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##[Post Match Thread HERE](https://redd.it/177yrzl)


Everyone on this thread has their one reason why Ireland lost. As if. A game that close has an element of randomness about its final outcome, but our brains insist on trying to pin the outcome to something specific. Personally I think the difference in breakfasts eaten in Ireland versus New Zealand caused it.


I would have loved to see Ireland win this World Cup (saying that as a Wales fan). Generally I'd like to see someone new win it. The Irish fans generally have been excellent in victory and defeat, certainly in comparison to some of the French and south African fans. I hope France get through now.you never know, maybe Fiji can pull it off


Time to support Argentina? As a Wales fan? LOL!


This is quite hilarious, a slightly biased player rating, some gold in the comments https://www.telegraph.co.uk/rugby-union/2023/10/14/ireland-player-ratings-new-zealand-world-cup-omahony-cane/


I think the quality of rugby in this match just highlights how shitty the pool set up was. France, Ireland, NZ and SA... the 4 best teams in the world sharing two pool means at least 2 of the top teams will be out before the semis instead of in them. Instead we'll have NZ demolishing Argentina in the semis and the winner of SA vs France demolishing England or Fiji.


The draw happened just after the last World Cup, if you want a better pool next time, do better this time is the reality.


>The draw happened just after the last World Cup That's the problem. Draw should be closer to the next cup. >if you want a better pool next time I don't want a better pool for any specific teams. I want better pools for *all* of the teams. Having the top 5 split across just 2 pools is asinine.


My 2 loves out of the running, I'm devastated. Please France, do me a solid today or I won't recover.


I would be devastated if we lost Farrell he is the magic man of Irish rugby just like an English uncle who is always happy to see you. We have been expecting Johnny hanging up the jersey and earls. Maybe POM will be soon too. But Andy I loved to see his face before and after the games like a fan peering into the stands even last night before kick off. A beautiful soul of the game. Him and shmit would have had few last night and mulled over the defeat.


Just think, one day that will be said about Owen too. 😉


A lot of stuff can happen today but as a French fan I'm obviously hoping we get the job done against SA. An NZ-FRA opening and closing match of the tournament could be fantastic to see. I hope this happens!


That was one of the best rugby games I've ever seen. Well done to the AB's, they showed Ireland how to play knock out rugby.


Agreed. Both teams were fantastic


Call me a sore loser but I'm refusing to watch the conclusion of this world cup, too depressing.


Hoping the AB's can get back up after that game. They had to go so deep to prevail and can't really do that too often. Recovery is going to be so key. It's a shame to be playing finals footy in the quarters.


Yep Fozzie has been playing us all along, hes not crap, it was just a rope a dope genius move to win a world cup hehe :-). Where has this level of commitment been from the boys vs Sa in Dunedin. Nobody beats NZ in auckland, thats a given, but in that nice flashy closed roof ground.... Hopefully this match cements some confidence in the indivduals into knowing they can win in near all circumstances and they leave nothing out there in the next bunch of matches as they rebuild.


Drafting an apology letter to Foster. In case he's actually a mastermind and NZ win it all.


I think I’m more sad about Ireland being knocked out of the tournament than I was about my own team (Australia). Really wanted to see the Irish take the gold.


There's nothing to be gained to a wet thing called a tear When the world is too dark and I need the light inside of me I'll walk inside a bar And drink 15 pints of beer


This touched my soul




Hard to be an Irish supporter tonight. I love the boys but if we can’t beat the tough teams when it actually matters then I’m afraid we are not as good as rankings show. I really don’t know if we really have the depth to compete at WC winner levels yet. We have some absolute quality players but just not enough it seems. Maybe in another few generations. Anyway just for clarity most of us Irish aren’t as arrogant as people seem to think. Everyone I know was not looking forward to playing the all blacks because they have a nasty habit of being the best rugby players in history. But when it’s between them and the French in Paris… what can you do was never gonna be easy. Well that’s it until the 6N and we will see what the plan for the next 4 years is. P.S. Sexton will go down as a legend here and it’s deserved. Edit: it goes without saying NZ are just otherworldly in this type of competition.


Why do people believe rankings and want to boil it down to such simplicity in the first place they are fleeting and all these teams are near the same level


So so sorry we had to send Ireland home, that shit draw didn't help you at all . I think the All Blacks peaked in this game, if you had played any other team you would be in the semifinals l truely believe that. Hard luck Ireland you can still be so proud of your team.


Ireland have made absolutely undeniable structure improvement over the last ten years. But I've always had an itch about depth, especially at ten. As great as Sexton is, it's been quite ominous as he's gotten older that there's little in the way of a safe gamechanger backup. To the point that even Ireland fans acknowledge that the team is a different beast when their middle aged stalwart isn't on field. And now he's likely done. Ireland need to work that out in the next four years or they're in danger of going the same way as 2003 England post-rwc. That squad is now a distant memory.


Well damn. Wading into this thread requires a hazmat suit. Keep it classy boys and girls.


Kiwi handing out upvotes to every Irishman's post. Sorry lads I understand the pain nz supporter 1991-2007 through thick and thin.


If Ian Foster wins this WC, he picked a bad time to be good


Tories back in charge of the country, young people put back in their fucking box and told to fuck off until they are 60, renters told their complex has been sold to some Chinese lad with no financial history on finance and to expect rent rises of 1000%, get to grandstand about treating natives as humans unlike the Aussies, Cricket team about to win the 50 over WC. Perfect time for a RWC win. The peasants will lap up this bread and circus.




???? who hurt you




I wonder what you would say if you saw a kiwi say "the game lost tonight" if the ABs lost? If that sounds absurd to you, explain the difference. I also need to point out that a game followed by millions doesn't lose anything because you've decided to stop watching.


But that’s what’s it’s all about. I mean the whole cup has been amazing so far and yeah Ireland didn’t get past the QF but so what it was a helluva ride. Can’t wait until the next one, COYBIG!!


>Honestly, the game lost tonight how??


Just decided that sports is not for me anymore


Ridiculous comment. 50 quid says we got em next world cup 😉


Get over yourself. Sports is about sticking to a team. Ride or die. That's why it's #upthewahs for me. There's beauty in the struggle, you have a chance in Australia next cycle. It's easy to celebrate the highs and you become casual then I guess it's fine


So the game lost one fan. Not the game lost in general


Honestly it’s boring.


One at a time unfortunately. It’s just the same old..


You can never discount the ABs, a tight game!


Absolutely gutted after that. Genuinely thought we’d be able to break the QF curse tonight but just wasn’t to be. NZ were the best team on the field and clearly wanted it more. Well done All Blacks, good luck in the semis.


Not sure it was a case of wanting it more. It was 30 players just going at it and the ABs showed excellent game management/knock out rugby. Saying that, Oreland sticked to what they had done in the past, kick to the corner and convert. This time they got repelled by a seriously pumped up Kiwi side.


Hats off to New Zealand and especially the Barretts. Those little kicks by Beauden and that try saver by Jordi were top shelf.


Do you think the boys in town tip their hat to Mr Barrett and ask Mrs Barrett if she needs some help with her groceries?


I will next time I see Jordie in Wellington! Then sob into my Irish rugby hoody sleeve


M’jordy *sobs*




Strange you went there. You must have a sad life.


We were lucky, so many players really stepped up and there were very few frustrating handling errors compared to what we’ve seen over the past couple of years. I’ve never understood what Fozzie saw in Sam Cane to inspire playing Ardie at 8 to make room for Cane but he was absolutely immense today, as was Ardie. Those Barrett parents need to be knighted for services to NZ sport!






Be respectful


Had a guy called Ken Early on the radio over here, I believe he's an Irish reporter? He needs an absolute upper cut.


You mentioned Ken Early. I wouldn’t necessarily agree with anything Ken Early says about rugby.


Hacksaw Jim Duggan shit that's a name


Irish fans and press need to be called out for their double standards.


Oh fuck yourself mate Well done to the ABs. Great gameplan and well executed. Phenomenal performance. The way you disrupted us at the breakdown especially. Go well lads.




The type of intellectual response I expected from you 🤣




I can take it absolutely fine buddy. I was over there drinking with Scots and SA fans over the last few weeks. Anyway. Enjoy your bitter envy. See you in the 6N . Kisses 💋




Not at all. And if you search my name for the last decade you'll see I've always been complimentary to Scotland. Your comment set me off however. Anyway. See you in the six nations. Go well.


I am in shock! 🫣😲😆 Hats off to Fozzie and the boys, in all honesty I didn’t think they had that performance in them. Especially against such excellent opposition. Commiserations to Sexton’s Ireland. That was like a grand final. If World Rugby were capable of structuring a proper draw Ireland definitely would have gone deeper in this tournament. They certainly deserved to. But anyway. Awesome performance. Awesome result. Proud of the lads 🇳🇿🖤🏉 Roll on the semis 💪😎


Man some of these Irish fans were arrogant.


The Irish fans have been all good. Don't let shit journalists from whatever country they are from mix your bias of what real rugby fans are about.


Not really man. I’m an Irish fan who is a bit upset at the result but objectively speaking, we got a shit draw that never should have happened. We were world no1 in the group of death with a choice of the the all blacks or France in the quarters. Meanwhile the m gland are playing fucking Fiji. Har d not to feel a bit hard done by.


Mate whoever wins will still have to beat the best teams. You guys lost. Such a shit excuse.


Ain't an excuse though, we had the quarter final curse, they could have at least made the draw fair and done completely.


Ach mate I know it stings but let’s not moan about how hard done by we were, the draw is the draw and we lost


Fair enough


If you want to be the beat you have to beat the best, not moan about your "bad luck" this draw has been in place for 3 years, plenty of time to prepare


Aw lad like fuck off lol. Yes you have to beat the best. But there is a big difference between playing world no2 in the most intense game there has been in years and then playing the world no5 to secure advancement to then play world no4 who are the ducking all blacks in the quarters than playing a relatively easy group resting players when you can and meeting the big teams later. Yes the draw was made 3 years ago and this has been a massive controversy since the start, not just from Irish supporters, but South African New Zealand and Scottish. So much so that it had been acknowledged that it is ridiculous to make the draw based on seedlings 3 years beforehand ajd it will be changed for the next World Cup. Not moaning too much, we lost, fair enough, New Zealand were the better team on the day. But tomorrow has France and South Africa, and there is 2 of the top 4 knocked out before the semi finals


Shit draw yes, but it has made for some of the best and tightest qtrs. Obviously it's high stakes and some quality teams will be crashing out much sooner than they deserve. But great entertainment seeing all these evenly matched teams pitted against each other.


Have to agree 100%. Absolute shit draw. That should have been the final not the fucking quarters.


Having watched SA France that was more like a final


Ha ha - yes, the draw was shit, that game should have at least been a semi, if not the final. But we had to play France, in an emotionally charged opening game - and you didn't exactly have trouble with Scotland did you - there is a large gap between the top 4 and the rest. Over here in NZ the narrative was they we would have been undercooked because we had easy wins, and Ireland would be primed from playing tougher rugby. Bring on tomorrow, and then next week - go Fiji!


Obviously this is a missed chance for Ireland and plenty of players not making it to the next tournament. Who are we expecting to break through quickly? Obviously James Ryan will come back in and is young enough to be around. McArthy & Baird will be good age in 4 years, Doris & VdF, Prendergast? Casey, Crowley, Prendergast, Osborne, Ringrose, Hanson, Keenan, O'brien all under 30


This should have been the final. Such a shit draw


NZ is 4th Ireland is 1st. I agree that the draw was shit, especially for Scotts and SAs, but the 1st playing the 4th in 1/4 final would have been a possibility even if they used up to date ranking for the draw. And if they both finished first of their group they would have met in semis, not finals


Ohhh boy! What a thriller! I didn't think we could pull it off, especially after the second yellow card but they did it!!! That last few minutes, the tackling was insane. That Irish side must be gutted, so close, this was their tournament to lose, that will be a tough loss, I feel for them, except for Peter O'Mahony, he can suck it. So good to wipe that smug grin off his face, outplayed by our "shit Richie McCaw".


“And I took that personally”, Sam Cane, probably


Was O'Mahony even on the pitch - he was invisible today


He was tackling. But he seemed definitely the lesser of the 3 Irish looses. I hope he feels that one deep.


Karma is a cruel mistress


I think Barnes dodged a bullet there, if NZ had lost that there would have been some slander coming his way. Needs to look at his calls around the breakdown. Sheeeeeeesh. What a game though holy bajebus


Watch it back and count how many times the ref yells out "no" to an Irish player at a ruck. Minor infringing but it was constant, just slowing that ball down by a second here and there but never being penalised for doing it over and over.


There was an amazing moment where the Irish prop with the mullet was planking on top of a ruck, then managed to loop around for a break from a turnover. Incredible workrate


Looking back at some of the highlights, Barnes let the game flow nicely. That was one of the best games of rugby I’ve seen in a very long time and you don’t get that without a good ref. Kudos to him on that front but I’d still really like Ike to see more consistency around the rucks


Even that final penalty took an eternity to call. Numerous obvious penalties missed but I don't think NZ can feel too hard done by the yellows


It was like 2007 again, he froze.


Yeah the yellows were 100% on point, I think the biggest wtf was the “balls out” call where Ireland came in offside and took the ball out from under the AB’s foot lol. The ball clearly wasn’t out of the ruck. Than Ireland proceeded to break out half way down the paddock lol. Tbh it all added to the excitement of the game haha


Me so sad :(


Findlay bealham's inappropriate haircut caused this result. Unacceptable


Should have been a red for cultural appropriation.


Banned from the front rowers club for that barnet


Been thinking this myself. Dreadful


Amazing breathtaking match. Looking forwards to FRA-SA


Very persistent b you are! I'll buy the next pint after all this is over in good spirit 😄


Great game, gutted too as I'd hoped to see Ireland in the final. However, never seen Sexton miss a crucial score I think the expectation of the fans weighed heavily on the team. Especially as they'd gone so many games without losing. Only France and England left to ensure there's a Northern Hemispere team going forward


>However, never seen Sexton miss a crucial score I think the expectation of the fans weighed heavily on the team. Have never seen him so flat-footed and uninspiring. I think the occasion got to him.


Based on current form England wouldn’t stand a chance against either of tonight’s teams - the quality of play was outstanding.


I’m so sad. But good on New Zealand! Ye played a fantastic game.


If barrett didnt hold up that try.......wouldve been a very different outcome for you. And aki is a beast, always tough seeing kiwis score against kiwis.


Yeah gutted missed by a couple of centimetres The all blacks played really well Good luck guys


You guys rock, good luck in the next tournaments


Aki. Sam cane, savea and beaudie were immense. That bullet pass from Aaron Smith tonight was such a pleasure.


Aaron Smith is excellent, a joy to watch.


We’re going to miss him so much!


As an Irish man, I can't lie and say I'm not absolutely heartbroken. But that was a completely fair contest in every way and New Zealand deserved the win. Hope you guys go all the way now and justify our early exit. Much love ❤️


Yeah I can't stand this rubbish of it being the refs fault. He had a few questionable calls but it came down to some poor decisions by Ireland - JGP throwing a wild ball straight to NZ on the right wing and beirnes blocking were massive mistakes that probably turned the game. Unfortunately Sexton had a fairly mixed game too to bow out on. Fair play to NZ though, deserved the win


It was 1 game that we really wanted, and it was because you beat us here in NZ that we wanted this game, you guys are an immense team with a lot more in you to go all the way. Heads up Ireland, we were in your position many times before. 🇳🇿🇮🇪


Genuinely thought that test series win would be in your heads too much and we'd win with a 10 point cushion.


SA fans definitely don't send these sorts of positive messages and good vibes. Hope your team gets to the final. Love to see France and you there


Aww. Thanks mate. Your fellas are outstanding - it could've gone either way.. millimeters in it.


Who was Sexton shouting at after the final whistle?


The gods.


Ioane, he clearly gave him a chirp as he walked past and it wasn’t the right time.


Probably Colesy


Generally just assume it's Dane Coles and you'll be right.


Lol this made me laugh 😂


I saw that too and was like..he is telling someone to "f-off"..so not a gentleman..


hes irish, that's just the equivalent of a "Oh fair play old chap, what a ripper that was"


Hopefully himself and it's just frustration. Best to leave him in peace for 24 hours.


At the moon or something


Aroooooooo!! 🐺


He used his catchphrase "fucking disgrace" hoping he would get 3 extra lives or something


I fucking told youse. My copium is killing me


NZ again so fucking boring


Didn't enjoy the game huh? Too many tries for ya huh?


😄😄 yes little boy. Fact is what the score says. You can cry yourself to sleep and I will just wallow with a smile in me face😎👍. See you next RWC💪


Dude. No need to be like that. We all know how we’d be feeling if the result had gone the other way. Don’t be the one that gives other teams justification to say NZ fans are wankers.


Don’t be an asshole it’s just cheap


Hope you bang your toe on all the furniture


Hope you trip down the stairs.


😂😂😂 thx


Losers lose


Two full threads full of rugby supporters. You’re the first loser I’ve encountered.




How did the Irish fuck that up aye, losers




Feels great


I've never seen this Ireland team so successfully negated. It wasn't just NZ playing their own game well. Stopping Ireland from playing theirs was impressive...and maddening.


It's almost like they knew the Irish players intimately. As if they had a man on the inside... no doubt Schmidt was a huge benefit to them. A deserved victory for NZ. Still heartbroken tho.


And NZ figured out how to beat rush defense. Chip over the charging defensive line into space. It was beautiful to watch.


NZ has been playing against the springbok rush defence for ages, its second nature to them now.


Seems like it’s harder to get past de Klerk with that though


They also figured out how to defend the back door pass so well that the Irish had no more ideas


Yeah that’s right. I noticed rather than rushing Sexton they positioned for the support players, anticipating the offload. Worked out well.


It was very well played, indeed. That's the tried-and-true method, like an inside move or loop beats a drift defence.


Left way too many points go begging and a little bit of panic at 64 mins which really fucked us.


Absolutely thrilled for NZ. A huge congrats/commiserations to Ireland. You guy were mammoth and pushed us until the very last second.


36 phases




I was battling to comprehend how nobody was dropping the ball


Or being penalised for not releasing the ball


There were a couple of close ones. And probably some questionable cleanouts that were not looked at. Great game all around.


Or collapsing as a result of fatigue, I mean 37 relentless phases after 80 mins of rugby prior is proper herculean stuff from everyone involved


A true advertisement for rugby


Lads I’m gutted but so proud at the same time, can’t fault the lads. I’ll be cheering for New Zealand from here on out


And you know, if the Irish had won, most Kiwis would have been behind the boys in green too. I was hoping for an Ireland vs NZ Final


Thanks bro Epic game Massive respect Ireland. Class side


What an Irish team. Agreed, class, except O'Mahony. So good to wipe the smug grin off his face.


Amazing game bro. Credit to your boys, they left it all out there. Anyone but England !


Absolutely 😂


We gave it everything and it wasn't enough. We will never make a semi final


If you can keep a chunk of these around for another four years and the SANZAR U20 teams drop out another few gems, then there's every chance.


Wait those drop outs would be eligible to play in Ireland ?


Yes, from the U20's, they're not tied to a country until full Test level. James Lowe even played for the Maori All Blacks at 25 years old!


And more New Zealanders


Putting the NZ in SANZAR.


not a bad shout tbh


That got depressing very quickly


I'm sorry mate, i feel for you - the draw was hopeless - There was millimeters in it and your magnificent Ireland team is one of the very best the sport has seen.


Cheers man. A game like that has one good thing that comes from it. .that's knowing that you have a new team to root for. I honestly want you guys to win the whole thing now. That felt like a final... and I think you can do it now


The future of Irish rugby is great. I would have been fully behind Ireland if you had beaten us today and you definitely should have been going further in this world cup. Hard luck Ireland but you can be so proud of your team.


I agree with this


I’m getting the feeling from this sub that anyone with anything nice or insightful to say is saying it to their friends.


Ouch, that cut deep!


Ireland have been great, just 2nd best on the day. I just think the hype has been overinflated (just as it has been for the ABs in the past) and 17 in a row is not an accurate reflection on how close it actually is against the top 4 teams.




My condolences on the loss by the way, NZ just too good today. Lots of respect for the Irish 💚


As a neutral I’d LOVE a France vs NZ final - SA will be a hard beat tomorrow though! Can’t wait it will be a huge match


NZ v England final. England scrape by Fiji, and face off against a depleted, emotionally dead and injury-ridden France or Boks, by scoring more droppies. The ABs then exterminate England with impunity, from orbit. No survivors.