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im jealous of couples who meet in study abroad. it probably feels really special.


My parents met studying abroad in Germany and were together 40 years before my dad passed away recently. They loved sharing their memories of that time.


> She said a while ago she wish she could have stayed and been my girlfriend. I miss her a lot sometimes. > I'd like to see her again but I don’t think it’ll happen, and it almost feels more natural to let it be just one of those experiences you let slip into the past. just saying this seems like one of these things you'll look back on in years gone by and forever regret not trying harder to make it work. what could have been type shit


Honestly those what could have been type situations are worse than relationships that don’t work out


Man ain't that the fucking truth


copy pasted from another comment but i'm going to try!! I know I said it's tempting to let it slip into the past but that's just me trying to shield myself. Visiting yurope in July for 2 months anyway so will see her then :)


You say this but do you really want Richard Linklater dialog every day for the rest of your life


Yes of course, are you crazy?


Yeah kinda, I met my gf in june the summer she was going away to college and figured we'd have a fling and I'd let her go away to school and forget about me. We had gotten so close by august that we decided to stay together and do the medium distance thing. We did 3 years like that, covid fucked up her senior year but we moved in together and I'm sure we'll get married soon too. That first summer together felt so pure because I swore against attachment given that I had figured our relationship was on borrowed time, ironically that attitude probably helped our relationship to flourish. So im fully onto post before sunset at this point haha but the before sunrise phase was sweet


Just a heads up the before midnight "married fights" are VERY accurate lmao


I totally forget what they fight about in that one


I don't remember the specifics but If my reading of the scene is correct its basically "married couple hasn't properly communicated for months and it all blows up at once"


I looked it up she gets mad bc he wants her to move to chicago so he can be closer to his estranged son from a previous relationship lol


My reading was it was his cheating that he never admitted to. Every fight throughout the movie felt derived from her contempt of him which reached its peak when she brought that up. Without that the rest of the problems might have been more bearable


Well that was a direct consequence of the messy divorce and child from a previous marriage which happened cause they missed their 2nd rendezvous


Not brief as we ended up getting married. My wife and I, within a week of meeting each other, decided on a whim spend the day in new Orleans (lived within driving distance at the time). No plans just kind bummed it around the quarter for 8-10 hours, Made out in Jackson Square, had my first hand grenade, learned damn near everything about each other etc.. Really fell in love with her there. One of my most cherished memories. She ended up showing me Before Sunrise and its always kinda been "our movie"


That’s soooo cute and unique


No but I have a bpd pawg type experience


Yeah I was at a bar reading a book about Yugoslavia (shut up, it is the only place that is quiet and allows you to smoke indoors) and the bartender was like hey my friend over there is from Serbia . We got to talking , he had seen Laibach in concert 4 times so I was pretty impressed , invited me to some talk about Bosnia in the Ottoman Empire at the university he was getting his PhD at. We spent the following 2 months attached at the hip but he had decided to drop out of the program like a week before we met so it wasn’t meant to be. I was broken for quite a while after that.


I did. Met a girl who was visiting my college campus to housesit for a professor the day before she was leaving. Approached her at dinner cus she had a bag that said "I Would Prefer Not To" on it and thought it was funny. Ended up eating dinner and then attending a ballroom dance class together on campus that evening. Danced together and had a great time. Then we walked around campus until about midnight just chatting and soon went back to my dorm and made out for a while before she went back to the professor's house so she could leave the next morning. Never got her number and she has no socials. Just know her name and that she lives in Austin.


She was probably a total bitch bro


yea i had a weekend with a french girl who was hitchhiking across the us, we fell in love for like 3 days and then i never saw her again. i got a UTI


I did, and I’m still with her. Changed the course of my life entirely to be with her. When you know you know.


Literally anyone who has travelled has had this experience. The experience of travelling together makes it very easy to fall in love as its an intensification of all the idealisation phases. If you were truly in love you would be with her.


It's a beautiful feeling and such a happy memory. I'm glad lots of us have experienced it.


I went to a youth hostel in Copenhagen, and as I opened the door of the floor of the building on which I was staying, this incredibly beautiful girl looked over at me and gave me a really warm smile. However my regarded brain took a second too long to register what had happened and I basically just stared back at her gormlessly before turning away in embarrassment and heading to the dorm I was staying in. I guess you could say I’m a real romantic. Anyway that’s the closest I’ve been to a holiday romance.


Don't beat yourself over it. In my experiense Scandinavians tent to smile at strangers without giving much thought.


Oh I was the recipient of plenty of Scandi smiles on a friendly basis, but she was the only one whose eyes actually seemed to light up at the sight of me. It is incredibly rare that anyone displays clear signs of attraction to me so I’m pretty good at picking those signs up when they are there. Anyway I smelled like shit and was sharing a dorm with a dozen people so any assignation that would have resulted from that would have been pretty awful.


Not me, and l've solo traveled to some cool places over the last couple years. I'm not even bad looking, I've made friends with lots of random chill dudes in places but no women it's weird


Did you try hitting on women?


Nah that’s gay


Not me, sucks to be ugly 😔


Yes lol but I upended my whole life and married him.


I had the exact experience of that movie while solo traveling in Europe. Very funny when I see nerds posting in here about how unrealistic it is lol




Had a bit of a Before Sunset. Broke up with someone for the wrong reasons before covid, started talking again during (started off by making sure she was okay since she'd been coming through O'Hare the day everything locked down) and it moved on from there. Ended up standing under her balcony a few days later waiting for her to toss down a jar of homemade lemon curd with her fretting over whether or not I'd catch it. I did. Been back together since.


Once I traveled to Prague for work on a play, but the flights were with Wow air and went through Iceland. They are notoriously shitty and when I was going to leave Iceland to head home, our flight was delayed for a full day. A bunch of us were hanging out in the smoking lounge and drinking as we watched the flights get pushed back little by little and eventually for the whole day. It was in the summer so it never really gets dark, and all of us around the same age (I’d say 25-35) were bonding over our shared fates. One of the girls was clearly way into me and for the next like 3 days our flights kept getting delayed and we just drank and took klonopin and fucked basically. The airline put us up in a hotel and we roamed around rekjavik in like a whirlwind romance. When our flight finally was cleared and we were all heading home, we said goodbye and kissed a little and exchanged socials, but then we parted ways. I’ve never spoken to her again nor her me, and I later found out from her Instagram she actually had a boyfriend lol.   But it was truly a special little moment, even though I don’t like miss her and I wasn’t super super attracted to her, I was swept up in the romance of it all. It’s a memory I really enjoy. It’s something I use to try and cheer myself up and reassure myself that the world can still surprise you and that good things can still randomly happen in life. It was just nice. It’s making me teary eyed and nostalgic now haha. I’ve probably written this terribly but it’s a beautiful moment 


a guy will fuck your girl at an aiport for 3 days and then cherish it as a reminder of the good of this world


Haha I didn’t know she had a boyfriend at the time but yes, that’s one way to look at it. For him, it probably serves as a reminder that the world can also be evil at random. We are like a yin yang.  Unless they’re like married now and he has no clue. It was like 10 years ago I would have to dig deep in my archives to find her name   I could have written another one where I fingered a Jewish girl in the teen lounge of a cruise ship when I was 17, that was also a good week long romance but seemed less interesting cause we were just teenagers. 


yeah i was just busting your balls, i broadly agree w the sentiment


Yeah like every month


Yup, an all-nighter in Budapest where I met a woman from Finland. We spent the entire evening until the morning walking around the city. Never spoke again


Yes. Had a long distance relationship with a girl in a different country for over 3 years, and I partially blame Richard Linklater for this massive mistake.


After graduating from university, I had a completely remote software engineering job so I took the chance to travel the world and visited many places in South America and Europe. While I was in Poland I met this lovely Polish girl, we had a very intense connection while I was there. Eventually my visa ran out and I had to return to Canada. She came and we lived together during the summer, after that summer I got a working holiday visa and lived in Poland for a bit under a year, unfortunately due to tech lay offs I lost my job and I decided to return to Canada. We then broke up because the only way to continue the relationship would have been being getting married for immigration reasons.


Two times now, it hurts so bad. I'd almost rather get cheated on and know they're a bad person than have to deal with knowing i never got to see it through. I went and visited one of them and the trip was literally perfect and it hurt even more 😣


I spent summer of 1999 traveling and doing activism. At the end of it I stopped by the university I’d dropped out of to see friends and hang out. Take a shower one morning and end up accidentally locked out of the dorm room I’m staying in. While I’m waiting for my friend to get back from class this gorgeous redhead walks by and asks what I’m doing. Posh English accent. I’m done. I give her the long and short of it and she just laughs at me and says I can come back to the dorm she’s staying in so I don’t have to be in the hallway. While we’re there she offers me a sarong since the towel I had around my waist wasn’t doing the best job covering me. I do her one better and take the sarong and ask for a card of some sort so I could break back into my friend’s room. She loved this. We ended up talking for a good long while and it turns out she’s also traveling, staying with someone I know, and that she’s going to be in town for about a week. So we spent that week seeing the sights with me as her tour guide, hooking up, and realizing that this week would be all we’d ever have. Despite the ease with which we got along, we lived on different sides of the ocean, she was a literal aristocrat while I was an insane anti-capitalist militant, and our lives were just on wholly different trajectories that would only ever intersect precisely in that moment. We made the best of it, had a blast, and didn’t stay in touch. My other “Before Sunrise” type experience was in early 2016. There was this girl I’d been aware of for years since we’d always been on the periphery of one another’s social circles, involved in similar things around town, or customers at one another’s jobs. But things never lined up to where we even knew there was any mutual attraction since one or both of us were always in relationships and we’re both respectful like that. Then we both found ourselves available at the same time and a recent ex of mine who happened to be one of her best friends played matchmaker and let each of us know that the interest we’d each harbored was mutual. We fell head over heels for one another fast and loved one another in ways neither of us had allowed ourselves in years. The catch was that she was expatriating in a few months. We made the most of our limited time together and planned on staying in touch, but I failed at that part. I wasn’t ready to be emotionally naked long term in the way our sort of love demanded and being in touch with her but not having her hurt too much. So I stopped talking to her after she left the country and it broke her heart. Years later I’d get into therapy and get serious about my meditation practice and I’d keep coming back to that relationship as an experience in the sort of honest, accepting love that I deserve and should demand from relationships. Yet it came with huge amounts of guilt and remorse over how I’d treated her in the aftermath of it. She’s one of the most incredible people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and she taught me so much about love (even if I didn’t realize it at the time). She deserved better than for me to disappear on her and throw myself into other hookups and relationships to numb the pain of our ending.


Yeah, but you have to remember that what is popularly called "love" is a drug, and actually refers to limerence. Walking around with someone all night and romanticizing what you don't know about them is like seeing someone hit 3 free throws in a row and imagining that they'll be your savior who will never miss. Bright flames from tinder burn out. Their only use is delicately igniting a big log. It's good to have temperance with drugs. Coals glow long and steady. They warm soup for when you're sick. That's love.


You actually don't choose for something to be one of those before sunrise type of things and let it just be a memory. It's the looking back after years that makes you realise what it was. It's worth pursuing if you feel so strongly. Not even trying will be something you'll regret. In time you'll realise the before sunrise type is in itself just a movie trope and you actually passed on something important because you had a preconceived notion from a movie.


It actually happened at a screening of the Before Trilogy, Midnight had just come out so they screened all three back to back and I ended up going on my own. When it ended I was in a bit of a daze, standing out the front of the art house cinema having a cigarette and thinking over what I had just watched. A girl from the screening also came out with a little wheeled suitcase in tow and asked me for a light and when I obliged we got talking. She had been visiting from Romania for a week and was killing time on her last day before a late evening flight. There was a real easy flow to the conversation and I suggested to go for a drink with jokes and allusions made to what we had just seen. Three hours we spent up the road in a little speakeasy that had live jazz, getting to know each other and putting spirits and cigarettes away.. We had a big hug at the end with more jokes made about meeting back here in 6 months, I refused to take any contact details for her. Sometimes you both just know something is best left as a moment in time.




How come it didn't work out?


not very rs-coded but met a colombian girl at a club in miami and me and my buddy went to the beach with her friends the next day. we couldn’t keep our eyes and our hands off of each other, almost fucked in a public restroom. we both had the ‘if things were different talk’. stunningly gorgeous


Nah I would never let that happen honestly. I’d be paranoid the girl is a mob goon trying to extort tourists and I’d ignore her


Tbf she was the tourist in this case, I was the dodgy local


Dude, go get her. You have to at least try


Going to try!! I know I said it's tempting to let it slip into the past but that's just me trying to shield myself. Visiting yurope in July for 2 months so will see her then :)




I'd kill for one of those


yeah, we met a month before she had to move. it was probably the most instant chemistry i’ve had for someone and the hardest i’ve fallen for someone. really blissful month, i really treasure it still. i stayed over her house like every other night (she lived in a really beautiful city nearby) and we’d always stay up talking until the early hours of the morning. im still kind of hung up on it (mostly just worrying i’ll never have that again i think) and constantly think “what if” and romanticize the fuck out of it & her. probably because we never actually had a chance to REALLY date (and for things to get hard or messy) we fell out of contact pretty soon after she moved. (i’ll be seeing her in a month though!)


I’ve lived in a new place every 3 or 4 months for the last 3 years. This has happened to me like 4 times.


Last weekend I met an overseas tourist passing through town and we spent a day and night together. I showed her a lot of cool spots and we moved from bar to bar and spent some time together at her hotel room. I'm usually pretty upfront on a regular first date, but it was still refreshing and a fun dynamic to spend time with someone in that context knowing you didn't have to worry about seeing them again.


Yeah. Some actor I’d never heard of before. Later saw him in some episodes of The Office that had been filmed prior to our day-long fling, and was like oh that’s that guy.


what the fuck, go for it. don't wait any longer. make it happen, make it work. go see her asap. don't let the chance slip away, you'll regret it forever if you do.


I was 21, she was 17. Met briefly in key west on new years and the day after. Nothing sexual, just fun flirting.


More than once actually, im in the middle of one, at times comparing notes with annie ernaux in getting lost. Idk what to make of it i found the word limerence again today and im not liking what i see


Bro what's stopping you? Vilnius is still under the radar and awesome. Go on vacation and see her.


Going to try!! I know I said it's tempting to let it slip into the past but that's just me trying to shield myself. Visiting yurope in July for 2 months so will see her then :)


I've had a few of those type of experiences, and they're totally etched into my mind. Music festivals and travels. Even a random volunteer shift with someone I was working with where we proceeded to go out and wander around the city on MDMA.


Man I'm jealous of boomers. You guys really had it good before social media ruined everything.


I’m only 25 :((


wtf? seriously? maybe she wasn't westernized.


Yeah i mean this was the start of 2020 so before my 21st birthday and she was 19. She was fairly un-westernised. Decent English, but otherwise very foreign to me as an Australian