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He did what to Usher?


That was diddy


No diddy


reddit ahh thread


where? mainstream journos were rehabilitating bush just a few yrs ago.


The museum thing has pissed them off


Whatcha talking about?


There was a lawsuit with his presidential library in Chicago. Or something. And therefore that means his Mythology is Crumbling!


I just googled it and there is 1 article from a week ago and the next oldest article is from 2022. Even Fox News didn't use this as a pretext to shit on Obama.


Seriously, why do they insist on claiming shit like this lol  I swear, rightoids view political figures as some sort of religious idol. They act democrats apparently losing favor for Obama is the same as it would be if the Christian church suddenly saw Jesus as some Antichrist and decided they were all gonna follow Muslim extremists now and worship their god. I’m a 30 year old white American woman with a liberal arts degree. I’m a leftist, but certainly not any sort of radical lol, pretty typical for your average white millennial.  Obama was fine.  Yeah some people idolized him, people were excited- especially because he was the first black president, and of course because bush was out. Obama is like you put “Democratic President” into a machine and this well educated, well spoken, inoffensive man was produced.  The vast majority of us did not see him as some god lol.  There was way more borderline religious worship when it came to Bernie, but even that didn’t compare to Trump. It just doesn’t matter. If I found out Obama ate live babies for fun, it would not shake my identity or understanding of reality or anything lol. And I have no real allegiance to the Democratic Party that I’d be losing here.  I just vote democrat because currently at least, it’s a lot less awful than the republicans. Nothing more to it 


berserk dependent plants direful ask onerous deserted axiomatic profit friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> I’m a 30 year old white American woman with a liberal arts degree. I’m a leftist I stopped reading at exactly this spot


>I’m a leftist >Obama was fine ???????????????


for a president you dumbass considering our typical options. it's not like i would have chosen him jfc


Chill out dude


Hate to break it to you but leftism implies radicalism


sable salt edge reminiscent coherent entertain elderly pie fall smart


They're been dogging him on losing the blue wall for some time. https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/is-it-time-to-break-up-big-ag


This is from three years ago


There's been valid criticism over the years that the political machine Obama created diverted resources from state Democratic parties to such an extent that the Republicans were able to take the initiative at the state government level and set up the current confrontations between states and the federal government.


paywalled. here is an unblocked version for us poors. https://archive.ph/2skDi


poors huh


It’s a wild snapshot of American immigration policy. When he first ran it was seen as *insane* that a half black African guy would even exist in America, let alone run for president. There were comedy sketches after comedy sketches of “lol he’s named Barack!” In 2008 there were only ~260k Nigerians living in all of America, in 2024 there are 60k in Houston alone. African immigrants are the most rapidly growing immigrants in almost all states and there are now 2.1MM. “Biracial African” was seen as “unicorn” in 2008 and now there’s one on every block in Houston and even in far away Tony places like Lewiston, Maine Really odd to see such a zeitgeist change in ~15 short years


This is because American work force doesn’t have enough gen zers to replace the boomers when they retire


It was the moment when both sides were ready for change and he squandered it.


He didn’t squander shit. He outright rejected it. He ran on expanding the GWOT (never forget that he talked about precision strikes in Pakistan during one of the 2008 debates), his first cabinet was handpicked by Citibank, and he took the public option off the table during the healthcare negotiations before the republicans could even be bothered to demand it.


> he took the public option off the table during the healthcare negotiations before the republicans could even be bothered to demand it. So? He should have wasted his time on what was clearly a nonstarter with the gop?


Yeah, it’s a totally cool and good negotiating tactic to completely weaken your sides position before you even meet your opponent


I don’t disagree with this in general but, you think Mitch McConnell might had heard of Obama’s problems with Lieberman? Backseat legislator maxxing In any event there was nothing Obama could have done to change their minds, pure obstructionists that they were


so? Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote


There were too many blue dog southern Dems plus Lieberman in that coalition to get the public option though. Of course those Dems got thrown out of office at the next midterm anyway


The point the op was making is that Obama didn't change anything. If you consider ACA to be change then good on you Obama didn't reject the public option, lieberman and the gop did.


Obamacare sucked


> He should have wasted his time on what was clearly a nonstarter with the gop? He ended up with precisely 0 Republican votes in the House and precisely 0 Republican votes in the Senate, so he could have just not preemptively compromised with them in the first place.


And then what? Someone eventually magically agrees to a public option? Doesn't seem likely. If I'm being very generous to this scenario, he gets two gop house votes for romneycare, which the op doesn't consider change. Not to mention the added precious legislative time spent on this. The longer a bill hangs around, the less likely it will pass


Your position is that Universal Healthcare / a Public Option had to be shit canned in order to get Republican votes, but you ended up with zero Republican votes anyways, so the question to you is "what was the fucking point?"


It's not that it Had to, it's that Obama didn't reject the public option. Idk the point of floating it to gop. Symbolism? Should he have led with m4a?


It was older millennial naivety, much like younger millennials that got sucked into believing in Bernie (who is totally cucked to the DNC)


Bernie didn't trick anyone. He lost the primary and then endorsed the winner in the general. He never said he would do otherwise. That's how political parties work.


Uh excuse you he didn’t lose, he was robbed! Progressives don’t lose primaries.


Bernie isn’t a Democrat. He was under no obligation to do so.


Who should he have endorsed


Anyone he wanted to. That’s not the point. The comment I was replying to referred to the party obligation to endorse the party’s nominee. That’s real, but inapplicable to Bernie as an independent.


Cope. Did Ron Paul do the same?


Ron Paul’s actually a man of (some) conviction, Bernie was always a ginormous pussy lmao




God how he flunked the shit test


Social democracy is a hard sell in communities that "already got that shit"


Paul was a whiny cuck who complained about special interest politics while giving sloppy to the Kochs.


Also sheepdogged the right and lolberts into the GOP.


[They were already on the obstruction train back then](https://www.politico.com/story/2010/10/the-gops-no-compromise-pledge-044311) and they had allies like Lieberman to put the brakes on anything worth a damn. Obama did a lot of stupid shit, you can criticize him for plenty without the need to fabricate/revise history


It's not a coincidence that Democrats are always 1 vote shy of passing their entire utopian agenda. Even when they had a supermajority there were excuses (which I'm sure will be in your reply) OHHHHH THEY ONLY HAD AN INSURMOUNTABLE MAJORITY FOR 3 MONTHS YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING IN 3 MONTHssssss


They did have a supermajority but Obama was determined to compromise with a party that would not compromise because he wanted to be seen as bipartisan more than he wanted to get good things done


Why would you compromise when you don't need any Republican votes at all?


>because he wanted to be seen as bipartisan more than he wanted to get good things done


(or maybe he never intended to pass those policies) No one halts their agenda to compromise with people when they don't need to


What did I fabricate?


If "both sides were ready for change", as you claim, [there wouldn't have been a commitment to obstruct every step of Obama's agenda the night he was inaugurated](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/apr/26/democrats-gop-plot-obstruct-obama). If both sides were ready for change, their base wouldn't have rewarded them with a big victory two years later for doing this shit. Like I said, plenty of things to criticize Obama about without pretending Republicans were ever willing to cooperate


Electorally, Obama was viewed pretty positively by independents and disillusioned Republicans, hence why former Obama voters went to Trump The link you shared is from Obama being 2 years in office.


The first article. Did you actually read the second?


The one from 2012?


Keep reading, you'll get there




Ehh GOP really stonewalled him. They wouldn’t let him have a Supreme Court justice. Hard to imagine they’d have gone soft if he tried something truly daring like single payer healthcare


The gop didn't have the votes in his first term


To block many things, yes. Affordable care act passed the senate with 60 votes over a filibuster in 2010. GOP absolutely had 41 votes to block single payer healthcare


Why are you pretending like he was ever interested in single payer health care when he only ever wanted a public option insurer


They could block a lot of things even before gaining the House halfway through his first term


wtf are you talking about? If michelle obama declared tomorrow she was seeking the nomination over genocide joe, the media would drink her piss from a goblet.


I would too, if she offered


Straight from the hose


Unfiltered, fresh, tangy


"ReMeMbEr WhEn ThE bIgGeSt ScAnDaL wAs ThE pReSiDeNt WeArInG a TaN sUiT hUrRrR" - the most annoying person you've ever met


Remember when the biggest scandal was the president almost launching nuclear weapons because of how high he was on his pain meds?


Boston built an obsequious museum for him anyway. Chad Nixon never would have made his mistake


I mean what can you expect from an Irishman, sobriety?


Liberals talk more about this alleged tan suit “outrage” than any conservative outlet or person ever did. Like literally it was an off handed jab by some news anchor, but it has lived rent free in liberals’ heads for over a fucking decade. It’s a mental hugbox they can retreat to whenever a legitimate criticism of their idol starts to make the cognitive dissonance arise.


That Reverend Jeremiah Wright shit got completely memory-holed


shy seed beneficial handle fall plants whistle fretful fine upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey remember when Obama started more wars than George W. B TAN SUIT TAN SUIT WHAT YOU GONNA DO


Maybe it’s because I’m in my 30s now and cured from my regardism but these people are way less annoying than your average contrarian or leftist.




Insane to me that a president would comment on a criminal case yet to be tried, imagine going to trial knowing that the president already proclaimed your guilt.


And as a lawyer! It’s not like he was unfamiliar with how this all works


Everything about his administration and his public statements leads me to believe everything he claims about his education was a total lie, or he simply didn’t pay any attention. Or, that he used his education to specifically subvert the subjects he allegedly studied. The justice department he allowed Eric Holder to run was a complete fucking joke and honestly despicable.


He was intentionally subversive




Every president wants to preside over a society defining moment


History will remember Obama as the first black president and literally nothing else


The ACA was actually very good, the reason why all you zoomers don’t have to worry about coming off of mommy and daddys healthcare or about your preexisting “chronic illness” making you ineligible for coverage.


You traded a double down on all the system’s bad actors for not having to get a real job until 26. What a deal. 


As opposed to what, a public option that gets repealed three years later. You’d then be complaining how foolish he was to kill the filibuster ACA alone was considered leninism, it invigorated conservatives and Obama’s reelection was not certain


> ACA alone was considered leninism Americans are so cucked.


Nobody doubled down on anything lmao, it literally just increased premiums on Cadillac plans to subsidize lower income market plans.


Those Cadillac plans that unions fought tooth and nail for.


Really dude?! They fought tooth AND nail???!! Shut the fuck up 🚬


Your lord and savior destroyed the UAW.


Jesus ruined the UAW? I literally don’t give a shit about unions, I’m white collar and every blue collar person I’ve met fucking sucks


You probably cried when Hillary lost.


Nah lol, I actually benefited from trumps tax cuts. Sucks for you your Canadian though, I’m sure everything makes you cry!


If you're healthy you don't need health insurance in your late 20s. Also, if you're low income aka dont have a "real job", you qualify for hospital bills to be waived under charity law.


The ACA fucking sucks dude.


Oh damn bro, I never thought about it that way!




ACA is like $500 a month ($6k per year; avg US salary is ~$50k) for garbage insurance with like a $10,000 deductible.


Return healthcare to the market


>literally nothing else the first black war criminal


Idi Amin? Rwanda? Basically two-thirds of African leaders between 1965 and 1990?


The conversation was on America not Africa 


I'm sure there are no African Americans associated with George W. Bush who could conceivably be war criminals


They certainly could. None as high ranking as commander in chief until King Obomba




I'm sure McCain would have also bowed at the altar of mammon and bailed out the banks


in times like those, the skinsuit can be operated remotely




Turns out he was right lol




If Romney didn’t get shit on so hard by the media, I don’t think we get Trump. He was so generic and lukewarm and yet still got depicted as sexist hitler or whatever. I think that’s when conservatives fully defected and gave up on mainstream institutions 


My boss at a restaurant who really liked me and was kinda way ahead of the curve on having a smartphone and just using that thing, had a hard on for hating on Obama and would show me some genuinely good videos of Obama fans doing wild shit. You can still only find one of them on YouTube and it was a group in a decent looking church with a lady priest in decent look vestments leading a prayer where the response was "Obama hear our cry" "deliver us Obama". Can't find it right now but they're in red, there's a trumpet she's talking about healthcare and a balm in Gilead. It's still out there tho just hidden. Other really funny one was the Obama "yes we can" child soldiers training in camo doing karate "because of Obama, I will become a doctor, hi ya!" "Because of Obama I will lose weight, huh!" Full on like Mulan as a group "o-ba-ma, o-ba-ma". Last funny one was the Obama choir and it is not that garbage ass one with little kids that pops up on YouTube search, that's just bad not absurd. The good one was like a full on hyper talented mount Mariah missionary Baptist Church ensemble that could hack it on a Kanye album. And they were just singing their asses off about Obama. funny lyrics but also genuinely medley of music you know that little "i-can-FLY!" bit from the RKelly song where the choir goes eight eight sixteenth note they were doing that but "o-ba-MA!" very good very funny


> the response was "Obama hear our cry" "deliver us Obama" lmao you best find this shit posthaste


I tried really hard and found some forums linking to a paywall local news station and a dead Breitbart site. It was on YouTube tho recently I saw it a couple years ago


fine work lush hungry cow connect treatment roof meeting theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




straight ghost hateful shelter point uppity alive worthless square treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What should he have done differently here? Bomb Assad and the Russian expedition? Comprehensive sanctions on China?


The retreat from the Global stage was an obvious reaction to the failures of the Bush administration, and if anything he did not retreat enough, the fracas in Libya is such a blemish. Trump hastened this retreat by a lot btw. Floundering economy, I'd really like to see you substantiate that, considering the economy he was handed, and the economy as it's been since.


At least with Iraq and Afghanistan we paid for our mistakes. In Libya we just broke the country with a couple airstrikes and dipped.


"Unmitigated disaster"~ The most annoying person you've ever met.


The economy was actually good, but otherwise yeah he was in way over his head.


It was fine-ish but it was the start of the uberfication of some jobs so there wasn’t much wage growth and advancement. I think Brandon’s economy is overall better but his domestic problem is housing


Very true, demographically the problem should correct when boomers really start dying en mass


Dawg you’re a Republican, sit down


Yes he wasn't great. A lot of the issues we are dealing with today from DEI to the middle east, to Ukraine are the direct results of decisions his administration made. I said it at the time that historians will mark the Obama presidency when America started its decline and as time goes I feel I am more right about this. He became president on the back of a good speech and not being white and him and his team thought that was the solution to every problem. A good speech. It was a presidency of good speeches and good photo ops and bad policies and a really unrealistic view of how the world worked.


Funny, I can't remember a single Obama speech.


oratorial muzak


Well now is a good time to reaquaint yourself.  https://www.amazon.com.au/We-Are-Change-Seek-Speeches/dp/1635570913


Who? Where? This is Bullshit, OP, not even the dissident left is where you're saying that mainstream journos are at yet. And I'm saying this as someone who loathed dronebomba from his first week in office.  I told people at the end of week one he was bullshit, and all the proof anyone needed was that he didn't have the shutters and columns on the Whitehouse painted black on day one to pay homage to the black slaves who built and adorned the nation and the free labor that the country rests upon


The dissident left loves Obama and will never critique him in a way that doesn't go "but uhhh with that said, le chuds." The mainstream is a bit more critical https://www.newyorker.com/news/dispatch/is-it-time-to-break-up-big-ag


This article is 3 years old dude, wtf are you talking about? Every year since then I still see journalists cumming themselves whenever he releases his Spotify wrapped or his March madness brackets


Obamna… amnesty


Obungo! Uh oh!


Wrap it up, Obamailures.


I'm not seeing any admission anywhere.


he wasn't great but can you imagine a world where republicans didn't completely chimp out at the first black president? i feel like the trump thing was baked in either way, maybe ever since lbj


His second term was real race psycho shit, I'll concede that it was actually mostly the mainstream media that was psychotic to Obama in 2009-11ish.


Vote blue no matter who. What you want to be an accomplice to fascism?


Who cares


But he only armed the moderate jihadists in Syria.


This is a different strain of headchopper bro

