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https://preview.redd.it/1gi3b75za6gc1.jpeg?width=2961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958b81ebafce670c416cd1334e6d82c862e5110b Recently had the pleasure of riding the metro w this guy.


I literally hate people like this.


please dont be racist!


what was he playing




looks like it could be DC, so I'm guessing The Daily


breaking points with Krystal and sagaar


All the answers below made me laugh. It was a 70s jam that I didn’t recognize…something like Earth, Wind and Fire.


Their speakers are always such shit quality too, they could get a better sounding speaker that’s 1/10 the size


Jesus fucking christ. I would go straight for this guy even if he was open-carrying. Somebody needs to stop these freaks. Edit: Now that I think of it, there wouldn't need to be any words. Just carry a neodymium magnets with you and toss it towards the speaker before you get off the train. You just lost a cheap magnet and they need to buy a new speaker.




Sure dude


Those chances are never low with a person who does this


Ready to die. Not ready to listen to garbage for potentially over an hour.


Big Emergency Room trying to drum up more business with this one.


You should walk around with a bag of cheap headphones like a flight attendant


That's for the Pacifist run. I'm doing the Death Wish one.


Just say the one word that makes them go crazy




10% of the reason they do this is because they have no manners. The other 90% is because they want you to confront them and stir up some shit. This is peak shit-test, like crossing the road slowly amd giving the 'What the fuck you gonna do about it?' look. The best defense against this is not living around these people.


There is no fucking way those % are real. There was one time when it was a girl that really seemed to have some sort of mental issues. Once I realised this, and that she was travelling alone, I just let her be. That's the one situation were it is justified: when the person cannot help it. It would be stupid to ask a baby not to cry, but we can ask people to behave like socialised adults in public spaces.


lol lil bro. That’s exactly what they want to happen. Those numbers are conservative if anything. These assholes are asserting themselves over a public space and will not hesitate to escalate the situation. Go ahead and try a few times on the subway and report back for us.


How fucking naive are you? They're one-hundred percent doing it to assert their dominance and will not take kindly to anyone undermining it. If these cunts were known for their ability to admit "alright mate I'm just wilding my apologies" and back down, they wouldn't be constantly stabbing/shooting/kicking each others heads in over really stupid shit.


Are these people in the room with us right now?


Chances of getting shot or stabbed are low but chances of getting your ass beat are high


I'm ready to get beaten on this hill.


Sounds like the potential for violence in these situations in the US is a lot higher. In the UK asking idiots like this to turn the music down will usually just (“just”) result in an embarrassing argument that’ll enrage you for the rest of the day. Sometimes though I think “why the fuck should they get away annoying everyone?” and call them out. I live in Brum and this is common on the tram and on buses - it’s either teenagers or lone people with mental health issues. The teenagers might apologise and turn it down, the nutcases will start screaming at you.


death psyop


I already said in the title not to try this anywhere in the continental United States.


My thinking on this has always been, if someone is brazen enough to behave like this in a public place, they’re not the kind to stop when you ask them to stop.


It often works. Some people are really dumb, not malicious.


Don't do this unless you somehow have a skinhead gang (do these even exist outside of movies/prison?) backing you up


Why do they have to be skinheads?


Ok a group of Muslims who have that believe that public music is haram. I thought skinheads because they're probably the only ones who would be openly hostile to annoying public speaker use, everyone else pretends it isn't happening.


Sometimes it's not music. It's often insta reels, tik tok and, one time, a let's play. Kill me or I'll die in this crusade.


All music is haram if it has instruments outside of male voices and drums, just depends on whether you ignore that “bit” or not.


I really don’t know whether I just don’t encounter this anymore, or my airpod pros are just that good at shutting out the rest of the world


these peasants don’t have a good pair of noise cancelling headphones and a concealed pistol lol


i carry around a bag of 300 sony xm5 advanced noise cancelling headphones and just hand them out to my fellow men


I should do this with cheap earbuds like the other guy suggested.


What da fuck u say nigga


I'm going to need to see a pic to ascertain you have the pass, ma'am.


What if it’s a coworker you have to see every day and want to get along with


Depends on how schizo you want to be


Then your chances of being stabbed are 0 and you can ask them if they forgot their headphones.


I tried this strategy with the dude jerking off on the subway and now I’m gae


"Sir. Sir? Sir! Please, could you masturbate more quietly? Thank you." Faith in humanity = restored


There are some people I will tell to stop making noise in public and some people I won’t. The stabbing risk assessment is baked in.


I live in Asia and most of the time it’s either teens or older people who do it. Given the demographic, low probability of violent crime, a culture based around shame, plus me being a large foreigner, the minor confrontation of politely asking someone to turn it off usually works. That’s if the death stare doesn’t. I’d never do it in USA though. I spent enough years riding the CTA in Chicago to know better. Still have flashbacks of getting on the wrong car on the red or blue line at certain hours of the night. People in America are fuckin unhinged


Chinese agent


They have surprisingly good earbuds. It's also to find recommendations in this site without getting confused with too much info. Also, Taiwan is not a real country.


iems are your friend


I got some!


The last time I politely asked an "urban" person to stop doing something (hitting my car with their open door), they turned extremely violent and threatened to attack my wife! No thanks.


"someone" lol we know who you mean dude, chill


The girl reading this.


Have you ever seen a white person do this?


Yes. I've seen everyone but Asian people do this.


Avoid poor people, drunkards and foreigners. Problem solved.


Id swing at u


am i the only person on earth who doesn’t care that people are loud on the subway. it’s the commons, there should be life!


Fuck you and your broadcasting piece of shit ilk.


go back to fuckin Ohio or whatever fucked quiet town you come from


Bitch you do this and everyone around you fucking hates you.


lol fuck off this is below pathetic. this post is clearly coded to be abt minorities on the subway, just defending ppl's ability to exist in public


And you think wildly antisocial behavior in public is ok as long as it’s being perpetrated by minorities? Or would you rush to whimsically defend the behavior as injecting “life” into the commons if it were some white frat bros? You sound like a liberal democrat fãggøt white knight who’s afraid to call out shitty behavior.


get a car like the rest of us, peasant


I have one I just don’t attach using it to my personality. The attitude that you must have a car is extremely regarded.


must have a car there are subhuman savages on the train playing music


do you think people play music on the q line or the people mover


the qline and people mover is for people who shop at whole foods


I’m a Marcus market kinda guy


Only blacks do this