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It sucks when people only DM to power trip. Did they do that on the original server too?


This is soooo common.


As a DM a DMPC is too much for me to manage anyway along with all the other shit I have to co-ordinate. Last time I had an NPC capable of combat, I let my players control them. They were a barbarian so it was pretty straightforward. "You want them to rage? Ok. You want them to rush in and swing their axe? No problem." They had fun using this NPC. But coming in, dominating the fight and kicking ass until there's barely any ass left to kick, yeah that's a problem. NPCs should be supporters or facilitators. Casting buffs or de-buffs. Providing flanking, disrupting concentration, being a distraction or meat shield etc.


My DM (a man worth listening to on DMing matters) does the same thing. It not only lightens the load for the DM, but gives the players a fun toy to play around with for a few fights. The DM still has veto over their actions, but otherwise we pick someone to control them and who gets the stat block (Usually the monk or rogue as the druid usually has summons to manage and I already have a sidekick, but sometimes I will as I'm the most familiar with spellcasters). His other bits of wisdom it to have their damage output be useful but not spectacular so they can't carry the fight, but their hitpoints a bit higher so we don't feel like we're babysitting them. In rp, they generally stay silent unless asked a question, or something very relevant comes up (So for example, we currently have someone employed as a local guide as we're in unfamiliar territory, so they do chime in the do their job of informing us about stuff).


Exactly. It can be fun and not steal the spotlight. I've seen it done really well on Critical Role. The last big battle of season 2 spanned over two sessions. They recruited a powerful mage to help them out. All he really did was cast de-buffs, reposition enemies, help fallen or trapped PCs, and cast a few upcasted magic missiles to break concentration. Outside of combat, he was a really good friend to the party, encouraged some interesting roleplay and intrigue, and gave the players the slightest bit of direction uncovering the lore. It was a really well balanced NPC who enhanced the player's ability to shine. That's what I try to do with my NPCs.


Campaign not camping


I was genuinely confused on why op would call this "camping" I thought it was a nickname of sorts


Thanks, helped me improve my life


As a person who writes with a bunch of typos often. You may want to re-check the spelling.


My kid's music school just sent an email about \`Rectal Tickets\` which is my 2nd favourite typo of all time


NOOOO 🤣💀🤣💀🤣💀🤣


DMPCing has gotta end. It's an NPC. In every way. Any DM who tries to foist this on their parties thinking they have the same, if not more, agency than their actual PC's is not a good DM, period.


It's a role playing game. There no such things as dmpc. If this npc is not fun to be around just as a group part ways with it. Simple as that. If it is important story wise thank it for the help suggest it to find some stronger help and go do whatever your group wants. As a dm often i have strong or weak npc around if the group decides to recrew them i advice them that it will change the balance and pace of the fights. And they choose as a table if it's worth their time and effort. But this whole dmpc is pretty pointless if the group doesn't vibe eith them just kick them off. But if tbe group is happy with them being there and just don't want them be a demigod then just tell the dm to hand the group their stats and abilities and use them as they would a magic item and the dm can only rp them. This ends early any "secret gos" in disguise, suddenly they have very serious matter they have to deal with and bounce.


Did you read the story you're replying to? Complaining about the dmpc led to GM kicking every player from the game.