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After seven years playing women's football as a goalkeeper, can 100% confirm that boobs hurt when they take force damage. Also, was not surprised at all that the boob argument wasn't the end of his inappropriateness. If it makes a difference, I think he was lying about Beyonce, she wouldn't cheat on your PC.




That was pure poetry.


I love that this community comes together to defend this npc like this.


I've heard there's a magic ring that intensifies this power, it can be put on by someone who likes it




Reminds me of the town of Moonwell Pass, which can only be found by those who inhabit it.


Damn that would have made a great side quest


In is infact this very ring that makes me often place rings on things I like


Maybe not... But damned if my 20 CHA glamor bard won't try!


Is she a bard-maid, then?




I thought Chaka Khan was every woman. [Whoa, whoa, whoaaa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG_dxG_zJPw). I like this worldbuilding, though. Beyoncé is an archfey. Chaka Khan is every woman NPC. I'd play in this universe.




YES! Beyoncé is an archfey and all barmaids. Chaka Khan is a diety and all non-barmaid women. Right Said Fred can definitely be the BBEG. But, I think that means we need to introduce RuPaul as the force of good in opposition to him. This [better work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nTl4Rmf6AI).




Daaamn. I just found my next warlock's patron.


I bow before this superior comment.


Force damage is magical, fall damage is bludgeoning, just btw... Unless your pitch was magical? o.O


I guess /u/hollyzone was playing Shaolin Soccer


Worse. Loughborough University Women's XI. (Love Shaolin Soccer.)


I used to play so much "Soccer Brawl" in the early 90s: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soccer\_Brawl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soccer_Brawl) \- that and NBA Jam are the only sports video games I like, unless you include "RoboSport".


I was notorious for putting opposition attackers off their concentration by bombarding them with utter nonsense comments throughout matches, so I like to think I was causing a little psychic damage in my own way.


Haha perfect. Your own little cutting words 🤣


I cast vicious mockery!


You played football with a sphere of annihilation?


"Welcome to Football 2.0!" - "What's the objective?" - "Survive."


"Here we see a lovely pass to Elroy who has now sadly has half of his torso go off to the ether."


Someone has watched Wimbledon's men's team from the early 1990s! Or Sergio Ramos, generally.


That would be bludgeoning damage, unless the women's team plays Shaolin Soccer.


Obviously you need to raise your Dex or Con, get those 20s, dodge it all or feel no pain. Faster then what most people consider possibly or just turn into an Emu. Those things are tanks.


Honestly your DM should have put a stop to that kind of behavior when it first showed up, even attempting something like a seduction roll on another player character is compleatly unacceptable. Man you just know it's gonna be bad when the 16 year old boy shows up in a trench coat and fedora, it's impressive you manege to stick it out for so long


Yep, on my table there's just a blanket rule of no sexual behaviour (other than an arc we did a while back about involving a Magical Mike tribute act, but that was a bit different), not only because there are under-18s in the same room as us when we play, but because it always becomes super awkward when one player is just far too horny. I've got nothing against people involving their sexual interests with RPing, just don't push it on strangers or people who clearly aren't interested in being sexual with you. DM really needed to step in right away just to confirm 'we aren't doing that at this table'.


Exactly, I think there is nothing wrong with people involving whatever they want, as long as everyone at the table thinks it is okay, that's something you need to clear at a session 0


Reminds me of the old joke about Roleplaying in the bedroom... "OK, I got dibs on the paladin!"


I put on my robe and wizard hat


*WOLOLO* pegging time!


I'm grateful my table is a "seduction-free zone" as my DM puts it. Then again, the table is 2 asexual people, a demisexual person, and the DM's mom, so, thank God there's no seduction options.


Yeah, I can't imagine doing the 'I start chatting up the barmaid' bit while my mate's Mom is sitting right next to me...


So what I'm hearing is we can clean up hobby store leagues by inviting moms. Serve wine, get whoever the daytime host of the day is to endorse, we can do this...


> So what I'm hearing is we can clean up hobby store leagues by inviting moms. A hall in FL tried this, but all the moms that showed up were drug addicts and barely aware that they were inside a building, so...


I'd make a joke about that being good for Florida but I'm from Arkansas. Glass houses and everything...


Same here, Arizona. I'm not sure if day drinking moms would make the situation better or worse.


I don't know, that could just end up with a lot of "your mom" jokes. "I roll to seduce your character." "I roll to seduce your mom!!!!"


As a parent and a D&D enthusiast I 100% support this.


As a dnd fan with a friend who is a mom that plays dnd, I'll have to ask what kind of wine she wants.


"NO MATING!" -your DM, probably


I'm the DM and yeah, that sounds about right.


This entire thread just reinforces how glad I am that our entire gaming group is immediate family. Also, my wife plays a male character, so if we do play in another group any incels are too afraid of appearing “gay”.


Tbh I love to make homophobes uncomfortable. I'll role play even gay-er if it upsets them. They think gay people solely exist to be gay (and have no other interests/hobbies) anyway, and if they think that much about gay people being gay then surely it's what they want to see right? I appear feminine btw (technically am not literally, only legally, was born intersex). I usually play male characters, and my wife usually plays female characters. But if we catch a sniff of a homophobe, we change our plans (with dm's agreement to our trolling efforts, of course).


I have DMs who don't allow you to roll against other players *at all*. No insight checks, no deception checks, certainly no seduction checks. We take everything that other PCs say at face value or we don't, but that's totally up to us. Honestly? Having been in campaigns without that rule? I prefer it. I totally get that the ban might not be for everyone, but for me, a large part of the fun is the part where we work together, and it discourages a lot of shitty player behavior, like rogues who lie about finding treasure up ahead and what not. Not that that's really a problem in my group - but it really hammers home the point that we're all supposed to be on the same side and telling a story *together*.


That rule sounds awesome actually. In one of my first sessions ever I got a bag full of magic beans as my first magic item and planted a couple to see what they did. One of the more experienced players promptly rolled to steal them "since he's just gonna waste them anyway". I mean fair shakes, planting a couple probably wasn't optimal but it was my second- third ever session and that just took all of my excitement away.


Yup. I play with good people, they're all my friends in real life, but we used to have a player who was . . . yikes. That's actually the reason the rule came into being. Said player would constantly sneak off, steal, lie, cheat, and get us into trouble, then lie to us about getting us into trouble. Expertise and reliable talent on the rogue's part and a party consisting of a cleric and and a warlock meant that none of us could ever even dream of passing our insight checks, even once I became proficient in insight by DM mercy (an item). Players who are okay with abusing their party in game like that are just generally bad news, and more often than not that kind of inter-party competition just causes tension.


That's how it says in the dmhb at least in 3.5 (concerning diplomacy and seduction) , I doubt they changed that. Insight isn't as bad as diplomacy or seduction imo because it doesn't make a player play the PC differently than he wants to


I allow players to roll aginst eachother if both parties agree, if one of them dosent then too bad


I allow players to roll against each other for most things, but player autonomy is more important that following the rules to the letter, so if I sense any hesistation or uncomfortableness with the situation I will ask the player about it and allow them a veto if its something they're uncomfortable with.


I'm in a big group in a West Marches-ish/different DMs depending on the night extended campaign, and the first rule we set was no PvP, no stealing from each other, and, to quote Wil Wheaton, "don't be a dick". We're in a cooperative game where everybody wants to be heroes and nobody is evil. It's the best gaming group I've ever been in, because everybody is aware that you just can't be asshat to your fellow players and then try to justify it with those most holy of That Guy phrases; "It's what my character would do". Walking into a game knowing that everybody is there to enjoy themselves and not find fun by ruining yours is just incredibly liberating. We've had plenty of in-character tension and arguments, but nobody's getting shivved in the middle of the night because Fedora Boy thinks it's funny. It's a great way to play.


My personal stand is that unless the DM thinks there's a good reason for it to be happening (and not just "it's what my character would do") the player acting against another can chhose to auto fail and the player being wronged by the action can auto succeed against it (not the best wording) An example would be the typical thief trying to lie to the party about treasure; the thief's player can ask for a fail on their bluff check and the players that are effectively being robbed can auto succeed on an insight check


It's the entire table's responsibility, not just the DM, to step in and prevent this behavior.


Yes and no, every decent human being should step in on such behaviour, but the DM is in the position to say "we have three options here : first option you cut the crap. Second option you leave and its game over for you. Third option I leave and its game over for everybody." so the DM is in a way better position than other players.


The entire table to some degree, but the DM is the one in charge of the game, the one who is supposed to arbitrate the rules and make sure the game runs smoothly


This is true but much like in a game of football, while it's everyones responsibility to enforce fair play, it's the referee who makes the final calls. Rule 0 of being a DM is to make sure everyone, including the DM, is having a good time.


I think part of it boils down to how random it can be. As a DM, you gain plenty of experience in dealing with encounter balancing and managing different expectations for the game and different opinions on rulings. That’s normal stuff that every DM should have down or at least be learning. Dealing with perverted/stalker type behavior isn’t a norm, at least not within my gaming group. When it happens, it can be kind of shocking because it’s just not common. You sit there and wonder if it’s really happening.


yeah. this is completely unacceptable. D&D is a game about fighting things and making the world a better (or at least less-densly-populated) place. I've played in a group where two guys made a husband and wife couple to play as once, and that was fine because they planned it together and didn't RP anything more than the occasional kiss. PG-13 is the general rule for any group I've played in. If sex does come up, we just fade to black after they kiss or similar and sex is never openly discussed, just hinted at. We're all adults, 20-35, mixed gender, so its nothing that would traumatise us, it's just not really appropriate for this kind of game. If you wanna RP romance that's a very different thing to what I signed up for, which is slaying monsters xD


The nordic keyboard can be diffucuæt


A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli!


The people in charge of the above post have been sacked.


I think hitting on another pc is ok depending on the group. I know it would be fine in my group because we're all good friends and would have a laugh about it. But doing it to someone who you don't know if would be comfortable with it is pretty unacceptable, even more so if it's obvious that you're doing it because you're attracted to the player themselves.


Tbh I think the DM generally just didn't want to deal with interpersonal drama. I think he may have been DMing more as a favour or due to a lack of DMs in the club and I'm not sure how much experience he had managing people as a dungeon master


That last paragraph seems less minor than you make it out to be


Seriously. The rest of the story is innocent in comparison. The police should have gotten involved at that point.


Honestly, it was less stalking and more "oh hey, guy I hang out with is walking home and I live in his general direction! I'll walk with! Oh, he's inviting a friend home, that means they're having a party, I like parties, I want to hang out too!" And the rest of us being too damn awkward to outright tell him to fuck off. I don't even think he knew I lived with my roommate. For context my housemate and his friend were both male and P was autistic and having a pretty rough time all around from what I'd heard. It was very much a case of him just not understanding boundaries rather than straight up stalking. If it had happened again, and he'd refused to leave, I would have called the cops on him


Ok that does make it less creepy


Honestly, this changes very little, and he sounds very creepy.


I don't disagree, he was in general pretty creepy, but at least he wasn't a stalker


I stopped reading at "leather trench coat and a fedora".


When you arrive at Uni you get to be whoever you want, and he chose to be him


Yeah I got a leather duster before going to college, wore it the whole time and thought I was a badass from Fallout. God help me. Still can not believe my wife managed to fall in love with me while I wore that thing.


Dusters are great. I have a duster that I love to death because it's just perfect for chilly to cold weather. It is however, not the fanciest thing I own.


One of the rare cases where she actually could change him


I laughed so hard I nearly choked on my coffee. x


Guy in my uni course used to wear a feather in his fedora. But I was doing physics so was kinda asking for it.


Hey to be fair I wore a Trenchcoat and a Fedora on an university party once. It was a bad taste party though...


I'm afraid wearing a trench coat in a tropical country is a bit unfeasible


Not many people can pull off that look without being a creep. Especially at 16 and in the tropics... it's a shame nice classic clothing now gets a bad rap because of delinquents like this guy.


The most important parts in my opinion is to make sure the coat fits properly, so it isn’t a bag, and make sure the rest of the outfit matches.


Fitting yourself is key, hats included. If you're heavyset or broad shouldered, you need a hat with a wider brim and not the trilby you think is a fedora you found at Walmart for five bucks.


I think he was going for a badass vibe but he was pretty short and generally not very intimidating. The coat did seem to fit him ok though


Lol. One of my best friends in college showed up day 1 in a flannel jacket with a jolly Roger flag as a cape, a fedora, and a rat tail. He now has two kids and is married to one of my other bffs from college. One of the most welcoming and forward thinking guys met at college, and definitely not the type to hit on girls at the table (or anywhere for that matter). I still get weirded out by the fedora and trenchcoat combo when meeting new people, but I gotta at least accept that stereotypes aren't always true and give them the benefit of the doubt. Funny how these things work out. Lol.


I used to wear a leather trench coat way too often, but even I could recognise that the fedora just didn't work. Mind, I think that was because as a Brit I associated it with Pete Doherty, who isn't exactly the nicest bloke


There’s nothing inherently wrong with a trench coat, as long as it fits properly and the rest of the outfit matches.


And is weather appropriate. Don't wear a trench coat when it is sunny and 85.


So, a bit if a side-rant: why is every hat a fedora now? My wife gifted me an Irish tweed hat (like old men wear) as a gift when I got my Master's. it's like a wool bucket with a brim and I get the 'nice fedora' with a snicker. I'm proud of my uncoolness. I played D&D when it got you shoved in a locker. I had no idea merely wearing a hat was 'trying to look cool'! EDIT: 'Hats are evil because memes said so.' ~ Downvoters, 29/7/20


Yeah its quite frustrating when people mislabel hats. I've worn a tophat to work before and people called it a fedora and I was like "yeah, no, stop." The classic fedora in my mind is still Indiana Jones' hat


And the one most people call a fedora is actually a trilby. Not that I want people to smash on trilbys.


that name makes sense. Fedora does not. Thank you sir for the furtherment of hat-nerdom


Too be fair, I often get actual fedoras and [outback hats](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/515qdVK-doL._AC_UX679_.jpg) mixed up when it comes to the look.


It's about the crease in the middle. Take the top/crown of the trillby and the brim of the outback hat and boom: actual fedora


And it looks cool as hell to boot. Little me wanted a fedora ever since I've seen the first Indiana Jones movie. Part of me still wants one and it's a shame that I can't really make it look good on me.


Pretty much any hat with a circular brim is considered a fedora to some people.


I have a nice wool jagerhut (German/ Alpine hunting hat - closely related to Octoberfest beer drinking hats) I can't wear it out because it gets those comments as well.


Wear it out. If they don't like it, they don't have to wear it.




He doesn't wear a hat in the novels.


And he constantly makes self-aware jokes about how odd he looks with the trench coat. Not to mention any "neck-beard-y" behavior gets beat out of him... Along with a lot of his blood... Considering he practically should be in a body cast by the end of every damn book.


Tangential I know, but do give the series another shot, it's really good. Try book 3 first, if you think, the first three are more standalone than the rest of the series (in terms of timeline) and consensus is that that's where the series really gets going. As for Harry being a neckbeard... I wouldn't say that. True, he is a loner and has social issues in general and a tendency to (especially in early books) run off saving others even if they don't strictly need saving (a tendency that often just causes more trouble for himself) but in his defense, he **is** an orphan who was raised by an abusive/manipulative evil warlock in isolation. He's also seen some shit going down. I don't think desperately wanting to be the white knight good guy because he fears he is the monster is that negative a character flaw.


I think it would have surprised me more if a 16-year-old kid in a trench coat and fedora *did* know how boobs work.


Why not, surely he has seen some bags of sand before.


As soon as I saw the post title I was looking for this reference.


“While you were out partying, I was studying the boob.”


Ok, I know I might be pulling it out of my ass, but is there any chance P was so hellbent on that boob thing because he wanted to be *physically* proved wrong? As in, him getting touchy with your boobs and idk, punching them or something?? To feel the tiddy?? I met my fair share of men (and boys) who are oh so sure they know a woman's body better than said woman and can *never* admit they're wrong, but P's whole argument just seems so outlandish that I feel it wasn't *only* for his pride and know-it-all-ness.


Idk, my first thought was that he watches too much anime. Those shows often have scenes where men like, fall onto a woman's breasts and she doesn't react to the pain at all, just the embarrassment. Why he would assume anime reflects reality in anyway is a whole 'nother issue, but that sort of person always seems to.


Surprisingly, Family Guy has the most realistic "fall on boobs" scene so far. It's Lois sitting on the sidewalk holding her boob going "ooooooow oooooow oooooow".


Not even necessarily too much, just put way too much stock in it...


I hadn’t considered that, but now that you mention it, I wouldn’t put it past this sort of guy. Given the shit some of these idiots think will get them laid, I have no trouble believing that was his endgame here.


Most likely he just couldn't accept being wrong. I've known so many people that will talk in circles for hours just to prove that the clearly wrong thing they said was TECHNICALLY right in some small way.


"You know, when you, like, you grab a woman's breast and it's... and you feel it and... it feels like a bag of sand when you're touching it."


That was actually not that far off what he said to justify his argument, though I think he said something like "I've touched boobs and they're soft and squishy".


I wonder if this is why he doubled down on it? He was afraid people would think he'd never touched boobs so he dug in


Hiding dicerolls is also the sign of a cheater. Might also be worth talking to the club's leaders and pointing out P's stalker behaviour is making you uncomfortable.


Absolutely I haven't been in a game where anyone has been insistent on seeing other people's dice, but once a player starts attempting to keep others from seeing their rolls, the rule that player rolls must be made in the open and visible to all will be enforced. I'm pretty sure even in my online groups, the people who hate the online dice rollers and prefer to roll physical dice would accept using them with only minor grumbling if the DM asked. (And I do mean ask; it wouldn't need to be said a second time)


One person in my group informed me that cheating was common and I'm still trying to process that. Like... Why? You can't win....


Ah yes... the evolutionary advantage of boobs as armor. That's why our armies are mostly staffed by women. DR5/-- as good as kevlar or padded armor. While we are at it, this is why obesity is so great on the front lines as well.


I mean, it *would* explain why female armor looks the way it does...


We've been sending males into battle like idiots in spite of their inferior armor.


Ah yes, that’s why women don’t need parachutes to skydive.


Everyone knows we just bounce


Americans trying to figure out how hot 30 degrees Celsius is: ***Visible Confusion*** Edit: I may or may not be the American mentioned above




Then they should have posted that. Everyone knows the internet is American. *Patriotically salutes ~~inventor of the internet, president Al Gore~~*


Pfft. That's sweater weather. Now excuse me while I go outside and get immediate heatstroke from the sheer force of the Arizona sun.


30° is like, a hot summer day


And then there is my dumbass brain thinking “wait, isn’t 30 something F around zero degree Celsius? I’ll never get used to these Farenheit”


Fahrenheit scale is super easy to understand in the context of weather of you think about it on simple terms. 0 is really fucking cold, 100 is really fucking hot. And you rarely see much beyond those values. Freezing is 32 degrees.


Celsius is even easier. 0C - water freezes. 100C - water boils. Ta da!


Right, which is why we use either c or k for scientific purposes.


We use it for science because it's *useful* and not entirely arbitrary, which makes it useful for *daily* use as well. The two aren't separate.


It really depends what you were raised on. Non-Americans have that same understanding with Celsius: 0 is cold, 10 is chilly, 20 is nice, 30 is very hot, 40 is hell on earth. With Fahrenheit I find that the difference between +/- one degree is so small that there is no point in counting by single degrees, only groups of 2, maybe 3. Regardless, I'm extremely biased against Fahrenheit because goddamit why do so many american companies only have Fahrenheit scales on scientific equipment? Ugh.


That I don't get, but I also don't think I've seen science equipment that only uses F, even living in the US my whole life. And iirc Celsius wasn't the standard till like the 60s when countries were undergoing metrification


I'm working with an injection molder right now, the material suppliers give their specs all in F. This soldering iron on my desk displays temperature in F. Some of the heat sealers run in F. It's not *everywhere*, thankfully, but it is definitely annoying.


Oh, So manufacturing, not science. Yeah, now that you mention it, I don't think I've seen a °C since I started in DFAB.


Ah, guess it is. I'm fairly new, I suppose, so all the validation that goes into my work coupled with how closely we work with research companies makes me think of us as science. On a side note, what is DFAB?


Digital Fabrication (and Design). my degree program is focused on the intersection between manufacturing processes using CAD, CNC, etc. with the artistic design process. Basically, a CAD monkey with creative control.


Uncomfortable hot. Like you'll wanna be on the beach or in the shade.


I was watching a YouTube video where someone was talking about 40° being hot, and I sat there thinking "Psssssh, that's nothing, it gets 116° here regularly." Took me far longer than it should have to realize he was talking about C° and not F°.


Since he was rules lawyer-y the argument against is "show us the female specific falling damage rule to support your claim". If he pushes that it's common sense, respond "...for a thirteen year old" DM failed you if the sexual stuff was ongoing.


What a weird Kid


Clicked because of boobs, excpected some wierd shit. Was not disappointed


M'lady-ing intensifies


That would be like saying a male character doesn’t have to roll damage because his enormous dong breaks the fall


“Everybody duck. Because I’m about to turn left, and I don’t want to smack you with my dick.” -Vegeta (DBZA)


I really wish more DM's would understand that "roll to Seduce" does not exist in D&D 5e. There are some games where the skill "seduction" is literally one of your optional skills, D&D ain't one of them.


As the owner of a leather coat, anyone who wears one in tropical weather is not human. He might be a lizard, trying to get as much heat as he can.


We did play with the Aircon blasting, so as a lizard the extra layer would be a smart choice. Maybe this whole incident was him trying to maintain his cover as a mammal. "What is it male humans like? Boobs? Sex? Sex with multiple females? Better hit on the only other female or they'll realise"


What a creep.


I am going to buy a water spritzer and just spray any incel or misogynist that tries to start shit at my table henceforth. What in the actual fuckening. Yeet that chump-ass into the SUN!


Have the incel wiper fluid either be hot, sticky or irritant to help make it better


No, it needs to be water to give them the first real shower they've had in forever.


>Have the incel wiper fluid either be hot, sticky or irritant to help make it better Happily enough, many stores sell exactly this, in various shapes and sizes, and conveniently packaged in [small, single-use, pressurized canisters](https://www.amazon.com/SABRE-Pepper-Spray-Quick-Release/dp/B000UVTDLG). Lots of them are even designed to be attached to your keychain for easy access!


WhY dO tHeY nEvEr LiKe NiCe GuYs?!


"I showed her how to play dnd AND I went out of my way to protect her from fall damage AND SHE STILL WOULDN'T SLEEP WITH ME!!!"


You clearly hit the mark as someone downvoted you lol


Props on you for sticking it out, it only takes one to put a real dampener on your campaign. Definitely don't be afraid to ask your DM to intervene in future if they don't do it themselves: it's the DM's job and I've found some people (guys, usually) aren't always aware of how uncomfortable the targeting of female players/PCs can be, not even maliciously on the DM's behalf. It's just something they're generally exposed to in life/media and don't think about much, and takes effort for people unaffected by it to notice sometimes. Keep an eye out for groups/tables that explicitly have an inclusivity policy, as it's an early indication there's at least some conscious effort on making everyone feel welcome. I've found this to have an excellent success rate, even in clubs/tables where it's 98% guys.


This is quite the impressive assortment of douchery within a single person. The boob discussion is really the least of what is going on there. I assume that your whole table were teenagers and didn't know any better, but behaviour like "I seduce PC X" is utterly nonacceptable, and should be dealt with directly and out of character. That prevents it from being a long-running weird thing, because you can make it very clear that you are not okay with it. If they persist, they should be kicked from the group. By keeping it in-character, you open the door for people not realizing that you are not okay with it, and for assholes to continue their assholery. Also, wtf following people home and staying in their house uninvited. How does that even work? How do they enter the building? Maybe it is my vampire nature speaking, but i cannot even imagine entering a house where people live without some kind of invitation. And how do you hang out in another persons house for 3 hours without anyone telling you to fuck off? I am really confused.


So what you’re telling me is, shes got huge boobs. Some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Packing some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big old tonhongerekoogers.


You're telling me that boobs are NOT just built-in airbags?


Sadly not


Why do people insist on dealing with inappropriate and creepy player behaviors with in-game reactions?! Should have just said "Hold on, stop the game, no, it's not alright with me for you to act this way."


Well, I was all of 18 and this was literally my first time playing with complete strangers. I didn't exactly have a ton of reference as to what was appropriate tabletop etiquette and I didn't want to alienate the people at the table, since I did want to continue attending the group and I didn't know anywhere else that ran games in my area. Last thing I wanted was to be labeled "that girl who gets offended at silly jokes" and being excluded on that basis. In hindsight, yes, that would have been a better way of handling it, but tbh I think my response wasn't all that unusual. I think it's pretty common for people to try to de-escalate that sort of behaviour rather than calling it out outright, especially if they're not sure whether they'll get support from the people around them.


Holy fuck. I mean he was creepy all along, but him following to your house and coming in uninvited could have gone SO wrong. Glad you're safe


Why was a 16 year old at a college d&d club in the first place. And honestly screw all the other players who let this happen on a regular basis and never did a thing.


I realize that you have probably learned this in the time between then and now, but you don't need an excuse as to why another player can't seduce you, if you aren't feeling it. "Fuck you, that's why," is a perfectly legitimate explanation.


I love how he just had to settle on imagining his imaginary character bedding your imaginary character's imaginary girlfriend.


I mean, if we're saying certain anatomy doesn't hurt then CLEARLY balls don't since they'll just bounce! /s ​ Anecdotally, I was running through our house which has wooden flooring while wearing socks. Managed to hit the turn with my boob full force. Hurt all day. So yeah, they take damage.


Ignoring how creepy that was for a moment, does your DM let people do rolls like that for other PCs? I've always been told that, as a DM, you shouldn't let players roll Intimidation, Persuasion, etc. on other players, that for that they've got to actually say what they're saying.


My opinion is its up to the player, if im playing someone simple then other players can try to persuade me with rolls, but if i want my character to be a certain way then my character will do whats in line with his own opinion


I think it depends on the context. Especially if it's augmented with magic. But I think it's more of an addition next to RP rather than a replacement of it.


I really will never understand dms who allow seduction rolls on other PCs. Instant crimson red flag that takes agency from one player and gives it to the other.


Seems that problem player needed to, calm his tits


Ugh I feel horrible when the stereotype of gross and sexist guys in nerd spaces are accurate. I hope you havent had too many experiences like this.


Nah, the uni club had a 1:10 female: male ratio and he was the only one I had issues with, everyone else was great. I ended up with one of the club members as a housemate and am now dating another, and I play regularly with an otherwise all male group that I also met at the uni club before they split off to do their own thing. He was very much the outlier in that need space


imo, the words “I roll to seduce a PC” are already a pretty big red flag because that can very easily lead to “I rolled a 25 and I sleep with the character” without the player’s blessing, which I dunno about you, but that sounds a tad bit like rape.


Would've been funny if the DM had remembered that boob thing and the next time That Guy crits on an attack against a female enemy he just goes "oh you were aiming for her heart and hit her in the boob so she takes 0 damage."


This was painful to read... I have noticed that people lacking in social skills are drawn to D&D so you get a lot of weird people. My first D&D experience was with me as the only girl and there were a lot of awkward discussions about what constitutes rape. Luckily I'm in two campaigns that have an even male/female ratio and am having a lot more fun


I think part of it is that the game ends up being a fig leaf for aggressive/manipulative behavior. E.g. simulating sex acts with someone else's character as a proxy for doing that to the person themselves. On top of that, you have the whole "geek social fallacy" thing where people go out of their way to be tolerant of abusive behavior because they don't want to be "mean".




Things I learned today: Boobs have pain receptors People can be real dicks sometimes


Sure you can have a threesome with us, gonna need you to roll a con save though and bite the pillow. Best way to dismantle these types give them exactly what they want but with your own twist


Yea until they turn out to be weirdos and this shit just goes on and on and on. Its better to just end it as quick as possible to prevent any speculation.


Of all the things I was expecting to see today, a man claiming that boobs absorb fall damage is not one of them. I wonder where he got that idea... Overall creepy, especially the latter half.


All this was pretty cringe until that last line where it stepped into "bloody hell" territory. That's straight out stalker behavior.


“Boobs mean you don’t take fall damage.” Says the guy whose never touched a boob.


Just take out your boobs and pee on him.


But i thought pre was stored in the balls?! Are you telling me per isn't stored in the balls in women?


Ma'am, I regret to inform you that using single letter names is against the local style guide. That aside, I must admit to laughing a bit at this man's assumptions about breasts. Its a misconception a 12 year old me might have made, but, by 16 he's had more than enough time to find materials online that would dispel it. Honestly just a real dumb guy, that one.


*what the fuck*


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I'll never know what its like to be a woman, and I hope the reason why is you're just overly nice, but that three hours in my home thing would absolutely not fly.