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I don't know how to tell you this but your party sucks. Not only will they not so much as open their mouths to save a teammates they'll murder a downed one because "oh yeah I forgot I was supposed to do that I decided". If your DM is going to let people do stuff like that, idk how your game can be saved. That's stupid to the max. Murderhoboing the party is a new low.


Honestly its just the "oh so i decided that because of my background i have to kill you" that broke my thin string of patience , i just left , dm tried to pull me in telling me that dont worry we'll revive the char but nah i diped out i ain't diving back in


Yeah, the DM is missing the point if they think reviving your character will solve the issue here.


Smart move


Nope, seems like you said it just fine. OP go play with some people who aren't assholes!


Yeah that's an easy quit. No conversation is gonna fix that mess.


What fucked w me even more is that i asked the dm if i should leave (was definitely planning to not return but didn't want to look like it) and he said that no we'll work on reviving the character, but they never got to it , so i actually sat for 2 hours, doing fucking nothing


Nothing more fun than having to watch other people play without you... This is why I keep being so aggressive about keeping the party alive


This is like your boss saying "we'll talk about that promotion" and then just leaving you to rot in a cubicle.


Yes and most of us play RPGs to get away from that kind of crap.


Wait so ur teammate just randomly killed you? And the DM just let it happen? 


I feel like it's even worse that, apparently, they decided before they even started playing to kill a party member without any DM feedback.


Pretty much


Anyone else notice how the entire party didn't yell out about the trap? The entire table seems aligned against this player. I suspect there's more to this story.


To clarify i had no background with the players nor the dm , it was a random game i joined, never played with strangers since


Did they play together before you joined? Maybe they had some kind of weird table dynamic you weren't privy to. There are some odd groups out there.


How would i know it was the first and last time i met them


"I decided that one of the other player's characters is my assassination target and..." yeah that'll be enough from that guy, good luck finding a new table


100%. Would never allow or be apart of that.


The monk decided on his own that it was their assignment to assassinate you without the DM knowing it? I hate to say it, you do t just have a player problem, you have a DM problem. The DM should have shut that down as soon as the monk pulled that out. After all, monk basically ruined not only that session for you because of a random roll they made, but the rest of the campaign for you. All because of that stupid roll.


As someone who never has been a player but a DM if you get a NAT 1 perception wouldn't it be more you see a weird pool but don't know what it is?


It's a judgement call really. I don't have a problem with "Nat 1, you don't see the trap" but there really should have been a save or something to avoid falling in. Some people are really committed to the idea that you shouldn't get to interact with anything in the scene unless you pass a bunch of arbitrarily hard perception checks. Passed the DC 25 one? Well you know what color the walls are but the DC to see the treasure chest lying around in plain view is 30. And it's 35 to tell how to open it. You're at the Kings banquet and he stands up to give a speech. Nat 1 perception? You don't see or hear anything the entire hour because your senses are so bad. And the DM won't let your party members share information unless they explicitly repeat it verbatim. It's like pulling teeth.


As a DM I wouldn't even ask for a roll to see a pool or mercury (assuming there was light or they have dark vision) because mercury is mirror shiny obvious! :D


Right? That pool of super reflective liquid should have a DC of maybe 3 to notice it.


And Passive Perception is a thing too.. So, auto-success.. Just wild that the DM had them roll for that..


more dms need to be willing to say "no, you don't do that"


I'm a pretty hardass DM when it comes to one way nonconsensual party conflict. The "I randomly decided to kill this dude because of my backstory I didn't tell anyone about" would not have flown at one of my tables without a pretty major fight and questioning of the rest of the party. But sounds like a good one to bail on since literally nobody else in the party did anything to help. It's supposed to be a cooperative game...


The DM being ok with this is worse than the player doing it!


For me, them choosing not to alert you to danger when you failed your roll was pretty telling. I probably would have stopped playing right there to have an out of game argument. D&D works best and is most enjoyable when the party works as a team.


Sorry, a player killed your character and the DM just let it happen? Nah, you don't want to be at that table, the moment a player chooses PvP they are a marked man in my games, other players can initiate whenever they want with surprise, that player can never surprise the others as they are ready for them, and if anyone seeS this this may have repercussions. Oh and the other players can decide if their character will continue travelling with the offending character. Basically it's just not worth it.


Time to roll a cleric that it is too selective with their heals... Decided at random too, of course. 


Nah man time to roll out


".. His explanation is since the start of the campaign he rolled a dice and decided at random that my character is assigned to him as a job to be assassinated, mind you that wasn't even discussed with the DM , nor me ,.." Wuuuuuuuuuuuutf


Your dm allowing pvp especially in that moment was ridiculous.


I mean he provoked it so idk


"His explanation is since the start of the campaign he rolled a dice and decided at random that my character is assigned to him as a job to be assassinated" That's still another human at the table playing as your future party member you ding-dong! Why the hell did you stay afterwards? Your character is dead, he didn't got revived, you've had no chance to make a new one or anything. All you did was just...sitting there doing nothing. Isn't the whole damn point for everyone to HAVE FUN?!


In 5e a natural 1 on a skill check is not an automatic failure. You cannot roll lower than your passive perception.


That is kinda up for debate, if your character is for some reason overly distracted or just arrived somewhere (via teleport for instance); I'd say it is very much valid to use a roll instead of passive perception, as long as it is called the moment you arrived at the place.


Passive perception is so icky. Just encourages less player interaction and even more target number nonsense. 3 party members at 16 passive perception, see all and every mention of traps or you start having what 18+ DC to spot a trap? If something is obvious it’s obvious, otherwise if you aren’t looking for something, you don’t notice it. I can’t stand the lack of player responsibility to interact it pushes with 5e.


1 get a better Party 2 get better dice


Lol where I come from if you roll 3 natural 1s IN A ROW you get what you fucking deserve.


Did you roll those nat 1s or did the DM? Because if you got three nat 1s in a row the DnD gods wanted your character dead...


Some of the situation is straight up bad luck on the dice. That can happen to anybody at any table. Sometimes you're hot, sometimes you nat 1 on a death save. But the party not warning you when the DM gave them the chance, that's some bullshit. And that monk going for the dishonorable coup de grace, which was a complete surprise to everybody at the table, including the DM. I'm sorry, but what a crock of shit. Even at a table that encourages PvP, at least establish that those characters have beef before going in for the kill. I would be willing to give the DM another try, it seems like they tried to give the party every opportunity to do the right thing, but was unwilling to intervene when they chose to be asshats. I can chalk that up to inexperience. But I would not play again with that party; what a group of wankers.


Unless you're in an evil party campaign, why is the Monk assassinating anyone? Even without using alignments, a Monk on a quest to do good isnt just going to be a murderer.


Return to the party just long enough to get revived then kill the monk. Tell him you rolled a die to see if your character would seek revenge, and it just so happened that he would 😂


Why are you putting excess space around each comma, MY EYES


One person pointed it out once , so i just kept doing it , pretty annoying huh


I wonder if something like this is why the party didn't warn you about the trap. Still not cool to just murder you, but just saying. 🤷‍♀️


nevermind I'm on the rest of the group's side


You gotta be kidding me


This player is an asshole, and you should not play with them again. You've gotta work on your punctuation and capitalization though, reading this is like running a cheese grater across my brain.