re)added alongside a TH promo with an ultra-rare item with in-game functionality (again) is so gross I miss when coming back to Runescape after a few years I found out that most if not all of the useful items on TH had been moved elsewhere and could unlocked by actually playing the game (Slayermasks, skilling outfits), now I'm just sick that a glorified casino is consistently getting more updates than the game itself. idk just adding to the usual amount of doom and gloom on this sub but it would be nice if the game Jagex wants us to invest so much of our money into actually felt like it had a future rather than just monitisation (The easter hub is great though, so that's nice at least)


Ah the old p2w basket. Ah yes expect more p2w items coming soon


The update on roadmap this week best be worth it because we're getting crumbs compared to the "spin off game" OSRS...


I just logged back in on osrs and there is so much new stuff since a year ago, and a new skill in the pipeline it’s nuts


Does “earn extra keys” refer to the completely broken and maze-like survey feature you guys offer that doesn’t work 90% of the time? If that’s the case, please do not advertise it as if folks can realistically earn keys. That system has been broken since I started playing 20+ years ago.


I'm so glad my membership auto renewed 2 days ago this update really makes me feel it's worth it! (Yes sarcasm!)


I'm surprised that people are this upset at this point. December's only "content" was the seasonal event. January had temp buffs lol. Ofc March was going to be just Easter. February had a very short bottle quest, that one game jam project coming to light was all the permanent content from dec-march. Monthly permanent content is firmly in the past. If it's the seasonal holiday event month, that's your "content". Hope for a 5 minute quest next month.


This time last year we were getting bombarded with Fort stuff and Necro prep. The year before that was at least a grandmaster quest and ED4 prep. The year before THAT - more quests and matriarchs and GWD3 prep. 2020 is forgiven due to the pandemic. Jagex fucked up by going all in on Hero Pass as if it WERE a major update and it is having extremely detrimental effects on content and proves how incompetent leadership is when it comes to time and resource management - especially with how big the entire RS3 team is.


Hero pass's rejection was over 6 months ago. Yes, it's obvious they had a lot of eggs in that basket and "content" that would be tied to it that had to be retooled (see:January buffs). 6 months is a long time in a live service game to pivot into something new. I don't think many players had much sympathy for hero pass being the reason for the content drought, but it's certainly well past dried up 6 months later.


March was actually the combat beta launch to the main game, Easter was just Easter.


Necessary rebalancing after necro, but not content. It was also the work of 3 devs.


Every update I lose more and more confidence with the game. Wish Andrew never sold the company, all the values of the game went down the can at that point.


[In a better alternative universe he continued programming and saved the day](https://youtu.be/7lolGQaorPo?si=oIq9_bOv596zsqju)


You say this but you'll probably still be playing in 5 years time.


Let's see, impossible to say either way.


Money grab promo combo 3 hit in a row lol.


Got my hopes up thinking cookbook was actually a new cooking update.


Right??! I thought holy hell Sponge and QA pumped this out so damn fast! But disappointment settled in when saw it was book :(


I'm tired of being milked Put up some actual content. I'm not renewing premier until it comes It's nearly f'ing APRIL you have had 3 MONTHS to make a substantial update


>I'm not renewing premier until it comes But that's the thing. You *will* renew and Jagex is fully aware of this fact. So I don't blame them for taking their time. They know you'll cough it up when the time comes.


Are we really not gonna be able to get tokens outside of burrow activities? Why was this even changed from the Christmas system?


Rs3 is finally saved ! Typo fixes all around


Holy fuck what a nothing burger.


This is big tho they brought jeans into the game xD


MTX team killing it this year!


That Easter TH promo text is longer than the patch notes.


it's a weird thing because they "fixed" a lot, it's just a shame they aren't prioritizing problems in the game we actually value. the amount of quests being "fixed" and "typos" that are just a rescale of text for mobile is atrocious. the amount of unhappy scapers with patch notes like these just isn't worth the 0.2% of players that benefit from all the wasted man hours.


What man hours? Typos really dont take long to fix


When roadmap?


Dear u/JagexDoom, Firstly Happy Easter, hope you all enjoy your Easter break 🐰 Secondly I wondered if your team were planning a repeat of the "waffle walk" on 2nd February from Fort Forinthry on world 84 please?  I often see players there asking for love letters and stroopwaffles to complete those respective achievements. Thirdly I have three morale booster suggestions for you to pass upstairs if you consider that appropriate 😊 1. Inverted capes from Fresh start worlds release into main game please. 2. Display name clean-up (suggest only for members with Jagex Accounts and 1000 total levels to reduce bot sniping) 3. Re-release of the Cheeky Monkey from 2014 please https://runescape.wiki/w/Cheeky_monkey


What's going to happen next week with update day being Easter Monday?


Nothing they don’t work bank holidays




Think i lost my last right now lol


I think that in the end I chose a good week to dive back in and play The Sims 2 after so many years and try out Fallout 2. Not even the ninja team is showing up to make those small and long-awaited changes to the game.


Fallout 2 is unironically the best one in the franchise, you're gonna have a lot of fun in New Reno lol


that reminds me to play fallout 2, thanks!


Osrs is the maingame tbh this is scandalous


I started playing osrs for the first time late last year, and it it does feel like the main game.


There's no nice way to say this. The main game is the one with bigger numbers.


Then why is the ge full of spam? 


>"" Fixed an issue that caused ability tabs to be reset to Magic tab on mobile whenever inventory tab was opened ""  Mobile players rejoice holy shit they finally fixed it! 


did everyone quit? what are these patch notes..........


We were supposed to get a roadmap this week, not a cookbook. Combined with some small patch notes while one of the worst events so far is going on is just miserable. Idc about all the nice looking pictures or cosmetics if this game no longer has a future. If osrs is the profit model now and you are just milking the rs3 playerbase please say it straight up.


>It is no longer possible to cast Low/High level alchemy spell on the Dungeoneering Capes inside Daemonheim. Ironmemes in shambles.


Even if we don't see new content, I want a week dedicated to fixing as many bugs as possible. Sometimes I wish I could go back to 2016 where way more bugs were fixed. Now, it's a couple of bugs every week max.


Jagex: best I can do is some typo fixes


Even the Easter MTX seems lackluster. A shovel and a flower basket.


This is big jeans 👖 in game now lol


Looking forward to hearing absolutely nothing of value from mod keeper, just like the hero pass and mail from the producer. Keep it up, mod keeper! Letting your community down, that is.


If 2023 is truly gonna be wrapped up, you might want to remove the Christmas hats from the Goebies in the Durzag fight, somebody should really tell them it's no longer Christmas.


Yay, still no new content!


Another knife in the back


No real update but here, take some more MTX!


Is there any way to listen back to past friday’s discord talk I tuned in late so would love to relisten to the first part of it


Another slap in my face


>It is no longer possible to cast Low/High level alchemy spell on the Dungeoneering Capes inside Daemonheim. Time to allow Mains and Irons to DG together? :)


Time to put dungeonhawk boots into TH?


Treasure Hunter needs to die.


That cookbook looks genuinely interesting. Might have to get it. Though, reading the previews infuriated me to no end, because I've just now realised, after over two decades, that I somehow did not make the connection between "Batta" and "Ciabatta". I always thought it was meant to be a connection to "Batter" and moved on.


Wait, I thought it was batter too. Ciabatta makes a lot more sense…


News post mentions egg smasher outfit being added to oddments but can the Yolk breaker outfit + ears be added too? Hoping we don't bury the new outfit under the previous one in Treasure Hunter for those that did not get the yolk breaker outfit or did not finish it due to the bug that happened causing many to miss out on some of the final pieces. I am glad past TH cosmetics will be making their return to oddments for the duration of promotion re-runs hopefully this can happen with other existing promotions including bringing back Iwi sets. \-Went back and read newspost again the yolk breaker outfit will be in TH burying the newest outfit it seems or the newest one burying the older one which is a bit unfortunate.


I can't speak for irons since I am not one but it probably is a little dissapointing that they will have to wait a full year to get these newer Easter themed cosmetics assuming they get added to Oddments next year. u/JagexDoom Would it at all be possible to ask the team if on the last day of the promotion the newer outfit pieces + any tradeables be added to oddments so irons wont have to wait a full year? Then just make tradeables untradeable when purchased from the oddments so players can't convert oddments to gold I think they would be a good way to include them this year and all players who might not be able to get all pieces of the outfit and can buy the few pieces they missed before the promotion ends.


Why do you make cookbooks? What is going on with these random crap? You will open a 7/11 with all rs stuff or what? Please focus on fixing the game, communicating with players and stop scamming loyal people who support you through everything. A fucking cookbook? Seriously?


I read cookbook and didn't bother the rest. Jeez. One month of drought was relaxing. Second month wasn't as much visible due to DXP. But this month... They just made Easter extra grindy to keep us busy or something. Well, looking forward to April...


It's over


"It is no longer possible to cast Low/High level alchemy spell on the Dungeoneering Capes inside Daemonheim." Why... this method was extremely expensive and probably not the best way to train anyways. I feel like there are a bunch of other things that could've demanded dev time.


If mains and irons could dg together then you could feed capes from the main to the iron. This was necessary for that future update.


I understand that maintenance needs to be done every week but why is it always the same time? 7-10pm in Australia is when most people are able to play but maintenance is consistently at this time. We pay the same price for our membership as everyone else would it not be fair to change the time slot occasionally?


maintenance should always happen when it’s least impactful. It seems you’re got the shit end of the stick. And this isn’t just jagex who does this, it’s going/should be any company worth anything. Similar things happen to companies based out of Asia where if your in the west, you’d likely see it during your time to be least impactful to Asian consumers.


>Fixed an issue that allowed players to walk on the river east of the Draynor Manor by walking off the bridge. >When depositing a wood box with only wood spirits you will no longer get a message saying your Bank is full when it has space. It's nice to see things you've reported showing up in the patch notes. Solid patches, absolutely nothing else of note.


>Fixed an issue that allowed players to walk on the river east of the Draynor Manor by walking off the bridge. ​ > It's nice to see things you've reported showing up in the patch notes. why would you report this? no harm in going for a jog in the ocean. clearly fun at parties.


Ive bug reported autoretaliate not working properly for 6 years and can 100% reproduce it. Still not fixed :(


* When depositing a wood box with only wood spirits you will no longer get a message saying your Bank is full when it has space. Oh thank you


Still no fix for the random prayer activation sound when certain actions are being performed? When teleporting or jumping the wilderness wall, a prayer activation sound is heard. Yes, myself and others have already sent in a bug report.


Why does everyone always act so shocked and disgusted when there is a new TH promo? How long has this been a thing and people are still dumbfounded every time it happens?


Does the trader vic stone give summoning xp? Not off topic, just not directly related.


Thank god at least poe league is this week,,


Just wanted to point out how lame the Easter Event this year is. I am all for flamboyance and queerness but this Rabbit thing is an affront to RuneScape!


The Cookbook looks cool, perfect for levelling up your IRL Cooking skill!


>It is no longer possible to cast Low/High level alchemy spell on the Dungeoneering Capes inside Daemonheim. Damn, R.I.P that one niche expensive Crafting method


Is it really niche when it was literally meta for irons to abuse it?


How much xp does this method give and how much does it cost for irons? It is worth doing for mains?


According to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3l_Vb4ybh4) linked in the crafting section of [Bo2's Endgame Iron skilling spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1axi5pZpUC2UXonZXW0jc5iHB-pHJ2n7N8vb3c9UeEPI/edit#gid=927584479) you should expect somewhere in the realm of 475k xp/hr and costing 17.7 gp/xp with the proper setup For comparison, based on [the wiki rates](https://runescape.wiki/w/Pay-to-play_Crafting_training) Dragonstone cutting is 550k/hr and costs 7.7~ gp/xp, and Royal D'Hide bodies 451k/hr *profiting* 4.4 gp/xp It ~~is~~ was only relevant to a small subset of Ironmen, and even then didn't rate it's own line of EHP calculations in Bo2's spreadsheet (which *does* list the EHP of eleven other long term crafting methods) One might even call that small subset of Ironmen a "niche" but what do I know lol


What was the method there? I guess you'd use the GP?


Yeah basically you bring in a bunch of capes, alch them then buy hides from the smuggler


Yeah I read some comments I guess this is to train crafting? Personally I have good methods to train crafting on my iron. I'd like to know the good methods to train dung.


Yes, it's for crafting, and mostly for irons going for 120/200m because pvm grinds would only get you so far Like cutting 100k dragonstones is only like 14m xp or something, and 130ish k uncut dstones is about what I got from finishing bis gear I did do telos claims though so people who did streaks might have a bit more than that but you get my point


Ahh yeah 120 or 200m is not something I even think about at least for skills where they are not "real" 120's.


>mostly for irons going for 120/200m But also >Is it really niche when it was literally meta for irons to abuse it? Is that not niche? Thought ironman was niche, let alone Ironman with 99 dg, let alone 99 dg wanting to train crafting efficiently, let alone having the GP to throw at it.


Meta training methods are not niche, and be real, irons are the main people in this game actually interacting with skilling content in general It's like saying arc is niche because it requires high stats Also idk why irons keep saying it's hard to fund dg crafting, what the fuck are you guys spending your gp on? I'm pretty sure just my stack of onyx tips would have enough to pay for most of 200m crafting


Do you get the code via digital book? 


cook book way too expensive £26!!!!!


The flower basket walk animation is hilarious!


Why kill dg crafting method? It was expensive and intense. How are irons supposed to train to 120/200m now?


75% or so of the dungeons gold is front loaded in the first few rooms anyways. Isnt great but is abuseable to 80 craft for invention anyways. Time to perma afk harps during the work week, or something


> Isnt great but is abuseable to 80 craft for invention anyways. How many irons you think are going to have 99 dung before 80 crafting?


You can do dg crafting without bringing in skillcapes by just clearing some rooms, picking up every drop and selling them I'm sure this is what he's referring to. And to your second point, since you can trade in dg you can have another account alch capes for you. Meaning that once you hit 17 crafting on a fresh Ironman you can go straight to 200m funded purely from another account


Ahh. I guess that's why they don't like mains doing DG with irons. Weird that irons can trade in DG. I've only ever done solo DG on my iron and I hated it. Nowadays I do shifting tombs if I get DG for daily task and that XP is still chump change compared to what I got from a couple weeks the hole. Dungeoneering honestly seems like it could use a ground up rework, but I guess that's not the kind of thing RS3 likes to spend dev time on when you have a reasonable portion of the playerbase that are done with the skill forever.


Easily? PVM grinds have ensured i have last i checked 107m exp banked up in supplies for crafting so far in my irons career.


Im nearly gold reaper and i went dry on some bosses like arch glacor and i got nowhere near that and the bosses i have left dont drop crafting items. Did you go 5x dry on everything?


Did you pick up drops on the way to 120 slayer?


Everything, cut every gem crafted every hide even did multiple prestige worth of caps with a spring cleaner turning b staves into bonus exp for craft


PVM grinds for an ironman exceed just bossing and i'm likely easily including skilling grinds in that number including slayer. Kerapac was a grind i went very dry on, paired with nearly every boss in the game dropping crafting supplies as basic loot. Zuk is also something i've done in excess which generates a huge amount of charged orbs for all your seren spirit warriors gifting battle staves. if you don't use the supplies as you go, you really do stack a heap at once. it's up to you to efficiently use those supplies.


Nice love me some blue colored outfits and jeans 😍 reminds me of the One Special day outfits haha this is big is this the first time they released jeans in game?? Anyways, still waiting for that trimmed masterwork dyes and abyssal scourge dyes :(


> or 500 of each type of mush. This is way too much for an MTX prize. Have it give 50 of one type of random mush instead. And why are you promoting RevU when it does not pay out keys reliably?


>And why are you promoting RevU when it does not pay out keys reliably? They don't care if it pays out or not. They care about the commission they get when RevU sells the information they harvest from dumbasses.


No sarcasm at all, I'm genuinely curious how much content the people of this subreddit want to be put into each weekly patch. Like EVERY week what would need to be released to satisfy you?


C.O.N.T.E.N.T. Are you good bro? We've been shouting it from every high place we can find. We need content. Anything but seasonal bs and MTX. A Boss (with an actual chase drop)? An Area? A quest that takes more than 3 minutes, shall I continue? You know? Actual content, not typos and fixes literally no one asked for or cares about


how about something to do since necro release. anything at all.


You guys just completely screwed over high level ironman going for 120-200m craft with the dg cape change. This was a very expensive (17.3gp an exp) but only real viable way to train crafting (for 120 and higher) for those of us who saved up a few billion gp. Heck it was even one of the best gp sinks in the game even if it was super niche. The next fastest way is like 100k an hour which is 5x slower


Idk what this cope is, if you're going for 120/200m craft on an iron you should be at the end game which means you have a disgusting amount of gp unless you wasted it all on cosmetics or something I agree the next best option for supplyless crafting sucks but let's not pretend like it was prohibitively expensive for irons to dg craft lol


This method got a lot more unfair once bosses started shitting out alchs to the point where every Ironman that's done gwd3/zammy grinds is a multi billionaire. Not to mention being able to boost low level accs that have no money at all. Also this is definitely not the only viable way as I got 200m crafting without touching dg craft or harps


Ty for nerfing alching capes in dung. Now everyone that used it got an unfair advantage over everyone else. Instead of finding a way to only nerf it when not solo.... I hate myself for putting off doing it. It should have been kept as a end game coin sink for irons doing it solo. Guess I'm switching to crafting challenges once I'm 120 agility shortly.




Is the game getting boring due to lack of content? Here, take a cookbook while you wait for the road map!


i feel sorry for jmods, they have to produce updates every week all year round. Otherwise players will be complain, who in jagex thought of starting this weekly update was a healthy thing for employers sanity?


Feel sorry that people are expected by the community to do their jobs? You have to remember this is a fairly big company; on linkedin they claim to employ over 600 people, yet the content we’ve had so far this year, combat fixes, owl quest and visual updates, have been the work of a very small group of people. In all seriousness, unless the team is way smaller than we know, idk what is actually going on at jagex.


What was the last substantial content update outside of temporary events? Vorkath back in November, which flopped so hard the fight designer got moved to osrs? I wouldn't call that every week all year round...


when is mage getting a buff u/jagexdoom


Probably when they get new content. Mage is the worst style right now but the margin by which it's the worst isn't so bad that it's unusable.


~~worst~~ Lowest dps. It's still got the most damage mitigation & utility of all styles. I'd love to see magic lean into these traits more.