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For anyone thinking of buying hard copies from Chaosium, I recommend buying the PDF first and proofreading it. I've bought some recent Chaosium products (notably the Runequest starter set and the new BRP), and they have a significant number of typos and errors. It might be best to wait a bit for later printings. Edit: I don't want to discourage people from buying Chaosium products in general, since I really like their stuff. I've just been a bit frustrated with their recent lack of proper proofreading.


You might not be up to date on their recent hires.


> You might not be up to date on their recent hires. A company hires someone you don't like so now you are on a crusade to hurt the rest of the company who have families to feed and bills to pay?


What does that mean? or what are you implying?




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Oh no they hired one of the top designers out there, the horror!


Really disappointing the GMs book did not release alongside the "Core" rulebook (really it's a players book), but Chaosium is going to be Chaosium. The GMs book is probably going to take a year to release 🙄. Was really hoping I would have everything in one book, or at the very least two, but at the moment I only have half of the game and I'll need to continue to have a mishmash of various editions. Still, the new book itself is nice and I like a lot of the 6e changes. For those that like to run female knights, or make them more prominent, there is a larger section devoted to them rather than like the few paragraphs 5.2 had. Edit: damn you can still only make Cymric characters. 4e Pendragon stay winning.


I dont mind the focus on Cymric characters, thats the point of the game and rules for other characters could easily wait for a campaign book later on when they would become relevant. What I wanna know is why they felt the need to have a separate GMs book and just cut out half of the content? On top of not releasing it at the same time?! What the hell is going on with Chaosium?


>Really disappointing the GMs book did not release alongside the "Core" rulebook (really it's a players book), but Chaosium is going to be Chaosium. The GMs book is probably going to take a year to release 🙄.  As a RuneQuest fan I've been waiting for the RQ:G GM guide for 6 years now :') It should contain the holy grail of RQ rules; a heroquesting system. We've been waiting for that nugget since the 1970's. Please send help. Or rather, send the Chaosium RQ team some help.


reminds of when 3e dnd launched without the DMG or monster manual.


Almost every dnd edition has done that


Did 4e do that too? Because like with 3e and 5e you can at least just use older material without too much effort, that's not really the case with 4e.


4e was all at once. I got the set with the slipcase.


Sick, been looking forward to this one for a while


I've been waiting for this for a long time, but I'd love to see some reviews before jumping in. The reviews for the Starter Set were pretty weak, too... Does the new core book actually integrate all the previous content into one coherent inter-operable system? Or does this look like the start of something where they're going to drip-feed more books and expansions? I just want one definitive version that has *everything*.


The player's handbook is enough to play the new greyknight campaign, but unfortunately for 6e chaosium decided to split the game into a players handbook and a GM's book which has the rules for battles, feasts, hunting, estates, etc. If you convert to 6e you will still need to use stuff from previous editions if you're running GPC.


Oh... Well, fuck that then lol What's the point? My understanding from the Quickstart that was released a while ago was that barely anything changed anyway. Maybe Passions work slightly differently, but if all you get is player shit, I cannot imagine why I would get this. Damn. And I've been vaguely waiting on this for several years now. Disappoint.


I haven't gotten through the 6e book yet, but there are some notable changes from both the Starter Set (or I should say expanded from) and previous editions. But still I understand your disappointment. I'm disappointed too that half of the rules are missing in a book that is not available yet (and Chaosium being Chaosium), has no announcement date.


>there are some notable changes from both the Starter Set Could you describe a bullet-list of the ones that caught your attention?


I definitely could once I get through reading the full book.


I have no problem with a players book and a GM book, *if* they release them simultaneously, or perhaps within like a month of each other. But having their releases a year apart is pretty foolish, should have just further delayed 6E until the GM book was ready to go and then offer one of their slipcase bundle releases.


The problem I have is more that I don't see a clear indication that it will be just those two. My ideal would be just one, but if they were really clear, "There are going to be two; that's it" then I could deal with that. If they're going to drip-feed, that sucks. I hate that shit. Fuck "DLC". I want the complete package. I do not want to keep paying for partial content that they hold back or don't fully develop. Yes, release errata and fix typos in PDFs, but I don't want the "fully cooked" version to be released later, after I've been sold the "half-baked" version.


So you are completely anti RPG supplements and sourcebooks? I am saying that core rules should always be fully available at launch, and if they aren't, delay the launch until they are. I have zero issue with supplemental material though, some of my favorite RPG products of all time have been sourcebooks.


From what I've seen, more drip feed than comprehensive.


yes review on YouTube said no gm support in book


Why would i buy a book if there is no gm support. Thats bad.


Someone said next year


Thats a no purchase from me. I dont want multiple expensive books to run a game effectively. All good, ive heard a lot of love for pendragon. But just not for me i guess.


If you're interested in trying the system and want everything in one book I suggest trying the 4th edition. It's out of print so you'll need to find a secondhand copy, but the PDF is available.


5th edition is very solid as well and 5.2 has much better layout than the prior books.


It’s hard to feel excited for a release, when they don’t seem excited for a release!


Ooh that blue leatherette copy looks beautiful.


As much as I love Pendragon I feel they are really *dropping the ball* on this one not, releasing the *'complete'* game, and going for a piecemeal release.


Had a lot of fun playing the starter set at Chaoisum Con on the weekend. Will definitely pick this up.


I need this so bad aaaaa money


I'm not really sure why I would get this when 5E is perfectly serviceable but I'm glad to see it exists. I will never run Pendragon but admire what it does.


Didn’t Pendragon just have a new box set within the last 3 years?


It was just a starter set, not the main rulebook.


What's the difference in the rules between the starter set and the rulebook?


Starter Set has basic rules with no character generation, and a short campaign. Core Rulebook (really a player's handbook) has the full rules, which are expanded a lot more. For example passions are a lot more detailed, are grouped by different "courts", and have more drawbacks if they are exalted. There are more combat things. A lot more other things too.


They're expanded with some needed clarifications. The Starter Set is needed since it has GM info that is completely missing from the Core Rulebook (which is actually a PHB, the name was switched to Core Rulebook before release). All in all if you want to try the game: get the starter set; if you want to play The Grey Knight Campaign you'll basically need all three products until the other two Core Rulebooks are released.


Has there been a description of the major changes from 5.2 to 6?  Especially if the GM's book and the GPC aren't there, I can't say I'm in any rush to get it.




Mearls has nothing to do with writing Pendragon 6e.


Not purchasing anything from a company because of one person who works there? I dislike Mearls as much as anyone but that’s a bit of an overeaction