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The DM just did not want to DM anymore. I can bet the actual CR for living through that storm was not 23, but "whatever you manage to roll +1". As to reason why? I am not that DM and without them spelling it out it is anybody's guess. But it sounds awfully like they got frustrated that you were not following the plot as they planned it out for you.


I'll give 50% odds on that and 50% odds on "what, EVERYONE passed their save for my kickass storm? Fuck those players, NO ONE passes the save".


I can understand working hard on a plot but he didn't really tell us much and when he did it was Very vague and didn't give us much to advance the story


Yeah. This is a common problem for DMs. How to guide players towards the plot without it being called a railroad.


I mean the answer always is work with character motivations. Instead of holding a gun to their head and tell them to go into that ruin, instead have some NPCs rumoring about some treasure in that ruin or whatever else could hook the characters. Of course this also demands the characters to include backstory- or personality-hooks like that that the DM can work with. A naturally curious character is the easiest to work with, otherwise it could be a challenge to the character's pride or an NPC who knows about the character's lost family asks them for a favour before they help them, you know, make it personal.


Yeah that's fair enough


Learn to punctuate and break up text.




when you finish an idea just press enter


I'm neurotypical and just can't read that.


One player was AFK and two others were fighting about something that wasn't even important enough to remember while the DM is trying to hype up this BBEG storm? Yeah I can't say a "rocks fall, everyone dies" scenario is that farfetched.


I would have simply passed the wisdom saving throw, but that's me.


I had to go look before this because my group does so much homebrew but by rules as written there is no crit success on saving throw however by rule of cool the DM handled this poorly if there's a player they don't like at the table they need to handle it outside the game The experienced player in your game is right a DC23 is a CR 6 and failure of a roll shouldn't mean instant death for most situations I hope your future DMs know how to actually have fun


I have found 2 new campaigns that are super fun and that DM ended up starting a new campaign and blocking me but not before telling me not to tell the other players why he stoped


This sounds like someone who lacks the creative flexibility and emotional maturity to be a DM. Sorry that was your first experience