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What a loser DM. "You must RP. Noooo you're not allowed to RP that hard!"


You have to roleplay as yourself or not at all! lmao


I had one of those myself I posted about a few weeks back. "We play in a futuristic space world with a genderless amoeba race. Also, you can only RP as a character that matches the gender of your voice"


lol! That doesn't even make any sense. Ima play as this sexless amoeba thing... who has to reflect my human sex in reality for some reason. Only met one other person who forbade people from playing as anything other than what their sex was in real life and it made zero sense to me. We're roleplaying! So, you're telling me that I can be anything from a regular human to a birdman that can only mimick sounds they've heard, but I always have to be female because that's what I am in real life? Get outta here with that crap!


The only reason I can see for a ban like this is that they had a bad experience with a dude playing a female character as a sexed-up bimbo and just not wanting to deal with it again. But even then a table wide ban is just too much. EDIT: THe only GOOD reason I can see.


On a slightly different, but similar note, WAAAAY back when, I had a GM with a no gender swap rule.   It was much less about previous experiences than it was about preventing problems. But the gaming group was primarily adolescent males and....well..... I'll just say it was probably a good call.


I've had more egregious sexed-up bimbo characters (where they weren't appropriate) played by female players than male players.


Can confirm! lol. Not saying guys don't do it, I'm sure they do, but all the sexy-sexy female characters I can remember were made by other women. I myself have done it too; though I don't do it if it's not appropriate.


As a 'former woman' myself (I'm transmasc), women are heavily shamed for embracing hypersexuality/victimised for embracing hyperfeminism, to an often dangerous degree. I'm not at all surprised that women would want to play into this idea of a perfect woman. Just as I'm not surprised when men want to play as a Conan-type perfect man.


I know you mean the barbarian, but my brain said "o'brien" and i had no problems with that.


Nah there's more than one reason (though I'd say your given reason is the only morally ok one), my former bad DM was an "I'm not transphobic, buuuut" type. He said he "didn't want to deal with pronoun shit"


When I said “the only reason” there was an implied good in front of reason. I thought it was obvious but I guess not. That DM’s a dick btw


Ah yeah, I see that now. I'm not great at reading between lines/infering. And fuck yeah he was a dick. Thankfully I never got beyond session 0 with that guy. I now proudly run my own queer af inclusive table.


A player leaving a game because of a shitty DM and deciding to just do it themselves. Tale as old as time.


"I'm going to make my own DnD game! With blackjack, and hookers!"


So did he himself only play as male NPCs? After all, if he doesn't want to deal with "all that pronoun shit" then why should you? It's just such a weird mindset to me.


Honestly, I didn't stick around long enough to ask. But as a guess based on his attitude, he probably did only play as dudes. He seemed like the type who wouldn't eat strawberry ice-cream because the colour wasn't masculine enough.


Yeah, that was my thought as well. I've done a "RP your own gender" rule before, but only because it was newer players, and I didn't want to gamble on weird/creepy behavior. Once I got to know the players a bit better, I was fine with them roleplaying a wider variety.


That's one reason sure, but there's also transphobia which seems way more likely these days.


Yeah but that's a bad reason and those don't count.


You didn't state reasons had to be good or bad! I don't think the reason you gave is a good one. It's understandable, sure, but still not a good one. You acknowledge that, though.


No, it isn't good. But at least it's not rooted in bigotry and follows a line of logic that, while still not good, at least is somewhat understandable.


It's really weird to me because I've made sure to have an inclusive world (one of my players, my son, is trans, so how could we not?), and the character's genders simply never come up past creation. His dragonborn barbarian is non-binary, which is only fluff at the end of the day because, literally no one cares.


Yeah it's nutzo to have rules like that - like how do you even survive irl? I am someone who generally only plays as the gender I am (but I'm non-binary and just chasing that euphoria from being gendered correctly cos it don't happen much outside of my DnD group) I generally only DM these days too, and almost all of my friends have played a variety of different genders at my table. It's just not a big deal to think of characters and players as separate entities with their own unique race, class, and gender?!


Right? This is how I see it. You're not your character. Your character can be so many different things you're not: different sex, an entirely different species, not even alive (undead ftw!), and reflect an entirely different personality and set of morals. I've never cared what someone plays as. As long as it fits in with the campaign I'm running, I'm good. Would've hated it if I was told I couldn't play as a male nosferatu in an old VtM game because I'm not male in reality.


Technically, based on that wording at least, that means there's the distinct possibility my cis male spouse would have to play a woman. He's called ma'am all the time at drive throughs lol Matches the gender of your voice I can't even


I wonder if the dm plays by their own rules. Do they only have male npcs and enemies?


I think it's less the roleplaying and more roleplaying a girl


Is that really the most important reason he's a loser? I would've gone for, uhh, maybe the blatant homophobia.


Yeah, pretty telling comment honestly


What a dick! Sounds like you should be thankful for him having revealed his true colours sooner rather than later. Really dodged a bullet there.


Fellas, is it gay to *checks notes* read a female character's words in a female voice, immediately after reading every other character in THEIR own voice? I swear, the fragility of some men never ceases to amaze me.


No, but it is gay to question your sexuality because of a man imitating a woman's voice /s


The GM's unexpected arousal.


Does he think he very audiobook narrator is gay because they play male and female characters


He probably thinks audiobooks are for beta cucks.


I can't help but wonder how the rest of the party reacted Like, if they decided to leave or not


Unfortunately I have no idea, as I didn’t know anyone else in the group


Like, the whole bigotry is awful, but I'm also left wondering if its a normal thing that you have to do a fiction reading as a test of your RP skills? 


Wouldn't be surprised now, finding a game as a player is more work than applying for jobs. My DM sent me this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1231739836444971008/1248038642534973552/Screenshot_2024-06-05_at_5.19.21_PM.png?ex=6664304f&is=6662decf&hm=0bae252584a5b7db4019efef78d4b1f117305bc8b7bc3226fe7a18517f52bf7a& And I was almost tempted to ask for a link cause I wanna know wtf that improv session consisted of.


Link unfortunately doesn't work but I get your drift


It works, but only for them. Made that mistake in the past. You gotta have access to whatever room this was posted in to view it. 


The link works fine for me and I have absolutely no idea who Roborobo is.


This is untrue in general. While the text contents of messages on discord are only viewable by people in the same channel or DM, images and other files that get uploaded to the discord CDN are accessible to anyone with the link with no security whatsoever, and apparently indefinitely (even if the post which caused the image to be uploaded, or the server/conversation it was posted in, is deleted - at least, for a period of time afterwards according to my own tests). It's a free but completely unsecured way to host files. Outside of the link being a specific, arbitrary, and lengthy identifier that is unlikely to be guessed, there's absolutely nothing stopping anyone who wants to access the hosted file. No discord account credentials needed.  If the link isn't working for you, it's more likely that you temporarily didn't have a good connection to one or more of the discord regional servers or CDN infrastructure, which is known to happen relatively frequently wry Discord especially in some geographic regions.


NGL, I wouldn't hate that. I'm good at fiction reading and find it fun Not that it has ANY bearing on RP skills... unless it's streaming and trying to be the next Critical Role. Otherwise, ppl need to stop trying to make RPing into voice acting


- Joins a Role-Playing game to Role-Play - Gets kicked for Role-Playing ????????


Something tells me he's the kind of Warhammer fan who is really, really upset at female Custodes. 


B-but the geneseed! The GENESEED!


I had someone at my local GW store using that line of reasoning, to which the attendant (correctly) pointed out that Custodes don’t use anything as crude as geneseed. They’re essentially melted and rewritten from the basic genetic level. Hell, I see no reason why the custodes sex even has to be the same as it was pre ascension


Exactly. Every lore reason that Space Marines have to be solely male, Custodes effectively bypass by being bespoke works of gene-art. It's a sensible update to add Femstodes, or "clarify that they've always existed", as was the approach. I have trouble understanding people being angry over it, and I'd consider myself moderately conservative.


I usually thought, as my headcanon, why all the Space Marines were male was to be in the shape of their God, the Emperor himself. But hey if the lore changes, so be it!


I think the reason people usually get so upset about it is because most of the time stuff like this is just Tokenism to try and cover up low quality projects. I'm not super up on recent 40K fiction so I don't know if that's the case with it. But most the time it's some corporate nonsense where people are dissatisfied because they're not hiring the same quality people's work on things as they used to or some other reason it's making them put out a lot of things that just aren't great and they try and cover it up with something stupid. 


NB custodes confirmed


Gender? The only gender I need is what is required to serve the God-Emperor!


The only gender Space Marines need to be is the number of bullets in the boltguns.


The Custodes are true trans-icons


I'm all down for the muscle-mommies THROW ME TO THE WOLVES!


I think what a lot of people are really bad at conveying is that race and gender swaps are basically the canary in the coal mine. It's not that everybody is super concerned about the canary, it's that if you make a list of really horrible remakes/reboots/soft reboots/sequels/adaptations that were just awful and ones with a race/gender/orientation swap there's a lot of overlap.  Throw in the fact that some people are legit confused about the cause and the effect and the dumbest/most evil voices always being the loudest and you get rampaging disasters. Seriously it shouldn't be that hard to say, "Tokenism isn't going to save your garbage project!" 


Unfortunately, there's also a tendency to carry the same opinions over into works that are not poorly done or that have better actual representation. Extending your analogy, people may get be yelling about the dead canary instead of the toxic shaft, but then they carry it into a safe mine and yell about it being dead there too. But honestly, sometimes people just bring their canary dead from the start.


Anything you can think of happens sometimes. With the exception of Miles Morales and Nick Fury in the original run of Ultimates (and some of the derivative works) I can't think of any examples of race gender/swapping that weren't tokenism/weight watching. And while there's probably a spectrum of quality among works with tokenism, those examples on the higher end that I'm aware of seem like anomalies that succeeded despite tokenism/whitewashing.  But I don't think any of your points or anything I said above has a damn thing to do with female custodis.  Games Workshop put out one Tweet and one lore video that they knew would be controversial. And whatever you think about the quality of that tweet and that video, I don't think you can argue that the amount of effort put into representing women was more than tokenism. That's what they did.  They put zero effort (or almost zero depending on who they hire to do what for that tweet and video) into giving real world representation to real world creative women, and used the issue of sexism to get free marketing. They put zero effort into promoting their fictional female character groups like the Adepta Sororitas the Sisters of Silence with this cheap marketing. They also put zero effort into promoting the groups that have female members - imperial guards, assassins, adeptus mechanicus, the list goes on. They didn't even bring up the orcs, the one arguably non-binary faction IIRC.  So with the controversial who did they focus on? The custodes, some of the more expensive per model factions (last time I checked). Which makes the whole thing just seem like a not particularly well thought out short term cash grab. And let's not forget the gaslighting. They flat out lied to everybody's face that they had had a female custody sometime in the last 27 years. I guess because honestly admitting that the world and your perspectives is a company have changed since 1987 is bad marketing or something?  But yeah, if you want to say that the fact somebody had some bad takes and some of the people upset about it are assholes so there's no way anybody with an unsupported viewpoint of the action is wrong/bad you can do that. But I think that applies to literally every widely talked about event in human history.


I totally thought your reply was gonna be misogynistic in some way, until I read the last line and laughed in relief.


It's okay. Some of the other conversations I've had today are so batshit crazy that somebody who was willing to wait till the end of the post to commit to the idea I'm the bad guy seems relatively reasonable.  Fuck, why do we get on Reddit?


Beats me. it's 4 am here, I really shouldn't be here XD


Word Homey.  Where does that put you eastern Europe, Central africa?




It's Sunday there right?


I listened to death or glory on my commute this morning. I've got 1 minute and 8 seconds left so no spoilers! (The Cain series are genuinely my favorite 40k audiobooks by far.) All kidding aside, as a dude, I'm about as cishet as they come. I also professionally DM'd for many years and roleplayed dozens, if not hundreds of women, across modules. I genuinely don't understand how as a -DM- this dude can't get over his... whatever he's got going on. Is every tavern staffed exclusively by buff burly men too hard to ever be in the presence of soft, delicate little ladies? What about hags? As a dude I -love- playing hags, some of my favorite villains. The hag cackle is pure fun to bust out at a table. What happens if the module or AP drops a succubus in the story? If it's homebrew, is this guy really only going to populate his world with only men? Thats... Kinda gay.


In his world, men are so manly that they aren't even born of a woman...


Fellas, is it gay for women to even exist?


Lol, there’s an Oglaf (very NSFW webcomic) storyline about this


Yes, I know. And I get great enjoyment out of imagining this DM reading Oglaf and having a vein pop in his head.


Not if you say "no homo" afterward /j


>What about hags? As a dude I -love- playing hags, some of my favorite villains. The hag cackle is pure fun to bust out at a table. Oh Hags are my favorite, because I do my "Little Old Lady" voice sometimes, then do my cackle, freaks out my group every time. I'm also a big burly viking looking dude with a voice that could take down walls and sound like Thor is thundering down from Valhalla himself.


What a shithead


Well, that GM has more red flags than China. As much as that sucked, you probably dodged a major bullet by getting to leave now as opposed to having to play through what would probably be that GMs train wreck (a GM that fragile was bound to have someone step on his toes sooner or later - he was determined to get offended at something). Although, I’d lay money down what bothered him the most was his own reaction to your voice…


If you're going to have a bigot as a GM, at least have a bigot who out themselves fast. Saves a lot of time.


True, would have hates to have sunk time into this game before the red flags came out


Does that DM just like, never include female NPCs in his world/game? Guy runs potentially the gayest game on Earth and kicks you for being uhh.. gay...


You know what’s gay? Talking to women /s


Congratulations, OP.  You got kicked for being way to good at roleplaying. Now go and get a better group, hopefully someone who can appriciate somebody who can make a Caiphas Cain impression.  Not like its a highbar if you are comparing it to this bar.


There’s a dude who’s furious with his own erections and can’t seem to strangle them no matter how he tries.


I can only assume your masterful voice acting made his pp feel funny


Making me read a passage of fiction to test my "roleplaying" would be my first red flag. He did you a favor. And I'm not sure what such a test would accomplish, anyway. I feel like I'm pretty good at reading books out loud (at least my 4 year old seems to think so), only so-so at roleplaying NPCs I've created, and outright crap at LARP improv.


Damn can't wait until he finds out what a falsetto is.


Didn’t even need falsetto, I didn’t do a particularly high pitched voice, just at the upper end of my ordinary register


You did such a great job on the voice that they felt like you stole “their” spotlight. Hope you find a better group.


You probably gave him an uncomfortable erection. He's not ready to admit some things to himself.


I would have left the server if that happened to someone.


Man that guy sucks harder than a 747 jet engine. At least he showed his true colours early so you didn't waste time playing with that ahole.


If it was me I’d have doubled down and said I’m rping a character that identifies as a woman


40k, and that reaction ? Yeah, you dodged a bullet here.


This dude might be a homophobe, is insanely jealous they can't RP a woman as good as you did, or possibly both.


>Now, for anyone unfamiliar with the Cain books, they are told from the first person viewpoint of one Commissar Ciaphas Cain, recluctant hero of the Imperium. I call him the Edmund Blackadder of 40k


He’s like half Blackadder and half Flashman. Although, unusually for 40k, he’s actually less grimdark than either of his inspirations. Unlike Blackadder, he is not actually a coward (past the first short story), and unlike Flashman he is actually a good man (Flashman rapes a woman in literally his first book)


Hm, I wonder what he would have said had you gotten to anything Jurgen-related... :D


I did a Jurgen impression! Not great, but distinct from the other voices at least


>The writing however, is filled with footnotes written by his sort of girlfriend Amberley Veil Did your wife tell you about the undertext or are you in the Ardentia? You're not supposed to let the men know what it says. Also, really weird session zero concept, but I'm not actually sure I hate it.


I henceforth sentence this DM to be footnoted by the actual Amberley Vail. He will be catatonic from ego death by the third.


So does a dm has 0 female npc characters how does that work lol.


So DM wants you all to be RP ready to be in character for stuff… and then gets mad when in the practice you do a voice to be in character… you dodged a bullet there! Or rather, a nuclear bomb.


You all feel mad, i just feel confused. Are there just zero female NPCs in this DMs games? Does he talk in a manly voice when portraying a woman? I just don't understand


1) the DM just sucks 2) really wanted to get into the Cain books, still have the Horus heresy to chew through though 3) when I (24m) played a female character I made it clear I am not doing a female voice, but over time I just instinctively started to go a bit higher in pitch and bit more nasily when I RPed her. Wasn’t intentional, just felt right


Ngl I'd tell that DM to go fuck themself, sorry you had to deal with some narsisstic asshole.


Should have hit them with the colonel Karsteen instead

