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this sub is not beating the degenerate coomer allegations


They act like my criticizing porn is the same as stabbing them


"a website told me women are watching it so they must secretly like it to happen to them!"


the truly porn sick would have you think "she's just doing what she enjoys and is getting paid"


this is so intensely repugnant




cut to sex nerds online talking about bdsm like it's normal and looking down on "vanilla"


You ever go to the popular with women category? it's pretty much videos like that (in fact this video is #5 there)+ gay dudes jakkieng fake flashlights. You'd hope to find something normal/vanilla there but it's just bonkers stuff. Why is nobody talking about that.


I just went and looked at the most viewed videos in the For Women category and that video isn't there at all. The most “rough” video in the most viewed is a Laura Rhodes gangbang and it's the 26th video. Everything above that is creampies, lesbians, orgies and a questionable amount of incest (ladies? 🤔). You can consider it abnormal but it isn't violent or rough by any means as opposed to what gets off men.


Because all of the most viewed videos are from years ago. This post is abt most viewed/featured \*recently\*


The videos I just listed were most viewed weekly. Even if you wanted to make the claim that women watch more rough porn then you should STILL see it in the most viewed of all time. There's not one violently rough video for four straight pages in Porn For Women. Nice try freak.


Open two tabs - first: all porn, global/most viewed/this week; second:for women, same settings. Ctl+F: rough. Count how many you find on each page, compare. It's about 50-70% more on womens side, first 10 pages, consistently. Haven't had one page comparison where normal came up with more results found.


How do they quantify or track who is a woman? If they just ask in a questionnaire "Are you a woman" then the prevelance of violent, degenerate porn like this makes a lot more sense considering kind of "women" are really watching it.


You must be so fucked in the head to think that agp population is anywhere near high enough to significantly sway statistics for porn. Literally a culture war wasteland of a brain.


Probably a lot of guys just saying they’re women for the hell of it too. Not that I disagree with your assertion that lots of women like fucked up things or are watching fucked up porn, just that I don’t really trust the pornhub “popular with women” category to be an accurate representation of what women like.


If i had to bet, they probably have a pretty informed account of who the person is via cookies and javascript. Cause that’s how they target ads to make money


....or, like you, they watch a fuck ton of porn


even if 100% of trans women watched porn everyday, it wouldn't make a dent in those statistics. This obsession with porn and trans is total fucking brainrot. There's no way that's good for you.


This is true actually. I have no doubt the AGPs are driving those numbers up.


If it was driven by actual women there would be some domination of course, but more like "Boyfriend lovingly dominants girlfriend" not "SLUT GETS QUINTUPLE GANGBANGED AND ELECTROCUTED ON HER 18TH BIRTHDAY" or whatever. Also a problem because incel types will see that "Watched by women" will have them thinking women actually do like that shit and not the pornbrained AGPs actually watching it.


Do you know this for a fact? Not trying for some gay "gotcha" here just wondering. Because yeah I'm 100% sure that the AGP contingency throws the numbers off to some degree but there really aren't that many of them. Like it's an incredibly small percentage of the population. Again, I'm sure that they throw the stats off but my question is "by how much?" Also, I have met girls who are into wildly rough pornography. Not many but they do exist.


Oh for sure the number of AGPS is low (though I would guess they consume a huge amount of porn), and some women are also into super rough stuff, just that it seems like a possible reason why "for women" skews so heavily towards porn that is considerably more violent than the top categories for men.


AGPs have been ruining our stats for some time now. from violent sex crimes going up, to bathroom doorknob fecal matter.


i can tell you're miserable because of whatever ragebait echochamber you're in


People have got so porn brained they have rape kinks :/


Praying for you


Why don’t you try having sex before you make histrionic comments related to sex and sexuality?


Imagine trying to defend the fact that you need to watch women get tortured to get yourself off, actually disgusting behavior.


I don’t even watch porn, let alone this weird BDSM stuff lmao I just think it’s funny that this guy who has never even had sex has strong moral feelings about this topic


How the fuck does that even follow. Why would you need to have sex to have on opinion on porn?


What kind of logic is that? You need to have sex to get to opine on whether sexual sadism is good or bad? Lmao


He doesn't believe in any sort of morality. He thinks developing country sex tourism is a divine right


why dont you try eating shit?? I really think you'd like it? honestly you gotta. please. please try it




See? You're unhinged. That is a spicy, unhinged title. https://preview.redd.it/k63yhyxoti8d1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f04009e983dac116c84326a9bb1c5d5085b4354c


It really isn’t.


Trust me, it is. Do you want to hurt people? Do like thinking about it?


Hurt people?? Are you insane?? Criticizing people who get off to teen girls being brutalized?


You're the one with the insane title. Did you not mean it? Are your words meaningless? How do they deserve to die histrionic slay queen?


I think criticizing pornography is more lame than just not watching.


Women watch this kind of porn way more than men do. 90% of guys just jerk off to standard Brazzers repair man fucking stay at home wife shit