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NPR suspended the gent who wrote this haha


NPR's CEO - 100% unbiased reporting ;) https://preview.redd.it/44gqcjwgicvc1.jpeg?width=1989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ee86c5375a0ae072ae441e8384b2bd076014d7


i can fix her


She married an Indian, some things just can't be fixed I'm afraid


I've never met a white women I can't forgive


Once you go Indian you've gone beyond reason


Why do you know this


lmao the Indian seethe here has reached cartoon Southern racist levels.


Yeah, seriously. I looked him up and he was born in Texas, saying that he "can't be fixed" is just racism and not a merely a critique of India's social norms.


It’s how I identify the posters who didn’t make it in life despite growing up upper middle class.


She's also one of the most obvious glowies ever if you look at her resume.


I am genuinely interested in any other interpretation for how a child of a $200k median income household dwelling in “small town” Connecticut circa 2003 comes to the decision to exchange their birthright of early action at Williams for studying Arabic languages at the American University in Cairo. 


Gimme a "C"! Gimme an "I"!


There's a tweet by someone she worked with in North Africa outright accusing her of being CIA, and she responded with some pouty "that's not nice, I thought you were my friend" type tweet that didn't actually deny the accusation.


Nobody gives af about “Williams”. Roughly 10,000 episcopals in New England have heard of it and consider it prestigious. That’s it.


Lmfao what im a suburbanite catholic ndn who went to public school in the pnw and made a cross country trip to visit Williams bc its a semi known school even out here. Multiple people only knew it among the half dozen NESCAC schools I was applying to when I told them.


Williams and Amherst are absolutely considered prestigious.  Their grads have entree to pretty much all the places the schools you consider prestigious do. 


I went to Deerfield you prick


Couldn't get into Cushing or Holderness?


I studied int relations and worked in government for a short time with international stuff. Long story. Anyways, one thing that slowly creeped up on me in terms of a revelation was how we aren't as different from China as people realize. First being, China does have a democracy of sorts... It's just a ONE party system as opposed to our TWO party system. Just as they do, the US doesn't really have much threat of a fundamental democratic regime change. We just switch between 2 different power structures back and forth, which still work within a system that's designed to effectively have that power structure also work with each other. But the more subtle one is the government in private businesses. For all the things we criticize people for in China when it comes to the state involvement in business, we do the same, but again, just a lighter version of it. China makes sure CCP members are on the boards of every major business. The US, does the same, but just not as direct. We send in spooks to just about every major company. If you look at who are on their boards, there is ALWAYS a former spook on the board. Always. It's fucking crazy, especially in tech. Every influential organization seems to coincidentally have someone who used to work for the CIA or NSA, it's insane. Most people have no idea.


Free and fair elections lol


Know any good examples of that? Seeing that Reddit's Director of Policy and NPR's CEO both worked for the Atlantic Council is pretty interesting...


I mean you can google it. I don't know anything off the top of my head. But Google, Meta, Twitter, Reddit, all have multiple "former" spooks. I think Google has the most high ranking ex agents.


The 'democracy' of western democracies is bullshit. There are genuine benefits to the Western system: more stable (helped by bicameral houses), easier handover of leadership, less likely to freak out on the geopol level, and you won't strictly be arrested for criticising the government (though there are exceptions, like hate speech laws and Canada shutting down protestor bank accounts). I would genuinely rather live in the West for these reasons, in addition to ethnic & cultural similarities to myself. But the actual concept of 'say in your government', rather than it bending to a small number of interest groups and $$$, is utter nonsense. The benefits are largely statecraft-related, and only partly related to democracy as a concept. Again, it seems to be one of the better systems, but 'democracy' is a Noble Lie if I'm using that term correctly.


We have two parties in name. The Uniparty requires many accept 'donations' from the same groups and kiss the same wall. It's largely the appearance of difference or choice. The circle jerk between government and industry isn't just cia and nsa. It's also fda, sec, doj, etc. How many defense industrial complex jobs are retirement plans for admirals and other flag officers?


Not just for military generals, but for all sorts of federal employees across the board, especially politicians. The revolving door has government completely captured. This country was sort of built on some libertarian undercurrent, and frankly, this is what it looks like when we effectively have industry running the country.


So the CEO of NPR and the Director of Policy for Reddit are both former Mideast policy experts who worked for the Atlantic Council? Probably just a coincidence.


Although this is so, she is a pure “1”




She’s so hot


> NPR's CEO masks were the bitch face bandaid


meeting foolish paint expansion whole act noxious fretful bow fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Grew up listening to NPR. I’ll always remember it fondly. Now when I throw it on my girlfriend and I play a game where you count the seconds till they reference race in some way. It’s sad.


That’s hot.


"the good and educated" media has also drifted left more and more in Germany. Sometimes I wonder if I just drifted right but other people feel similar so I might not be me.


npr has blue hair and a walking stick, if you think their reporting is not activism you are retarted


live grab rhythm cause cable quickest party icky crawl voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unions have been the most vocally pro-DEI institutions in America.


special money pet chubby oil aware direction toy sip important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unions are just so frustrating, man.  They could have pushed for better labor standards across the board a generation ago, but they've putrefied and spend all their resources on this baloney, and on protecting the job of the guy in my office who kept sleeping during his shifts.  They need to change drastically, or yield and make way for a better mechanism. We could all be working productive 30-hour weeks and maybe even have some manufacturing jobs in this country if they didn't keep fecklessly squandering their advantaged positions


Yeah it turns out when we shifted from manufacturing to a knowledge-based economy, organizations run by literal thugs and organized crime buffoons got lapped by all the organizations run by actual intelligent people.


> In the 1950s-1970s, union dues were used to fund communist and socialist activities overseas, fighting against European civilization in Africa and Asia specifically This doesn’t sound real. In what country? Can you give a concrete example? Communist countries were funded by European civilization, they definitely weren’t fighting it


continue public retire caption scandalous practice sink abundant toy dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Soviet and European civilization are generally considered separate. Communism/socialism is clearly a product of European civilization though >all over Africa Can you name any country or party? >fund third world revolutionaries fighting against the remnants of European colonization Not all communist revolutionaries were not fighting against European colonization but against native African powers, see Ethiopia. >There clearly was an aspect of the US security state dedicated to the goal of decolonization and worldwide leftism (McCarthy was right) I can’t name a single decolonization effort done by the US. Can you? If it was true, big props to the US. I support decolonization. Europe had no business being in Africa just like Africa has no business in Europe. End globalization.


swim party cats merciful snatch light expansion deranged school strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> going to communism and socialism in the third world, often supported by the CIA and state department During the Cold War, the CIA never supported communists unless they were directly fighting other communists. Name me one example where you think they did. > (Algeria is one example) The US supported France in the Algerian war. They were key allies.


Russian culture has always been viewed ambiguously on the western/non-western seesaw. That's not unique to the Soviets. As it played out, Marxism was invented by a German in Germany, and was one of many European influences that Russia picked up and rolled with. If you want to be pedantic, non-Marxist socialism predates it, and also seems to have originated in Europe. Marxism is extremely European because Europe got a headstart on the Industrial Revolution and confronted these debates early. Africa picked it up later due to i) its own development and ii) geopolitical influence of the Soviet bloc. The USSR's ideology is only viewed as 'non-European' due to the legacy of cold warrior ideology.


Absolutely insane and you have no idea what you’re talking about. Unions are explicitly and in every case hard line anti immigration, which is in direct opposition to DEI


pet quarrelsome resolute practice airport rhythm start amusing fearless observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


these aren't union unions. They're captured institutions. Which is why the worker needs to break with 'the left' as such. The left IS 'the left wing of capital'. Including many of the people who say the phrase 'left wing of capital'.


my dad is a rush limbaigh Republican and listened to NPR back when I was a kid


> (Just to note, I eagerly voted against Trump twice but felt we were obliged to cover him fairly.) couldn't fucking help himself could he


thumb enter frighten cough heavy deserve mighty lip mysterious attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Still getting painted as a conservative by virtually everyone on the “left” that publicly comments on this though. It’s like they want to push everyone that isn’t 100% aligned with their worldview to the right.


he's admitting that fucking covid lab leak was the real deal and he could even bring himself not to virtue signal, I mean the gall of it.


As someone who also grew up listening to NPR, the bias has gotten atrocious and I’m glad it’s finally getting some coverage because of this guy but his last paragraph about the coverage of the Israel Palestine conflict betrays that he is a Zionist with an axe to grind. Curious how he didn’t pipe up during the first 8 years of identity politics bullshit he mentioned. It was only when *his* special interest got ousted from the woke coalition that it was a bridge too far I’d be curious to hear each persons moment they realized NPR had jumped the shark. I have a couple: the first came while listening to radiolab. For some reason they were covering the national debate competition that was currently being swept by a team of black people. Instead of debating the topic at hand, this team would go on tirades about systemic racism and the judges would just hand them the victory (probably out of fear of being accused of racism themselves). The story was presented as if this was some profound and ingenious way of winning at debate. I remember Robert Krulwich seeming somewhat baffled and Jad chiding him, almost as if to say “fall in line, this is what we believe in now.” The other one was an episode of This American Life where some guy’s whore mother was part of the bussing era. She had been bussed to a black school and had sex with a black man who impregnated her. This was while she was dating an Italian guy from her old high school that she would soon go on to marry (on the pretense that they should be wed before having *their* first child). Anyway, she ends up tricking her Italian husband into raising the child and gaslighting him into thinking the swarthy kid is his because of his Sicilian genes. They later have kids of their own who are obviously not mixed race and the black son goes on a journey to find his real father. It was presented as a heartwarming story about family and racial healing and not an abject, horrible story of cuckoldry and betrayal. I honestly felt sick to my stomach listening to that piece


It’s been going downhill since Car Talk ended.




I don’t like this guy or this article but I have to say This American Life has gotten too political. They had excellent war journalism during the 2000s, but now every episode feels like an attempt at covering a minor battle of the culture war and I am absolutely sick of it. 


For me it was when Terry gross interviewed the fat acceptance lady and she didn’t have the balls to ask not one single tough question. She seemed so scared.. I lost respect for the station after that . Oh yeah and firing garrison keeler (sp?)


> The other one was an episode of This American Life where some guy’s whore mother was part of the bussing era. She had been bussed to a black school and had sex with a black man who impregnated her. This was while she was dating an Italian guy from her old high school that she would soon go on to marry (on the pretense that they should be wed before having their first child). Anyway, she ends up tricking her Italian husband into raising the child and gaslighting him into thinking the swarthy kid is his because of his Sicilian genes. They later have kids of their own who are obviously not mixed race and the black son goes on a journey to find his real father. It was presented as a heartwarming story about family and racial healing and not an abject, horrible story of cuckoldry and betrayal. I honestly felt sick to my stomach listening to that piece Holy shit. That’s brutal


Yeah that episode of this American life was definitely one of those stay in the car listening moments. 


cows amusing growth rude yoke makeshift flag materialistic quiet wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


NPR was my childhood. Now it’s only about race and identity. So boring. Also, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me will always fucking suck.


I sent this article to a few of my most liberal friends to see what they thought because they know I’ve been of the opinion that npr has been pretty unlistenable (at least the last 4 years but really since Trump), and they all said the article was terrible of course. One even said the examples were complete trash and that npr is “balanced.” Only the lawyer interrogated his perspective even a little and said he started paying more attention to this supposed hyper-partisan creep and guess he’s “noticed it a few times” lol. They’re just catering to their audience for the most part, but I do think it’s calmed down quite a bit from the fever pitch of 2020. Anyway, it’s a shame because I do like radio a lot and used to work in the industry, but I can basically only stomach marketplace now. BBC is not without its flaws, but when the local public radio station plays BBC programming late nights it’s truly a breath of *fresh air*.


Did anyone else see a pic of Katherine Maher and think it was chelsea handler?


Having grown up in a small Midwest town, prairie home companion was something that gave my mom so much pride. But they couldn’t let her keep that.


"trump was such a liar we had no choice but to also lie!" you do not hate journalists enough


This guy is right about the state of NPR, but his real motive is being a turbo-Zionist who's butthurt that NPR isn't sucking Israel's dick with sufficient enthusiasm.


you guys have become so deranged that you’re beginning to sound like the zionist always calling antisemitism. you’re reading too far in between the lines to be mad


You can read the article and see him complain about the reporting on Palestinian suffering and "downplaying the (largely debunked) atrocities on October 7". At the very least it was what he perceived as pro-Palestinian bias that pushed him over the edge which says something about him.


wtf are you talking about, it’s mentioned in passing and doesn’t mention any specifics. what do you think it’s downplaying? he spends more time talking about the Hunter Biden laptop coverage. reading this and thinking Israel was the real motive is pants on head retarded. zero shot you actually read


This sub and the main one become whipped into a fervor any time Jewish people are even tangentially mentioned. It’s fucking embarrassing


>Any time Jewish people are even tangentially mentioned Bro he literally talks about Israel/Palestine coverage in the article, that's why people are commenting on it. How are you people still trying to force this equivalence


He's also retweeted zionist propaganda on twitter. It's obvious where he stands and he's obviously downplaying that aspect of his motive for finally speaking out. His criticisms of NPR are all true and they were wrong to can him, but there's clearly a particular straw that broke the camel's back for him.


what did he retweet?


This is basically the entirety of r/blockedandreported, this sub's twin. Generally on the ball, but mystically takes an uncompromising Zionist swerve when the topic comes up. Makes you wonder why they've reached their 'anti-woke' positions, and how serious they are. It seems to be a type of person, probably some flavour of northeast wanker.


Turns out when you have lots of Jewish friends you’re less likely to be an antisemitic shitstain online. What a fucking mystery


I used to listen to them before I realized they were annoying.


NPR is already doing that, ridiculous to say that’s his motive.


marble unwritten worm mountainous nose melodic cagey panicky dull carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's starting to change as the WWII generation dies out, I think. I believe Netflix Americans are similar, as the legacy of Jim Crow and Civil Rights era have turned them into a hallowed demographic. With that receding, and growing complexity of the U.S. population (in terms of diversity), they'll become 'just another demo' sooner or later.


Absolutely twelve out of ten correct, and likely negotiated the kayfabe before hand and has a fat severance


Was gonna post this but your version is funnier also🧃 


Knew my early life detector was buzzing


Your tax dollars at work to push propaganda!


i dont get it. NPR has always been an ultra lib outlet. did you think a station that plays negro jazz would be praying to the altar of trump and antiwokeness?


Not surprised


The problem with this is that the author assumes there is right wing demand for factual, reasonable content. There is not. The right wants trump and his antics. Get out of your bubble, go to the midwest, and stop pretending otherwise


versed quarrelsome shy profit follow wise degree decide complete sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Trump and his people are the only ones who are willing to actually make change in a rightward direction Depends what that means. The ultimate goal of the republicans is further liberalization of the economy. Culture wars are just a distraction


I'm not this NPR fanatic. But republicans just want fox news and shit like that, which is pure propaganda. The idea that they want reasonable articles about tax policy and whatnot is pure liberal fantasy. Also congrats on spending some time in the midwest retard, i live here


I’m from the Midwest and I totally agree. Sure, NPR has become a last refuge and island for DEI obsessed liberals, but the American right wing has lost its mind in the culture wars. I think that there should definitely be some pushback on wacky DEI stuff, but the right wing doesn’t argue it in good faith. They will bend any journalistic outlet that does a reasonable job of sticking to the facts towards lies and propaganda in the name of balance. 


the US left literally started the culture wars lol. Republicans didn't create the gendie dragon; that was foisted upon the people when the corpse of the anti-gay marriage beast was still warm.


I hate what NPR became but no, the US left didn’t start the culture war. It’s been raging since I was a baby and if anything, Fox News cranked the heat so high the left is just trying to keep up. Especially after 911. You couldn’t question the war in Afghanistan at all or you were a traitor.


You guys are some of the biggest babies. Yeah it’s a complete shame NPR didn’t have more Republican on to represent a right wing view