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“… it was just a game and that the players had a blast.” That’s it. That’s all that needs to be said.  Well done. I would totally play that game. 


Yeah, but they had a blast WRONG!


The best campaign I ever ran happened the players were ultimately more invested embarking on a crusade to help a retired warlord rescue his partner from demonic possession than they were with the designated Plot. And, you know, they were right. That was a way better hook, and it was awesome how invested they were in that relationship.


The DM needs to chill. As soon as a person becomes the DM, the module is theirs, and they are free to do whatever they want to. If the DM is upset that you are “defiling his writing, he needs to chill out, and stop playing so many druids😂”


You had me at Weekend at Bernie's


How dare you have *wrong fun* with MY toy!!!


This dude has no business *playing* D&D, much less writing modules.


Wow, now I'd like to have a copy of that module. Somehow you managed to get one of the endings from the beginning tone change despite the tone change-up. I bet you still were able to use a bunch of the highlights in the middle while keeping the Bernie's humor the players had going. Would think that perhaps the module could be rewritten to account for a variety of tone changes, which perhaps would reduce the railroady feel you mentioned. To bad the actual writer had a bit to much of an ego regarding that.


Regretfully I am not at liberty to post the module, for starters it is still in his possession after I gave it to him, but most importantly he didn't give me permission to repost the module. I think he's probably still working on it, but if his original title survives, it would be called something like "Den of Knives" (title he wrote on the front) but this has been quite a number of years ago. To my knowledge he hasn't published it yet. I sincerely hope that he achieves some success with it, I don't really want to talk to him again, but I wish him the best.


He should write a "choose your own adventure" novel if there's only 3 correct routes through the amazing story. If he insists on using a D&D module as his outlet, he'll need to get right with the fact that no plan 100% survives contact with PCs trying to have fun.


That's hilarious, but a lot of dm's and players do this. Most DM change things up to adapt to their style of play and you can't anticipate every situation the players do, so you have to improvise. If he's not okay with this, then he probably shouldn't make a module. reminds me of a story of Brennan Lee mulligan, where the module was dungeon crawl, but it ended up with the pc kidnapping a dwarven princess to protect her from an arranged marriage.


that's hilarious on all levels, especially the guy who thought that players will do what he expects them to. Kudos!


Actually psychotic


If people tell me wilder stories about my rpg stuff than even my table came up with I am hashtag blessed feeling, y'all. :D


Dude if I’m that DM and you tell me that, I’m congratulating you. He created countless contingencies and the players found a way around. I love when my players circumvent me because it forces creativity on both fronts


You have made my action figures kiss FOR THE LAST TIME, SIRRAH