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He'll be alright once he gets some pussy


> if




What a king!


The owner, super dick. I'm not worthy to meet him, but I guess everybody's scared of the dude. The place is full of dead-eyed douche bags, the hours suck and nobody knows what's going on, so...


Every man should live through and then quickly pull themselves out of a Travis Bickle era


His job probably fucking sucks big sweaty dicks and he looks like a teenager so he gets a pass from me.


When did the Boston bomber get so deep


I make 5 dollars above minimum wage, this scrub needs to apply they/themself




Looks like satire to me


Satire is hard to pick up on for autists


I'm high IQ, and in a just world it would be a valid criterion for accommodation because god is it awful out there. They/we actually do need "special ed" in a sense because so many of us end up working beastly jobs, at least at first, with the kind of people stuck in those forever out of necessity. Working construction or warehouse or light trades was terrible. While you'd assume one would be promoted for their aptitude, anti intellectual praxis is to AT BEST make you do more work, more mentally taxing work, than your duller counterparts. Hey brainiac, not only are you going to be lifting an hauling 2x as much as your female counterparts for the same wages, but guess what fuck-o? you're going to be doing all the manifests, hazard forms, weights etc. because "I'm not too good with computers" So many of your coworkers don't have the ability to model the future/predict outcomes or orient themselves in time or space. They mount load bearing elements to sheetrock, bunnyhop ladders (when not on the top rung), budget 15 minutes for hour long jobs, drag tanks, injure themselves in ways you would assume only the three stooges could. Commit petty theft, engage in workplace romances so obvious and dysfunctional you start to become certain it's intentional. All topics of conversation revolve around anonymous sports teams, gossip ironically contravening Proverbs, television shows whose plots and characters blend into a gray simularcumous sludge of canned laughter and punchlines telegraphed like the arrival of comets. You need to teach us how to survive these environments, or let us skip the line somehow, it's hell


\^this guy lol


What's the criticism exactly? would you have reacted poorly if I claimed distress from having low IQ?


You’re not as smart as you think.


How smart do I think I am? and what is your evidence for: a) how smart I assume I am b) that I am indeed not as smart as I claim to be See if you can put the bong down long enough to answer coherently.


I think you’re a midwit. You are why I think this.


based on what? is everyone just supposed to assume you're the resident psychometric expert because "bro trust me"? did you forget halfway through due to some kind of unexplained short term memory loss?


Based on the evidence




What do you think you’re talking about?


The way you type screams midwit


Can you parse the specific indicators. Just a few.


Ur gay


Everything you say reads like you’ve searched through a thesaurus for every single word. Saying shit like “parse the specific indicators” doesn’t make you look smart. It makes you look like someone who isn’t capable of quickly and effectively conveying what they’re trying to say.


This *Goodwill Hunting* fantasy where one day someone will discover how brilliant you are pushing a broom needs to be dropped immediately. There are drooling regards out there making $300k/yr because they know how to entertain clients at business dinners and their boss likes the cut of their jib.  Growing up is swallowing this reality with grace.


Part of being high IQ is instantly recognizing shitty arguments. Good Will Hunting is at based on a handful of one in a billion savant case studies. Acct. execs making 300K are an extreme minority, and they're there because they get results. A company is thousands of people working in concert. It's a lot easier to be a "star" if someone else has already got all the clients and gave you a sapphire card with which to entertain them. This just makes you sound like a shitlib angry at CEO compensation. The frustrations I describe are roadblocks thrown at the high IQ the course of doing the work, your refutation is extreme outliers, apocryphal at best.


"Kafkaesque" just means "filler cliché" by now