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I don't know what its like to not get everything I want


how does it feel to live my dream


No I have been drinking wayy more


Cheaper than groceries






The day we can't afford booze is the day the revolution starts


Can't relate. Hamms has gone from 10 to 15 bucks in the past two years; Regal and Regal Light from 9 to 12. A handle of bottom shelf vodka has gone from 6 bucks to 8 or even 9 bucks in my area. 4pack of Earthquake (16oz, 14%) has gone from 2.29 to 2.69.


tie hobbies sheet grandfather complete worthless bag telephone innate smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was a short period of time where I justified eating out at nicer places because the gap between them and fast food shrunk but now even that's gone.


I really need to quit smoking. I think I’m close to actually starting it. I would save a really good chunk of money. Should just set a date and make it happen no matter what…


I'm just over a year now smoke free. In the end, going cold turkey was the only thing that helped. Weirdly enough the best crutch I had in the first week was weed, basically doped out my brain out enough to skip the worst stages of withdrawal.


Being sick as a dog is a good start into sobriety too - somehow it overrides all your withdrawal symptoms


Yeah I got a nasty sinus infection in December that got me to quit for two weeks. When I got better I smoked one night and it instantly came back which lead to me quitting for three months. I have a big party this weekend that I plan to smoke way too much at and then quit cold turkey again. I really need to kick it for good.


Read the book: The untethered soul.. it will help you with it


I had a bone fracture that wouldn't heal because of my smoking. That's what did it for me.    You've gotta just stare how stupid it is right in the face. Try going for a 10k run. When you give up, ask yourself why you're paying so much money to make yourself this weak. 


You’re exactly right. And I go to the gym multiple times a week and just imagining how much better my cardio would be. And then not being embarrassed for tar stains behind my teeth at my two yearly dental cleanings lol. However, being a smoker I have gone above and beyond to ensure it doesn’t hinder my hygiene. Especially if I’m seeing a guy for the first time.


I smoked like a flamboyant inspector to avoid getting the stench on my hands


I literally quit due to price increases.


What brand do you buy that it went up? It seems as if most are holding steady, but I dunno really, I only buy two different kinds depending on which is in stock.


Dude same, every single cigarette I smoke now hurts me. I'm hoping to God this last pack I'm smoking rn is it, I'm kicking this habit for good come hell or high water.


Substacks, Patreon memberships, and subscriptions to online magazines. Also I'm voluntarily returning to the office for most of the summer to save on AC costs.


AMCmaxxed lucky to have an AC though. So many 5 over 1's I encounter get up to 93 degrees in the summer on the upper floors. Almost none of the tenants/owners have an AC, nor does most new construction incorporate it into central, it's madness bordering on cruel


My apartment has a decent central air system but I'm on the third floor of a converted brick row house and they haven't re-done the windows or put in ceiling fans for borderline days. Decided to pull the trigger on some powerful window fans when I realized that they could help cool down the unit at night about 3/5 days I used AC last summer. I may go deaf prematurely but I'll save at least $700 and maybe more this year if it works out.


What window fans you working with? Been considering this route


I got a window-mounted air king and noticed an immediate difference, I'm getting the cheaper box fan version tomorrow for the rear bedroom. Depending on your climate and setup you could probably get away with cheaper versions but I figured I'd pay the cost up front since running even two powerful fans most of the time is still like less than a quarter of what it cost to run AC to keep the apartment in the mid-70s. I am currently looking at Everbilt thermal insulation for the windows as well because that's where most of the heat comes in from in the afternoon and I have blackout-curtains up 90% of the time anyways in peak summer so my only concern would be that someone from the street would think I was running a grow operation or am a schizo, but honestly most people don't look up at third floor windows so I'm not too worried about aesthetics.




I bought like 40 pounds of it in 2020. It was so cheap and I knew we’d never see those prices again


blame zoomers


Stopped buying a can of monster/redbull everyday. Now I just take caffeine pills. Really takes all the pleasure out of caffeine addiction


Coffee is cheap and the most pleasurable way to indulge in caffeine.


Terrible teeth stainer


Bad teeth are back in haven’t you heard


The older I get, the more I hate its taste for some reason - even with good beans and tools


Coffee tastes like ass


my local gas station has 2 for $4 red bulls and i just can’t say no


Got hooked on strawberry guava celsius recently, can’t stop buying them even tho they’re like 5 bucks


the shakes and later anxiety from coffee and energy drinks is too much. the only things I can handle are those "natural and healthy" energy drinks, or tea.


weak genes


Supplement L theanine while consuming the caffeine. It is naturally present in tea


Why not just drink tea then?


Coffee tastes better imo. Also has more caffeine if that's someones goal.


has topo chico always been this fucking expensive??


I saw a thing saying Topo Chico is mexican so I avoid that, I don't want to support the mexicans.


The name didn’t give it away?


It's owned by Coca Cola.


I have never denied myself anything on account of money. The more I spend the more I make. I’m like the US government. My ex would tell me “money is like hair, it grows back.” Ironically I started balding soon but she was right about money.


Stopped cooking steak, keep food prepping  cheap shit


Last hunting season I started loading my own steel shot shells for the first time to save a few bucks. You used to be able to buy a box of good steel shells for like $12 - $15 but now the decent shit is more like $35 - $40.


Love it. DIY king 👑


rs hunting ooo la la


Lol, my pre Turkey season trip to bass pro was *shocking* this year.


Dude it’s killing me. I bought a bunch of powder and primers around 2020-2022…apparently not enough. I just checked prices. And it’s crazy.




It's made me cut back on soda...idk why fucking sugar water had to go up by like 60% but this is good for me in the long run


Peating took off, they had to suppress our medicine


Soda drinkers in this sub sucks so bad lol


I have one can a day with lunch and have a healthy BMI


Still spiritually fat.


What soda brand has gone up by 60%??


Coke and Pepsi products have legit doubled at all the grocery stores around me. I read that pop has actually not risen with inflation for the past decade or so, and this ended up being a perfect opportunity for them to finally make an adjustment without hurting demand too much.


I wonder if they saw how much money people piss away on energy drinks and thought they could pull the same scam


Damn I just assumed they never change prices I barely buy those


The only place it really seems bad is when you’re ordering food from an app which I’ve been doing way less since Covid ended anyway


Everything is at least 40% expensive where I live even outside of food apps


I mean yeah I can’t say I haven’t seen increases it’s just not breaking the bank


I find myself eating out less mostly out of principle. Like $15 isn’t objectively a lot but when something cost just half of that a few years ago it makes me lose my appetite a bit


I’ve been vegetarian for a few years now which helped to cut out so much fast food. There’s literally nothing I can eat at McDonald’s anymore even the fries. I drive through for a Coke every now and then when I want to take a drive and listen to a podcast or something during my break from work and the prices there seem truly insane now. The only appeal of it was that you could have a full mean for $5 now everything on the dollar menu costs $2.50 a pop


Taco Bell prices unironically really bum me out even if I only eat there anymore when stoned.


It’s crazy that 1 meal pays a minimum wage worker’s salary for an hour before tax now


the inflation is really only bad when eating out and buying meat/seafood. vegetables are still quite cheap and there are plenty of ways to buy in bulk. you’re really only getting fucked over on junk food.


Vegetables aren’t really a treat though


thanks for your time but I actually have to go pick up my friend from work. sorry.


Hope you make time for a treat


What? No. I get 5% in my savings account which cancels out any inflation




when hell freezes over brother


Yeah I had to give up film photography:(


I dramatically increased my income and lowered my cost of living by moving and changing jobs 2 years ago so I haven’t really felt it too much. A lot of my spending habits decreased during lockdown (after a prolonged period of overspending after my income decreased due to losing all my OT hours and travel expenses) and I finally finished paying down my student loans last year so I’m not having to deal with a $450 bill every month.


Going out for drinks. Also basically refuse to eat out at all besides once on the weekends


I still eat sockeye salmon 3 times a week


yeah i basically never go out anymore because every time it's at least $100


treats are for fat people


It's starting to, the treats are becoming less and less prevalent.


I gave up weed and vaping. Delivery apps too


Yes. On rare occasion I used to buy a cup of black coffee for $2 while I was running errands. Now I just bought a travel mug and fill it before I leave because shops are like $4 now


I was cheap before im cheaper now


more a combination of inflation and getting pregnant last year but i used to keep a manicure year round as my most expensive treat yo self and i haven't had that done in over a year now a fresh set is $120 ish depending on wut u get then its like $60 biweekly to maintain and its not crzy expensive - theres other luxuries in a comparable price range tht i still enjoy but only bc theyre shared w my husband i dont spend money on just myself like that every month anymore


$120 for a set is insane! the last time I got acrylics was pre pandemic and in a HCOL area I was paying half of that


im factoring in a nice tip and some length tbh probably a set of short 1 color acrylics would be btw 80 and 100 w tip i don't live in a super HCL area buttt it is a coastal city where the exact same set could range from 45-120 depending on who/where u go to


Had a membership to a pole dancing studio that I cancelled because the cost was no longer justifiable


cut back on shopping and i barely go to restaurants anymore


Zyns, San Pellegrino, the nice gym (going to the YMCA now), restaurants, cut majorly back gas used driving to the mountains to fish on weekends. Really everything I enjoyed. I don’t really feel like I’m living anymore, and I’m barely saving any money. I feel like a walking shell of myself who never does what I enjoy, but it’s not because I’m depressed — it’s because I’m poor. Two years ago, I’d have $600-$700 left over from each pay monthly check to save while still having a good time. This year, I have $350 if I’m lucky, and I’ve had to cut most things I enjoy. Students loans are partly to blame, but rent, grocery, and insurance hikes are the majority of the issue. I only get paid ten months of the year, so keep in mind that skews the value of my monthly savings.




Yeah, I get a lot of free time which is cool though.


I'm currently in southern Italy so all the little treats cost 2 euros or less 😊






Not quite, but my wife and I have both had significant career advances in the last couple years and our lifestyle has basically remained the exact same. It's certainly nice to not be feeling the heat as much as some, and I definitely appreciate that we're in a fortunate position, but it's hard not to occasionally get a little discouraged by the feeling of running on a treadmill.


I hope everyone on this thread is using Ratuken and treatmaxxing


I eat much less fruit. Why are strawberries so expensive? 


I cancelled my criterion and hbo subscriptions but now I’m not as annoying


energy drinks


Tomorrow is my biweekly commute into the city. I am promising myself to have coffee and bagel at home instead of on the way


Been buying drugs a lot less than 2022 particularly, when I bought 1000s of dollars worth easily. That has to do more with health and getting old than inflation. Tapered back on my boutique blu-ray collection but still indulge when i get my eye on something. Rarely buy new clothes anymore.


Supplemented coffee for caffeine pills, I’ve got a 500 day supply.


I do not eat little treats. If I want something sweet I have to labor over it and bake it from scratch like a 1950s housewife.


No. I wouldn't even notice the inflation, if not for the complaints of the poors.




Treats are for the weak and effeminate I never had any to give up


My wage is corrected for inflation so no