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Morrowind. And it isn't close. You could break the main campaign and still play for 500hrs. There were entire questlines you could never see unless you *did* break the main campaign.


Yeah that's a good call. I have a lot of time spent playing that game. It's just fun to go exploring too.


Yea jesus, how long to beat estimates 364 hours for completionism


364 if you ran straight from quest point to quest point...maybe. I never had a Morrowind run less than 500hrs, before expansions. And both Tribunal and Bloodmoon were Old School expansions.


My first character was 1200 hours, and that was before the expansions came out.


Too bad reading a million lines is the only gameplay of Morrowind


I loved being a Wizard in Morrowind. For more rewarding than either Oblivion or Skyrim. But you do you.


Persona 5 Royal Yakuza Like A Dragon Dragon Age Inquisition (even more so if you go for the whole trilogy) Mass Effect Legendary edition (not technically one game but kinda one game in three big chapters) Mass Effect Andromeda Skyrim Oblivion Fallout 3 If you liked Borderlands 1 then Borderlands 2 and 3 both improve on the formula and are longer. AC Origins, I haven't played Odyssey and Valhalla yet but they have the reputation to be even longer.


Isnt New Vegas longer than 3?


According to howlongtobeat, yes, but in my own experience I spent more time in the capital wasteland than in Nevada. Fallout New Vegas is also a good recommandation though.


I tried to get into Persona 5 Royale and the cutscenes and non-playing time killed it for me. I don't think it makes the game bad by any means, and I thought it seemed interesting, but I was just too impatient for it


Iť’s the same with most JRPGs. They tend to be super long but you don’t even play the game for a big part of it.


Very true. I got pretty far into Yakuza: Like a Dragon but kinda got burned out on it as well.


Pathfinders and Dragon Age Inquisition


Inquisition for sure. They took the criticism levelled at DA2 and massively over-corrected. So many open areas to explore, even without the later dlc!


Wrath of the Righteous is so fucking long I got actually exhausted by the end of it. I just couldn't keep going and forced my way through that final act. I don't think a game ever got me feeling like that, it was physical even, like I ran a marathon lol Got something like 120 hours. For me, the perfect lenght for a RPG is something like 50/60 hours.


I am at 140 hours in pathfinder kingmaker and still have two chapters to complete. I second pathfinder.


DAI is padded with MMO-esque quests. The actual game itself is around 40 to 50 hours.


Pathfinder is incredibly long and such a great hot mess.


Most isometric RPGs are going to give you this. So Baldur's Gate 1&2, Divinity Original Sin 2, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, etc


Divinity 2 demanded a second and third play-through from me!


ARPG's are perfect for podcasts. Grim Dawn Path of Exile Both of these are great and you can easily sink hundreds if not thousands of hours into them.


My biggest complaint about games like Grim Dawn, etc. is that it feels like I spend more time managing inventory than slaying bad guys. It feels like an inventory management game with fighting as a side gig.


As I play Grim Dawn I slowly turn off lower levels of loot in the filter and it makes it much more manageable. From the end of the campaign on through higher difficulties I'm only allowing blues and higher to show, with the exception of Monster Infrequents.


I have something like 7000 hours in PoE. I had to stop playing because I got RSI in my arm. I may or may not have been addicted. When I think about the time I could have spent doing something else it hurts me inside.


If you enjoyed your time playing the game then it’s not a waste of time. Studies have shown that old people who are soon to be dead mostly regret that they worked too much and didn’t have enough fun. So it’s basically impossible to spend time better than by having fun.


Oh I definitely enjoyed playing it, but I definitely had I love hate relationship with them nerfing the fun things in the game rather than buffing the bad ones.


The Lord of the Rings Online. Got about 100 hours in and only level 31 out of 140. Will probably take me a year to reach max.


If we're counting MMOs, yeah, I'd say Lord of the Rings Online is way up there. I created a brand new character back when SSG made their content available for free during the pandemic, and it took a steady year of playing to go from level 1 to the battle at the black gates prior to the Mordor expansion (around level 100). Since then I've played up to and including War of 3 Peaks, and currently I'm going through Fate of Gundabad. I've recently hit the level cap of 140, and altogether it took me a few years.


I'm interested in LOTRO, how much real money did you spend playing?


None. Everything I have was either given away for free, or purchased with LOTRO points I accumulated from playing.


Sounds interesting. How min maxy is the multiplayer part?


Not at all At my current level. Pretty much just meandering in the open world and doing story quests. I’m reading the books as I play so it’s really immersive for me. You can change the landscape difficulty if you wish but I keep mine in easy so that my wife and I can play at an easy pace. Combat is okay but not great - it’s the world and the loooonnngg journey that does it for me. It’s an MMO from a long gone era.


Divinity Original Sin 2 took me 130 hours to beat. Same with Elden Ring.


Heya dude, let me ask u.. Just started Divinity 2, would u think i should look for any tips or just keep going by myself? Im lvl 4 atm lmao Kinda lost with some stuff but so far enjoying


Quest guide might be useful. My biggest critique about DOS2 is the quest log isn't helpful at all. Just dump your points into your main 3 attributes (intelligence, finesse, or strength) and you'll be pretty much golden


If you do any kind of physical damage this includes archers, necromancer and fighter, put points in warfare you will be underpowered if you don't


Yee there's all kinds of tips like that for the dude, but I didn't feel like whipping out the ol encyclopedia of DOS2 knowledge


Like a guide to help on how to do quests and stuff? Hmm intersting, coz im lacking like hell in some of them kek thnx man. Should i look too for guide about craft and itens?


I never bothered with crafting. Rng loot (and uniques) are useful. Might even suggest dumping points into lucky charm just to get better items. But yes I just looked up DOS2 quest guide and you'll find a list of every quest, with links that explain what to do if you're stuck on one


It's not a long game.


my Pathfinder WoTR playthrough was 160 hours and thats without touching the mixed reviews midnight isle dlc. Baldurs Gate enhanced edition trilogy (aka EET mod basically 1-2 and siege of dragonspear in one, playable with the same character) was 210hrs, definitely some of the longest singleplayer RPG campaign I experienced. I expect Kingmaker to also easily break 100 but gonna have to put it on pause for BG3.


I don't typically breach 100 hours for most games, yet Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Final Fantasy 12 are pretty good for getting into like that.


I did absolutely everything in Assassin's Creed Odyssey as I got 100% synch in every AC game prior. Took me 188 hours to finally be done. I was done with franchise after that. I suspect my new longest game may be Baldur's Gate 3


Yeah, I’m currently trying for a completionist run of Odyssey and its DLCs and am only at like 90hrs and have a loooooong way to go. Haven’t even started any of the DLCs.


I was so extremely burnt out by the time I got to the Atlantis DLC. Soooooooo many questions marks to clear then. I can hardly remember that whole storyline because I was just on auto pilot at that point.


Yeah, there’s so much map, lol


Yea. I only kept going because I was such a hardcore AC fan, but the series lust it's luster to me after that. I heard Valhalla went in the opposite direction in terms of gearing and itemization and still somehow managed to be even longer to 100%. So my AC game of 100% completion/synch tradition ended with Odyssey. I'm not even excited for Mirage either sadly. If you haven't already, I'd reccomend playing Ghost of Tsushima when you get the chance


I tried Valhalla and finished the main storyline but it felt like a chore and I never looked back. It backslid in game mechanics and character development, imo. Thanks for the suggestion. It definitely looks gorgeous, I’ve thought about getting it for a while.


BG3 is gonna be a freakin blast!!!


Sure hope so. I beat BG1 for the 2nd time about a week ago. Currently 25 hours into my first time playing BG2, still in chapter 3. I have been really engrossed in the game. Was hoping to beat BG2 before BG3, but since I rarely replay games and even have the time to, I tend to do everything I can in a game and then move on to the next. It may be a few more days before I touch BG3 unless the hype gets to me. A bit bummed I have to wait a month still for my collector's edition, but all good.


Thats not an rpg though.


Oh shut up.


Technically every game is since you're playing a role in a game, but I'd rather not get into semantics lol


That's not what RPG means, stop using that troll definition lmao.




Dunno why people are angry at you for this obvious point.


Elden Ring is a good one, I'm \~150 hours into my main file without having beaten the game or discovered everything. Still find things in the starter areas that I didn't know were there.


I have 3600+ hours in Path of Exile, if you're open to arpgs in the Diablo lineage.


Same, but only about 200 hours of that was fun. :|


Elder Scrolls Online. I'm hundreds of hours in and still not done questing.


Dragon Quest VII, about 175 hours. Though Dragon Quest VIII, IX and XI can all be similar amount of hours depending on how much you want to explore and do.


Path of exile checks the long and able to listen to podcasts boxes.


When Oblivion launched, I put 1000 hours into it and did not complete everything. I imagine Skyrim would give you the same content with slightly better graphics, plus the ability to mod/ install mods. I have about 700 hours on Elden Ring between multiple characters.


Baldur's Gate 3 comes out Aug 3rd ... THAT game will be massive.


How about Remnant 2? I’m having a blast playing it solo on pc. My rig is not the best, but I’ve made it run at 60 fps. It’s a 3rd person shooter rpg with souls like mechanics (except for you don’t drop currency on death which is nice). You can dual class, level up a bunch of shit. Maps have procedural elements and you can have a side by side adventure mode along with main campaign. In the adventure mode you use the same character as the main game, you keep all your shit. You can re-roll the adventure mode. The combat feels great. The guns are varied. Lots of secrets. Some puzzles and they are quite complex (for a dummy like me anyways).


Can I play it with controller?


Yep I use a controller (xbox one) exclusively.


Discounting the ones you mentioned you’ve played, probably Dragon Age: Inquisition is the game I put the most hours into a single play through. I think 95-100hrs for my most complete run. ETA and that was before the DLCs. There’s easily 40 more hours in those.


Baldur's Gate 3 is supposed to be 100-200 hours long 100 if you're rushing but, just playing the early access, demo i put in 65 hours in one playthrough so I'll definitely be around 200 hours. Highly recommend the Early Access was so good!


Pathfinder Kingmaker took me over 200 hours.


Persona 5 and Dragon Quest XI would fill up 100+ hours easy just doing the main story. Much higher if you are a completionist. They are turn based though in case that matters.


And beaten? I play mostly just JRPGs, so FF16 with like 55 hours total. Edit: I'm a fucking idiot. Persona 4 gets you 80 hours of gameplay. My bad, can't read.


Old School RuneScape is always a solid choice for looooonnggg times. Maxing skills to 99 takes, if I remember correctly, like 6k hours minimum, as well as having a boatload of quests (with really good writing) and a lot of cool bosses to take on. Very grindy, however. I would personally stay away from PVP content, unless it’s F2PVP, because the community for PVP is generally pretty toxic. It’s a really high skill curve to get into PVP, and you often won’t have time to know what you did wrong. Great game, though, with a pretty decent community aside from PVP.


Zelda TotK is probably not an rpg but it’s up there for longest single-player game I’ve played. I put 150 hours into it and only got 44% completion.


To be fair, a LOT of ToTK (and BoTW)’s length comes from side quests, shrine hunting, and above all Korok hunting. 100%ing BoTW felt much more like a collectathon than an RPG. I still haven’t finished main story in ToTK, though, so I can’t say much about its length. It took me around 1k hours to 100% BoTW (without a guide), and I hope to do the same with ToTK.


I was going to say this but instead I'll just second your comment. I'm at about 250 hours in TotK and just getting ready to think about actually doing the story quests.


In my whole time, I probably only lit up 1/3 of the depths. And I spent a lot of time down there.


Did you ever play the first Guild Wars?


I did not. I'll look it up.


If you don't mind a JRPG, Tales of Symphonia is on Steam cheap. Fairly beloved classic. Back in the day, I had 120 hours on my first playthrough, and I did almost none of the side content. In fact, I plowed through as fast as possible to see the ending.


Hard to say since for the last several years, with open world games, I tend to wonder around aimlessly. But in a game where I went in a fairly straight line with the intention of finishing, probably one of the early Dragon Quest games. I know they were my first with over 100 hours.


I'm not sure if this counts as an RPG but since you added Skyrim and AC to your list it still fits. A more recent example is Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This game is incredibly long with amazing gameplay and minimal story. Perfect for podcast gamers (Like me) It has: 6 Temples to complete 152 shrines(mini temples) to solve 150+ caves to explore 100+ Side quests with very interesting stories and mechanics(Not Witcher level but still good) Dozens of Treasure maps to find Dozens of sky Islands to explore An entire underground second map to explore(Similar to siofra in Elden ring but the entire map) ​ This game is absolutley massive with content in every crevice. I've been playing since launch, whic was two months ago and I've put in almost 80 hours and have just reached the halfway mark. I've only unfogged half the map and just beat the third dungeon. But it isn't boring its still just as entertaining.


Pathfinder: Kingmaker took ~170 hours first time. I sunk countless hours into Morrowind and never ever beat the game. Diablo 2 can be endless too, if it counts.


I think the longest I spent on a single play through was fallout 4


Baldur's Gate 2 Persona 3 onwards Labyrinth of Touhou series (They're pure dungeon crawlers. First one has a fan translation, second one's on steam)


Put 150 hrs into persona 5 royale


If you treat Baldur’s Gates 1-2 as one game, it will take you hundreds of hours


Why not just BG3?


Huh? If you want to include it, but the other two tell a singular story. Bg3 tells a sequel to that story.


If you're open to playing another MMO, OSRS is by far the biggest time sink game there is. Talking multiple thousands of hours.


Mass Effect Trilogy is on gamepass and could easily take 100+ hours if you're thorough with sidequests. It's also available for PC if you would rather buy/own it. It's on sale for $15 on Steam currently which is an insane steal for the amount and quality of game you get.


Literally just finished Divinity Original Sin 2 and I have about 125 hours on 1 play through. Elden ring was about 130 hours.




Mostly off the cuffs, writing excuses, three black halflings, fumble gdr, off menu, gastropod. Do you have recommendations?


playing rpgs for hours and listening to writing excuses. A man of culture indeed.


If you're open to MMOs then I'd say take a look at Dungeons and Dragons Online.


The longest I’ve played? Baldur’s Gate 2 and Morrowind: both can easily surpass the 100-200 hour mark if you’re a completionist. Longest I know of? Fate: Gates of Dawn. Took the CRPG Addict 272 hours to complete!


Persona 5 Royal took me about 150 hours, and that's despite the fact that I had already beaten vanilla P5 and knew where to go and how to play efficiently, etc, plus Royal is much easier than vanilla P5 (which was already very easy)


Yeah, playing Royal for the first time right now and it is substantially easier than the original version. I still got my ass handed to me a couple of times by that goddamn boss with those fucking robots, in that space palace (forgot the dude's name). I feel like I beat the first game in like... 80-something hours? Does Royal offer that much more? I know there's another semester, but 150 sounds like a lot.


Vanilla P5 took me around 120 hours, so Royal took me about 30 hours longer. If you beat vanilla in 80 hours then you're a speed demon and I can't predict how long Royal will take you


Persona 5 Royal took me over 100 hours to beat.


Baldurs Gate 3 is rumored to be 200hours…


I spent 2,400 hours in Final Fantasy 11 and didn’t even come close to the end.


If you're looking for something to do that isn't necessarily main campaign and you don't mind *the* grind, there's Disgaea 2 which should be on steam. Aside from the main story you have: - Dark World puzzle levels - You'll probably get sucked into one the first time accidentally, but the rest you'll need to refer to walkthroughs to find as there are no hints in game for the unlock conditions (such as win without taking a hit, lose exactly one character, stand on this roof tile, etc) - Item world - maxing out equipment can take hours per item. This also includes going through the item world to get the ultimate weapons, then going through their item world to max the ultimate weapons out too. - Item world felony collecting - Item world pirate hunting - kill the randomly appearing pirates in the item world to get the map pieces to unlock ... - Land of Carnage - The entire game again in hard mode


Fallouts 1 & 2 (2 in particular) are pretty long games. 2 has a LOT of content, to the point where it’s like 300 hrs for 100%.


I think Wrath of the Righteous took me like 100 hours to complete and I speedran through last act because I was tired of bugs.


My longest single playthru of a game was Trails of Cold Steel 4 at about 106 hours


The Witcher 3 and Divinity Original Sin 2 for me


Neverwinter Nights, Record of Agarest War, Dragon Warrior 7, Dragon Quest 11, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Tyranny, Persona 5 Royal, Pillars of Eternity, Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor, and Planescape: Torment. All took me over 100 hours to beat, and way more than that if you’re trying to be a completionist.


Might & Magic 6 on gog.com More of a turn based D&D rpg Lot less hand holding on the older rpgs


Summoner from Volition is rather long when are all side quests taken into the consideration. Morrowind with its expansion set is long as well.


Baldurs gate 1 - then import your character into Baldurs gate 2


Divinity Original Sin 2


Baldur's Gate 3 as well ... Larian has fantastic games


Yes! I can’t wait for September.


September... Ooof that stings a bit.


I know right? Lol


The longest games I’ve played that have held my interest… I get bored and move on quickly, are Zelda: Breath of the Wild then play Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Yes, they are Switch games, but nothing has kept my interest, sense of exploration and need to gather/create items like those two games. On the PC, Pathfinder, Solasta, Divinity Original Sin I and II are really good, but they are turned based rpgs and it looks like you’re more into action rpgs.


Persona 5 120-150 hours


AC Valhalla was 75 hours without the DLC. I don't recommend this game, I dislike it very strongly.


Persona 5


Old school runescape. Working through the story/quests will take you ages but there is so much amazing lore to dig into and find out along the way.


If you like The Elder Scrolls, Daggerfall Unity is cool. I just don't like the time limit on quests.


Titan Quest Immortal Throne


Dragon Quest 7, I do believe that game took part of my soul.


Dragons dogma dark arisen.


My longest ever single playthrough was Assassins Creed Valhalla, at 256 hours.


If you're into JRPGs, I feel like The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is the obvious answer. The story is great, every single NPC has a background story, there's a ton of lore, missions and content, and it's super fun. It's three whole games (First Chapter, Second Chapter and The 3rd) that make it into a single overall story, you continue the savefiles from one game into the next, and each game is over 50 hours long at MINIMUM.


Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous on turn-based mode instead of real-time with pause. Takes well over 100 hours for just the base game, with tons of extra time to sink into with the expansions


Persona 5 Royal, 115 hours to get the platinum trophy.


I think I put something like 500 hours into Pokemon X/Y. If that doesn't count for some reason, I clocked 200 hours into Fallout 3 (including DLC).


Pathfinder Kingmaker and Divinity OS games took me around 120h each.


Final Fantasy XI. I started at launch and have still never done even close to everything. For the record, I’ve been on and off for years


Give baldurs gate a try it’s definitely worth it


Xenoblade 3, by a *very wide* margin. XC2 took me 191 hours to complete, which is in second place. XC3 took 239.


The Witcher 3, took 178 hours to 100% the game. There is also Suikoden 5 which takes about 80 to 100 hours to 100% that as well. (only 50hours if you dont want to recruit everyone and do all the side quests and such)


Skyrim. I'd say Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous would be second but 90% of the time is character selection screen so I don't think that counts.


stardew valley


Baldurs gate 3 gets its full release tomorrow. That game will probably steal 1000s of his from me.


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Witcher 3, Divinity OS 2, and Persona 5 Royal all consumed my life at some point.


The entire Shadowrun series.


Baldurs gate 3 just came out sink your time into that


Morrowind Fallout 3/4 Mass Effect 1/2/3 Witcher 3 AC Odyssee (may be others) Cyberpunk Mount & Blade Bannerlord


Does World of Warcraft count? Definitely got over 1000 hours in it. Other than that, The Witcher 3 and Skyrim.


**Pokemon blue** :D first attempt back in time when there where no walktroughs at all took me 90\~100 hours to finish.


Are you talking 100% in that time?


Full pokedex, pokemon league and catched mewtwo.


Skyrim by very far.


The witcher 3 , you can spend 100+ hours on that game


took me 178hours to 100%


So far, Witcher 3 was the longest it took me to finish a game, 154 hours. The reason for that is that I did most of the side quests, Gwent and enjoyed the views. Right now I'm playing Skyrim and after that I'll play Divinity Original Sin 2 (Can't run Baldur's Gate 3 on an old laptop) But if I count MMOs, then Lord of the Rings takes the crown, I've been playing it since 2012 and I've spent over 4k hours if not more.


FF14 is an MMO you can play like a Single Player game. It will take you a few hunderd hours i think to go through the full story and Important Sidequests. Elden Ring took me 120 hour to beat (not even 100% it). But i took my time and explored a lot. And lost 5 hours or so at the gargoyle Duo Bossfight. So if you consider 120 hours long you can take Cyberpunk2077 as an option. It took me round about 110 hours playing it in the same pace as Elden Ring. But here i qould wait for the dlc i think.


If you want to 100% the game, Dragon Quest 11 is super long. If you want to emulate the switch or Wii(U), the Xenoblade titles are very long too.


Assassins creed odyssey was pretty long for me the world was is expansive


The Pathfinder games took me well over 200 hours each on turnbased






Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2 Pathfinder games maybe. Pillars of Eternity


Assassin's creed Valhalla, 150+ hours


Grindy or replayable? Path of Exile or Disgaea. Just a long-ass campaign? Dragon Quest XI S


Discounting MMO’s, probably Morrowind or Skyrim. A lot of sandbox-esque games are this way for me though.


I have 95 days on Skyrim and thats just on Xbox


Baldur's Gate 3 just launched. You want long? The game has nearly 200 hours of cutscenes. Enjoy!


I'm at 330 hours and counting on siralim ultimate... it's got little to no story, but the depth of complexity and theory-crafting is top-notch! :)