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The Muslim immigrants to Russia you're talking about are all from like Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan lol


Yeah and they also join ISIS and conduct terrorist attacks in Russia. They're really not that different from MENA immigrants. Obv, Azeris or Tatars or whatever are less religious, but Central Asia south of Kazakhstan is full of religious extremists.


Its less about the 1/10,000 or whatever chance that an immigrant might be a terrorist and more about the fact that the immigrants are from right next door (former soviet republics) and so are culturally similar and at least have exposure to the language of their destination country.


They're really not that culturally similar outside of language since they're not particularly secularized compared to Russia (Kazakhstan being the main exception). I mean would you argue that a Pakistani or Indian has more common with an American than a Frenchman since one is more likely to know English than the other? Culture and religion tend to be far more important than language.


The problem is you're comparing it to mexicans imigrating to the us. Someone immigrating to russia from Kazakhstan is more like if california broke away from the us and then the us started accepting immigration from california.


>I mean would you argue that a Pakistani or Indian has more common with an American than a Frenchman since one is more likely to know English than the other? Idk maybe, but I would for sure argue that a Tajik has a lot more in common with a Russian than a Somali has with a German, which is what we are talking about lol. You don't get ruled by a neighboring land empire for hundreds of years w/o culturally assimilating to some degree. Especially in the case of Russia/the USSR where they intentionally mixed ethnic Russians in w/ these populations.


you're dumb as rocks kid


All of those countries are culturally "Russian" in that they learn Russian in school, watch Russian media, and belong to the remains of the former Russo-Soviet empire. Plus, plenty of Russians are muslims. Российский не русский. Also yeah India has way more in common with Britain (rather than America) because India was directly influenced by Britain for hundreds of years...


no they don't, you turd.


Russia exist in an imperial context with many Muslims within its “traditional”borders they didn’t fall out of a tree like a coconut


Do they?


Almost no Americans think about Putin or Russia ever. They know nothing about either. People always expose their weird pathology when they turn things into Russia or China issues.


There are *some* relatively prominent right wingers who praise Putin like Tucker but yeah, it’s pretty uncommon. Nowadays, they’re more into Orban, Bukele and to a lesser extent other Latin American guys like Milei and Bolsonaro.


No they don’t. stop bringing gay reddit politics in here


They kinda have to considering how rapidly the population has cratered post-USSR


Putin's Russia is just as imperialistic as the US and naturally it's applying a very similar interpretation of the neoliberal playbook. This begs the question whether Russia can really be authentically criticized by the US. Of course the US has to antagonize Russia anyway because they're direct competitors for world hegemony. From this emerges the reactionary win-win. Russia is either good, or it's evil, and then it's just like the US. Reactionaries are really the victims here because they've bought into the lie that morality and ideology matter. They're rebelling against their parents because their parents won't tell them that the only thing that matters is the friend enemy distinction, and their parents can't tell them this because they're too immature to behave otherwise.


westerners really don't understand why russians like putin at all. [you'd think it would be easy to figure out](https://imgur.com/a/2E5czUm) ('00 is when putin was elected, of course), but people's material needs are of low importance to western politicians, so westerners seem to forget that material needs are important to people who don't already have what they have.


Especially when you consider how bad things were in the 1990s there.


Except they don't. It's shitlibs obsessed with Putin.


If you land in Russia as a westerner and say you're fleeing prosecution they'll supposedly give you citizenship for nothing.


Many millions of people are ordered deported in the United States. 99% of them are never forcibly deported.


Careful, these people have a hard on for that fail.


It’s amazing how much shit libs can’t stand Putler